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The Grey (2012)
The Grey (2012)
2012 | Action, Drama
7.0 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Liam Neeson (0 more)
The Wolves Are Among Them
The Grey- is a excellent survival drama thriller. I love survival/survive of the fitnest films. Liam Neeson does a excellent job in this. The drama, the suspense, tbe thrills are are excellent.

The plot: Following a grueling five-week shift at an Alaskan oil refinery, workers led by sharpshooter John Ottway (Liam Neeson) are flying home for a much-needed vacation. A brutal storm causes their plane to crash in the frozen wilderness, and only eight men (Frank Grillo, Dermot Mulroney), including Ottway, survive. As they trek southward toward civilization and safety, Ottway and his companions must battle mortal injuries, the icy elements, and a pack of hungry wolves.

I highly recordmend watching this film.
The Porpoise
The Porpoise
Mark Haddon | 2019 | Crime, History & Politics, Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Could have been so special
The Porpoise is a difficult book to review. It is indeed an accomplished piece of work, well written, engaging and very clever. It's just a little schizophrenic. The Porpoise is the name of a boat. Well not a boat, various boats throughout time. The book begins set in modern times with a plane crash leaving a very rich man with a daughter and no mother where an unhealthy relationship begins. This is a great engrossing story, brave and strong and you become completely invested in the story and characters and just as one of them boards a boat called the porpoise it becomes a retelling of the ancient story of Pericles, a story Shakespeare also retold, and its Shakespeare's retelling that in combined in future and past. Confused? You may be. And again, his retelling of Pericles set in ancient times is expertly done, bold, extravagant and inspired. It is just that, what happened to the girl from the plane crash, and now where has Pericles daughter got to...and...and...?
I have read all three of Haddon's novels, and he is a great storyteller and this novel just feels like an opportunity missed. It's not that it's badly done, and I am sure the critics adored it but in terms of being absorbed and invested in characters that just disappear as we disappear back in time and never really giving you the meat to any of their adventures to digest, it is a little like having a gourmet meal but not filling your tummy up enough to leave your stomach satisfied.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated The Mountain Between Us in Books

Nov 25, 2017 (Updated Nov 25, 2017)  
The Mountain Between Us
The Mountain Between Us
Charles Martin | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Claustrophobic and interesting at the beginning but far fetched
Given there's only two real characters in this novel, author Charles Martin does a not bad job developing their roles.

The story surrounds Dr Ben Payne and writer Ashley Knox, who get caught up in a plane crash in the remote icy mountains of the High Uintas Wilderness. Both quite seriously injured, they attempt to battle all odds to survive.

Although the setting is well laid out, the actual plot and dialogue is slightly hyperbolic, and the long-winded explanations of love are rather sappy. The female characters are written as if swooning at Dr Payne's every beck and call. So while the novel began as a gripping survivalist plot, it falls into a wishy washy romance trap and ultimately ends up on the ash heap of almost good stories.
The Forgotten (2004)
The Forgotten (2004)
2004 | Action, Drama, Mystery
7.2 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Oldie but goodie
Brilliant film! Good story, makes the veiwer question the main woman's sanity.

Gripping thriller about a mother who's struggling to move on from her son passing away in a plane crash, but did he ever exist?? She's seeing phycological therapists, her husband is trying to help her, all she talks about is her little boy Sam, but no one else knows what she's talking about with there being no pictures, he's room is empty and the video tapes blank, she feels like she is going mad and everyone is erasing Sam from there life's but it's not all that simple she isn't mad her bond as a mother is so strong she can't help but remember her little boy. The truth might not be for everyone but I think it's a good film definitely worth the watch!
Matter of Life and Death (1981)
Matter of Life and Death (1981)
1981 | Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I think A Matter of Life and Death is one of the great works of imagination in cinema. It’s a brilliant story. David Niven could not be more charming in it if he tried. He starts off, you know, as a World War II pilot about to crash his plane whilst quoting Andrew Marvell down the phone to the mayday operator, who he then falls in love with. There is one shot in it, actually, of the heavenly court before it goes into session, which we absolutely — and I haven’t actually spoken to Mike Newell about this — but we lifted almost identically for the start of the Triwizard tournament in Potter, in the fourth film. There is one shot — because I think I watched Matter of Life and Death shortly after we finished that film — which I watched and went, “Oh my god, we’ve just stolen that!”"

Lord of the Flies
Lord of the Flies
William Golding | 1954 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (94 Ratings)
Book Rating
Engaging (2 more)
Good pace
Believable characters and plot
Brutal violence (0 more)
A brutal classic
"Lord of the Flies" is a classic for a reason. It is the story of a bunch of boys who survive a plane crash and are stranded on an island together. They get along well at first, but soon the pressures of their situation cause cracks in their 'society' and they form into two groups that clash with each other, sometimes violently.

The idea that human civilization is fragile is examined, but not through exposition, rather through the actions of the characters in the story. Are humans inherently violent? Is peaceful society an illusion, one tragedy away from breakdown?

If you've never read this book - or seen one of the movie versions - be aware that it gets brutal at times. There is violence and bloodshed and not everyone escapes unharmed. But it is a fascinating story of civility and civilization and what it means to be a human in a stable society.
When Hitler Took Cocaine and Lenin Lost His Brain
When Hitler Took Cocaine and Lenin Lost His Brain
Giles Milton | 2018 | History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review by Cari Mayhew.

If only all events in history could be taught this way! This is his hands down one of the most entertaining history books you’ll ever read! The book is composed of 50 chapters depicting from lesser known points in history. The stories are dramatic, compelling, and often shocking. There are tales of heroism, injustice, conspiracy and cannibalism.

Each chapter is it's own little, well written, real-life story. And each is rounded off with a profound sentence or two to summarise. I gained an appreciation of the role of pigeons and dogs in the war, I learned why the Dodo bird became extinct, and I discovered that it’s possible to survive 2 nuclear bombs.

Normally with non-fiction book with so many isolated sections, I'd be tempted to skip sections, but that was not the case this time - I enjoyed every single one! I’ve noticed there are more books in the series, and I intend to read them all!

The best way to convey how well written the stories are, is to leave you with an excerpt:
“There was a sickening crunch and a violent jerk. The right wing of the plane was ripped off by the mountain peak and flung backwards into the rear of the fuselage. The plane, wildly out of control, smashed into a second peak, which tore off the left wing.

Inside the cabin, the terrified passengers expected the shattered plane to plunge them to their deaths. But the plane’s crash-landing miraculously spared some of those on board. The fuselage hit a snow-covered mountain slope and slid downwards before coming to a halt in a deep drift.
As a wall of silence descended over the wreckage, the injured and groaning survivors came to their senses. They were lost in the wilds of the High Andes. But they were alive!”

For more of my reviews, check out
The Grey (2012)
The Grey (2012)
2012 | Action, Drama
7.0 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Is there ever a better match up than Liam Neeson and a good solid action flick? This reviewer thinks not and this is exactly what we have here. However, Joe Carnahan’s latest offering, The Grey is a lot more than the formulaic paint by numbers action movie.

The Grey focuses on a group of men working away from home in the Alaskan oil fields. On their way back to safety, the worst happens and the plane the unlucky fellows are travelling in crashes in spectacular fashion. The crash in the first sequence of the movie is absolutely stunning and one of the best I’ve seen on the silver screen; it even makes the plane crash in the original Final Destination look tame.

The survivors of the plane crash include Neeson’s Alpha male character John Ottway and those of you familiar with the Irishman’s style of acting will know what to expect here; there’s a quiet sense of foreboding throughout and this only adds to the tension which is creatively built up throughout the 117 minute running time.

The team soon realise that they’re being stalked by a pack of hungry wolves that are, shall we say, less than happy about the intruders wandering around their territory and in the usual thriller style, they’re picked off one, by one.

The other male leads include Frank Grillo as the disobedient John Diaz and Joe Anderson as outsider, Todd Flannery. Unfortunately, through no fault of their own, the other actors get lost behind Neeson’s commanding performance, one of the best of his career in fact.

Dialogue and plot generally take a back seat to the scares in this genre of film but thankfully Carnahan and his writing team demand audience respect for these characters and for the most part, it all works and ties together nicely. Ottway is a deeply troubled and desperately unhappy man who on occasions has tried to take his own life. However, once coming face to face with the snarling jaws of a grey wolf, he soon realises that running and fighting for his life is perhaps the best course of action.

Naturally, the Alaskan wilderness provides an eerie and mesmerising setting (there’s not a green screen in sight) and Carnahan cracks up the tension fantastically by not being obvious in his editing. The shots of the CGI and puppet wolves are integrated very well and apart from a few shoddy scenes where it becomes a little obvious they’re not real , the outcome is deeply disturbing and the animals look 100% believable.

Overall, The Grey is everything a thrilling creature feature should be. Director, Joe Carnahan, racks up tension on every occasion physically possible and grabs the audience with beautiful Alaskan scenery dispersed amidst the chaos. Liam Neeson really steals the show with a commanding and heart-wrenching performance whilst his co-stars do well, despite being overshadowed.

The special effects and plot all have depth and this ensures The Grey has enough bite to keep even the most difficult audiences entertained. Yes, it’s a little too long for the genre, but you don’t feel this whilst watching because of how well the film has been crafted. It really is a must watch.
15th Affair
15th Affair
James Patterson | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lindsay Boxer is trying to solve the case of four murders at the Four Seasons. There are just a few things that are getting in her way. First, the only witness is gone and unidentifiable, next a plane crash is causing her case to be put on the back burner and third, and most disturbing is the fact that her husband seems to be somehow involved with all of the above.

Another great Women's Murder Club novel. This one had me on the edge of my seat from the very start. Many twists and I was unsure where it was going to take me. Having been with these characters for so many years, they become like friends that you don't want to see anything happen to I really felt an emotional connection to Lindsay in this book with the trust issues she had going on with her husband. I believe it's something we as women have questions about at least in the back of our mind. We want to trust our spouse's unconditionally, but sometimes that trust can be hard.

I can't wait to see what book 16 has in store for Lindsay.
Broken Realms (The Chronicles of Mara Lantern, #1)
Broken Realms (The Chronicles of Mara Lantern, #1)
D.W. Moneypenny | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

<i>Broken Realms</i> is a brilliant science fiction novel and first installment of <i>The Chronicles of Mara Lantern</i> by D. W. Moneypenny. Set in present day Oregon it deals with metaphysical ideas and bizarre creatures – a very intriguing read.

Mara Lantern is a young adult who has left school to work in a gadget repair shop where her amazing natural talent for restoring machinery is put to good use. At the commencement of the book she is being driven to the airport by her New Age obsessed mother in order to fly out to San Francisco to visit her father. Once the plane is airborne it is clear there is something terribly wrong. Bright blue light flashes throughout the aircraft and the passengers around Mara appear to be distorting: growing fangs and snouts, and changing eye colour. What is even stranger is a redheaded boy is running down the aisle closely pursued by a clone of Mara.

In an attempt at an emergency landing, the plane crashes into the Columbia River – a crash impossible to survive – however everyone does. All the passengers and crew are pulled out of the river unharmed; all except Mara who is strangely found unconscious on the pavement with a head wound.

Detective Daniel Bohannon is assigned to the case investigating the cause of the crash, but when some of the survivors start displaying super-human or animalistic traits it becomes clear this was no ordinary situation.

Whilst the investigation continues, Mara begins to deal with what she saw on the plane. With the help of a fellow survivor, Ping, and the redheaded boy, Sam (who claims he is her brother) she begins to learn that her world, her life and human existence in general is not all she believed it to be.

Although <i>Broken Realms</i> is accurately described as a science fiction and fantasy novel there were times, particularly during the police investigations, that it also felt a little like a crime thriller. There is nothing particularly bad about that but to begin with it was as though there were two different genres competing with each other depending on which character point of view was being read.

What helped to make this book so great were the excellent writing skills of D. W. Moneypenny. It was written so clearly that vivid images came to mind whilst reading. The pace of the narrative was fairly quick and at no point did it ever stop being exciting.

Another good thing (admittedly others may not see it as such) was that there were no romantic attachments between any of the characters to detract from the main storyline. This meant the novel was completely focused on the plot without any unnecessary interruptions.

<i>Broken Realms</i> is a highly recommended book for science fiction and fantasy lovers. It does, however, leave the reader wanting to know what is going to happen next. So now the wait for the next book in <i>The Chronicles of Mara Lantern</i> begins.