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Fluster Cluck
Fluster Cluck
One of the more interesting aspects of the Playstation 4 and Xbox One is that they have allowed many independent publishers to enjoy access to a mass audience in much the same way as Steam did for PC games.

When things like Playstion Plus are factored in in which subscribers are given free access to a series of games each month, and when you look at the price of such games being far lower than a studio release, there has been a rush of developers eager to get out there to the public.

One of the more interesting and humor laden games in this genre has arrived in the form of Fluster Cluck. The game offers a frantic and comedy based adventure where players can play against the system or in a 2vs 2 mode to gather resources for the Chikkinizer.

In a battle of corporate politics, players fly around maps in flying saucers to use their capture beams on cows, camels, and other objects, to transport them to the Chikkinizer for processing. The player with the biggest haul wins the round and then moves onto the next level where it all starts again.

Of course the other players will not go down without a fight and they fire their lasers at you as well as all manner of tricks at their disposal to take you out, distract you, your objectives, and so on.

It can take a few moments to get used to the controls as the left stick moves you and the right stick directs and fires your weapons but in no time flat you will be spinning around. I did have a bit of frustration with the requirement to win the round in order to move on as repeating rounds is never ideal when your getting a sense for the game. We also had some issues with the game not pairing with the Dualshock 4 one evening but that has not happened since and we have been able to play without issues.

The casual graphics and gameplay style are fun but do reflect the independent nature of the game but the developer Loot, knows the audience and infuses the game with as much fun as it can.