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The Viscounts's Christmas Temptation
The Viscounts's Christmas Temptation
Erica Ridley | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating

– Character/ Story Development
X Enjoyed Reading/ Would Reread
X Plot
X Grammatical Errors
X Overall Story

Review: This little novel is what every feminist wants to see in a romance book. My wittle feminist heart was so blown away with the story line and how the roles were kind of reversed. Lady Amelia Pembroke is in charge and running her household, single and getting to the ripe ole age of being too old to be appealing to any man. Yes, this is set back in the early 1800’s so not quite 100% a feminist novel. But there are many parts that are!

I’ve never really been a fan of historical romances but The Viscount’s Christmas Temptation has really brought about a new love for a new genre! This novel was short, simple, and all around sweet. I was left wanting more and more with each turn of the page and I fell in love with Lord Sheffield every darn time he came into the picture. He stole my heart just as fast as he stole Lady Amelia’s.

The only thing that I have against this cheesy novel, is that there wasn’t really any story or character development/ background. But it also worked really well for this story.

Reasons why I rated it 4 stars:
1. No character development
2. Story was amazing and easy to get into.
3. Background on the characters was non-existent.
4. I enjoyed the romance between the main two characters.
5. The novel had a bit of a feminist feel to it, which is really nice to see in this romance style.

“We should go,” he said gruffly, his face inscrutable.

“Why?” Her heartbeat thundered. She gripped his arms tight to keep herself from twining her own about his neck.

He lowered his mouth to her ear, brushing it with a feather-soft kiss. “It isn’t safe.”

Her answering shiver had nothing to do with the cold. She had never stood so close to any man, had never fought the urge to press herself even closer.

“What could happen?” she whispered.

He cupped her face in his hands. “Anything.”
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Feel (Breaking Free #6)
Feel (Breaking Free #6)
A.M. Arthur | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
another 5 star read!
**verified purchase Jan 2019**

This is book 6 in the Breaking Free series, and you really SHOULD read books one through five (and 3.5) before this one. You need to know how Brogan got to this point in his life, and you NEED to know what Mikel did to Jaysan last year. And you know, I SAID so, because they are rather awesome!

Brogan is waiting patiently for his fated Alpha. He really doesn't wanna settle, but will do, as a last resort. His foster parents are brilliant with him and his son, Peyton, but Brogan wants HIS family. Picking up the scent of Mikel in the coffee in the coffee shop while out with Jaysan and Morris, and Brogan knows his found HIS family. However, Mikel is in a bad place after what he did to Jaysan last year, and he is in no state to become a mate. Brogan is, however, prepared to wait for Mikel and when Brogan's past comes back to haunt him, Mikel knows he has to get himself together, because his Omega and his son needs him. But CAN he?

Mikel isn't, well. . .WASN'T . . .my favourite character, and there have been some bad ones in these books, but when WHY Mikel did what he did became clear in Whole (book 5) it made some sort of sense. But here? The full picture becomes shockingly clear, and you see why he did what he did, and you really do feel for the young man. It shows you that not only the omegas and betas can suffer parental abuse, but the alphas can too.

Brogan is the most optimistic of the young men from the fight ring, hoping all along that he would find his mated Alpha and that man would take himself and two year old Peyton on. What Brogan FEELS when he is with Mikel, make shim know that deep down, he is a GOOD man, a good ALPHA, and Brogan just needs to make Mikel see that too.

Poor Mikel is up against some powerful men here, Morris especially, but all the Alphas in the pairings are wary of Mikel and really, who can blame them. But with Brogan's perseverance and determination to make them see that Mikel is a good man, they all come round, one by one. Even Morris, does, sorta! " I can be nice to him, Jaysan, without being his best friend!"

Brogan deals with some stuff here, that is different to the rest of the omegas, and his pain is deep, really deep. Mikel pulls himself together just when Brogan needs him the most. But Brogan helps Mikel too, dealing with HIS trauma after what happened last year, and from before.

I am LOVING these books, and do NOT want them to end!

5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
A Piece Of The World
A Piece Of The World
Christina Baker Kline | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

Until reading Christina Baker Kline’s note at the end of the book, it is impossible to guess that it is based on real people, although, admittedly, it is a little strange to name the main character after oneself. In fact, A Piece of the World is written around a single painting in the Museum of Modern Art, New York: Christina’s World (1948) by Andrew Wyeth, a man who appears and paints this work in the story.

Baker Cline researched thoroughly into the background story of the painting. Christina Olson, the main character of this book, was a real person who posed for Wyeth as he painted this striking picture. Although the overall story is a work of fiction, the dates and key characters are biographically accurate. Beginning in 1939, the narrative weaves too and fro, from Christina’s present day to her childhood and back again. Christina is an ageing woman who can barely walk and lives in a dilapidated cottage with her brother on a hill in the village of Cushing, Maine. Having lived in this state for so long, it is a welcome surprise to be visited by the young Andrew Wyeth who falls in love with the cottage and regularly comes to work on his canvases in their upper rooms. Through their peaceful relationship and flashbacks to her past, Christina’s character development is investigated and knitted together to explain why she has become this recluse on a hill.

Christina had problems from a very young age. After almost dying from a fever, she developed an undiagnosed degenerative disease that slowly ate away at the nerves in her arms and legs. Today, neurologists believe this to be Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease but there were no doctors able to provide this diagnosis at the time. Christina suffered aches and pains growing up and could barely walk in a straight line. Her determination to keep going is admirable and makes her a strong female protagonist.

One day in her early twenties, Christina meets a boy who pays her the kind of attention that she has never received before. Believing his promises that they will be together forever, she dares to dream of having a normal life. The reader, however, knows that the future Christina is alone with only her brother for company, making it heartbreaking to read of their developing romance knowing that it is not going to last.

There is no “happy-ever-after” to this story, nor is there a sad ending. It is an account of a woman who had been dealt a raw deal in life but continued getting on despite it. The end result, the painting Christina’s World, shows Christina as she sees herself. She may not be able to walk but she is still a woman; she made the most of her childhood, she never complained. This painting is her “letter to the World that never wrote to [Her].”

A Piece of the World is a powerful novel about purpose and determination. Christina may not have had a typical, successful life or become famous but she had her daily achievements: crawling through a field for an hour to visit a friend, cooking dinners despite not being able to stand up, carrying on after the end of a romantic relationship …

Written as gracefully as the brushstrokes of a painting with elements of Emily Dickinson thrown in here and there, A Piece of the World is a beautiful piece of work. It is something that can be enjoyed as you are mentally drawn into the storyline, leaving you wondering what happens to Christina and her brother after the completion of the painting. It is a novel the author can be proud of.
A Piece Of The World
A Piece Of The World
Christina Baker Kline | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Until reading Christina Baker Kline’s note at the end of the book, it is impossible to guess that it is based on real people, although, admittedly, it is a little strange to name the main character after oneself. In fact, <i>A Piece of the World</i> is written around a single painting in the Museum of Modern Art, New York: <i>Christina’s World</i> (1948) by Andrew Wyeth, a man who appears and paints this work in the story.

Baker Cline researched thoroughly into the background story of the painting. Christina Olson, the main character of this book, was a real person who posed for Wyeth as he painted this striking picture. Although the overall story is a work of fiction, the dates and key characters are biographically accurate. Beginning in 1939, the narrative weaves too and fro, from Christina’s present day to her childhood and back again. Christina is an ageing woman who can barely walk and lives in a dilapidated cottage with her brother on a hill in the village of Cushing, Maine. Having lived in this state for so long, it is a welcome surprise to be visited by the young Andrew Wyeth who falls in love with the cottage and regularly comes to work on his canvases in their upper rooms. Through their peaceful relationship and flashbacks to her past, Christina’s character development is investigated and knitted together to explain why she has become this recluse on a hill.

Christina had problems from a very young age. After almost dying from a fever, she developed an undiagnosed degenerative disease that slowly ate away at the nerves in her arms and legs. Today, neurologists believe this to be <i>Charcot-Marie-Tooth</i> disease but there were no doctors able to provide this diagnosis at the time. Christina suffered aches and pains growing up and could barely walk in a straight line. Her determination to keep going is admirable and makes her a strong female protagonist.

One day in her early twenties, Christina meets a boy who pays her the kind of attention that she has never received before. Believing his promises that they will be together forever, she dares to dream of having a normal life. The reader, however, knows that the future Christina is alone with only her brother for company, making it heartbreaking to read of their developing romance knowing that it is not going to last.

There is no “happy-ever-after” to this story, nor is there a sad ending. It is an account of a woman who had been dealt a raw deal in life but continued getting on despite it. The end result, the painting <i>Christina’s World</i>, shows Christina as she sees herself. She may not be able to walk but she is still a woman; she made the most of her childhood, she never complained. This painting is her “letter to the World that never wrote to [Her].”

<i>A Piece of the World</i> is a powerful novel about purpose and determination. Christina may not have had a typical, successful life or become famous but she had her daily achievements: crawling through a field for an hour to visit a friend, cooking dinners despite not being able to stand up, carrying on after the end of a romantic relationship …

Written as gracefully as the brushstrokes of a painting with elements of Emily Dickinson thrown in here and there, </i>A Piece of the World</i> is a beautiful piece of work. It is something that can be enjoyed as you are mentally drawn into the storyline, leaving you wondering what happens to Christina and her brother after the completion of the painting. It is a novel the author can be proud of.
