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Invincible Summer
Invincible Summer
Alice Adams | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sylvie, Eva, Lucien, and Benedict have been close friends since university. Upon graduation in 1997, they embark into a new world of possibilities - jobs, love, heartbreak, and more. Eva has always carried a torch for Lucien, Sylvie's slightly rough older brother, but during a summer holiday after graduation, she almost wonders if there isn't a spark between her and Benedict. Benedict feels that same spark-- in fact he's been pining for his friend for most of their college days. But the moment passes, and Eva goes on to her high-powered job in finance and Benedict to his life in the world of physics. Sylvie, meanwhile, discovers that life isn't so easy now that she's out of university and trying to realize her dreams of becoming an artist. As for Lucien, he's still a playboy, whose career as a club promoter seems successful, but is there more to his success than meets the eye? Over the years, the four friends will drift in and out of each others' lives and experience the ups and downs of life.

I am not usually a fan of these sorts of novels-- those that span over several years or even decades, chronicling the adventures of oft self-centered adults. But Adams' novel surprised me. While in many ways, nothing much happens; in other cases, everything happens: life. Each chapter lets us hear from the characters in a different month and year of their lives. We hear mostly from Eva's point of view, but also Benedict, Lucien, and Sylvie. In this way, we are bystanders to all of their highs and lows of the friends' lives. It doesn't sound exciting, really, but Adams has a lovely way with words and she somehow draws you into their lives. You get to know each, including their strengths, fears, and foibles.

I found the book oddly captivating and basically read it over the span of 24 hours. In some ways, you probably know some of the outcome, but along the way, the characters experience and endure many unexpected life events. This wasn't the type of book I'd like to read all the time, but I found it well-written, intriguing, and a worthy read. 3.5 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from Netgalley (thank you!); it is available for publication on 5/28/16.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
I didn't think my face could smile for 2 hours and 41 minutes straight!
Guess what? I ventured out on my day off and went to the theatre for the first time in 2019! (I'm such a loser!)

There are so many QT fans out there and probably just as many who think his films are trashy and pointless. As a true film fan, I can't not love not only his unique approach to film-making, but also his appreciation for the art of film and the constant homages he pays to film of year's past.

The first thing to talk about is the film's perfect tone and look of 1969. The costumes, hairstyles and music of the period was right on, but even more than that was the art direction and cinematography. Almost every scene has a vintage movie poster, retro theatre marquee or period television pram playing in the background. This helps you immerse yourself in this cinematic landscape almost immediately.

Can I also say the movie had opening credits! (Bring them back please !?!)

Basically, a Hollywood television/B movie actor and his personal stuntman navigate their Hollywood lifestyles in 1969 amidst the Playboy Mansion and the Charles Manson cult. The roller coaster goes from movie sets to retro Hollywood and everywhere in between. We also meet Sharon Tate. She loves her world of budding stardom and basks in the opportunity to be famous.

QT takes his usual liberties with historical facts, but can't say too much more than that here. If you are used to this in his other films like Inglorious Basterds, it won't bother you here either. He always seems to manage to make every actor look great and brings the best out of them and this film is no exception. Even actors with smaller roles like Al Pacino, Dakota Fanning and Luke Perry shine in their limited screen time.

As usual, his score was playing constantly throughout the film and complemented the situations remarkably well. I am sure I will be downloading some of them for myself later on.

QT has talked about retiring which would be a shame. I have pretty much loved everything he has ever done so losing a truly one of a kind cinematic voice such as his at such a young age would be truly heartbreaking.

Show all 8 comments.

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Jan 9, 2020

I really wish I liked it as much as you do!


Ryan Olson (1 KP) Jun 25, 2020

One of my favorite movies of 2019. It gets even better on repeated viewings

Complicated (Secrets and Lies #2)
Complicated (Secrets and Lies #2)
M.M. Koenig | 2014 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As with book 1, Conflicted, the title of this book is absolutely spot on. It IS complicated, with more secrets, lies, twists and turns than you can shake a stick at. I appear to be having a love/hate relationship with these books because there are quite a few moments when I actually dislike what I'm reading but then it can all swing around at the drop of a hat. For myself, the majority of this book is a 3-star read. It's good, just not anything to shake your pom-poms about. But then, the last 10% of the book happened and wow, it was excellent! It blew me out of the water and I had tears, heart pounding and pulse racing issues whilst I read. It was definitely this portion of the book that upped it to a 4-star read for me.

Okay, so a bit about the characters now. Mia - I still can't get to grips with her. I don't particularly like hearing about her which makes the whole thing a bit difficult when it's written the way it is. Ethan - I actually liked him in the first book but I find myself not wanting them to be together more and more. Ethan spends most of this book making Mia feel guilty over lying to him when he is the one doing the same thing and more. You should not have to walk on eggshells around someone you love or be afraid to ask questions. Their relationship isn't healthy and I keep hoping that Mia will end up with Jackson, the playboy, who has an honest friendship with Mia that could turn into something else given the chance. Bri and Trey have their own hurdles to cross in this book but they tend to take the backseat to everything else.

A difficult book to read or review but I can still recommend it. It is certainly controversial enough to make it stand out from the crowd - you can decide if that's a good thing or not for yourself.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 28, 2015
As She Fades
As She Fades
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Vale McKinley and her boyfriend Crawford have been together since they were six years old. On the night of their high school graduation they are in a terrible car accident that leaves one of them in a coma. The other does their best to visit everyday, but college is just around the corner and they have to make the decision to either move on together or apart. Vale comes from a large family and their support is very important to her. People come in and out Vale and Crawford's lives as they try to deal with the circumstances they are under. The most notable is Slate Allan, a friend to Vale's brother, Knox, whose reputation is not the most desirable. He reads sports magazines and has a heart of gold. Will Vale and Crawford be able to move forward together or is their life better apart?

Thank you to NetGalley and Feiwel & Friends for the opportunity to read and review this book.

Let me say, this book held my attention from the very beginning. Vale is a very interesting character and you immediately want to be her friend and a part of her family. I read this book in 2 days. Wherever I went, I was reading it. There was a huge twist a little more than half way through the book, that made me yell and curse!!

This is a YA Romance book. The characters are all 21 or under and it made me feel a bit nostalgic. Took my back to my college days with roommates and friends all over campus. How much life changes when you get to college.

Vale and Crawford have a lot on their plates. The accident has changed them and made Vale, especially think about her life with and without Crawford. Everything has always been the way he wanted, even the college they both decided to go to was his idea. It's not too bad, though because her brother is there too.

Will this relationship last? Will the past 12 years of their life come to an end after this accident? Will they be able to push through and continue the relationship through college? Will Slate Allan be able to prove to the world what a great guy he is or will his reputation as a playboy be all that anyone will see?

This is the first book I have read by Abbi Glines, but it will not be my last. This book held and kept my attention from the very start until THE END!!
Iron Man (2008)
Iron Man (2008)
2008 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
RDJ as Tony Stark/Iron man The cast Very cool action sequences The soundtrack Tony and Pepper's romance Kicking off the MCU in style (0 more)
Generic third act (0 more)
"I am iron man"
Marking the commencement of Marvel Cinematic Universe, catapulting Robert Downey Jr. into the league of Hollywood's biggest stars & also announcing the arrival of Marvel Studios into motion picture filmmaking for it is their first fully-financed project, Iron Man not only succeeds as a quality blend of style & substance but is also amongst the best origin stories cinema has come up with for a comic book superhero.

Iron Man tells the story of genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist Tony Stark who, while on his tour to war-torn Afghanistan for the demonstration of his new weaponry to United States military, is ambushed & taken hostage by a terrorist group. Working with another captive, he designs an exoskeleton to get out from there & after returning to US further refines his design. The plot covers the change his captivity brings in his entire personality.

Stylishly directed by Jon Favreau, Iron Man aims for the same grounded approach that Christopher Nolan applied in Batman Begins & succeeds amazingly well for the most part. The screenplay is brimming with energy, wit & charm, and is brilliantly written & narrated. Production design provides it a very modern feel, Camerawork is vibrantly carried out, Editing briskly paces the whole story which also benefits from Ramin Djawadi's fitting score as well as clever use of existing songs.

Coming to the acting department, Iron Man features a star-studded cast in Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges & Terrence Howard but the film belongs to Downey Jr. who blazes brightly in red n gold with a performance that's absolutely fantastic, effortlessly charismatic & downright polished. Overshadowing the input of the rest & fitting the suit perfectly, this is one role that couldn't have gone to a better actor & how this gifted talent renders Tony Stark on screen is a further proof of that.

On an overall scale, Iron Man has enough power in it to please both fans of the comics as well as newcomers. Sure its third act isn't as impressive as the first two but the positives eclipse the negatives by a huge margin. Balancing its storytelling aspects with big budget extravaganza to triumph as a work of quality in the eyes of viewers n critics alike, Iron Man is a highly refreshing, wildly entertaining & largely satisfying crowd-pleaser that's hugely responsible for the foundation on which Marvel Studios stands today. Highly recommended.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Solo in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tessa Duvall is an independent artist, who depends on no one but herself. It doesn't matter that she's barely scraping by: she has her pride. When Tessa reluctantly agrees to accompany her best friend, Holly, to a party at the ritzy hotel where Holly works, she isn't expecting much. Tessa isn't one for the lavish affairs that take place at the Grange--a hotel owned by the two incredibly wealthy Monahan brothers. That night, however, Tessa meets Ross Monahan, a renowned playboy. The two have a one-night-stand and Tessa doesn't think much of it: until she realizes she's pregnant. Meanwhile, Holly, spends her entire life throwing herself at Ross' brother, Max, but Max doesn't give her the time of day.

So, while this is a romance, and we're sort of all supposed to know how it ends up, we--as readers--are also supposed to enjoy getting there. It's like the cheesy Christmas movies I've been enjoying during the holiday season. Sure, you know immediately how they will end, but you should like watching the lovelorn workaholic and the handsome Christmas tree farmer fall in love nonetheless. Alas, it just didn't happen for me in this one. The plot was enjoyable at first, but then it just seemed like the same things kept happening over and over. And over. Pregnancies! Weeping! Running away! Angst! Some of the plot twists were just so strange and seemed inserted to keep the book going, but it didn't need to keep going, because it was *lasting forever.*

The majority of the characters annoyed me for most of the novel. Tessa, our supposedly independent heroine, spends a decent chunk of the novel running from her issues. And while I suppose that meant she wasn't running into Ross' arms, it was irritating nonetheless. Ross seemed to just be a cad, and I honestly didn't blame Tessa for avoiding him. The supporting cast was more enjoyable, but after a while, the book seemed bogged down by their own endless problems and "will they or won't they" issues of their own, along with a lot of plot devoted to Ross' exploits. After a while, I really didn't care who ended up with whom, I just wanted it all to be over. I smiled a few times and laughed a bit (Holly is a trip) but overall, this one just irritated me.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review.
Behind the Iron Cross
Behind the Iron Cross
Nicola M. Cameron | 2018 | History & Politics, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
love love LOVED this one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

A sensual heiress, a wounded playboy and the soldier who will serve them both.

Oh I liked this one, I liked it a LOT!!!

Meet Kat, a wealthy business woman trying to help expand her company and repair a very damaged Germany after WW1. Meet Sam, Kat's best friend, fiancee, and her dead brother's lover. And Friedrich, a decommissioned soldier forced to sell his body to keep his widowed sister-in-law and her baby fed.

Like I said, liked it A LOT!

The scene is set with Friedrich going to the club Kat and Sam frequent for the first time. There is am immediate connection between the three, and it burns bright through the whole book. I didn't find it as explicit as some BDSM or menage books, but that might be just me. It IS sexy, oh yes, don't think that it isn't, and what is here is very well written. Maybe it's because a lot of words used were from that time, and not today's words for things. I didn't mind that I didn't find it as explicit, I just needed to mention it!

I LOVED how it all worked though! Kat is a Dom; Sam, a confirmed homosexual (but he can be with women, should he and Kat actually get married and need to produce an heir!) and Friedrich is the glue that binds all three of them together. Kat shows him all kinds of things that he didn't even know existed and Sam shows him just how good it is to be with a man.

I liked the business espionage line, wasn't sure how that was gonna go and I do so love being kept on my toes!

And I absolutely LOVED the solution that Sam comes up with to get Friedrich, Elise and Rudi out of Germany; to give Kat a husband; to give Sam a wife AND heir and for the three of them to be together back in the States. I was reading when Sam was talking and I'm thinking "What the bloody hell is he going on about?" And then, ping! Light bulb moment just a fraction of a sentence before Sam laid it out! Loved it!

First I've read of this author, unless there is something tucked away in a bo x set I might have read. I'd like to read more!

You know what?? I wrote 4.5 stars at the top pf the page when I sat down to write this up, but now? I can't think why I did that, or what to take the half star off for, so . . . .

5 full stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Arthur (2011)
Arthur (2011)
2011 | Comedy
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Arthur Bach is a spoiled, boyish, alcoholic, New York City playboy with amazing hair and heir to the family business and fortune. He and his faithful sidekick Bitterman travel far and wide to have fun and drink. Well, Arthur drinks, Bitterman drives. He is also very dependent on his nanny Hobson who has been with him since he was born and still takes care of him. One day his mother Vivienne decides she’s had it with his antics, embarrassing her and the family company, so she gives him an ultimatum: either he marries Susan Johnson or he will be cut-off and have to fend for himself on the mean streets of New York City.

Though he doesn’t love Susan, he eventually decides to go along with his mother’s wishes and propose to her. But during this time he also meets the enchanting Naomi, an unlicensed tour guide of Grand Central Terminal who has dreams of being a children’s author. As the wedding day draws nearer and nearer, Arthur and Naomi grow closer and closer. Then tragedy strikes. How this affects Arthur could change his entire life. Does he marry Susan and keep his wealth but gain the world’s scariest father-in-law? Does he choose the mean streets of New York City to be with Naomi? Or do he and Bitterman jump into the Batmobile and drive off into the sunset?

This remake of the 1981 movie Arthur honored the wonderful story that many of us know and love from the original film while still possessing its own unique flair. I believe Dudley Moore would have been very happy with Russell Brand’s excellent performance as Arthur Bach (if you disagree, hold a seance and prove me wrong). Helen Mirren does an amazing job as Hobson and she pretty much owns any scene she is in. Nick Nolte & Jennifer Garner were great as Burt (world’s scariest future father-in-law) and Susan Johnson (Arthur’s total-10-on-the-L.A.-scale) fiancee. Last but not least, I thoroughly enjoyed the performances of: Greta Gerwig as Naomi (Arthur’s love interest), Geraldine James as Vivienne Bach (Arthur’s Mom) and Luis Guzman as Bitterman his faithful sidekick and chauffeur (though I do wish Luis would have been given more screen time). The film definitely kept the audiences attention from start to finish but we were all laughing so much that I have to see it again to hear the jokes that I missed the first time.

If you were sober when you saw the original movie you probably remember the key parts of the story line but if not then this movie will seem like an entirely original movie to you.