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Pokemon Ultra Sun
Pokemon Ultra Sun
2017 | Action/Adventure
New adventure fun (0 more)
Simplified gameplay (0 more)
It lacks the challenge of former games, and the need to perform tasks to get to gym leaders grew tedious. That said if I don't compare it to others in the series, I enjoyed it as a game with pokemon. And so many new cute pokemon too!

Liliannar (58 KP) rated Pokemon Go in Apps

Jun 1, 2018  
Pokemon Go
Pokemon Go
Active (1 more)
Quests to complete
Frequent crashing (0 more)
This game has continued to grow since it was introduced almost two years ago. There are now well over 300 unique Pokemon to collect. The game can be played with different goals depending on the player.

Many players play with the goal of simply catching all the available Pokemon while others play to take control of gyms and be the ultimate battle trainer. Find what aspect of the game you enjoy and get to walking in your community to find Pokemon.
Pokemon Colosseum
Pokemon Colosseum
2003 | Action/Adventure
A lot of uniqueness and style not not seen elsewhere in the franchise (0 more)
Tedious grinding gameplay slow animations makes fights even longer (0 more)
A wild offbeat detour in the Pokemon world
Pokemon Colosseum is one of those rare occasions where a establish franchise decides to really experiment and the end result well not quite Frankenstein it's definitely not the Mona Lisa either

The game centers around West a strong silent rebellious youth it was formerly a member of the games antagonist organization which is a big departure from the main characters you usually play in the Pokemon games

The first missed opportunity is that this never speaks which makes it really hard to connect with the character

One of the key features of the game is the ability to steal certain Pokemon from trainers this is a unique way to acquire Pokemon also very against the usual moral compass of the characters you play in the Pokemon series the game

doesn't have wild encounters which means you only have certain Pokemon you can get and that's it I believe there's like 40 something all together which is a insanely low amount when considering how many Pokemon the franchise had at this point

The game also was mostly comprised of 2 on 2 Pokemon battles something you really never see have such a focus it is a fresh idea and it does make for some interesting enemy encounters the animations are quite slow also the fact that you want to fight are inherently slower than normal it's quite easy to fall asleep at the controller

Don't get me wrong though I do really enjoy this game such a breath of fresh air for this franchise

So many interesting ideas I even loved the world I know it's part of the same world as the rest of the games but this region just feels so vastly different it has a very barren wasteland mad Max type of style to it

If you are a big Pokemon fan you should try this game for sure

Presley (5 KP) rated Pokémon GO in Apps

May 31, 2018  
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO
Games, Health & Fitness
The fun of being able to catch pokemon on the go (0 more)
Have to be able to be mobile (0 more)
If you are someone who isn't able to leave their house then the app isn't that fun. I'm a full-time mom, and it's not ideal to go walking around to capture Pokemon with an infant. -_-

AT (1676 KP) rated Pokémon GO in Apps

Sep 2, 2018  
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO
Games, Health & Fitness
Yes, people DO still play Pokemon Go! Lots of people! Check out any monthly community day, and you'll be surrounded by other Pokemon trainers, loving the game just as much as you will. It's an easy, fun game to play. The games tasks and Pokemon get updated often enough to keep you interested. There have been some issues that people have complained about after the last major update, but I haven't had them, and hopefully for those that have, they'll get updated and fixed soon. Nothing terrible, just a little annoying for this short bit of time. The game, itself, is great fun. Lots of Pokemon around to catch, and lots of goals and tasks to achieve. It's a really fun app!

Powerdriven (2 KP) rated Pokémon GO in Apps

May 25, 2018  
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO
Games, Health & Fitness
You can play it everywhere. It is easy to pick up, learn and play. (0 more)
Needs more balance with certain Pokemon. (0 more)
Play anywhere

Pigeon_soup (0 KP) rated Pokémon GO in Apps

Apr 2, 2018  
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO
Games, Health & Fitness
A tiresome grindfest that requires far to much time investment to progress your pokemon. But otherwise a decent app, fairly intuitive.
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu  (2019)
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
I grew up with Pokemon, so I have really enjoyed its comeback in recent years. This movie was a fun new addition to the world. After seeing this I once again wish pokemon were real so I could have a snorlax. Overall its a great bit of nostalgia that I think a new generation of kids will enjoy.

David Betteridge (327 KP) rated Pokémon GO in Apps

May 13, 2020 (Updated May 13, 2020)  
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO
Games, Health & Fitness
pokemon (1 more)
Easy to use
all the walking! (0 more)
I wanna be the very best!
Love this game, it is a great take on the original format, me and my son love taking a walk on an evening looking for new Pokemon together. It is very easy to use, and becomes very addictive trying to catch them all!