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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2165 KP) rated Murder on Pleasant Avenue in Books

Oct 13, 2022 (Updated Oct 13, 2022)  
Murder on Pleasant Avenue
Murder on Pleasant Avenue
Victoria Thompson | 2020 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Did Kidnapping Lead to Murder?
When Gino’s sister-in-law shows up at the detective agency Frank Malloy now owns, she is looking for help. One of the volunteers at the settlement house where she volunteers in her neighborhood of Italian Harlem has been kidnapped by the Black Hand. Soon Sarah has joined her husband, Frank, and Gino is trying to figure out what has happened. But just as they think they’ve gotten a handle on what is happening, a murder happens and Gino is the only suspect. Can they clear him before the Black Hand decides to take revenge on him?

It was a pleasure to jump back to 1900 once again and visit these characters. The action unfolds quickly. While I figured a few things out before the characters, I didn’t have the entire picture put together until they did. I did feel the final chapter felt forced into the book, but that was a minor complaint. I love spending time with these characters. We don’t see all the supporting players, but I was happy with some of the advances we saw for the core characters. I also enjoyed the seeds planted for some upcoming historical events. I’m so glad I’ve spent the time reading this series. Anyone who enjoys a good historical mystery will enjoy it as well.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I was super excited to be asked if I wanted to be part of the Emerald Ring Blog Tour by the author, Dorine White. After reading the synopsis of this book, I definitely wanted to give it a read. All in all, I definitely enjoyed it!

Sara is a 12 year old girl, who, after finding an emerald ring at her grandmother's house, realizes she can shape-shift into a cat. She's also started having some really strange dreams as well. When a bunch of burglaries start happening close to her neighborhood, she takes it upon herself to put everything together to figure out who is behind them all. Will Sara's find out what the thief wants and why she's having strange dreams? Or will the magic of the emerald ring be too much?

I do like the title of this book. It's very straight-forward which I believe is a good thing as it's a middle grade fantasy novel. You know exactly what this book is going to be about. I think the title would definitely appeal to middle schoolers as well as adults.

The cover definitely suits the book. I like how there's a picture of the ring on the cover. I also like the sarcophagus on the cover. It's a nice touch! I believe the cover will appeal to children in middle school very much.

The world building in this novel is believable especially for a child in junior high. The dreaming sequences were very well written as were the scenes at Sara's school and house. I had no problem using my imagination to set up the world in which this novel took place.

The pacing in this novel is great!! Even as an adult, I thought it flowed rather nicely. I devoured this book in no time at all. Each chapter ran smoothly into the next. It was terrific!

The characters, for the most part, are well written. Sara reminded me of a 12 year old girl with her thought process and the way she acted. I loved her curiosity about everything. Heidi, Sara's best friend, was my favorite character. She always had Sara's back and was a big help when it came to Sara's adventure. I wish she was featured a bit more in the story though. I do think she was a bit too trusting of everything Sara told her though. I don't think most 12 year olds would be that gullible. Kainu was a believable character but I kept forgetting that he was supposed to be African. He spoke very good English for someone from Africa. It is explained how he learned how to speak English, but I don't know. I still felt as if he spoke English a little too well. Plus, Kainu's story wasn't that believable being as he's only 12 years old. I won't go into more detail because I don't want to give any spoilers away. Perhaps middle schoolers won't pick up on any of the character flaws.

The dialogue was fun to read. I enjoyed Sara's internal dialogue the best. I loved reading about how she felt and what she thought. There were a few words that I think middle school children wouldn't know the meaning of. Even I struggled with a few of the words, but there aren't many so it doesn't take away from the book.

Overall, The Emerald Ring by Dorine White is a cute, fun story which will be enjoyed by all middle school children. In fact, I think it will be enjoyed by most adults as well. The plot is interesting, and the characters are fun. At the very least, it may get children interested in Ancient Egyptian history.

I'd recommend this book to everyone age 11+ because it's such a fun and cute story.

The Emerald Ring (Cleopatra's Legacy #1) by Dorine White gets a 4.5 out of 5.

(I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for a fair and honest review).

Debbiereadsbook (1166 KP) rated Homeward Bound (Pine Cove #3) in Books

Sep 29, 2019 (Updated Dec 6, 2019)  
Homeward Bound (Pine Cove #3)
Homeward Bound (Pine Cove #3)
HJ Welch | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
can't fault it!
I was gifted my copy of this book, that I write a review was not required.

Swift finds out he is a father, 5 years after Imogen’s birth. But Imogen’s mum is struggling and Swift takes custody of his daughter while mum sorts herself out. Micha is home, after some time in custody, and is struggling being at home. He loves his family, he really does, but they don’t know who he is, deep down, he can’t tell them, not after what he did before he left. Swift comes to Micha’s aid and vice versa. The things start to spiral out of control with Micha being in such close proximity to Imogen, when his past finds and threatens those he has come to love, and Micha makes a dreadful decision. Can Swift get to him in time?

Ms Welch has out done herself, AGAIN!

I mean, the whole previously undiscovered bisexuality genre is growing on me, big time, and it is almost entirely due to Ms Welch’s skill at writing these characters!

Swift is Robin’s (from book 1, Safe Harbor) older brother, and Swift is Micha’s older brother’s best friend. Micha makes no bones about his attraction to Swift, from when they all hung out together when he was a teenager. But Micha is a grown man now, and surely can’t still be crushing on Swift, right? Clearly, he is. And he struggles so much with that attraction with Swift’s little, entirely innocent, touches, because Micha doesn’t want them to be innocent. But Swift is straight, cos he has a child. And Micha just suffers in silence.

Swift, however, is questioning everything. His daughter just landed on his doorstep, and he has no idea what to do! Having Micha help is a godsend. Having Micha in his space is . .nice. Having Micha OUT his space, is not so nice and it’s not till Swift thinks he might lose Micha that he questions why he feels like that. And Swift is just like, Okay then! Micha is MINE and I want him back. And he goes all out!

When Micha tells Swift about why he can’t tell his family he is gay, I cried, I really did. It breaks your heart, the pain he has been carrying around all this time.

It’s a well told tale, of getting what and WHO you want, it really is!

But PULEEEEEZE, Ms Welch, write Ava and Peyton a full story!!

5 full and shiny stars!

Nick J Russo narrates this series.

And just as Ms Welch outdid herself WRITING this book, Russo outdid himself NARRATING it.

I mean, I rarely react out loud (verbally, shouitng, crying at what I'm reading) when I am READING. When I am LISTENING, however, its a totally different ball game and I don't think I was ever more verbal with this book than maybe one other, in years of being an audio book listener!

Right from the start, Russo broke my heart for Micha. Well Welch did of course, but HEARING how broken Micha feels he is? I think I was crying right at the first chapter!

But when Micha is telling Swift why they can't be together?? Oh dear Lord. I had to stop what I was doing and just listen to poor Micha pour his heart out to Swift and I sobbed my bloody socks off! So much so, my daughter came in to ask if I was okay!

But equally, Russo gets over Swift's emotions too. Not quite as dramatically and gut wrenching as Micha's but Swift goes through a lot here, and Russo gets all of that across.

The voices for the other characters are carried across the series perfectly, and most of them pop uo here are some point.

While I was listening, I made a connection to book 4 that I hadn't made when I was reading. Elias and Ben pop up here and it was great to figure out where they fit in into the Pine Cove bigger picture. I have their book to read next.

5 stars for the book
5 stars for the narration!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Precious You
Precious You
Helen Monks Takhar | 2020 | Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
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I am extremely happy and excited to be part of the blog tour for Precious You by Helen Monks Takhar. Thank you to the team at HQ - for sending me a copy in exchange for an honest review. Check out the other book bloggers that are part of the tour as well: 

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When Lily is hired as the new intern at Leadership magazine, where Katherine is editor-in-chief, her arrival threatens the very foundations of the self-serving little world that Katherine has built. But before long, she finds herself obsessively drawn to Lily, who seems to be a cruel reminder of the beauty and potential Katherine once had, things she senses Lily plans to use against her.

Is Katherine simply paranoid, jealous of Lily's youth as she struggles with encroaching middle age? Is Lily just trying to get ahead in the cutthroat world of publishing? Or is there a more sinister motivation at play, fueled by the dark secrets they're both hiding? As their rivalry deepens, a disturbing picture emerges of two women pitted against each other across a toxic generational divide--and who are desperate enough to do anything to come out on top.

<b><i>My Thoughts:</i></b>

Wow - what an experience this book was. I haven’t read a book this fucked-up (in the best possible way) since I read Anonymous Girl and The Silent Patient. Just wow. 

Okay, now that I have gathered my thoughts, let’s begin this review properly. 

Precious You is a very exciting book, looking from a psychological aspect. We witness the battle between a “Snowflake” and a Generation-X. The battle of two women; one trying to conquer the world, the other one trying to stay relevant. 

Both Katherine and Lily were very realistic characters. Both with opposing opinions on the world. And both with two completely different goals. Both fighting over power in every possible field that they share in common. But what I love the most is that I was able to understand both points of view. I found myself feeling for both of them, even though sometimes I couldn’t in my right mind understand their choices and their actions. 

<b><i>But they both spoke to me.</i></b>

Each in their different way, for a different thing. And this is something I haven’t encountered in a long time. To be able to connect with both the victim and the villain. Despite us not knowing which is which until the very end of the book.

The other aspect I loved was the cat and mouse game they were playing. I haven’t seen a book so upsetting and twisted in a very long time. And I really loved it. Some things those women did are properly twisted. Really fucked-up. But I enjoyed reading it. It took me to another world, another reality where dark and twisted was the new normal.  

It was interesting to witness such a vivid battle between two generations. The fear of new young people invading people’s space. The fight to get to the top, because of the people that have been at your workplace longer and have more knowledge. The wicked ways of how HR handled their issues. How your interns and your team can quickly turn on you if you stop delivering. It was interesting to read how the magazine worked as a company. I think the author did a great job at describing how one reality works.

I definitely recommend it - it is fast paced and very dark and twisty. If you love psychological thrillers, this one will be the right book for you!

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The Astonishing Color of After
The Astonishing Color of After
Emily X.R. Pan | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
FEELS!!!!!!!! ALL THE FEELS!!!!!!!!!! The Astonishing Color of After brought to light feelings for me that I didn’t know I was feeling. I cried tears I didn’t know I needed to cry. This book resonated with me in ways I’ve never experience before while reading. This book rebroke my heart but it also healed it in ways I couldn’t heal myself.
Let me start at the beginning… Leigh’s mother commits suicide. Her mom’s name is Dorothy and goes by Dory for short. While my mom didn’t commit suicide, she did die unexpectedly in August of 2016. I know, I know you’re thinking what does this have to do with the book but just put your patient pants on. My mom’s name was Doria, and she went by Dory. While Leigh was lucky enough to be the one that didn’t find her mom, I wasn’t lucky enough to have the same luxury. I could relate to how Leigh was feeling on so many levels. So much so, it felt like the author had interviewed me and then written the book based on that interview. Leigh feels like she is to blame partly for her mother’s death. She feels like if she would have only done x better, if only she’d been in y place at z time she would have been able to save her mom. I know because I had these same thoughts and still do until this day. After reading this book and realizing there just wasn’t anything I could have done to change the outcome of what was destined to happen. But just because my mom isn’t physically here anymore doesn’t mean she’s gone forever. I still see her in myself every time I look in the mirror. She is always with me.
The magical realism aspect of this book brought the journey and the imagery to life for me. I could picture this big beautiful red bird soaring around Leigh. The more I read of this book the more I found myself looking to the sky to see what is out there for me, and then I realized that looking to the sky is something that I’ve done since the day my mom died. I find myself looking around at the clouds and the sky seeing if there is a trace of her looking down on me. Now my favorite time to look to the sky is at night and I imagine her as one of the stars looming overhead keeping an eye on me.
The characters in this book are so real. Leigh, her grandparents, her dad, and Axel. Though, I must admit I feel as though the story could have been just as good without Axel. Sometimes he just seemed to crowd the story and take away from what was happening. I think my most favorite character was Feng, and all the she represents. I absolutely loved this aspect of the book. I also loved Ghost Month as this was something I had never heard of before and it and it reminds me of one of my other favorite holidays El Dia de los Muertos. I loved learning about the Taiwanese culture.
The way the author wove this story together through her words brought the magic and the storytelling to life. Her writing style worked extremely well for the subject of this story and I can’t wait to see what she is going to write in the future. The only aspect of this story that just didn’t mesh for me was all the colors sprinkled throughout the story. Honestly though, that is such a minute detail that it’s barely worth mentioning.
As you can see this story hit me very close to home, and I am so incredibly grateful to the author for writing it. It rebroke my heart and then helped to heal that same broken heart.
Now, on to the important bits… Suicide… If you are ever in a position where you feel that you just absolutely can’t go on do me one solid. Pause. Pick up your phone, and text HELP to 741741. This is the number for the Crisis Text Line. You will be connected to one of their trained Crisis Counselors. I am a trained Crisis Counselor on the CTL and I can guarantee you that you are not alone in how you’re feeling. Ask for help, we’re here to listen, we’re trained to help you. You are not alone. Just remember 741741 and HELP. That’s all it takes and someone will be there for you.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Sycamore in Books

Feb 8, 2018  
Bryn Chancellor | 2017 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jess Winters and her mother, Maud, arrive in the small town of Sycamore, Arizona hoping to start afresh: Maud is recently divorced from Jess' father and both are reeling from the event in different ways. Maud copes by sleeping most of the day away, but a restless teenage Jess wanders the town, searching for peace. Eventually she finds a friendship with Dani Newell, the local "smart kid" at the high school, and her boyfriend, Paul, the son of Jess' employer, Iris. Maybe, just maybe, Jess thinks, she could be happy here.

Flash forward nearly twenty years, when a new resident to town, another restless spirit, stumbles upon some bones in the local dried up lake. Residents immediately fear they belong to Jess, who disappeared shortly before Christmas: a young seventeen-year-old who was never seen again.

<i>Oh, this is a magical book.</I> I felt an immediate attachment to Jess from the first opening chapter. I was connected to her as a child of divorce, as someone who once had that urge to wander, who shared that restlessness as an adolescent. You quickly find that Chancellor has the power to create such real characters, who draw you in from the start.

The book--and the story of Jess--unfolds in snatches and snippets of these characters. Each chapter is told by a different inhabitant of Sycamore, and we get reminiscences and memories of their past, telling more about what happened with Jess, as well as their current life. We also get chapters of Jess' time as a sixteen-and seventeen-year-old in the town. In a way, it is as if we are being caught up backwards sometimes. I was captivated by the oddly suspenseful way they each tell stories from different times and varying viewpoints. It's an interesting (and effective) technique. You are piecing together a mystery, yet also reading a beautiful novel of interwoven characters.

One of the most amazing things about this novel is that for each different point of view, for each character, they have their own voice. Chancellor captures each one in their own unique way: the different way they speak. Some chapters are told in a distinctive sort of format and more. Every one has their own personality. It allows the characters--and the entire town--to really come to life so easily as you read. You can picture this entire small town and its inhabitants so clearly because of her beautiful, clear writing. It's just such a powerful book and so well-written.

There's a sweet tenderness to this book that I cannot truly describe. It really touched me. It's not always an easy read, or a happy one, but it's a lovely book in many ways. It's wonderfully written, surprisingly suspenseful, and a heartbreaking but amazing journey. I highly recommend it. 4.5 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review; it is available everywhere as of 05/09/2017.

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The Sandalwood Tree
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
he book is like a story within a story. The book begins with the framing story of a woman, Evie, in 1947, who accompanies her husband and young son to India with the dual purpose of seeking adventure and hoping to mend her failing marriage with a man just returned from World War II, broken. When she discovers a bundle of 90-year-old letters hidden in the wall during a cleaning frenzy, the second story of the friendship between Felicity and Adela is revealed. From there, Evie's story diverges from that of Felicity and Adela's as Evie struggles to find more evidence of the two other women's existence and uses her fascination as a distraction from the political turmoil occurring around her.
The British are pulling out of India and separating the religious factions of Muslims and Hindus into the two countries of India and Pakistan, causing chaos and mayhem all over the country of India. The imagery and descriptions that Newmark fills the pages with are mesmerizing in their intensity and splendor. The colors, smells, and sounds have me half-falling in love with India to the point that I search for images online to match what I am reading to get a clearer picture of what the characters experience. Even though I struggled to stay interested in the plot for the first third of the book, the descriptions kept me reading and reading.
Felicity and Adela's story begins from childhood, describing how Felicity was born in India, but fostered with Adela's family. The infamous husband hunt brought them both back to India through different means, though neither had any interest in a husband, for different scandalous reasons. Residing in the same home that Evie now occupies, Felicity and Adela shun the conventional life of an Englishwoman in India, instead adopting an independent lifestyle and embracing India in all its diverse beauty.
Evie herself also seeks to shun what is expected of her, desiring to fully experience the culture of India all around her and use it to heal the problems in her own life. Eventually, she reconnects with the story of the two other women, even as major obstacles present themselves in both her private life and in the immediate villages. Letters take over the narration of Felicity and Adela's tale as Evie finds more to continue the story, instead of the author simply narrating what Evie can't find.
On the whole, the novel was beautifully written and contained a worthwhile plot, though I struggled to stay interested at the beginning. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a mystery and craves the beauty of India.
Private Investigations (Bob Skinner Series, Book 26)
Private Investigations (Bob Skinner Series, Book 26)
Quintin Jardine | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MoMo’s Book Diary loved Quintin Jardine’s Private Investigations and eagerly recommends this as a thrilling 5 star read

I have read most of the “Skinner” books, starting from the first one published back in the early 90s when I lived in Edinburgh. Now I live in the northern isles but am always drawn to books about southern and central Scotland.

In this instalment we find former Chief Constable Bob Skinner has moved into the world of private investigation.

Eden Higgins is Bob Skinner’s first client. Eden, the brother of an ex-girlfriend of Skinner, wants him to look into the police investigation into the theft of his very expensive, luxury yacht. The police were unable to trace the very large yacht and the insurance company are refusing the pay out the full amount.

Whilst on his way to meet Eden Higgins, Bob’s car is bumped by another as he is reversing from a parking space. The driver of the other car leaves the vehicle and takes off immediately on foot. Bob Skinner then finds the body of a young girl in the otherwise empty boot of the now driverless car. Bob quickly finds himself involved in both cases.

There are many twists and turns in this fast paced instalment where each chapter brings new developments in one or other of the cases. There is reference to the changing Police Force set-up we have faced in Scotland over recent years and this fits with the bigger picture of Skinners backstory and the tension between him and some of his ex-colleagues.

The author expertly leads the reader through the investigations and has a way of bringing each character to life with enough backstory that even if you have never read any other “Skinner” book you will be able to relate to the characters and the personal and professional relationships they share with Bob Skinner. I would say that if you have never read any other Skinner book you will want to change that after you have read this one – I am now going to go back to my bookshelf and re-read them again. If you can, then do read them in order – it adds to the enjoyment being able to follow his private life and life within the Police service.

I would like to thank Headline and BookBridgr for the ARC received prior to publication.

This review is also published on my blog - and amazon
The Indigo Spell (Bloodlines, #3)
The Indigo Spell (Bloodlines, #3)
Richelle Mead | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted at <a title="The Indigo Spell" href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Original Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Owls

<i><b>Note:</b> Formatting is lost due to copy and paste</i>

     I'm developing a "bad" habit with making lists as reviews now... and have no clue why. Maybe it's the fact that it's usually concise and straight on? O_o

      I'll let you guys be the judge. Oh, and this won't be a listyish review.

      Well, I can't take us down memory lane, because unfortunately, despite the fact I recently did a skim-a-refresh-a-thon with both Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series, I still don't remember half the things that happened in the prior books.

      The really unfortunate part is the fact I can't go do another one because I'm pretty much piled high on books. And this isn't the ever so famous TBR.

      But keep the tomatoes to yourself, fandom peeps. Really. I'm probably asking for mercy from my friend on a daily basis already (oh, and if the anonymous friend is reading this... well. Hi. Forgive me? :D?).

      That friend might also murder me for forgetting, which is why I'm asking for a spare of life... O_o

      So basically throughout the entire course of the book, I was practically wondering how in the world I didn't remember the little details for some books... but I do for others. And I was making a lot of ">_<." (I have Booknesia?! :o)

      The thing is, I'm extremely glad Sydney's taken some advice from a fifteen-year-old. And if my tiny fragments of memory will allow me to remember, Sydney's also changed quite a lot from the prior two books throughout the course of The Indigo Spell.

      I may have also been warned of a major cliffhanger. I was bracing myself for the last words.
      Pillow? Check. Music? Check. Book? Check-ity-check. And then I basically tucked myself in and braced for the "worst" that might get thrown at me.

      This might get a nice tomato thrown at me, but...

      It wasn't so major. I am totally eh about it.

      But do I still want to read the fourth book when it comes out?

      Why yes. Yes, I am.

      And I would love to have a callistana. I picture it as cute and adorable...