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Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues, Vol. 3
Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues, Vol. 3
Atrayo | 2015 | Mind, Body & Spiritual
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genre: Non-fiction, Spiritual, Non-romance

Page Count: 258 pages

My rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Your spiritual journey of self-improvement continues in volume three of the Jewels of Truth series by Ivan A. Pozo-Illas, a.k.a. Atrayo. In this new compendium of 365 statements of spiritual wisdom, Atrayo shares daily inspirational tools to explore all of the must-haves in your life, including love, faith, forgiveness, and certainly, God(dess).

From these poignant and concise statements, rather than lengthy diatribes, you can easily and quickly find the essential kernel of truth to help you on your journey today.

No matter your religious or spiritual traditions or background, this volume is written from an all-inclusive perspective. Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues is the sacred and uplifting result of clairvoyant automatic writing as the genesis motivation to reach the masses. The channeled spirit teachers are all angelic in divine nature. They are nameless as a united continuum of the Holy Spirit.

Spirituality has a core need in our lives. No matter where you are on your journey, these messages of hope are shared in love.

Let me start off by saying that I am really not qualified to be reviewing this book. Ivan A. Pozo-Illas was generous enough to donate to the Borgen Project in exchange for an honest review. While I am happy to do it, I am probably not doing this book justice.

As someone with absolutely no background in philosophy or religion, this was a difficult book to get through and review.

I do know that despite the author’s claims of it being all-inclusive for all religious backgrounds, the book was more tilted to the Christian faith, with most of the proverbs talking about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. There were plenty of mentions of God(dess) as well, which was the basically only indication these statements of wisdom were not strictly for Christian. While Mohammed, Buddha, and Krishna are mentioned maybe four times, and always in a list of other important religious figures from different religions (never for their specific teachings), Jesus is mentioned 22 times, usually in passages like this:

It has been written in the Biblical New Testament that “Jesus the Christ” once stated that to enter the “Kingdom of God” one must be as innocent as a child in spirit.

On top of that, these statements of wisdom, to me at least, were pretty long and wordy. It was difficult to get through. A lot of the time I did not understand what was being said, but that could just be chalked up to my own ignorance on the subject.

This is probably more useful to people more educated about spirituality than me, but it is definitely not for the everyday person, at least not most of it. There were some things that were interesting, like this quote celebrating diversity in religions.

No one religion can have a monopoly on God and/or on his favoritism. To say so is a lie and a sin to the diversity within Creation itself.
Perfect Genesis: Adolescence
Perfect Genesis: Adolescence
Darla Hogan | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a book of many levels and many emotions. Superficially it is a far-future science fiction book where societies have been engineered by some planet-spanning intelligence to create stable and sustainable places for humans to live. Under this runs a strong current of philosophy and meta physics about exactly what this means for the individuals involved - and the news isn't good.

The plot follows Leonardo Khalid, a genetically engineered genius who has dedicated his life to improving life for mankind. However when he is taken critically ill he agrees to undergo a procedure to scan and record is brain. He is warned that during the process he will appear to inhabit a very real and long lasting dream as his brain is stimulated.

The dream is extremely vivid - so much so that we don't see it just from Leonardo's point of view. So is it a dream? Or a very real future world that he has somehow been projected into? Leonardo certainly believes he is in a dream, but does that condone some of his more morally questionable actions?

There are plenty of questions raised by this book. As Hogan says in a brief introduction, this book is supposed to stay with the reader long after they have read it, and it will certainly do that. At times it is an uncomfortable read - the dream societies place little value on human life and women in particular are treated very badly. Death, violence and sexual exploitation are daily hazards for the members of the societies described, but these are engineered places, not designed to benefit the individual human but to ensure the longevity of the society itself. They have been created with cold and clinical efficiency with no regard for the individual members of the citizenry.

This is a huge dichotomy and the heart of the book. The story itself - Leonardo exploring the land of his dream and overcoming the various obstacles that hinder him and his companions - skates along the top at a good pace, fizzing between plot points and twists, summoning the reader on to read just one more page. But underneath the dark heart will be throwing up awkward questions.

Exploitation of all sorts abounds, particularly sexual exploitation (not all of it men exploiting women). These sections can be an uncomfortable read but they are supposed to be - the questions around power and the abuse of power are valid and the reader is not supposed to be entirely sympathetic with any of the characters or their actions - even Leornardo. The civilisations are frequently brutal, either because of a dangerous environment or a ruthless ruler. People get hurt, people get abused, people die (sometimes horribly) but always the society lives on.

Read this book if you want to have a fantastic story exploring different places but at the same time have something to think about. By the end you will have seen what can happen if the concept of an ideal society is pursued to its limits. And it's not a utopia.

And yes this book will stay with me for a while. Definitely one of the best reads of 2014. Thoroughly recommended.

Rating: Sexual scenes, sexual violence and some torture.
Tails and Fixers
Tails and Fixers
Charles Kaluza | 2015 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is an intriguing and interesting story that mixes a few ingredients together into a standard science fiction concept. The result is an engaging and moving story of survival and love.

The main protagonist is Floyd, an ex-military pilot. He is dying from kidney failure until he is given a lifeline - there is a new medical technique that can regenerate his kidneys using his own stem cells, but it will only work if he is put into 'hibernation' for 50 years. And oh, if you accept we will also be sending you on a 50 year trip to another solar system which has been broadcasting radio signals.

The book starts with Floyd waking at his destination and taking a crash course in the language of the alien planet's inhabitants. That is if there is anyone to speak to as 8 years before he arrived an asteroid struck the planet and left the surface desolated. Floyd must find if there any survivors and provide any assistance he can.

From the asteroid impact on, nothing goes to plan and Floyd must use his ingenuity just to survive himself, aided only by the ship's computer and whatever stores Earth thought to provide him with (the lack of beer being his main concern). Fortunately Floyd is very practical and able to improvise solutions to a number of problems as he struggles to survive in the hostile environment.

Once he has established a base he makes contact with the survivors of the asteroid impact, living in an underground bunker. There are humanoids with tails and also a genetically engineered slave race that do all the practical work - the Fixers.

Although they appear to be at least physically like Floyd their society is very alien indeed. Floyd immediately questions how their civilisation works and talks to a number of aliens - some he likes, others he dislikes enormously. Floyd must work out if he fits in and if so how.

The book certainly didn't go as I thought it would. Just as it seems the normal path will be followed in the narrative Kaluza takes a sharp turn and throws everything up in the air and sees how they land. This makes it an interesting read and stops it becoming bogged down in one mode or another. I found the end particularly - and unexpectedly - moving and it made a very suitable ending to what had gone before.

This is the best kind of science fiction. It uses the concept of the alien world to throw sharp relief on our understanding of subjects such as philosophy, genetics, engineering and sociology. There are some clever ideas (I particularly liked the way we got to see the results of Floyd's work beyond the end the novel in a very ingenious flash-forward sequence). The love story is well told and keeps the story balanced between the sometimes heavier going in the more profound themes without being too overworked.

Overall a book I enjoyed and wanted to keep coming back to. I will have to pick up another of the author's books sometime as he clearly has great ideas.
The Sun is Also a Star
The Sun is Also a Star
Nicola Yoon | 2016 | Children
8.5 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
Science Vs Fate
This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Following the success of her debut novel, Nicola Yoon’s second book, The Sun is also a Star, has been highly anticipated amongst young adult readers. In twelve hours time, senior student, Natasha will be deported to Jamaica. Her family are undocumented immigrants and can no longer remain living in the United States. Despite her best efforts, Natasha has not succeeded in getting the courts to change their mind, and now there is barely any time left. Today is the last day before things change forever; little does she know how significant this day will be.

Only half the story is told from Natasha’s point of view. The remainder is narrated by Daniel, a Korean American whose parents’ high expectations have resulted in an interview with the prestigious university, Yale. With several hours to go, Daniel is wandering around New York when a chain of events leads him into saving Natasha’s life – literally. Instantly infatuated with Natasha, Daniel attempts to convince her that their meeting is fate. Yet, Natasha’s factual, scientific brain refuses to concede, leaving Daniel with less than 12 hours to convince her otherwise.

At heart, The Sun is also a Star, is a romance novel, however it contains so many other themes. Both characters are from immigrant families whose histories greatly impact on their current and future lives. Natasha’s father’s impractical dreams have lead to this disastrous consequence, whereas Daniel’s parents are adamant that he become a doctor and avoid the poverty they grew up with. Naturally, the teens are unhappy with the way their futures are being plotted; Natasha more so, however the poetry-loving Daniel wishes he could become who he wants to be rather than who he is told to be.

Although being deep thinkers, Natasha and Daniel are total opposites, yet something is pulling them together. Whether it is love or the simply the way the universe works, the character’s break all ethnic stereotypes as their relationship races from strangers to something much more intimate.

Nicola Yoon has experienced first hand growing up in both Jamaica and New York, therefore readers can assume that Natasha’s experiences are largely based on the author’s own – presumably not including the deportation. Society generally tends to assume all people from Jamaica or Korea fit into a certain box – liking certain music, academic success, wearing particular fashion – yet Daniel and Natasha prove otherwise.

Despite the narrative being condensed into one day in the life of these two characters, there is so much going on. Firstly there is the rushing around New York trying to get to appointments on time and so forth, however the content in between these scenes will keep the reader thinking for hours. Daniel’s poetical theories about love and Natasha’s scientific explanation about the universe will make you question your own philosophy about the world. Whether either or neither of them are correct, what they do prove is the difference a single day can make.

The Sun is also a Star has a similar vibe to novels by Rainbow Rowell, David Levithan and John Green – some of the top Young Adult authors of the current era. It is a story that will pull at your heartstrings while your logical brain refuses to see chance of a happy ending. With no way of guessing what the universe has in store, this book will keep you thoroughly engaged from beginning to end.
Soul Catcher (The Outsider #1)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Soul Catcher by Leigh Bridger
Genre: Sci-fi, Romance
ISBN: 9780982175682
Rating: 4

Livia hasn't had a perfect life—in fact she hasn't even had a good life. It all started when her father died when she was young, then got worse when her mother and baby brother died in a fire that she may or may not have started. She also starts painting pictures of evil horrible demons in her sleep, and is forced to burn the pictures and ban them… but one demon escapes, and comes for her.

She finds out that he had been pursuing her in every life—she's been reincarnated? what?—and has killed her every time for the past 200+ years. She also finds out that she has a soul mate, (who jumped into the body that the demon had used to hurt her, and now she can't look at him without getting sick) but has hidden herself from him in almost every life, subconsciously, because of something that happened in the past. She and Ian set off to find answers and to kill the pig-faced demon… for good this time. But this time ends up being the most dangerous life she's ever lived.

Soul Catcher was an addicting read. I would have read it in one sitting if I'd been allowed. It actually stuck with me all night and I'm pretty sure I dreamed about it.

I liked the philosophy of the world that Livia lived in. There were soul jumpers, like Ian and Dante, who could jump into any body he needed to be in at the time. There were soul catchers like her, who could banish dark spirits and talk to the light ones. The plot itself was very complex, and every chapter added something new to the story. One thing that made Soul Catcher stand out was how Livia and Ian's love grew. It wasn't immediate you're-my-soul-mate-you're-perfect-for-me kind of love. It was a lot more real than that. Livia starts by trying to avoid him at all costs, but ends up having to go on a trip with him to find out about their pasts. You could say they "bonded," or you could say that Ian finally got to her—even while he was in the body she hated passionately—either way, their love was real enough to be believable.

I really liked Livia, even though she had her downfalls and her insecurities. She was definitely the bad-ass heroine we know and love: slightly sarcastic, very obnoxious, stubborn as an ox, and head over heels in love but unwilling to admit it because she sees it as a weakness. Ian was a great character: he'd have to be to put up with Livia. He'd do anything for her, is dying for her to love him, thinks she is the most beautiful girl in the world—and even bends so low as to trick her into kissing him (she didn't appreciate that.). But he's all light-hearted, fun to be around, with a sexy Irish accent.

I really liked the ending. The whole story had good humor and good comic relief, but the ending was sweet, cute, and funny. It pulled everything together nicely, and left you with a smirk on your face. I say take it to the beach with an umbrella and lemonade. Or whatever other drink you like best.

Content/recommendation: some sex and sexual references, heavy language, ages 18+
~ Haleyknitz
We Were Liars
We Were Liars
E. Lockhart | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
6.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I feel like I went into We Were Liars by E. Lockhart blind. The synopsis intrigued me, but it didn't really give anything away. I just wish I had known more about this book because while it wasn't a bad read, it was just a mediocre read, and it didn't really have much to do with lying at all.

Cadence (Cady for short) is a Sinclair. She is part of a very rich family. In fact, they have their own island. She, her cousins Mirren and Johnny, and their friend Gat, nicknamed "The Liars," all vacation there with their families every summer. The Liars are all the same age, and during Summer 15 (when the Liars were 15 years old), Cady has an accident which leaves her with temporary amnesia. As she slowly gets her memory back, she learns some very harsh and painful truths about what really happened that summer.

We Were Liars never explains why the teens were nicknamed The Liars. I did find out that a deleted scene from the book explains how they got the name. I think this scene should have been left in since I feel it was relevant to the book. Most of the plot is about Cady looking back over her summers with the Liars and her summers since the eventful Summer 15. I will say that I never saw that major plot twist coming! When I read it, I was left with my mouth hanging open. I will say We Were Liars had one of the best plot twists I've read. Well done to E. Lockhart for that! This book does not have a cliffhanger ending, so all questions are answered and things are explained quite well.

The pacing is what lets this book down. I found it to be very slow. Most of the time, I was just reading about the boring lives of rich, privileged teenagers. Everything was so mundane. It just droned on and on for the most part. Luckily, the chapters are quite short, so I soldiered on. I'm glad I did because the section marked "The Truth" was really good! This is the section that contained the plot twist and when the book actually went at a decent pace. I just wish I didn't have to read through 75 percent of the book for the pacing to pick up.

While the pacing was slow, I did feel that the characters were well written. I enjoyed reading about everything from the perspective of Cady. I feel that she was the most interesting. I enjoyed watching her grow up throughout her teenage years and her feelings about everything. I also adored her feelings for Gat. I loved Gat's philosophy about everything. I felt he was very mature and wise beyond his years. Johnny and Mirren were also interesting in their own way. I felt that Johnny was the humorous one and Mirren the more serious out of the Liars. I enjoyed reading about how the Liars felt about their parents' and aunts' greed and how it was the downfall of everything.

Trigger warnings for We Were Liars include mentions of the phrase sexual intercourse (although there was no sex), kissing, arson, death, underage drinking, and greed.

Overall, We Were Liars is a decent read although it is a forgettable one. The plot twist is what really saved this book from being too boring. I would recommend We Were Liars by E. Lockhart simply for that amazing plot twist!
The Sun is Also a Star
The Sun is Also a Star
Nicola Yoon | 2016 | Children
8.5 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Following the success of her debut novel, Nicola Yoon’s second book, <i>The Sun is also a Star</i>, has been highly anticipated amongst young adult readers. In twelve hours time, senior student, Natasha will be deported to Jamaica. Her family are undocumented immigrants and can no longer remain living in the United States. Despite her best efforts, Natasha has not succeeded in getting the courts to change their mind, and now there is barely any time left. Today is the last day before things change forever; little does she know how significant this day will be.

Only half the story is told from Natasha’s point of view. The remainder is narrated by Daniel, a Korean American whose parents’ high expectations have resulted in an interview with the prestigious university, Yale. With several hours to go, Daniel is wandering around New York when a chain of events leads him into saving Natasha’s life – literally. Instantly infatuated with Natasha, Daniel attempts to convince her that their meeting is fate. Yet, Natasha’s factual, scientific brain refuses to concede, leaving Daniel with less than 12 hours to convince her otherwise.

At heart, <i>The Sun is also a Star</i>, is a romance novel, however it contains so many other themes. Both characters are from immigrant families whose histories greatly impact on their current and future lives. Natasha’s father’s impractical dreams have lead to this disastrous consequence, whereas Daniel’s parents are adamant that he become a doctor and avoid the poverty they grew up with. Naturally, the teens are unhappy with the way their futures are being plotted; Natasha more so, however the poetry-loving Daniel wishes he could become who he wants to be rather than who he is told to be.

Although being deep thinkers, Natasha and Daniel are total opposites, yet something is pulling them together. Whether it is love or the simply the way the universe works, the character’s break all ethnic stereotypes as their relationship races from strangers to something much more intimate.

Nicola Yoon has experienced first hand growing up in both Jamaica and New York, therefore readers can assume that Natasha’s experiences are largely based on the author’s own – presumably not including the deportation. Society generally tends to assume all people from Jamaica or Korea fit into a certain box – liking certain music, academic success, wearing particular fashion – yet Daniel and Natasha prove otherwise.

Despite the narrative being condensed into one day in the life of these two characters, there is so much going on. Firstly there is the rushing around New York trying to get to appointments on time and so forth, however the content in between these scenes will keep the reader thinking for hours. Daniel’s poetical theories about love and Natasha’s scientific explanation about the universe will make you question your own philosophy about the world. Whether either or neither of them are correct, what they do prove is the difference a single day can make.

<i>The Sun is also a Star</i> has a similar vibe to novels by Rainbow Rowell, David Levithan and John Green – some of the top Young Adult authors of the current era. It is a story that will pull at your heartstrings while your logical brain refuses to see chance of a happy ending. With no way of guessing what the universe has in store, this book will keep you thoroughly engaged from beginning to end.
Captain Fantastic (2016)
Captain Fantastic (2016)
2016 | Drama
Dysfunctionally functional.
The second of my catch-up films for next Sunday’s Oscars, this time featuring Viggo Mortensen who is up for a Best Actor Oscar.
“Captain Fantastic” starts with a dramatic hunting expedition introducing us to the unusual Cash family. Dad Ben (Viggo Mortensen) is bringing up his six kids – Bodevan, Kielyr, Vespyr, Rellian, Zaja and Nai – in the wilds of Washington state. Ben takes home-schooling to a completely new level, with intense study and examinations in quantum physics, philosophy and politics matched with a militaristic approach to weapons-training and physical fitness. Ben also teaches extreme self-sufficiency, most evident during a dramatic rock-climbing sequence.

Where is their mum in all of this? That would be a spoiler (so don’t watch the trailer either) but is central to the plot as the family board their old camper van – “Steve” – on a road trip back to the ‘real world’ and the children’s grandparents – the crusty and assertive Jack (a marvellous Frank Langella) and Abigail (Ann Dowd). What follows is filled with black humour, tragedy, not just one but two amazing funeral services and one of the most extraordinarily black and comic laying-to-rests ever seen on the big screen.

Viggo Mortensen is… well… fantastic in his portrayal, getting to run the full gamut of joy, grief, self-doubt, guilt and despair during the movie’s run-time. He’s clearly not going to win the Oscar on Sunday – surely Casey Affleck must be a slam-dunk for that – but this is a well-judged nomination by the Academy.

While the focus is on Mortensen, this shouldn’t overshadow the performances of some of the rest of the young cast, and I would specifically call out those of George MacKay and young Shree Crooks as the youngest of the kids. MacKay has been building up an impressive run of UK-based films with “Sunshine on Leith” and “Pride” but with this (and his key role in the recent TV mini-series “11.22.63”) he should see a break-through to more mainstream feature roles. In “Captain Fantastic” his socially-inept proposal to the delectable Claire (Erin Moriaty) is one of the high-points of the film. He is a name to watch, for sure.

And young Ms Crooks should be given a special honorary Oscar for the ability to learn such dense portions of script and deliver them so faultlessly!

The whole cast in fact was nominated for the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture – one of my favourite award categories, but beaten by “Hidden Figures”. And it is that sort of film: a really great ensemble effort.
The film is written and directed by Matt Ross, only his second feature since 2012’s “28 Hotel Rooms” (which I was not aware of, but would now like to seek out). I thought it was terrific; deeply comedic; riveting from beginning to end; a roller-coaster of emotion and ultimately a feelgood classic on the value of family that I will remember fondly for a long time. Once again, the second film this week, that would have made me reconsider my “top films of 2016” list. I strongly recommend that you seek this out on download or DVD and give it a try.
Downfall (Der Untergang) (2004)
Downfall (Der Untergang) (2004)
2004 | Drama, History, War
The true story of the last days of NAZI Germany, focusing on Hitler and his cohorts as they sought refuge on his Berlin Bunker and is chronicled here with such honesty.

Told in a straight forward manner, we are given a portrait of not only Adolf Hitler himself, played perfectly by Bruno Ganz, who manages to humanize him without ever apologising for his heinous acts, but also those close to him. Shown through the young eyes of his final secretary, Traudl Junge (Alexandra Maria Lara), we are given a picture of what The Third Reich was to those who believed in it as well as what it had become for those who would suffer at it bloody hands.

Directed by Hirschbiegel to put us, the audience in the anterooms with these monsters, we are placed into a complex environment, edgy, atmospheric and most of all, real, as we witness noble acts of patriotism, conscience and pure, despicable horror, none less so that Magda Geobells, with the full consent of her husband, Joseph, first drugging, then murdering their six children as they slept, rather than “let them live in a world without national socialism.”

The only redeeming factors were their eventual suicides and in terms of the film, their first rate performances throughout this harrowing scene. Corinna Harfouch, who portrays Magda manages to portray this evil woman yet convey the emotion which was subdued deep beneath the surface. No small feat to allow such a fleeting glimpse of humanity during such and inhuman act.

But the same must be said Bruno Ganz, who manages to portray Hitler with such humanity; whilst showing us the true nature of his monstrosities, highlighting that the REAL monsters live among us and can seduce us at any time, any where, especially when we are vulnerable.

During one of the film’s early scenes, Hitler and Albert Speer (Heino Ferch), his Armaments Minister, discussing his vision for The Third Reich as he looks over a model of the new Germany which would be built after he won the war, a Germany without department stores, instead focusing on art, literature and culture.

Surely a noble goal, but as we all know, this cultural hub would have been built at an unacceptable cost, mainly with the blood of those who Hitler and his cohorts deemed to be inferior.

This is one of many clever methods used to convey a fair portrait of Hitler and The Third Reich. To demonstrate how bad they were, you first have to show impartiality, pointing out the good in what they do, play devil’s advocate as it were. Because whether we like it or not, evil motives are often built upon decent goals.

But as this film demonstrates, as Hitler shows his destine for anyone, even his own people, who will not give their lives for HIS vision of Germany, his Third Reich was being eaten away by a cancer of his own making, a Germany rotting from the very top.

Downfall is without a doubt one of the best World War 2 films which I have ever seen, delivering a compelling and immersive look behind the scenes of one of the most important defeats in modern history.

But being British and having to follow this with subtitles, which was great as watching this in its native German only adds to the experience, it can be a bit difficult to keep up with every plot machination, as we spend two and half hours reading about troop deployments, tactics and the philosophy of the Third Reich as we are presented with such atmospheric work, but if you can keep up with but the text and visuals, this is one hell of an education for those who do not know and an immersive masterpiece for those who follow WW2 history.
Slender: The Arrival
Slender: The Arrival
2013 | Action/Adventure
An Awful Experience All Around
A brief history for those who are not aware (courtesy of Wikipedia):

“The Slender Man (also known as Slenderman) is a fictional supernatural character that originated as a creepypasta internet meme… Stories of Slender Man commonly feature him stalking, abducting or traumatizing people, particularly children. The Slender Man is no confined to a single narrative, but appears in many works of fiction, typically composed online.”

Slender: The Arrival (which we’ll just refer to as The Arrival moving forward) is the official video game adaptation of Slender Man. Blue Isle studios developed the game to bring us improved visuals, great replay value, and a brand new storyline. These should combine into survival horror at its best. But sadly, it does not. The Arrival encourages exploration and the philosophy of scaring the living daylights out of you. It just doesn’t. Now, truth be told this genre is not typically my bread and butter, but I came into this game with hopeful expectations, but soon found myself wanting more than the game could offer.

First, you are thrown into the game without any instruction or opening. Just head down the road, though. It seems easy enough. I did appreciate the way they worked credits into this opening sequence though, as you are shown the developers and the team that worked on the game. Once you get through this, you come upon a house where you will explore the rooms to find notes scattered throughout the house giving you more information on your back story. Sparing spoilers, essentially the story revolves around a shared trauma from your youth. Once you leave the house, you press on, turning on some generators along your path.

You’ll come across the second house after crossing a river, where I encountered some of the strangeness I assume is part of the experience. Glitching visuals, weird creatures that seemed to disappear when you shine your flashlight upon them, that sort of thing. It could have been a bug, or bugs, but doing a little digging online it seems I was not the only one to experience the same. There wasn’t really any action to be had. A little disheartening.

There’s not much challenge with The Arrival. You will, at some point, encounter the Slender Man in the game. I went straight toward him, and nothing really happened. Unfortunately, it’s a bad byproduct of these games. If it doesn’t scare you, even in the slightest, you’re just left with a stagnant experience while you are running from point to point to read lore.
It took me nearly 2 hours to finish the game, though I suspect those without toddler twins may get through it a bit faster. Suffice it to say, I wish I had those 2 hours back. I never really felt the tension that would cause fear or even nervousness. The shaky cam visual of the game certainly didn’t help. Essentially, you are playing through the eyes of the camera you are holding, complete with “recording” indicator and battery level (you can turn this off). As you walk the camera bobs back and forth a little bit, and as you run it does so a little faster. I understand what they were trying to accomplish here, but it was executed so poorly. I found myself constantly trying to correct this with the joycon thinking it was simply drift. It was super distracting.

Slender: The Arrival failed to give a complete game worthy of the price tag, even at its current price tag of $9.99 on the eShop. That’s not to say you won’t enjoy it, especially if you scare VERY easily or are just a fan of the Slender Man himself. It’s just that combine a wonky control system, very little instruction, and no real tension building moments, and you have a dud of game in my book.

1 out of 5