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Crystal (148 KP) rated Pokemon Go in Apps

Jun 9, 2018  
Pokemon Go
Pokemon Go
Excuse to go outside. (1 more)
Catching Pokemon
Hard to track specific Pokemon. The original tracker was so much better. (1 more)
Raids require a group and set time frames
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu  (2019)
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
Very good and better than I thought. (0 more)
Needed more pokemon to introduced. (0 more)
Very good just I thought there would be more of a range of pokemon.
Pokemon Colosseum
Pokemon Colosseum
2003 | Action/Adventure
Great looking 3D graphics the first ever 3D graphics on a Pokemon game of the traditional RPG genre (1 more)
Very interesting ambitious story that definitely goes to a different direction
The game is rather Limited in how many Pokemon you can catch which would definitely be a big turn-off for any big Pokemon fans (1 more)
The game has a somewhat straightforward game progression and you pretty much have to fast travel everywhere which takes away a lot of the exploration aspects that the franchise is so known for
Probably the most ambitious Pokemon game ever
Contains spoilers, click to show
This game is truly unique within the Pokemon franchise

It was the first ever Pokemon game put out on the a non handheld console

That was considered a turn based RPG yes you had games like Pokemon Stadium and Pokemon snap but those
Where attempts at Different genres

But rather than follow the time-tested formula that people love so much they decided to go in a very experimental path featuring story revolving around a Pokemon

Thief That would steal other people's Pokemon

Game had a very solid storyline but it definitely suffers

Constraining level designs the small amount of Pokemon available and the lack of the overall charm of the franchise