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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Sycamore in Books

Dec 24, 2017  
Bryn Chancellor | 2017 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
magical (1 more)
Jess Winters and her mother, Maud, arrive in the small town of Sycamore, Arizona hoping to start afresh: Maud is recently divorced from Jess' father and both are reeling from the event in different ways. Maud copes by sleeping most of the day away, but a restless teenage Jess wanders the town, searching for peace. Eventually she finds a friendship with Dani Newell, the local "smart kid" at the high school, and her boyfriend, Paul, the son of Jess' employer, Iris. Maybe, just maybe, Jess thinks, she could be happy here.

Flash forward nearly twenty years, when a new resident to town, another restless spirit, stumbles upon some bones in the local dried up lake. Residents immediately fear they belong to Jess, who disappeared shortly before Christmas: a young seventeen-year-old who was never seen again.

Oh, this is a magical book. I felt an immediate attachment to Jess from the first opening chapter. I was connected to her as a child of divorce, as someone who once had that urge to wander, who shared that restlessness as an adolescent. You quickly find that Chancellor has the power to create such real characters, who draw you in from the start.

The book--and the story of Jess--unfolds in snatches and snippets of these characters. Each chapter is told by a different inhabitant of Sycamore, and we get reminiscences and memories of their past, telling more about what happened with Jess, as well as their current life. We also get chapters of Jess' time as a sixteen-and seventeen-year-old in the town. In a way, it is as if we are being caught up backwards sometimes. I was captivated by the oddly suspenseful way they each tell stories from different times and varying viewpoints. It's an interesting (and effective) technique. You are piecing together a mystery, yet also reading a beautiful novel of interwoven characters.

One of the most amazing things about this novel is that for each different point of view, for each character, they have their own voice. Chancellor captures each one in their own unique way: the different way they speak. Some chapters are told in a distinctive sort of format and more. Every one has their own personality. It allows the characters--and the entire town--to really come to life so easily as you read. You can picture this entire small town and its inhabitants so clearly because of her beautiful, clear writing. It's just such a powerful book and so well-written.

There's a sweet tenderness to this book that I cannot truly describe. It really touched me. It's not always an easy read, or a happy one, but it's a lovely book in many ways. It's wonderfully written, surprisingly suspenseful, and a heartbreaking but amazing journey. I highly recommend it.
Don’t Wake Up is the story of Alex, a Doctor working in a busy emergency department. Alex seems to have everything going for her. She has a fiance, she has a home, a career. Until one day, she is attacked and sexually assaulted, in circumstances that seem totally unrealistic to anyone and everyone. Support quickly dies, and nobody believes her. Her fiance leaves, her friends and colleagues leave. She’s left doubting her own sanity. Then, she ends up framed for a murder she didn’t commit. The trail of destruction runs through her life whilst she tries to prove that she’s innocent, and is indeed a victim herself.

With well thought out unpredictable twists and a very good element of surprise, I found this book to be a fantastic read. The main character, the victim Alex, is well thought out with an enormous layer of depth to her. You truly feel empathy for her, and her situation. Her story takes you on a rollercoaster of emotion, where you feel like you want to reach through the pages and hold her hand as she stumbles and falls through trying to survive her ordeal. Although what happened to Alex seems unbelievable to the other characters, you as a reader know the truth, and you’ll want to scream it. Especially to a certain Detective Best.

There are too many positives from this book to list. So I’ll keep it as short as I can. The character depth is amazing, the story world is immersive and interesting. Every details is covered, you’re left imagining nothing as the whole picture is painted for you. The entire book is consistent without, as are the characters and their belief systems and backstories. It’s a brilliantly thought out plot, and an ending so unique I haven’t seen it in a while.

I only have two criticisms, and even then they’re mild. One is the books length. It’s shorter than it needed to be. I’d have loved for an extra few chapters on the end, showing Alex truly move from victim to survivor. It wouldn’t affect the main story in any way at all, and doesn’t cause the book to be anything less than brilliant. It just would’ve been nice from a personal point of view, to watch Alex step into her future. The second, and again only small, criticism I have is that the time hops are often hard to place. A chapter will skip ahead by a few days / weeks etc, and it’s hard to know where we are. Within a few pages though it’s either a] easier to work out, or b] it doesn’t actually matter as it doesn’t affect the story.

Overall, this book is fantastic. It’s a thoroughly good read, with twists and an ending, that comes out of no where. A genuine page turner that really keeps you interested in what’s to come next.

AJaneClark (3975 KP) Nov 7, 2019

Definitely a good read

Landing in My Present by Mary Walker Clark got me hook, line, and sinker; and for someone who does not generally read biographies that is saying something. From the opening chapter, Mary Walker Clark drew me into her story and her journey to know her father better. I enjoyed the way she shared her journey; it was like a reading story full of learning, history, emotions, and some great life lessons. From finding old letters, listening to people who had known her dad, and traveling to where he had lived, Mary brought him to life before my eyes. I cannot even imagine how awesome and meaningful her adventure was for her and her family on a personal level.

“How do you broaden your relationship with someone who has been dead 50 years?”

This question stood out to me and was part of the challenge of Mary Walker Clark’s story. Can you truly know someone who died 50 years ago? Well, I think Mary Walker Clark got pretty darn close. From the start, Mary Walker Clark weaved in her childhood memories, historical details about the different planes her dad flew, personal letters from friends of her father… It made me feel like I was on the journey with her. Gleaning a little bit more knowledge of who her dad was. It was also interesting to see how her perspective of her father grew and changed over the course of the book; it was like watching something unfold before my eyes.

I think many people can relate to Mary Walker Clark’s family, from their early compartmentalization of feelings, their hard work ethics, and how they learned that life can pass much to quickly, leaving never enough time to feel like we truly know our family. They are so similar to the dynamics in my family and many others that I know of.

The research, emotions, and time that went into this book are amazing. I rarely find a book that makes me want to cry but Mary Walker Clark wrote with such forthrightness about her experiences that it caused me to think about how much history we are losing every day because we do not take the time to sit and listen to the people around us. I am so glad I read this book, and I definitely recommend it to anyone who likes WWII history. I learned so much about WWII that I did not know beforehand, and I learned the importance of writing down or passing down the history of your family.

I give it 5 out of 5 stars for the detailed WWII history, the way Mary Walker Clark drew a picture of her dad, and for the amazing journey that Mary Walker Clark took me on which involved me in every aspect of her journey.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Sadie in Books

Mar 11, 2019  
Courtney Summers | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautifully-written, incredibly captivating book
Sadie's pretty much always been an adult. Her mom struggled with drugs and alcohol since Sadie was born. Sadie basically raised her younger sister, Mattie. So when Mattie is found dead at the age of thirteen, Sadie's life completely falls apart. The police have no idea who killed her, so Sadie is determined to find justice for her little sister. She leaves town following the only bits of evidence she has. Meanwhile, a few months later, West McCray, a radio anchor, hears about Sadie's story while on the road. He starts thinking about missing girls, as Sadie's de facto grandmother, May Beth, is now convinced she's missing. He starts a podcast that tracks Sadie and her trail for Mattie's killer, trying to find out what happened. But is he too late?

"I'm going to kill a man. I'm going to steal the light from his eyes. I want to watch it go out. You aren't supposed to answer violence with more violence but sometimes I think violence is the only answer."

I had heard a lot of hype about Sadie before I started it, but luckily this is one of those rare books that really lives up to all the buzz. The novel gets off to a captivating start and never really lets up. It's quite the page-turner and really a tense, heartbreaking journey. You get fully immersed into Sadie's journey between Summers' gorgeous writing and the book's format. The novel alternates between chapters told in Sadie's point of view and then chapters told in West's podcast format.

The result is really spellbinding: West is just a little behind Sadie in her quest, but somehow it all works perfectly, and you feel like you're hurtling (to nowhere good) along with these characters. I wouldn't have thought the podcast pieces would work so well, but they were great, and I found myself enjoying those chapters a lot. You get swept up with West and his desire to find Sadie.

Part of feeling so much a part of this book is because it's so, so well-written. Wow, Courtney Summers can write. This novel is almost lyrical it's so beautiful in its descriptions, in Sadie's narration of her life and her situations. The characters--both the good guys and the bad--are so vivid they almost fly off the pages. You can just picture Sadie--alone in the world and hurting--with the world against her. The book is magical in that sense.

I live in a place that's only good for leaving, is all that needs to be said about it, and I don't let myself look back. Doesn't matter if I want to, it's just better if I don't.

I mean. C'mon. This girl. I dare you to read this book and not fall for Sadie. It's pretty much impossible. It's certainly not an easy read, and I felt like this one sort of broke me down and spit me out a bit. I wasn't sure about that ending, but I completely understood it. It was what the book deserved, just perhaps not what I hoped.

Overall, this is a beautifully-written, incredibly captivating book. I was immediately sucked in wondering what happened to Mattie and Sadie. The characters are real, and it's a read that will stick with you. Definitely recommend.

Thank you to Wednesday Books for my copy, which I received in return for an unbiased review.
Retribution (The Protectors #3)
Retribution (The Protectors #3)
Sloane Kennedy, Joel Leslie (Narrator) | 2017 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My fav of the three so far!
*verified Audible purchase June 2017*

This is book three in the Protectors series. You don’t NEED to have read/listened to books one and two, but I think you SHOULD. It will give you a better picture of this group of people and what they do, and how Hawke came to at the head. And you know, FIVE star listens, people!

For ten years, Hawke has been searching for the men who killed his wife and unborn son. Meeting Tate makes him feel again, something he didn’t think was possible. He certainly never thought it possible he would feel for a MAN.

I loved books one and two, and I loved this one too! I again cannot split the narration from the story, so not even gonna try. So I apologise if this review jumps around a bit!

Hawke loved his wife, bone deep, and when she was murdered, it broke. He’s spent the last ten years as head of an organisation that delivers justice to those let down by the law. The revenge for his wife’s death is a long time coming but he’s getting close and Tate is his link. His reaction to Tate is . . . unexpected. And when Hawke realises why Tate is running, his protectiveness goes into overdrive.

It’s no secret I’m not a fan of READING first person books, particularly if they are multi person but I find I’m really enjoying LISTENING to first person books, ESPECIALLY if they are multi point of view! Joel Leslie is a MASTER at his craft, at narrating multi point of view, in the first person! I simply CANNOT fault the narration. The way Leslie gets every single heart wrenching thought that Hawke has: thinking about his wife, ad what his growing feelings for Tate mean. Every fear that Tate has: that his father will find him, that Hawke might hurt him, that he might lose his little boy. This is not a short listen, over 8 hours and I listened to it in one single siting. I tried to stop, I really did but I needed to know what would happen, how this would play out. It takes a single question from Ronan (Salvation, book 2) to break Hawke. The same question broke me too! And I sobbed at that point, great heart wrenching sobs at the emotion that Leslie pours out of Hawke.

Of course, Leslie can only narrate the words given him, but Kennedy is fast becoming a favourite of mine. The way she intertwines multi level stories, from book to book, is amazing. Sometimes, series lose their . . .what’s the word . . .ethos, as it moves along but not so here. They hold true to their meaning, and I cannot wait to see where this series goes.

I LOVE that I have 9 more books to get through BUT I’ve discovered that Michael Pauley narrates book 4, Forsaken, and I’m not sure how I feel about that! I’ll buy it, without a doubt, but it will be interesting to see how Pauley portrays the voices that Leslie has done up to now.

So, because I can’t split the narration, because I listened in one day, and just bloody I can . . .

5 stars for the book

5 stars for the narration

5 stars overall
Unhallowed Ground
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

When I read the synopsis for Unhallowed Ground by Daniel Mills, I must confess that I was more than intrigued. I love a good ghost story, so there was no way I was going to let this one pass me by. Although this book wasn't as ghosty (not a real word, haha) as I would've liked, it was still a nice read.

Unhallowed Ground by Daniel Mills is a short story told by the main character, Henry Feathering. Henry decides to visit his only surviving relative, his uncle, at Bittersweet Lodge. Upon arriving, he notices how dilapidated the building is. Henry falls in love with a woman named Clemency and decides that she will be his wife. Henry's uncle gives him a dire warning: do not move into the lodge with his bride for it will have horrible consequences. Ignoring his uncle's warning, Henry and Clemency move into Bittersweet Lodge. Soon Clemency is acting rather distant from Henry for some strange reason. Could there be a sinister force at work?

How spooky does the cover for Unhallowed Ground look!?! The cover of this book is definitely an attention grabber. I love the fact that it also fits in with the actual story.

The title definitely lets you know that this isn't going to be a warming story. Unhallowed Ground is a great title and fits in definitely with the story since a young girl was buried on unhallowed ground. (Don't worry, I haven't given away a spoiler as this is mentioned throughout the book).

The world building and setting are fantastic in this book. The story takes place in 1891, and the author does a great job of recreating the year. The description of the lodge seems spot on, and it paints a vivid picture in your mind.

The pacing of this book couldn't have been better. It is a short story, so it shouldn't take you more than 2 or 3 hours to read especially as Unhallowed Ground is a real page turner! I was constantly trying to guess what would happen next.

The dialogue of this book is old-fashioned as one would expect since it does take place in 1891. However, it is easy to understand, and there was no swearing.

The characters were great! Henry, Clemency, and Justice are the three main characters. They all come across as feeling like real people. My favourite character was Henry's uncle. I loved his eccentricity.

The only thing I didn't like was that I was expecting more of a ghost story which this wasn't really. I wanted a typical ghost story with apparitions, things moving by themselves, etc. I felt the synopsis was a bit misleading. I also wish that this story would've been a bit longer. Despite that, this was a good read.

I'd recommend Unhallowed Ground by Daniel Mills to everyone, especially fans of the horror genre, aged 16+.

Overall, I'd give Unhallowed Ground by Daniel Mills a 3.75 out of 5.

(Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for supplying me with a free ebook of this title in exchange for a fair and honest review).
Mistress of All Evil: A Tale of the Dark Fairy (Villains #4)
Mistress of All Evil: A Tale of the Dark Fairy (Villains #4)
Serena Valentino | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating

Mistress of Evil is precisely the book I wanted from the villain’s tales series: it had everything – an intriguing backstory; familiar characters as well as new ones who were pivotal to the plot; and of course, magic.
I couldn’t put this book down and I am so relieved that I can finally be super positive for the first time since Fairest of All.

Mistress of Evil takes place immediately after Poor Unfortunate Soul (these books have an order for a reason people!) and, with the odd sisters temporarily out of action, we learn that Maleficent must appeal to Circe and Nanny for assistance with a spell. However, it is soon revealed that Nanny, Maleficent and the odd sisters share a history.

What I loved most about this book is that Valentino spends a lot of time in Maleficent’s backstory, and it was evident that she took a lot of pride in the younger fairy she created. Maleficent is not 100% bad. Don’t get me wrong, she isn’t 100% good either, but the reader witnesses the circumstances that have made her this way. We observe abandonment, bullying and rejection but overall we witness prejudice against someone who is different and I feel it is this that really humanises Maleficent.

Familiar characters are also introduced; namely Flora, Fauna and Merryweather. Now, Merryweather has always been my favourite of the three fairies: something about her sarcastic and feisty personality calls to me. However, young Merryweather is a bit of a cow and, although I didn’t want to, I loved this twist. As usual, Valentino’s world is not black and white: if the good fairies had always been good, events may have turned out very differently.

Snow and her mother also play a role in the progression of the underlying story throughout all these tales: the one of the odd sisters. It wasn’t a complete surprise that Valentino brings one of her previous characters into the story, after all each tale has led into the next. However, it was really interesting to meet Queen Snow and glimpse at her life since we left her in Fairest of All. Also, a book from the odd sisters that possibly binds all our heroes and villains together is pure genius- particularly for someone who was obsessed with Once Upon a Time.

The level of detail in Valentino’s writing is superb. You can really picture the village in which Maleficent was raised- an experience that I haven’t felt in the previous tales. She also doesn’t neglect Aurora just because she is asleep but creates a dream world of mirrors that for some reason conjured images of Labyrinth for me. I also appreciated that, although snippets of the original story are included, they are just snippets- not a retelling.

I think it’s pretty clear that I loved this book. It wasn’t perfect (I still just don’t “get” Tulip and Popinjay and the timing at the start of the book was confusing) but it was pretty close! A prequel to Sleeping Beauty, complete with a fairy school, tree lords, dream worlds and fallouts that would make Jeremy Kyle wince? What more could you want?

A MASSIVE twist? You got it! I always knew no-one would be that angry over not being invited to a christening….
Poison Orchids
Poison Orchids
Sarah A. Denzil, Anni Taylor | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As soon as I read the synopsis for Poison Orchids by Sarah A. Denzil and Anni Taylor, I was hooked. This sounded like something I could really sink my teeth right into. I'm a big fan of psychological thrillers, and this one did not disappoint.

Gemma and Hayley end up working on a mango farm for the very rich and very handsome Tate LLewellyn. Everything seems perfect for them...a place to live, a steady income, fun times, and a sense of belonging. However, when Gemma and Hayley end up running out in the middle of the road away from an attacker, their memories start getting foggy. Each girl tells the detectives a different story yet both don't add up. With time running out for Gemma and Hayley, the police must figure out what the real truth is if they want to save the girls.

I found the plot for Poison Orchids to be very interesting. The whole memory thing has been done before, but I felt like Denzil and Taylor gave it an original spin that kept me glued to the book. Yes, there are some parts of the plot that are a little over the top and a bit unbelievable, but even so, the plot holds its own. Despite some of the outrageous scenes, this book held my unwavering attention with its perfect pacing. I found myself wanting to know what would happen next. I found that I couldn't trust anyone (with the exception of the police) in Poison Orchids. It was as if the thrills were never ending throughout this book! While you know almost from the beginning who the baddie is, there are plenty of plot twists throughout that will leave you thinking about them long after you finish the book. However, there are no cliff hangers, and it seemed that all loose ends were tied up by the end of the book.

The characters were well fleshed out and solid. I loved both Gemma and Hayley. Sometimes I would love one more than the other, but in the end, I realized I loved them both equally. I could somewhat relate to both of them.Tate and Rodney were both written very well although I would have liked a bit more backstory on Rodney. Megan, the psychologist, was an interesting character. I enjoyed getting to know her a bit better later on in the book. What I really admired was how much she cared about Gemma and Hayley. Bronwen, the detective on the case, was a no-nonsense type of woman, and I admired that about her. She wanted answers, and she was determined to get them. Even the secondary characters all felt very realistic. I could actually picture each and every character quite easily as I was reading Poison Orchids.

Trigger warnings for Poison Orchids include profanity, alcohol use, drug use, violence, death, murder, attempted suicide, rape, assault, brainwashing, gaslighting, and cults.

All in all, Poison Orchids makes for a thrilling read that will leave you thinking about it long after you've finished reading. It's got fantastic characters and an interesting plot for sure. I would definitely recommend Poison Orchids by Sarah A. Denzil and Anni Taylor to those aged 17+ who are after a great read!