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Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Late Night (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Late Night (2019)
Late Night (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Show me Emma Thompson in a trailer and I'll show you a film that's going to the top of my must-see list. Comedy, drama, she can do it all, and as Katherine Newbury she got to do a bit of both.

Katherine is losing her TV show after years of being a late night icon. Where she wants serious and respectable guests, viewers tastes are edging ever closer to internet and pop culture celebs. She needs some fresh and relevant content, but the team is lacking fresh blood and the ideas just aren't coming.

Molly longs for a change of pace from working at the plants and she takes a chance and gets herself an opportunity to interview for the writing team. Pressured by Katherine to get results, Brad hires Molly to start on the entirely male team despite her less than popular when she takes the place of their recently fired colleague.

Mindy Kaling has done a great job on the script for Late Night, it's funny but still manages to transition to more serious moments. The characters all make great connections and Katherine and Molly are particularly fun together once Molly is able to break the tough shell of Katherine. The only slight quibble about it is that a couple of times I felt things didn't need to be there, but those scenes still worked well.

The story may be a new take, but it's a tale as old as time in this sort of comedy. It's predictable but in a way that you love because the chemistry on screen is so good and the outcome is genuinely what you want.

Emma Thompson on screen is a delight, there's even one point where we see her contemplating and she looks like a Jack Vettriano. The woman is a masterpiece. She can play anything (well, apart from a yeti, but that was more to do with the terrible scripting) and the role of Katherine really does come to life in her hands.

Kaling as Molly is a delight to see. Her always upbeat nature and genuine love for what she's doing shines through bringing a beautiful partnership out between her and Katherine.

The supporting cast is full of faces you'll recognise and all of them help this light-hearted comedy becomes something that genuinely made me smile.

Late Night was an unsurprising hit with me, when you have so many great things it's very difficult to create something bad.

What you should do

Have you looked at the news or Twitter today and sighed at just how depressing the world can be? If yes, go and see Late Night for a great mood lifter. If no, go and see Late Night for a great mood lifter.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

That suit Katherine wears right at the end of the movie... amazing.
Anger Management: The Complete Guide to Achieve Self-Control, Overcome Impulsiveness, and Managing Your Emotions by Tommy Foster has a title (or rather a subtitle) that is a little on the long side, but I am pleased to say that this is not a long winded book. The book can be finished in a day or two but I encourage those looking to benefit from it to read it slower.

This book rightly starts out with a disclaimer that it is not responsible for anything that someone may decide to do after reading it. It then moves onto an introduction and explains what anger is and where it comes from. These ideas will continue to pop up through the remainder of the book. It talks about the different types of anger that someone can have depending on what is going on internally and what caused the anger in the first place. Once of the main focuses of this book was how anger can effect our lives and relationships in both a positive and negative way depending on how we handle the anger itself. The ways that anger can do damage to our own self-image and even cause an endless loop of brooding and depression are also discussed at length.

Once the background information has been well established the book moves on to different ways of managing anger. Multiple ideas are offered. Some such ideas are to try to see things through the eyes of the person you are angry at or to actively listen because miscommunication could be an underlying cause. There is even an entire section towards the end devoted towards anger in the home and how to fix it before it gets out of hand and tears the family apart.

I liked how this book presented anger as a natural and healthy emotion. All too often anger is seen as a negative emotion and this book works to dispel that myth. The tone is also understanding and offering explanation instead of condescending, a welcome change. What I didn’t like is that unfortunately this book is in desperate need of a good editor. I am not typically one to complain about spelling or grammar but this book had issues that I could not ignore. In spots it actually becomes difficult to read because of these errors and the wording.

People wanting to get a handle on their anger will benefit from this book the most. At the same time those who find themselves frequently around someone who has problems with how they express anger will benefit by learning where that anger comes from. I rate this book a 2 out of 4. While this book really could be a helpful guide I can not give it a higher score in its present state. People that feel they could benefit from a self-help book such as this one are encouraged to ignore the errors and read it anyway.
Again, But Better
Again, But Better
Christine Riccio | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trigger warnings:
a crazy amount of ableist language, cheating, grey area cheating, and sexual assault in the form of an unwanted kiss.

When you read a synopsis, you kind of expect the book to be somewhat similar and Again, but Better followed the synopsis but also, didn’t? I really wanted to like this but it just was not for me. I originally rated this 3.5 stars but I am dropping it down to 2 stars.

Again, but Better follows Shane as she makes a change to her constant everyday life and moves to London for a semester abroad. From zero friends, no social life, and a non existent romance life, Shane hopes that moving abroad will help her make college better than what she’s been experiencing. Because college is supposed to be all fun and games and parties and boys, right?

Well, once Shane gets to London, she soon finds that college there is not all it seems. She is faced with complicated realities of living outside of the bubble she has been living in. Her self-doubt also comes swooping in, helping to tear the new life Shane so desperately was trying to make for herself, fall even more apart. But, finding the right amount of courage and determination, one can conquer anything that is thrown at them. Throw in a little fate and magic, the possibilities become endless.

The writing wasn’t bad at all, but it was the plot and characters that had me feeling off. There was also little details that were repeated quite often, like we get it Europe has different laws than America. You don’t have to keep talking about it. And how some of the characters talked about their relationships. *cough* Pilot *cough* Also, can we talk about the Young Adult feels this gives off? It was classified as New Adult but doesn’t have any of the NA feels.

There was also the ending that really threw me for a loop. I was okay with the first portion of the book, but the twist at the end had me all sorts of confused. Certain parts of the story didn’t connect with other parts and I really had a hard time following along. I was also frustrated with all of the pop culture references. There were SO MANY OMG. Honestly, the book felt like it was built specifically around all of those references and it got boring, FAST.

One thing I enjoyed was the social anxiety rep and the diverse character cast. The main characters were white and straight so that was a bit of a let down, but the minor characters were of different sexualities and race. I feel Again, but Better is a bit of a hit or miss when it comes to reading. So, take my thoughts and do what you so please.

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JT (287 KP) rated World War Z (2013) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
World War Z (2013)
World War Z (2013)
2013 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Zombies, they’ve been around for a while now in all shapes and sizes, yet like the walking undead the genre shows no signs of dying out. Director Marc Forster teams up with Brad Pitt for a zombie horror (if you can really call it that) which travels the world in search of a vaccine that will stop the world’s population being wiped out.

It doesn’t take long for the first action set piece to explode into life, as Pitt and his family face a race against time to get out of New York city and off the streets as the zombie pandemic takes a grip. It’s certainly enough to hold your attention as we watch the transformation. People scampering this way and that as hordes of zombies swarm the streets like rats coming up from the sewer.

Gerry secures safety on board one of the few remaining battleships and is told that he must join the fight to find a cure, or head back to hell with his family in tow. He then jets off on a whistle stop tour taking him to South Korea, Israeli and of all places Wales (that got a chuckle from the audience) where each destination kicks off another exciting and thoroughly enjoyable zombie set piece.

However one thing is missing from this film, something vital that sets it apart from others, gore. Given the PG-13 rating certain scenes cut away from anything resembling graphic violence, which was a massive shame. The lack of flesh eating action which fans are used to seeing is a real disappointment. It is an element that could have taken this film from good to great and I felt like I had been cheated out of my ticket price.

Forster’s CG zombie hordes are impressive, particularly rampaging through the Israeli back streets and the film certainly delivers on some slick tension with one or two jump out of your seat moments. But for me it’s not enough to carry the entire film through, and when things quieten down you’re not left with much else to fill the time before the next shit hitting fan moment.

The occasional plot hole threatens to rear its ugly head, and given the size of the budget the ending is a real let down, but it clearly hints at a potential sequel. If they choose to go down that route then blood must be spilled and lots of it. The acting in World War Z is hardly filled with standouts, and with the exception of Pitt, most only pop up from time to time. Like Matthew Fox’s paratrooper which pretty much feels like a cameo and James Badge Dale’s Captain Speke, around for minutes before taking one to the head.

Visually it’s great there is no question about that, the zombies are terrifying but it needed just a little bit more to push it into the front as one of the better zombie flicks.
The Missing Ones
The Missing Ones
Edwin Hill | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Research librarian Hester Thursby returns in THE MISSING ONES, but she's not the same. Shaken by the traumatic series of events that occurred in book one, Hester is anxious and guilty. This affects her parenting of four-year-old, Kate, the daughter of her partner Morgan's sister, Daphne. (Follow that?) Daphne has now been gone for over a year, and Hester and Morgan are still caring for Kate. Meanwhile, on Finisterre Island in Maine, Rory, a local cop, is watching the ferry come in yet again. He's ignoring the whispers and suspicion of others on the island, who believe he is responsible for taking Oliver, a four-year-old who disappeared over the summer--and whom Rory found, safe and sound. Now another child is missing. Soon Hester gets a text--asking her to come to the island. In short order, she'll find a body there, and connect it to the missing children. But Finisterre Island is a small place, and not one to give up its secrets easily.

Reading this novel has definitely secured Edwin Hill and the Hester Thursby series as a go-to author/series combo for me. This was an excellent and compelling read. Hester is a wonderful, complex protagonist, and I hated to see her so fragile and struggling. I love Hill's stable of regular characters--Hester, Morgan, Kate, and their dog, Waffles. Plus, several folks from the last book pop up again, which was fun. Always hovering in the background is the missing Daphne, and Hester's complicated feelings: Daphne is her best friend; Morgan's sister; and Kate's mother. Of course she wants her back in their lives, but by now, she fiercely loves Kate and feels like her mother. It adds a deeper layer to the books and an aspect that I really enjoy. And Kate, while "just" four, is a total trip. I love that kid.

The mystery presented here is wonderfully plotted and complex. Introducing Finisterre Island gives us a whole host of new characters: Rory; Annie, Faith, and young Ethan, who are all squatting in a broken down Victorian on the Island; Lydia, Oliver's mother, who runs the local inn and bakery and her husband Trey, a state cop; and others. With a small island comes intense and tangled relationships, and Hill presents and handles them all deftly. The story kept me guessing and intrigued--fascinated both by the murder and mysteries, as well as Hester's own personal issues. Seeing a vulnerable side to her was difficult due to my adoration for her character, but it was so well-done. And, of course, she's still able to solve crimes, because she's amazing.

Overall, this was an excellent read. I love Hester--and her little created family. Hill is an amazing writer and does a great job at creating a suspenseful world that easily sucks you in. 4.5 stars.
Dracula Untold (2014)
Dracula Untold (2014)
2014 | Action, Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
7.0 (26 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The latest Dracula movie attempts to honor an ancient story while adding some new spice and bringing the usual graphics flair we’ve come to expect from Hollywood, but falls short.

Dracula Untold, as the name implies, is an origin story for the pop culture father-of-all-vampires. Luke Evans bears the mantle of Prince Vlad Tepes of the Dracula Clan. (Not Count, but Prince.) What about the King, you ask? Well, they didn’t cover this, but there is no King.

Luke Evans is one of my favorite actors in Hollywood right now, and he does this role justice. The rest of the cast contributed solid performances as well, as best they could with sub par script, and poor direction. Charles Dance was a particular pleasure to witness.

This film is Gary Shore’s directorial debut, and it’s easy to see the marks of a neophyte director. Had it been in the hands of someone more experienced, it would have been a juggernaut of a Fall film. Even so, he did pretty well enough, all things considered. According to his work history, Shore was an electrician until 1998, then disappeared until 2014. This is his second film so far this year.

Dracula Untold opens with the story of Vlad the Impaler, as told by his son. Vlad was shipped off to the Turks to become a trained and conditioned weapon. He earned his title by impaling an entire village for the Turkish army. Vlad was a deadly force on the battlefield, but they eventually allowed him to go home, where he could start a family and rule Transylvania. It is painfully obvious that the usual blood-thirsty character was meant to become a hero for this new tale.

The Turks return to take more boys, like they did him, but he refuses. This draws the Turks’ ire, and they demand retribution for the insult and insubordination. Desperate, he seeks out a monster in the mountains who was the REAL first vampire — a man who made a deal with a demon.

Vlad is granted temporary powers, paying a heavy price in the process. After this, the story really ramps up.

This film left me feeling as if something was missing. I attribute this to missing explanations, plot holes (like the lack of King), and several other missteps. Normally, I can look past plot holes. A strong enough movie will keep me from noticing them until I’m rethinking it later. In this case, they were too distracting. The music was unimpressive and not at all memorable. The one liners were forced and distracting, instead of powerful and emotional.

This movie is worth seeing if you’re a fan of vampires in general or Dracula in particular. That said, I wouldn’t advise high expectations. Great aspects were abundant, but there were just as many failings. If you feel compelled to see it, wait until you can see it at home, and save the money.
Parade by Prince and The Revolution
Parade by Prince and The Revolution
1986 | Soundtrack, Psychedelic
5.5 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Temple, Texas is very religious. A lot of churches and fast food restaurants. Football is really big in the city. And around 15, I was starting to realize that this type of environment didn’t feel good to me. By then I was into new wave music. There were cultural dividing lines: Metalheads had a thing, country western people had a thing, and the popular kids might have been more into pop-rock. But if you were into Art of Noise, New Order, the Cure, and Depeche Mode, it was a little weird. I had a lot of friends on the soccer team who thought I was queer. But there was a group of people in my high school who knew about these bands. We all dressed a little bit funny and we would catch hell for it. There were fights for sure. If you went to the mall or a party, there was always a chance that someone was going to want to fuck with you. I got in a fight in a classroom when a guy made fun of my Frankie Goes to Hollywood shirt. I took that very personally and knocked him on his ass. And I got sent to the principal for that, and I had to bend over his desk, and he swatted me. A lot of cowboys would call me and my friends “queer bitches.” So we adopted it and started calling each other that. It took some sting out of it. One time, this guy called my friend a “queer bitch,” and my friend licked his hand and wiped it on a cowboy’s truck and said, “Yeah, that’s right—and I got those AIDS.” The cowboy flipped out and drove off. Parade by Prince came out right when I was 15, and I was obsessed with him. I got that album the day it was released. The single “Kiss” had come out before, and the very first time I heard it I was like, “How could there be a better single than this?” It’s just undeniable. That song became what a single was to me—something stripped down, so you could focus on a few key elements that were just perfect. Prince was just the coolest, most creative thing happening. And he could fucking dance. I always thought the coolest job would be to make records, but for a long time I didn’t really think about how I would go about that. I just thought, “Something will happen.” And then I got wise and learned how to play an instrument. When I was 16, a girl I had a crush on left for college, and I borrowed a friend’s acoustic guitar and taught myself to play it as I was recovering/suffering from my first real breakup. I was pretty devastated. I would come home from school every day and just be in my room playing guitar and thinking about her, writing letters, listening to records."

Stop Making Sense by Talking Heads
Stop Making Sense by Talking Heads
1984 | Rock
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Psycho Killer by Talking Heads

(0 Ratings)


"The ‘60s things we’ve discussed were a really big influence on me - it almost seemed like an early dream - but then I got into the Bowie, glam rock thing, which was my first choice of things in a way. That led me into New York punk rock and that’s the bit that made me pick up the guitar. I’d played the guitar a bit, but along with Television, Talking Heads made me want to be in a band and that whole scene inspired me much more than English punk rock. That time very much felt like a new chapter - ‘out with the old, and in with the new’ - and I guess that’s what punk rock was, but I thought a lot of the English punk bands were a bit crap. There were a few good ones and a lot of people talk about The Clash and The Pistols, but for me it was Patti Smith, Talking Heads, Blondie, MC5, New York Dolls and Iggy Pop. I loved all that stuff and it somehow seemed to fit with glam rock, with Bowie, Roxy Music and Marc Bolan and led me into Talking Heads and that whole thing. When I was an unemployed kid I’d get the bus into town, wander around and meet loads of people who wanted to form bands. There weren’t many people into The Velvet Underground back then, which I was at the time and I was a bit of a misfit in many ways. Matthew Street in Liverpool was a run-down area of empty warehouses then and there was nothing much there, but I met a lot of likeminded people around a warehouse called The Liverpool School of Music, Dream, Art and Pun and that was where I first met a lot of the guys who ended up in my first band. Opposite to that there was a record shop called Probe, a tea rooms and a club called Eric’s, and they became the centre of my everyday existence. Eric’s was set up by a guy called Roger Eagle who had been in Manchester. He was a Northern Soul DJ and a music aficionado and was heavily involved in the scene. Although those bands weren’t mainstream at that point, I got to see them all at Eric’s, which was brilliant. We got let into the gigs for free in return for helping them to carry amps and I got to chat to all of the bands that I loved at the time. As a song, “Psycho Killer” really stood out. It was very compelling and there was the whole idea of how David Byrne looked like he was a college professor or something, he was so awkward and gangly, but he had brilliant words. I remember thinking at the time ‘He’s not singing about the usual things, how are these words in a song? How do you do this?!’"

Murder at Sea Captain’s Inn
Murder at Sea Captain’s Inn
Melissa Bourbon | 2021 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Lane women are so genuinely interesting, I keep coming back for more.
The Book Magic Mystery series is such a splendid way to spend a couple of hours. It starts with a curse; the women in the family are doomed to die in childbirth and their men doomed to be taken by the sea. Add in the special power the women sometimes have as bibliomancers, that in itself makes this series intriguing. What avid reader wouldn’t want to be able to do that?

In Murder at Sea Captain’s Inn, Pippin and her brother Grey are the latest descendents of the Lane family. Pippin is desperate to find a way to break the family curse if only to save her brother from his seemingly preordained fate. She has turned the house they inherited from their parents into a bed and breakfast and she has her hands full with the grand opening. It is bad enough that one of her guests has turned up dead, but as Pippin gets pulled into investigating, it turns out that the woman may have known something about the curse that has been following the Lanes for the past two millennia.

Melissa Bourbon knows how to tell a story. Honestly, that is all that needs to be said.

There is so much going on in the 250+ pages of this book. Pippin has picked up her father’s investigation into her lineage and is learning to have confidence in her role as a biblimancer. That narrative alone is fascinating. I could read a 500 page book on that aspect of the story alone. The Lane women are so genuinely interesting, I keep coming back for more.

I truly enjoyed the tidbits of archeology and history laced into the plot. With a budding archaeologist in the house, I admit to being just a little too excited to read about optically stimulated luminescence in the course of a mystery novel. I mean that doesn’t just pop up in a typical conversation. I also love that I didn’t see whodunnit until it was explained. When Pippin figured it out, I was hoping she was wrong because I just didn’t want to believe it, but of course it was there in the clues the whole time. How did I miss it? Simply put, the clues are so subtly woven into the story that it is easy to forget that we, as readers, are here to help Pippen solve a mystery.

I do think this reads well as a stand alone if this is your first experience with the series. Still, book 1 and its prequel are so worth the effort. The story isn’t all told yet, so I will be back for more.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
I received an advance review copy for free through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, and I am leaving this review voluntarily
The Broken Hearts Gallery (2020)
The Broken Hearts Gallery (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Lucy (Geraldine Viswanathan) works in a very well-known art gallery owned by the ever so extraordinary Eva Woolf (Bernadette Peters). It has been a dream of hers since she was very young to work as a curator in a gallery and she is starting as an assistant at “The Woolf”.

She has been seeing Max (Utkarsh Ambudkar), the gallery curator for a while. Helping him with information on the artists as well as the likes and dislikes of Eva. On the night of the latest show launch, Eva asks Lucy to step to the podium and introduce Max so he could open the show. In a matter of minutes, Lucy loses her job and is dumped.

Lucy, having been through a traumatic loss, mistakenly hops into a stranger’s car under the assumption that it was her uber. She then proceeds to tell the driver of her night of disaster without registering that she is in the car of a stranger that is not her uber driver. Come to find out, the driver, Nick (Dacre Montgomery) is a budding hotelier trying to build a small boutique hotel.
He drops her off at the apartment, where her roommates immediately cocoon her in a dance that they have done oh so many times.

She has known Nadine (Phillipa Soo) and Amanda (Molly Gordon) since they were in high school. This trio is the partner in crime type of best friends. The interactions between them is so well coordinated I believed that they have been the closest of friends for ages. The same goes for Nick and his best friend Marcos (Arturo Castro).

.This film is the perfect Romantic Comedy that is very well suited for this moment in time.

It is a well-deserved salve on the dearth of darkness in cinema as of late. The lines are funny, the timing of the responses, quick and clever. It is also quirky and charming as well as emotional and sweet.

Natalie Krinsky, the Writer and Director had cast the characters perfectly. The actors drew me into the film as I laughed at their escapades, vicariously experienced celebrations. This movie was a joy to watch. It was sweet, funny, clever, and heartwarming.

Viswanathan embodied Lucy. The character is of the modern twenty something woman in hipsterville. She showed that Lucy is intelligent, imperfect and at times, insecure, but she is brave and willing to forge through anything.

The soundtrack is fantastic, the songs support the scenes and it is a veritable list of the current pop artists that are played in daily rotation.

Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Halsey, Rita Ora, Ariana Grande, and Selena Gomez who is an executive producer on the film.
If this is the direction of the modern romantic comedy, I look forward to the development of this genre as it grows. I rarely want to watch most films a second time. If you like the Romcom, this is one that is thoroughly enjoyable. Well worth the time and the ticket.