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Bill's New Frock
Bill's New Frock
Anne Fine | 2002 | Children, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The humour. Exploring the topic of gender and identity (0 more)
It is just average (0 more)
Funny and curent
I liked this book. In a nutshell, the protagonist wakes up one day and he is a girl. I guess that the reader has just to accept that because there is no indication as to whether Bill was actually a girl in the first place or if he actually physically changed. Fine explores gender inequality in her book as Bill is faced with a variety of obstacles that force him to see the way that girls are treated. I particularly enjoyed the emphasis on the pink dress and the impracticality of wearing such an item of clothing. I also liked the way that Bill reacts to the school bully who wolf whistles at him.
This book is a short read with lovely illustrations and rather funny.

Dave Mustaine recommended Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd in Music (curated)

Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
1975 | Rock

"That’s real easy. I’d have to say Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here, with the dudes shaking hands and the guy is lit on fire. Storm Thorgersen is an amazing artist, so much so that we used a guy named Hugh Syme, who was a protégé of his, for Countdown To Extinction and Youthanasia. We wanted something original and thought provoking and not just an illustration. We got pigeonholed and everyone was like ‘Where’s Vic?’ every time. With Youthanasia, people’s asses were growing together because they thought we actually hung babies upside down and took pictures. What we did was have the moms come in and the babies were on these clear tables with the light underneath, then the moms would grab their toes and pull their legs straight so it looked like they were hanging by their feet. I thought that was brilliant."


Graham Lewis recommended Neu! by Neu! in Music (curated)

Neu! by Neu!
Neu! by Neu!
1972 | Experimental, Rock
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Neu! has to represent Cluster, Conny Plank, Kraftwerk, David Bowie, Brian Eno. It's an extraordinary piece of work. I was introduced to it when I first went to art college. There was a guy called Tony Fowler who was the polytechnic DJ and he was a little bit older that everybody else. I wheedled my way in and became the sorcerer's apprentice or whatever, thinking I could get my taste on there instead. He played me this and at the time I was very confused by it. I thought I was quite... I listened to Captain Beefheart and Pink Floyd and good stuff, but this was really challenging, the minimalism I guess. I can honestly say it didn't make me go, 'Aha! This is ze future!', but many years later, after I'd had it in the car stereo, I remember Klara saying, 'Papa, you've been playing 'Hallogallo' for two years, can we hear something else?' I was going: 'But it fits! It fits! It's perfect every time!'"


Julia Holter recommended Scared Famous by Ariel Pink in Music (curated)

Scared Famous by Ariel Pink
Scared Famous by Ariel Pink
2021 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"When I first heard Ariel Pink, I was very homesick for LA and was kind of depressed and miserable in the Midwest, which I love, I should add. It had nothing to with the Midwest: it was just the circumstances. This record was one of many things that reminded me that I needed to come back home to LA. There was something about the sound, the love for moving around, both physically and within the music, the sense that you could go wherever you wanted to go in terms of melodies and harmonies. I totally related to the freedom, the crazy characters that are in the songs. I had started recording and I found myself really interested in his passion for building characters in songs. I love his music to this day because he does that so well. Again, it was important for me at a particular time and it continues to be."


Beatriz (17 KP) rated Coraline (2009) in Movies

Feb 21, 2019  
Coraline (2009)
Coraline (2009)
2009 | Animation, Fantasy, Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
Coraline is a stop-motion film that took almost 4 years to be done. It was released in 2009 and produced by Henry Selick also knows by producing The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Coraline was considered a childrens horror and ,in my opinion, that is the ONLY wrong thing about the film. I watched it as a child and it caused me nightmares for years. Its no children film. Its a genious animated horror film for sure, but not for + 6 years olds (the age that the cinemas said it was okay for people to watch)

Long story short Coraline is the story about a girl that doesnt have a close relationship with her parents that moves into the Pink Palace. Where she finds a door to a world where she has another mother and another father that are absolutely everything she ever wished for......until they are not. Until the Other Mother starts doing everything to sew buttons into Coralines eyes in order to trap her in the Other World with her.

This is by far on my top 3 favourite films and a 10 is unfair.

I loved the film so much I ended up researching for every fact and theories I could find. Here are one of the most interesting ones I've found ...

1 - The Ranft Brothers moving truck shows up at the Pink Palace towards the beginning of the film. A hidden detail appears on their truck in the form of
 spray paint, which is a shout-out for stop-motion animation.

The two brothers are also a shout-out, though, specifically to Joe and Jerome Ranft, two brothers who were famous for their animation work, specifically
 through Pixar.

2 - Two big reasons Selick pushed for stop-motion animation over live-action was that he felt a talking cat was too much of a gimmick in that context and the
 film itself might end up being too scary.

3 - It is never specified in the film whether the real Bobinsky actually has a mouse circus. Selick believes he does not actually have one.

4 - Up to thirty animators worked on the film at any one time.

5 - The hat Coraline wears in several parts of the film is a Japanese school boy’s hat that she finds. While promoting a film in Japan, Selick had picked up one of
 these for his son as a souvenir, but the boy never wore it. He figured he could at least make Coraline wear it.


1 - Wibie says that the well is so deep that some people say they "can see a sky full of stars in it" and The Other World is always night so the well could be another portal as in the end we see the cat disappearing in another portal so there are more portals than the small door.

So ... in the end of the film, did Coraline accidentally just returned the key to Beldam ?

2 - The Taffees that the actresses give Coraline have 3 dates in them that match the years that new people moved in the Pink Palace, which would match the 3 ghost children.
The Dark Side of the Wall by The Stallion
The Dark Side of the Wall by The Stallion
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is a project from Ben Wallers and Alastair Mackinven from Country Teasers. We moved in similar circles in the mid-90s. I saw them do the whole of this at the Moth Club earlier this year. You could think 'oh what a funny idea to cover the whole of Pink Floyd's The Wall', but they actually did it really well. I used to be a Pink Floyd fan, and one of the first albums I bought was Dark Side Of The Moon, but The Wall is where I parted company with them, I thought it was just a self-indulgent mess. So I was amazed to go and see that they'd actually made it palatable, they'd done something interesting with it. I know it's not coming from a take the piss point of view, Ben's got an actual affection for that record, and they'd really thought it out. The Wall is one of the most indulgent, over-produced records ever done, and so the idea of two guys on a stage at the Moth Club doing it is like 'how the fuck are you going to do that? Where's the choir, where's all this?' But it worked, it was really good. I preferred their version of The Wall to the Floyd one. I remember going to see the film version of The Wall, and Bob Geldof played the main character, and it was so rubbish and painful, the worst kind of that rock star moaning about nothing in particular. There's something in that record to do with a performer's relationship with an audience that's interesting - there is something strange about getting up on a stage and performing in front of people. In Ben's live performances as The Country Teasers or The Rebel, sometimes people think he's trying to wind the audience up or whatever, but it's always important that the audience is there and you're never allowed to be a passive spectator. I don't know if that's why he finds [this album] an interesting thing to deal with, but you could tell that there's a reason for it, it wasn't just 'let's try and do something ridiculous'. "

Tanners by Tanners
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Tanners is an indie-electro/alternative singer based in Brooklyn, New York. Not too long ago, she released an attractively beautiful self-titled debut EP.


The video finds Tanners in holy water surrounded by a pink-filtered fog. Also, the following scene shows her in a white revealing outfit alongside two performers.

“Holy Water” is Tanners’ debut single and the first song on her EP. It was produced by Julie Hardy, Mike MacAllister, and Tanners.


“Empress in Reverse” consists of psychedelic instrumentation, dreamy melodies, and charming vocals that you won’t be able to get out of your head. It’s smooth, delicious, and ear-welcoming.


“This Crazy” contains hypnotic instrumentation, attractive vocals, and dreamy and charismatic melodies. Also, its funk and ‘80s elements perfume the atmosphere with audio ecstasy and eargasmic funk.


“What You’ve Been Waiting For” contains lush instrumentation embedded with heavy drums, dreamy melodies, and an engaging storyline.

Tanners’ self-titled debut EP is a solid body of work with heavy replay value.
Super Fight
Super Fight
2014 | Entertainment, Humor, Party Game
Silliness meets creative thinking (2 more)
Many expansions
Can be played with anyone who knows how to argue
A riot for all ages!
Super fight is pretty hilarious, actually. The basic premise is that you draw cards to create your fighter, and then you argue about whose fighter would win in a battle! The winner is picked by group consensus.

This is a game that can be played with basically anyone who can argue. I have played against some ridiculously hilarious children, amd some highly creative adults as well. There's no wrong answer... I mean, when you're trying to decide between a giant fire breathing out haha and a robot with lazers for eyes, the only way to win is to get creative!

It should also be said that there are multiple expansion packs for this game, each one a different color. For example, I believe th Pink expansion is anime-related, while the yellow is books/ book characters/ abilities.

I will have this available at most parties, and hope to see others playing it too!
Rosie the Tarantula: A True Adventure in Chicago’s Field Museum by Peggy Macnamara is a cute picture book. It is a story about a pink footed tarantula, Rosie, who lives at the Chicago field museum. One day in 2011 she escaped from her room. She didn’t appear until 2012. This book imagines the adventure she might have had. It is also used to describe what can be found at the field museum. Plus there are lots of notes at the end about the real rosie, and other animals mentioned in the book. I will say the rhymes are hard and do not flow well, but for this book I don't think it is needed. I applaud the author for getting the words to rhyme in the first place. And while this book is about a Chicago based institution, lots of kids will love its story and colorful illustrations.

I received an ARC from Northwestern University Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.  

I give the book 4/5 stars.
Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy #1)
Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy #1)
Kiersten White | 2010 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

It started off quite good, we were thrown straight into the action and I was excited to see where it would all lead.

Evie was kinda fun, she was rather innocent though having lived in the agency building since she was eight and in a way it fun seeing her in a school setting though her fashion sense and love of pink was a bit OTT.

I love Lend--dodgy name but I totally get it. He had my attention from early on and I loved reading the slow progression of his relationship with Evie.

Reth, I'm not too sure about; sometimes he seemed alright and others I wanted to punch him in the face.

I'm not normally a fan of books involving the fae but I liked this. It was different since it involved all different types of paranormal creature/being and wasn't too engrossed in the courts and the ways of the fae.

I am definitely intrigued as to what else will happen in this series and will be continuing it at some point in the near future.