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Black Truffle & Spice (Spice #3)
Black Truffle & Spice (Spice #3)
Mathis Bailey | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zola has finally made her dream of opening her own café come true the heart of the South, and it's up to her and her best friend and business partner Pierre to make it a success, even with a Michelin starred bistro opposite them.

I absolutely adored this book. I will be reading the other two in the series. I actually hope there may be more to hear about Zola and Darshan's life, successes, and maybe even failures? (I hope not!)

It's a very gripping story of romance, determination and difficulties, but all done tastefully. The sex scenes aren't too crude and are almost poetic. I enjoyed finding out about some of the characters pasts. The only complaint I have is I was just wanting more. I wanted to know all of the back stories - where they came from, why they behaved that way, etc.

A big congrats Mathis a super job.

David McK (3233 KP) rated Sharpe's Honour in TV

Nov 14, 2021 (Updated Nov 14, 2021)  
Sharpe's Honour
Sharpe's Honour
1994 | Action, Adventure, Drama
7.0 (2 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
The fifth episode in the TV adaptations of the novels by Bernard Cornwell (which are well worth a read), based on the book of the same name.

I say 'based on' as, because while the main thrust of the storyline is the same, the TV movie of necessity abbreviates the novel somewhat: most noticeably (I felt) watering down quite substantially the role of El Matarife in the proceedings.

As this starts, Sharpe is still mourning the death of his wife Teresa, while Napoleon - in his first appearance in the series - is in retreat from Russia, and with Major Pierre Ducos hatching a plan to drive a wedge between the Spanish and British allies while also getting his revenge on Sharpe by provoking a duel between Sharpe and a Spanish nobleman who he (Ducos) later murders, with Sharpe then taking the rap for said murder (until he is later able to prove his innocence).

William Friedkin recommended Diabolique (1955) in Movies (curated)

Diabolique (1955)
Diabolique (1955)
1955 | Crime, Drama, Horror

"Ranks with the best of Hitchcock, who wanted to make it but Clouzot beat him to the rights. It was made in the same year as Night and Fog and The Night of the Hunter, 1955—what a year, what a decade for world cinema. The penultimate scene had the same effect on me as Psycho. Though it no longer holds surprises for me, I watch it for its mastery of suspense and the performances of Paul Meurisse, Simone Signoret, and
 Véra Clouzot. But I confess that the nine-minute scene without words where 
Véra hears noises from her bedroom, goes down the hall to check them out, and is literally scared to death still nails me. You can bet I thought 
about how it was shot and paced when I sent Ellen Burstyn up to that attic in The Exorcist. No nudity, no sexuality, no violence, just pure, slow-building suspense that escalates to terror. The original novel was written by Pierre Boileau and Thomas Narcejac, who also wrote Vertigo."


Greg Mottola recommended The 400 Blows (1959) in Movies (curated)

The 400 Blows (1959)
The 400 Blows (1959)
1959 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"One of the reasons this movie is important to me is that I’m a big fan of personal storytelling; people who tell their own stories and tell them vividly and honestly, and without sentimentality. It’s such a beautiful, naturalistic film, but unlike a lot of movies about children, it is devoid of sentimentality, but it’s also incredibly rich with emotion, which are two different things. It’s a painful movie in a lot of ways, but it’s just never cheap. There’s nothing cheap about the depiction of that young man’s life. It’s also one of the best child performances I’ve ever seen in a movie, because he’s a very specific character, but there’s nothing about him that feels forced, or that the filmmakers are trying to make you like him or pity him in a phony way. Jean-Pierre Leaud clearly had something special that is fascinating to watch; he’s really funny and charming, but also it’s strange to see a child character depicted so richly — he’s got flaws, there are sh***y things about him, but he captures all of it."

Sharpe's Revenge
Sharpe's Revenge
Bernard Cornwell | 1989 | Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
For the last couple of years or so, I've been (slowly) making my way through the Sharpe books, in chronological order by setting and in between my various other reading activities i.e. maybe one Richard Sharpe book every couple of months or so

I'm approaching the end of that project, with (currently) only two more novels to go: [book:Sharpe's Waterloo|328986], and [book:Sharpe's Devil|615225].

This particular entry is set during the latter days of the Napoleonic Wars: during the Peace of Amiens in 1814, to be precise, with Sharpe's personal and professional life falling apart after he is framed by wily French spymaster Pierre Ducos. This novel also sees the fall-out from certain events in the previous entries ([book:Sharpe's Siege|564536]), starting with an - illegal - duel between Sharpe and the naval commander who was responsible for abandoning him and his men behind enemy lines, moving on to his cuckolding by his wife Jane by a former friend, and even expanding on the family of the commander of that French fort with one family member, in particular, playing a very important role in Sharpe's future life!

Pete Fowler recommended Silver Apples by Silver Apples in Music (curated)

Silver Apples by Silver Apples
Silver Apples by Silver Apples
1968 | Electronic, Psychedelic
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The first time I can remember hearing a synthesiser was sometime in the late '70s. I must have been eight or nine and I was on a driving holiday with my parents in the Pyrenees. 'I Feel Love' was on the radio and it freaked me right out. It scared me; that sequence flipped me out. 2000AD had just launched and I was really, deeply into it. All the stories were about terrifying dystopias and that song coming out of the radio sounded like a herald for one of those places. Years later, Silver Apples pushed similar buttons for me. They came about when synthesisers were more readily associated with almost academic music – people like Pierre Henry, Morton Subotnick, musique concrète stuff. Silver Apples created a sound I'd never heard before. The closest comparison (with a bit of hindsight) is something like NEU! – that driven, motorik sound. Silver Apples were before the first NEU! record by a few years. They sounded futuristic in name and sound; they built their own gear and credited the synth as a member of the band (The Simeon). There's a real toughness to the music, something very street."


Jack Reynor recommended The Vanishing (1993) in Movies (curated)

The Vanishing (1993)
The Vanishing (1993)
1993 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The thing that makes The Vanishing so chilling is its unorthodox structure. It starts with a girl being kidnapped at a service station while her boyfriend waits in the car. Then the story picks up three years later with the boyfriend still searching for her while her killer monitors his movements. From very early on we know who the killer is, and we’re fairly sure that the girl is long dead. What makes the film special is that it retains its tension despite giving so much away so early on. There’s an incredible balance of likability and abject coldness in Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu’s performance as the villain; the character is a seemingly respectable family man who, unbeknownst to his wife and children, is in fact a textbook sociopath. Watching him as he patiently plans out the crime makes us feel like we are watching a car crash in slow motion. We know there’s nothing we can do to stop what’s going to happen; in fact it’s already happened. Stanley Kubrick cited this as the most terrifying film he had ever seen. And I can see why."


Elijah Wood recommended Delicatessen (1992) in Movies (curated)

Delicatessen (1992)
Delicatessen (1992)
1992 | Comedy, Fantasy, International

"Jean-Pierre Jeunet is a filmmaker that I’ve since followed, you know, throughout his career and I think he’s one of my favorites and a kind of, you know, a very distinctive voice in France, but that film still I think is probably my favorite of his. I feel like he kind of almost returned to form a little bit with Micmacs. Micmacs really reminded me of Delicatessen in terms of its vibe. But Delicatessen is just, there’s a great amount of comedy to it, the characters are so bizarre and so well-drawn. The world is so strange, it’s not totally relatable. It’s very funny. It’s very dark. I remember when I saw that movie, I’d never seen anything like it. And I think by the time I saw Delicatessen for the first time, City of Lost Children had already come and gone. But Delicatessen was the first thing that I’d seen. And , you know, from an art direction standpoint, I think I was also so unbelievably impressed, because it was him and his partner, and I can’t remember his partner’s name who was also kind of like his art director."


Erika (17788 KP) rated War and Peace in Books

Feb 16, 2019  
War and Peace
War and Peace
Leo Tolstoy | 1869 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Leo Tolstoy's expositions about history theory. (0 more)
While reading this book, I went from loving it, to hating it, to loving it. This book is widely talked about because of its length, but how many people have actually read the unabridged novel?
The main character I was annoyed with, that made me hate it, was Natasha. Some of her decisions were so stupid, but then I had to remind myself that I was once a dumb 16 year old that made stupid decisions.
At the beginning, it was hard to pick out which characters were actually considered to be the main characters. For sure, Natasha and Pierre, but the others I questioned.
This novel is a very interesting meditation (that's what I'm going to call it), on the differences between war, peace, and the cause and effect that follows.
Something I found very interesting was that Tolstoy would have sections of historical analysis and theory. I really enjoyed these parts, since I have a degree in history. The way it was juxtaposed with the novel kept it interesting for me. Though, I might be in the minority there.
I'm glad I finally read this novel, and can now say, proudly, that I made it through the whole thing.

Sarah (7798 KP) Feb 17, 2019

I've had this on my To Read list since forever, but always put it off as it's such an huge book. Sounds like it's worth the read though!


Erika (17788 KP) Feb 17, 2019

@Sarah I was surprised at how much I liked the novel. I think it was clever of Tolstoy, because almost as soon as you got bored with one part, the novel would switch gears.
If you listen to audiobooks (I get them from the digital catalog through my library), it's around 66 hours.

Army of Shadows (L'Armée des ombres) (1969)
Army of Shadows (L'Armée des ombres) (1969)
1969 | International, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Jean Pierre-Melville was the undisputed master of the French crime drama. Here he turns his gaze on the French Resistance during World War II (of which he himself was a member) in an entirely unsentimental, unflinching portrait. It not only de-romanticizes the movement with its rigorous and austere account of the day-to-day operations in this gray world, it also indicts it. For all the good the Resistance did, its members were only human: prone to betrayal and petty revenge. The movie is so specific in its regard of the loneliness and fear of these operatives, whose everyday lives alternate between boredom and peril. Unreleased in this country for thirty-seven years, the film was an absolute revelation to me when I saw it upon its release in 2006. Already a major fan of Melville’s crime films, I loved how this one both expands and distills his unique technical skills and his ability to tap into his characters’ emotional states. What emerges is something both complex in design and deeply personal. Casablanca it is not. Melville shows us the inner workings of something so intricate and important while also asking us whether the ends truly justify the means."
