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Underworld  by Tonight Alive
Underworld by Tonight Alive
2018 | Alternative, Pop, Rock
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Album Rating
Have played this album on repeat all year
I stumbled up on this album on Spotify when I should have been doing uni work. The plan was to find a band I didn't know and listen to them so I had some background noise and I wouldn't get distracted. Unfortunately it took a few loops off this album to realise, I was dancing in the chair more than typing words to a page.

So, Tonight Alive are a band from Australia and the album also features other artists, one well known one being the lead singer of Slipknot and although I'm not a fan of Slipknot, boy can that guy sing well in the track "Underworld" I beautiful ballad.

At the time of first binging this album, I was suffering with sciatica and the track "Temple" was fun to listen to because hey my body IS a temple and "why does it hurt like hell?" The album has a range of tracks from get up on your feet and hop around shaking your head (unless you have sciatica or a slipped disc) to the ones where you will happily push out a ballad in almost perfect harmony while have a shower.

I wish I had listened to this band in my younger days where sciatica wasn't an issue but alas, it has been my go-to album... Even when I start to drift a way, I find myself putting this one back on while doing the school run. It has gotten to a point where my kids know the words to the songs. The songs are written with such poetry, filled will beautiful imagery that makes me sometimes question my descriptive work but yes, this band is so talented and I hope one day I get to see them live.
Letter to My Daughter
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maya Angelou has long been one of my favorite authors. I have even performed her poetry during my high school day in regional speech & debate tournaments. [b:I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings|13214|I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings|Maya Angelou||1413589] was her first book that I read as an adolescent. Her words are always inspiring and listening to her read [b:Letter to My Daughter|4016515|Letter to My Daughter|Maya Angelou||4062985] was incredible. Reading her books always leave me feeling refreshed and alive, but hearing the emotion in her voice while she was reading her words, gives the book even more enjoyable. Hearing her voice crack as she talks about being beaten and raped almost brought me to tears. It made me feel a deeper connection to Ms. Angelou.

It's ironic that this book is called <u>Letter to My Daughter</u> when Maya Angelou doesn't have a daughter. She claims women such as Oprah Winfrey, Rosa Johnson Butler, Valerie Simpson, Brenda Crisp, and Frances Berry allowed her to be a mother to them. This book goes through different aspects of Maya Angelou's life from childhood living with her grandmother, to becoming an undeveloped woman who thought sex would bring in her breasts. And it did, but they were filled with milk.

We as women go through many struggles in life. A lot of the time, we put ourselves on the back burner in order to take care of those around us. In this book, Maya Angelou proves to us that no matter the struggle, if we work hard and put ourselves first, we can accomplish anything. She had it just as hard, actually harder than any of us and look at all she had done in this world.

I recommend this book to all the women I know. It will leave you feeling empowered, strong and on top of the world.
Ayesha At Last
Ayesha At Last
Uzma Jalaluddin | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A book that deserves to be read A LOT!!
I absolutely adored this book. If I could unread it and then read it again for the first time, I would!
It’s Pride and Prejudice set in modern Canada with a Muslim cast. Ayesha wants to work to pay her Uncle back for all the help he has given her and her family, but her real love is poetry, not teaching High School. She is asked by her rather spoilt cousin, Hafsa, to cover for her at a mosque event meeting under the guise of being Hafsa. There, she meets Khalid, and finds herself falling for a devout, conservative Muslim - something she doesn’t want to do - who is also shy, kind and handsome. However, when Khalid’s controlling mother organises marriage between the real Hafsa and Khalid, knowing the identity of the Hafsa that Khalid has met, both Khalid and Ayesha realise that they haven’t necessarily got what they want.
There was so much heart in this story - I particularly loved the characters of Nani and Nana. They acted as the voice of reason on more than one occasion. I also loved the Shakespeare quotations: Nani always had the right quote at exactly the right time (and it was all very meta - Shakespeare quotes in an Austen retelling!).
Even the more unsavoury characters were written in such a way that I felt sorry for them - life and experiences clearly making them the way they were.
I read this on The Pigeonhole app (one section, or stave, per day for ten days) and I can honestly say that I looked forward to every single stave. If I’d had the book in my hand, I would have read it in one sitting. So I’m actually glad that The Pigeonhole forced me to savour and enjoy this gorgeous book for longer. It deserves to be savoured, and it deserves to be read a lot too!!
I really do highly recommend this book!