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The Peace and The Panic by Neck Deep
The Peace and The Panic by Neck Deep
2017 | Alternative, Pop, Punk
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Album Rating
Peace Panic Pop Punk
Neck Deep, most well known for their song, "December", came to turn the amps up to 11. Mostly known for a more acoustic sound that lends itself to pop punk, the Welsh five-piece has brought a full electric, high-energy album to bear on an audience that didn't know we needed more pop punk anthems.

The album mostly deals with mature themes of growing older, as well as the state of the world and losing people close to you. The lead singer, Ben Barlow's, father died during their writing of this album and it shows in the emotional lyrics and texture of the songs.

The album starts out with the more jump-up-and-down and blast-your-car-stereo tunes until getting in the last half of the album with a couple more ballad-y titles like "Wish You Were Here" and "Nineteen Seventy-Something".

Some favorite tracks of mine are the more Alt-rock sounding "Happy Judgement Day" and "Don't Wait, as well as the emotional "Nineteen Seventy-Something" and the deceptively Happy-sounding "Where Do We Go When We Go".

Considering I had been under the impression that this genre had died, this album is a breath of fresh air from a vista of young adult, relatable angst that I had forgotten how to express.
Is This Thing Cursed? by Alkaline Trio
Is This Thing Cursed? by Alkaline Trio
2018 | Pop, Punk
6.2 (5 Ratings)
Album Rating
Familiar, catchy and darkly themed Pop-punk (0 more)
Not many tracks stand out on initial listen(s) (0 more)
Good to be back, but not great.
Alkaline Trio are one of my favourite bands, combining my love of catchy pop-punk with dark (often horror) themes.

They have been releasing good albums for 20-odd years now, and their wry wit and ear for a catchy tune have made them a special place in my heart.

This new release is the first since Matt Skiba joined up with Blink 182, and is a reassuring return to their sound of recent years, with a focus on dark but polished pop-punk.

I have struggled to pick out many tunes that leap from the album and into a best of playlist, with most tunes being enjoyable without really standing on their own.

This may not be a bad thing necessarily, and it may just necessitate additional listens, but after 2 album long listens, I still maintain this position.

I think this is an album for the fans, one that consolidates their fanbase by giving them a solid, safe and unadventurous collection of songs that reassures them that the Trio are still around, but not wanting to risk being accused of changing their sound because of Skiba's involvements elsewhere.

A good album, a 7/10 at this point, but I may revisit later, as sometimes they can grow on you over time.

Charli XCX recommended track I Want Candy by Bow Wow Wow in I Want Candy by Bow Wow Wow in Music (curated)

I Want Candy by Bow Wow Wow
I Want Candy by Bow Wow Wow
2003 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

I Want Candy by Bow Wow Wow

(0 Ratings)


"I cover this song quite a lot—I’m really into dumb, hook-y choruses. That’s my favorite thing about pop music, when a song is so dumb that it’s clever; ’I Want Candy’ is a perfect example of that. I also love the singer Annabella Lwin, how she was 15 years old and punk as fuck. I listen to this song before I go on stage, and it always makes me feel free"

Revolution Radio by Green Day
Revolution Radio by Green Day
2016 | Alternative
7.8 (5 Ratings)
Album Rating
Fantastic Lyrics (1 more)
Brilliant Riffs
A Triumphant Piece Of Punk Pop
American Idiot is a modern classic and 21st Century Breakdown is a masterpiece and while this doesn't quite reach the heights of those two records, it is still pretty great. The record has it's highlight tracks, but as a whole it is engaging, thought provoking and exciting to listen to. The trio have still got their flair and they prove that they are at the peak of their technical musicianship at this point.