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Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii (1972)
Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii (1972)
1972 | Music

"This film changed my life. I wouldn’t have known it existed if I hadn’t gone to see a terrible Don Johnson movie, A Boy and His Dog, in a double bill with my brother. We’d see anything in Oklahoma City to pass the time, and we were the only kids in the theatre, smoking a joint. Then the second film came on. I hadn’t known this period of Pink Floyd. It opened up a new world of music to me. I was 16, wanting to be a rock star, and they actually talked about how they made their songs. I went out and bought a Stratocaster like Dave Gilmour’s soon after. I still can’t believe I had the luck to see it."

The Breakfast Club (1985)
The Breakfast Club (1985)
1985 | Comedy, Drama

"Breakfast Club. I was actually having trouble because I would say Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles and Breakfast Club, but that would be three. Of all three, Breakfast Club is my favorite. But those John Hughes films, with Molly Ringwald and the Brat Pack, those are my favorite grouped films. They’re just so… they’re timeless. I feel like, even when you’re watching them now, they’re so modern, and the characters are so real. They’re just so appealing to me. I watched them with my mom when I was really young. I always would watch things with my mom that maybe other moms wouldn’t allow their kids to watch. I associated with them right away. I just really, really love John Hughes."

Let There Be More Light by Pink Floyd
Let There Be More Light by Pink Floyd
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The structure of 'Let There Be More Light' is not conventional. It goes through different things - you think it's going to go one and it goes the other. But much more than this record, before Bill and I started playing together in Body/Head, I found this 1968 live footage of Pink Floyd on YouTube. They were playing and it was almost like people were dancing to abstract music. There were visuals and it was amazing. In 1968, they were doing stuff that we're just doing now. Syd Barrett was sitting down and playing prepared guitar, like Bill does when he does his solo stuff - and other people who play prepared guitars do. That was all really inspiring, originally to the band, I think"

The Secret History of the Pink Carnation (Pink Carnation, #1)
The Secret History of the Pink Carnation (Pink Carnation, #1)
Lauren Willig | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the ways of mystery, intrigue, and espionage in both the past and present narrative, I thought that [b:The Intelligencer|1098168|The Intelligencer|Leslie Silbert||1135397] was better (only brought up because I read it recently). I am a bit disappointed that there wasn't more of those in it and less romance, but not much. While predictible and not always original, it still has a charm of its own and, at times, was impossible to put down. The characters were great and I enjoyed Amy's spirited ways and the banter between her and Richard. All the secondary characters, epecially Jane and Richard's family and friends, were interesting and added to the story. I really liked Eloise, and even though she's not in it much, I really got a sense of knowing her and I can't wait to find out what happens with her next. That intrigues me as much as finding out what happens next with the Pink Carnation!

I haven't come across many books with the past/present espionage storyline and would be interested in reading more, so I'm glad that the author has decided to write more of these novels. I hope the sequels are equally as engaging and fun! And some more mystery might be nice too.

Mini-kinda-spoiler: <spoiler>
The one thing that kind of bothered me was that the title implies it is about the Pink Carnation when there really isn't much about ol' Pinkie. And the one major mission isn't really described at all! Probably because it didn't really involve the central characters or story, I imagine.</spoiler>
The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
1973 | Rock
9.6 (22 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I still hadn’t really bought a record, so I was still listening to things mainly on the radio, but also watching the chart rundown on “Top of the Pops.” That’s when I became aware of more grown-up music. I liked glam-rock; we’re not allowed to mention his name now, but Gary Glitter’s music was quite good. “Blockbuster!” by Sweet really takes me back to that time because that song starts with a siren. Whenever I hear that record, it immediately transports me back to being on the bumper cars at fun fair. It’s perfect music for that. I was into music like that, but my mum would still get babysitters, because my sister was 8 at the time. So we would have teenage girls come around the house, and one of them had a copy of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon. The record was broken—apparently, she had left it on the radiogram and somebody had sat on the lid—so you couldn’t play the first track on side one or side two. But she still brought it around. I had to go to bed for school the next day, but I listened to that record through the floorboards. I was actually quite frightened by the bits and bites of deranged laughing, and I wished that I had not listened to it. But I started to realize that music wasn’t just things that you listen to at fun fairs, that there was a more adult side to music. I think Pink Floyd’s music still stands up, actually. Still don’t like The Wall, though. Animals is as far as I got."

The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
1973 | Rock
9.6 (22 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Come on, it's one of the biggest records of all times! I remember the first time I heard that record, it was probably about a year after discovering Back To Black actually, when I was in eighth grade, so in 1979/1980, something like that. Me and my brother were living with my father for a year, he was stationed in Pennsylvania, and I went to school out there. There was a kid next door, a year or two older than me. I think his name was Dale Nadoo or something like that. Anyway, he would constantly be in his room, next to us, so I could hear him. We became friends. He had this kick ass stereo system in his room , and he'd smoke pot and listen to fucking music all day. He turned me on to two records which are on this list: Paranoid and Dark Side Of The Moon. There's so many things I admire in Pink Floyd: David Gilmour is one of the most expressive guitar players I’ve ever heard and one of my favourites. Also the fact that they had dual vocals, with Roger Waters singing as well. It's a landmark record, the biggest selling record of all times, in rock, for many years, if not still. Pink Floyd for me have always been a very visual band. When you listen to the music it takes you places, you see landscapes and characters, it's very cinematic. I always dug that about them. The care they took in the songwriting, the performances and at the production level, especially for the time: it was so multi-layered, so rich and deep."


Andy Bell recommended Court & Spark by Joni Mitchell in Music (curated)

Court &amp; Spark by Joni Mitchell
Court & Spark by Joni Mitchell
2009 | Folk, Pop, Singer-Songwriter
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"My first girlfriend used to listen to Joni Mitchell, and the album that she got me into was Court And Spark. I was 15 or 16 when I first heard it, and the acoustic playing is more like a jazzy sort of thing. I found that really cool. “I love her style as a guitarist, and I love the songs on that album, too. They’re quite funny, and they put you in a certain mood, like Free Man In Paris and People’s Parties. I like it a lot more than Blue and a lot more than Hejira, and the other ones that people go on about. It’s just really good. “Nick Drake’s Pink Moon [1972] also deserves a mention as a very important acoustic album for me. Can we have it as a bonus record?"


Tim Booth recommended Pink Flag by Wire in Music (curated)

Pink Flag by Wire
Pink Flag by Wire
1977 | Punk
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"After Patti, I sold all my record collection because I felt I couldn't have any music around me that didn't do something to me like Horses did. For about six months, I had no other records, except Lou Reed's Berlin as I felt that was comparably powerful and emotive. After those six months, punk started. I thought punk was fun and it reached the anger in me that needed to come out. I had been sent away to school; being sent to a boarding school was like being sent away to prison by parents who apparently loved you. So, I had a lot of anger and distress at this strange turn of events and I started going to punk gigs. The first gig I organised to see was the White Riot tour with The Jam, Buzzcocks, Subway Sect and The Slits. It turned into a bit of a riot and we were these schoolboys in our uniforms with one teacher to chaperone us, and suddenly chairs and tables were flying through the air. After that, I was banned from organising any more trips to punk gigs. So, even though I was banned, I decided to get the school magazine to employ me as a journalist. I would try to interview the first local punk band that came down to Shrewsbury. That happened to be Wire, who were a fascinating band. I think Pink Flag is one of the only punk albums that has stood the test of time. It is a remarkable piece of music. There are songs that last 45 seconds and others that last two or three minutes. It is quite a feat to pull off a 45-second song and make it work. Wire were wonderful to interview – intelligent and articulate – and their music was brutal and yet humorous at the same time, which was a very odd thing for punk. To call an album Pink Flag, after the label that the Nazis put on gay people in the camps, was an incredibly brave thing to do in such homophobic times. Punk, although liberating in many aspects, was pretty homophobic until Tom Robinson came along and confronted it directly. Pink Flag was a miracle of creativity in these short, harsh little songs. Even to this day, when I listen to it, I think it is a masterpiece. I think it would have influenced a band like Pixies. I don't know if Pixies ever heard Wire, but I would be very surprised if they hadn't."


Dean (6925 KP) rated Not Another Teen Movie (2001) in Movies

Jun 5, 2018 (Updated Jul 10, 2021)  
Not Another Teen Movie (2001)
Not Another Teen Movie (2001)
2001 | Comedy
6.9 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Very Funny (0 more)
One of the best Spoof films
A lewd, crude, rude and a rather funny film. Not heard much about it, so I expected the worse.....but actually found myself laughing an awful lot! It's a great spoof mainly of She's all that, American Pie, Cruel Intentions and Pretty in Pink. Featuring a great cameo from Molly Ringwald, Lindsay Lohan from Mean girls and even Mr T! Along the way there are scenes aimed at Porky's, Grease, Risky Business, the list is endless. Every type of humour is here and if you know the mentioned films well you could like it. Not a bad DVD with a quiz on teen movies, Music videos, Making of as well. Overall a fun package and even a lot of females on my friend list liked it to my surprise!
Coraline (2009)
Coraline (2009)
2009 | Animation, Fantasy, Horror
Coraline is a fantasy thriller made in 2009 by Henry Selick
It’s a story about this blue haired girl that just moved to a new house called The Pink Palace. She finds a secret door that takes her to a pararelle universe where she has her Othet Mother and Other Father and everything is better. Her Other Mother promises her everything she wants but in return she has to stitch buttons in her eyes. Coraline refuses and the Other Mother traps her a steals her from her parents.
Coraline needs to be brave and find a way to go back to the real world and save her family.

The director thought about every single detail of the film. The film took 4 years to be made. And it became a classic and one of the best films I ever watched