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Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) created a post

Jan 16, 2018  
I know that it's a few weeks late, but I finally got around to doing my Best and Worst list of 2017 movies.

Quick disclaimer: I did not see every movie that dropped in 2017 and because I live in the UK, there are some movies that have been out in the US for months that have yet to be released here.
Lastly, this is just my opinion, so feel free to disagree with any or all of it.

The Best

Split (Jan)
iBoy (Jan)
Trainspotting 2 (Jan)

War On Everyone (Feb)
Lego Batman (Feb)
John Wick 2 (Feb)

Logan (March)
Kong Skull Island (March)
The Belko Experiment (March)

The Fate Of The Furious (Apr)
Free Fire (Apr)

The Wall (May)

Wonder Woman (June)
It Comes At Night (June)
Baby Driver (June)

Spiderman: Homecoming (July)
War For The Planet Of The Apes (July)
Dunkirk (July)
Atomic Blonde (July)
Detroit (July)

Wind River (Aug)
Logan Lucky (Aug)

It (Sept)
American Made (Sept)

Blade Runner 2049 (Oct)
Brawl In Cell Block 99 (Oct)
The Foreigner (Oct)

Thor Ragnarok (Nov)
Murder On The Orient Express (Nov)
Justice League (Nov)

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec)

The Worst

Fist Fight (Feb)

Life (March)

King Arthur (May)
Baywatch (May)
Pirates 5 (May)

The Mummy (June)

The Dark Tower (August)
The Hitman’s Bodyguard (August)

Kingsman 2 (September)

The Greatest Showman (December)
Bright (December)

My Top 10 Of The Year (In no particular order)

Trainspotting 2
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Blade Runner 2049
Spiderman: Homecoming
Wind River
War For The Planet Of The Apes
Baby Driver

I found that when I was doing my list this year, that there were a quite a few movies that I was struggling to place on either the best or worst side. For example, Justice League and Murder On The Orient Express sneaked onto the best list, whereas Bright and The Dark Tower only fell onto the worst list because although I didn't hate them, I wasn't willing to label them the best 2017 had to offer. Maybe next year I should introduce another column titled "Films I felt pretty indifferent about."

Joe Julians (221 KP) Jan 17, 2018

Ah I really liked Life and The Greatest Showman!


Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) Jan 22, 2018

I can't deny Jackman's talent as a performer, but it just wasn't my thing

The Captain's Daughter
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I grew up with a deep (DEEP) appreciation for theatre. I have been in several productions personally. And musicals are my lifeblood (my hubby and I are going to see Phantom of the Opera in a couple weeks). So you can imagine my surprise when I discovered that not only is this book set in one of the most fascinating time periods, (Queen Victoria was pretty amazing! Check out the new Masterpiece Series from BBC
"Victoria" Yes, I know they over dramatized some aspects in this...But it is still AMAZING...and Jenna Coleman...'nough said.) but that we also get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the life of the theatre in 1873. An era where an occupation on the stage was heavily frowned upon. Not to mention that the operettas written by Gilbert & Sullivan are the productions we find in The Captain's Daughter. I had the opportunity to see Pirates of Penzance, oh my lands! I adore it! By the way, for all my love of the theatre, I had NO idea why it is called "the lime light". If you don't know either, you can find out more on Wikipedia.

Falsely accused, Rosalyn finds herself in London. Without a penny to her name she makes her way to the very theatre that Nate is working at(you will understand the significance of this when you read the book). Both Nate and Rosalyn must make peace with the past in order to move on. As Nate tries to earn forgiveness for his mistakes, he learns that forgiveness can not be earned. Our Heavenly Father gives it freely. All we have to do is ask.

Swept into the sea of romance, song, lights, costumes, and scandal...I found myself dancing through the pages (or at least swaying) as the anticipation builds for the ending that I was HOPING would play out a certain way. Forgiveness, true love, and living the life that God has called you to live are the main themes that struck my heart.

I received a complimentary copy of The Captain's Daughter from Bethany House Publishers through the Litfuse Tour. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Tempest Sea
The Tempest Sea
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I so very nearly fell out with Robin D Mahle over this book... I still might... They're so close to breaking my heart!

The Tempest Sea is the incredible second novel in The World Apart series, whisking us away from Ceithren and across the Tempest Sea to the other side of the world.

The adventure is again told from Clark and Addie’s POV but this time we are also treated to snippets from Xavier and Nell's past.
These tidbits allow the side characters to tell their story right up to the present situation, (almost) dissolving their untrustworthy nature in the readers eyes but not ruining the tension within the plot line.
I also loved how the chapters were labelled rather than named (ie Xavier is The Protector) as this really reflected how these "off screen" moments have shaped the characters and made them grow into something much more than their assumed role.

As well as our favourite characters from The Fractured Empire *side eyes Gunther* we also get to spend a lot more time with Locke, Nell and we are finally properly introduced to the infamous general. Alongside a plethora of side characters ranging from a pirate ship full of badass women to a fair few men we love to hate, Robin D Mahle really spoils us.

This fast paced sequel is jam packed full of action, flying ships, pirates and danger: its a wonder there is any time for romance! Addie and Clark may have been through the ringer but the tension and their magnetism throughout this book will have you screaming at them to open their eyes and just accept the attraction. That would be way too easy though... You know they're just going to wind each other up and fall out a few more times 😊

With the foundations set in The Fractured Empire, Robin D Mahle could really have fun with The Tempest Sea and I think this shows. The action and suspense rolls off the page, dragging us along for the ride. There are some darker moments (big trigger warning for sexual abuse) but these serve to make the characters stronger. They'll certainly need it for the next stage of their journey!

Alice (12 KP) rated Revenger in Books

Jul 3, 2018  
Alastair Reynolds | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What can I say about <i>Revenger</i>?

It was my first ever Space Opera and it has opened my eyes to a whole new genre.

It was my first ever Space Opera and it has primed my taste-buds for more.

It was my first ever Alastair Reynolds and now I want more.

Revenger itself was amazingly well written. As mentioned above this was my first book from Alastair Reynolds and it was just the kind of book I could get into again and again; the writing style flowed with a shocking ease and the plot line was very Firefly-esque with a hint more action and a smidge more ‘oh-shit’ factor.

Revenger follows the story of Adrana and Arafura Ness – two sisters from Mazarile whose sick father had made some very poor choices in business – as they embark on a journey into space to end all journeys.

It begins with Adrana convincing her younger sister Arafura to escape into Neural Alley for a reading by Madam Granity. There’s aliens, robots and weird looking men with bad attitudes and then there’s Captain Rackamore. Pol Rackamore is the captain of the Monetta’s Mourn – a sunjammer spaceship – and he’s in need of a new Boney on his ship as his current one is getting too old to ‘read the bones’ and I mean that in the literal sense of the word.

Adrana convinces Cap’n Rack to take both her and Arafura on board the Monetta in the position of new Bone Readers (with the aide of Cazaray the current Boney) and that is where the story really begins. We’re introduced to the rest of the crew and the Monetta sails off into the Empty in search of baubles. As they sail towards their first bauble Arafura becomes a lot closer to the rest of the crew while I feel that Adrana is doing her best to stay away from them all even though she’s front and center.

Story progresses and little hints are dropped about Bosa Sennen and Cap’n Rack’s long lost daughter. There’s several shocking deaths, a mad woman, a kidnapping or two and a young girl bent on revenge.

Around the mid way mark Arafura changes, subtly at first and then a lot more drastic and she becomes Just Fura. This is where the story becomes a lot darker and a lot less like Firefly and a lot more like the Firefly from hell; the second half of this book is based around Fura getting Revenger on Bosa Sennen for what she did and the things that Fura puts herself through to get where she needs to be? She started off as a little timid and shy but after the 50% mark she changed completely and became hard and unyielding.

You know how they say that the future is bright? That brightness is swallowed by the Empty and the future is dark and full of terrors (oh yeah I went there) there’s a doctor with a God complex, a father with a total lack of regard for his daughters, a totally bad ass soldier robot with logic barricades and all sorts of other people.

I think I loved the world building the most about Revenger it was such a smooth transition from place to place and from time to time that it was almost seamless; my second favourite thing was the characters – hands down they were some of the best characters I’ve ever read and I’d love to see if AR takes this book any further as it was seemingly left open for another book but we shall see.

The book gave off a distinctly pirate feeling but with the space element it felt more like Firefly than it did Pirates of the Caribbean which as a fan of both was saying something. Pirates sailing the high skies rather than the high seas! Some of the characters left much to be desired – Bosa, Adrana and Dr Moonface I’m looking at y’all – but the likes of Rack, Prozor and Paladin more than made up for them.

The dialogue was great and the story wasn’t overly scientific which sometimes can be an issue for me, I like my books to be a little less science fact and a bit more science fiction but with Revenger, I felt like AR was giving us regular folk an explanation without going overboard on the description.
Freiyon Fables: Hooked on Power
Freiyon Fables: Hooked on Power
Justin T Hunt | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best was how the book answered major questions that arose during the first two books, even if some of the explanations seem a bit far fetched. (0 more)
My main problem was with the time difference between Freiyon and the human world because it made things really confusing. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book

Freiyon Fables: Hooked on Power by Justin Hunt is the third and I believe the final book in the Freiyon Fables series. Right from the start, the book promises to answer some questions that I had from the start of the series. I have noticed some inconsistencies in formatting or writing style, such as the first book being broken into three separate parts, the first book being one whole book, and now the third being broken apart again. However, I did not notice any problems with the timeline between the three books.

The story starts out with a letter to the reader from an unnamed author (that is until the very end). This author claims that the reader would not recognize him or her from previous stories about Freiyon but intends to “explain the many different mysteries of the World of Freiyon”. It then starts with the story of some pirates who find themselves in Freiyon by mistake. These pirates then capture and torture poor Quasapoor (who you may remember was evil in a previous book) until he goes insane. They then run into Sybil and Helen Rochester and the creation of the Rochester Runes is explained as well.

Adam, a young boy who heard of Freiyon from his mother then and his battle with Captain Liberty (an evil power-hungry pirate) becomes the main focus of the story. He soon finds that time runs differently in Freiyon from the human world and the events his mother told him about are yet to happen. Adam is even present for the creation of Lord Libertas, but I am not going to ruin how that happened for the curious reader. As Adam travels Freiyon and the surrounding lands the reader also learns about how Freiyon itself came to be along with the Wise One and Lightning Tail Island. Will Adam with the help of some new friends and some well-known favorites be able to protect Freiyon from Captain Liberty or will Freiyon be destroyed once and for all?

What I liked best was how the book answered major questions that arose during the first two books, even if some of the explanations seem a bit far fetched. I really enjoyed the appearance of Adam as I had been looking forward to finding out his identity for quite some time. My main problem was with the time difference between Freiyon and the human world because it made things really confusing. I don’t really understand how Adam could even be in Freiyon before his mother and the events she tells him about, even if it was because of a spell gone wrong. Time travel always gets me confused. Also Adam frequently reminds himself that he is in Freiyon’s past and if every time he dose that is mixed with all the times the story backtracks over what a character just did or what happened in a previous book about a third of this book could be completely removed.

The target readers for this book changed a bit from the previous two books in this series. This third edition to the Freiyon Fables is directed more towards middle school readers. While previous Freiyon Fable books may have been appropriate for even some elementary students I feel as if they would get bored after the first one hundred pages or so of this one. Staying consistent with the first two books I rate this one as a 2 out of 4. Originally this final book was going to be given a three for explaining some of the strange things that happened in the first two. However, because of all the repetition (entire paragraphs and pages seemed directly taken from one of the first two books) and how it felt like it was dragging for the final third of the book, I felt like a two was better deserved once again.
Black Sails  - Season 2
Black Sails - Season 2
2015 | Drama
The plot of the series is always brilliantly written (2 more)
Twists and turns around every corner
John Silver is charmingly brilliant
More plotting, more cunning, and more drama
So my season one review pretty much covered all I have to say about this show from what I have seen so far from my first viewing. The characters are brilliant and charming and the plot is brilliantly written with great twists and turns.

These points only become more evident in the second season. My favourite character has to be the man who has a larger role in the book (Treasure Island), and that man is John Silver. Luke Arnold is charming as John Silver, and the character himself is very cunning which makes for great entertainment as he constantly finds new ways for Flint's Crew, and other characters in Nassau, to NEED him alive so that he can survive any and all scenario's. Whether it's his way with words or his cunning ideas that he knows should work (and often do) that makes his character so impressive and brilliant.

The drama has always been gripping in this show, and the action is always leaving me on the edge of my seat because the twists and turns in this show more often than not, catch you off guard when written suddenly. Some of the twists are more obvious than others, they have a build up that make you sit there saying/thinking "They've done this..." or "This is going to happen..." Etc. But it doesn't make the show any less entertaining.

The conflict between Vane and Flint is always entertaining. Whilst Flint is the most feared among the pirates, Vane is certainly not far behind, and his stature towers above Flint's making him mean looking and not someone you'd want to mess with. Flint has the brains, Vane has the brawn and together they are a brilliant rivalry, even when they have to come together for a single purpose. They respect each other, and it shows, but they are both too proud to tell one another that they would be better working with one another rather than against.

The cast are all perfect to their roles, and the characters are all brilliantly written to for their purpose in the show.
A Tyranny of petticoats is an all female written anthology about badass females. The 15 stories consist of Pirates, Assassins, Ghosts and Robbers whilst covering relevant American history such as Gold mining, the slave trade and war.

The stories are written in historical order, starting from 1710-1968. These are my ratings for each story:

Mother Carey's table by J.Anderson Coats ⭐.5 stars

The Journey by Marie Lu ⭐⭐⭐stars

Madeleine's choice by Jessica Spotswood ⭐⭐⭐.5 stars

El Destinos by Leslye Walton ⭐⭐⭐stars

High Stakes by Andrea Cremer ⭐⭐⭐ stars

The Red Ravenue Ball by Caroline Tung Richmond ⭐⭐stars

Pearls by Beth Revis ⭐⭐⭐.5 stars

Gold in the roots of grass by Marissa Meyer ⭐⭐⭐⭐stars

The Legendary Garnet Girls by Y.S.Lee ⭐⭐⭐stars

The colour of the sky by Elizabeth Wein ⭐⭐⭐ stars

Bonnie and Clydebank by Sundra Mitchell ⭐⭐⭐stars

Hard times by Catherine Longshore ⭐⭐⭐stars

City of Angels by Lindsay Smith ⭐⭐⭐.5 stars

Pulse of the Panthers by Kekla Magoon ⭐⭐⭐ stars

The whole world is watching by Robin Talley ⭐⭐stars

I wanted to read this collection of short stories as I had heard great things about it. This book should have been ideal for me, it's feminist historical fiction. Sadly this didn't deliver, none of the stories blew me away. In actual fact I have a hard time remembering what the stories were about. Some of the stories felt like they were an excerpt from a novel, some felt rushed and others under developed.

However,I am glad I got to read this as I get to explore authors that I have not read before and got to sample their work and see if I get on with their writing styles.

The book also has a short note from the author as to why they picked the era, why they contributed to the anthology and so on. I definitely want to explore more novels with American history such as the gold mining and slavery thanks to these authors.

Overall I rated this 3 out of 5 stars
Katharyn Blair | 2021 | Dystopia, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist of this book is Charlotte, she is a middle child out of three sisters and the least gifted one of them all. Her older sister Harlow is a popular guitar player and very strong personality in general, her younger sister Vanessa is a talented gymnast. All her life Charlotte is left living in Harlow’s shadow, loving the boy who is in love with her sister and taking care of Vanessa. She sounds pretty miserable until she is taken from the camp as the Chosen One, who will save everyone from Crimson. Only then I could see, that Charlotte is not as useless as she portrayed it. I have to admit, in the beginning, I thought that Harlow should be the main character, she was more suitable, but by the time I finished the book, I was glad that Charlotte was the protagonist. 🙂 This book has such a great selection of characters to choose from! I loved them all, they were very well presented and delivered.

The narrative of this book is very fast-paced, and there is always something happening in this book. Most of the book is spent on the ship sailing through the ocean, and I really enjoyed the sailor’s life portrayed in this book. There is plenty of action, turns and twists, and this book really had me hooked and entertained. I loved the romance in this book as well, it is exciting, full of sexual tension and very adorable. The topics discussed in this book are forbidden love, family relations, bravery, adventures, self-pity, friendships, overcoming your fears and phobias and many more.

I really enjoyed the world that the author created for the reader. I felt like I was alongside the characters during their journeys. It has very strong Bird Box vibes, but also there is so much more going on than that. The chapters are pretty short, and the pages just flew by. I loved the ending of this book, it left me very satisfied with the outcome.

So, to conclude, I loved this book, and could not put it down. I really liked the characters and the roles they played as well as the fast-paced and full of adventures plot. It has all the things I need for an enjoyable dystopian/fantasy YA book, and I would strongly recommend it to anyone who likes pirates, ships and adventures.
A Cure For Wellness (2017)
A Cure For Wellness (2017)
2017 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
What if you were told that you could be cured from any and every ailment, all while relaxing in the picturesque Swiss Alps. Would you go? A Cure For Wellness is a psychological thriller directed by Gore Verbinsky whom in the past brought us Disney’s Pirates of The Caribbean. I’m not sure going with a psychological thriller was the best choice for him.

   After a young power-hungry stockbroker receives an odd letter from the CEO during a major merger he becomes blackmailed into going and retrieving him. Pembroke (Harry Groener) has taken up permanent residence in a mysterious gothic styled rehabilitation center in a remote part of the Swiss Alps. Pembroke has no intentions of leaving the hospital so Lockhart has plenty of time to explore. As soon as he arrives though, he notices that there is something strange going on. Patients are eating decadent and costly meals and flying kites as if they were on vacation rather than in treatment. Little does he know, he will be at the center of it all after an accident turns him into a patient rather than a visitor.

   I feel as though this was less of a thriller and more of a flop. I wasn’t able to connect to Lockhart and frankly at times his character was rather annoying. This made it difficult to sympathize with what might be happening to him. Lockhart reminded me of Leonardo DiCaprio in Scorsese’s Shutter Island. Though Scorsese’s film was way more entertaining and thrilling than this. The film was extremely long (2.5 hours) and when you thought it was going to end another curve ball would be thrown. Though the film was less than entertaining, the actors portrayed their parts well. The scenery and landscapes along with the colors of the filters used did give the film that bit of eeriness the story needed. Some scenes were creepy and others involving animals were disturbing and could’ve been left out in my opinion. I left the theater scratching my head with the old “what the heck did I just watch” thought. This film was just not for me and seemed more like Verbinski bit off more than he could chew. The audience also seemed to be disappointed with it as well.

Lee (2222 KP) rated Aquaman (2018) in Movies

Dec 14, 2018  
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Outstanding action (0 more)
The usual CGI overload at the end (0 more)
A very enjoyable DCEU movie!
Before I begin, I just wanted to describe my feelings on the state of the DCEU up until now and hopefully this will be a good indication as to whether or not you're going to agree with me when it comes to Aquaman. So, as I'm sure most people will agree, so far the whole thing has been a bit of a disaster. A rush to try and bottle what Marvel have spent the last 10 years crafting and achieving, with just a handful of below average and inconsistently toned movies. I liked Man of Steel, and I didn't mind Batman V Superman, although I do understand why many people were disappointed. I really enjoyed Wonder Woman, and I found a lot to like within Justice League too. But as for Suicide Squad, well that one was just a ridiculous mess. And with all the uncertainty around the future of Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck in their roles as Superman and Batman, it seems DC still have a long way to go in terms of laying solid foundations for some decent universe building to rival Marvel.

So that brings us to Aquaman, probably the only other character of interest from Justice League who has yet to get his own origin/standalone movie. We got glimpses in Justice League, tastes of the underwater water world, and brief appearances from Amber Heards character Mera, so it's good to be able to expand on what has the potential to be a really strong, interesting character. And under the direction of James Wan, hopefully another welcome deviation from the dark, dull earlier DC movies that received so much criticism.

As far as origin stories go, things get off to a strong start. Lighthouse keeper Thomas Curry finds Atlantean queen Atlanna (Nicole Kidman) washed up on the rocks one day and takes her in to care for her. They fall in love, eventually giving birth to Arthur. A few years later and it's clear that Atlanna cannot stay. She returns to Atlantis, promising that she'll return to him one day, leaving Thomas to raise Arthur. When we join Arthur again, it's one year following the events of the Justice League and the defeat of Steppenwolf. Taking care of a bunch of hi-tech pirates who have boarded a submarine, but still finding time to return home to dad for a few beers and a laugh with the locals. He's left the world of Atlantis behind him, having been banished for being a half breed, and feeling anger at the treatment his mother received for giving birth to him. It's not long though before things all start kicking off and he had to return to life under the sea. Half brother Orm (Patrick Wilson) is looking to wage war on the surface world in retaliation for all the destruction and pollution within the seas, and begins trying to gain support from the seven kingdoms. Meanwhile, one of the pirates Aquaman encountered earlier has got his hands on some Atlantean technology, becoming Black Manta and vowing to get his revenge. During an undersea meeting with Vulko, aid to Atlanna and the man responsible for training Arthur as a child, Arthur is urged to find the lost Trident of Atlan, a magic artifact that once belonged to Atlantis’ first ruler. By wielding the trident, Arthur can reclaim his rightful place as king, hopefully uniting the worlds of land and sea.

There is a LOT going on here, and luckily for the most part, it all works relatively well. The quest for the trident is a bit like an Indiana Jones quest - Arthur and Mera have to undertake a trek across, and below, the Sahara desert, a trip to Sicily, a perilous boat trip and a journey to a hidden world deep within the ocean. The Black Manta storyline seems a bit unnecessary and annoying at times, although does provide some great action (and a setup for a sequel). The underwater scenes involving Atlantis and the other kingdoms are absolutely beautiful to look at, very detailed and imaginative, but these are the areas that unfortunately begin to let the movie down. Culminating in an epic underwater battle involving thousands of different creatures and weapons, the movie ends up as just another DCEU CGI overload.

Despite that, I actually had a lot of fun with this movie, and I particularly loved the action. Fluid, balletic fight scenes, with the viewpoint flowing above and around those involved, we follow a character as he powers through walls and roofs, pulling out to reveal and follow other characters in action, the direction of these scenes is extremely effective. Overall, this is definitely a strong step up for the DCEU and a worthy standalone movie. I just hope they can now keep this momentum going.
Show all 3 comments.

Rache (174 KP) Dec 15, 2018

I can hardly wait to go see this. Their choice of lead actor was inspired. Even when he looks serious, he has that little tilt to one eyebrow that shows you he's not taking himself too seriously. Oh, and there should be a law against that man wearing too many clothes ?


Lee (2222 KP) Dec 15, 2018

Don't worry, he doesn't wear many clothes throughout ?. I actually thought he was great in this though, even though most of my attention was directed towards Amber Heard ?