Dangerous Curves: Action Heroines, Gender, Fetishism, and Popular Culture
Dangerous Curves: Action Heroines, Gender, Fetishism, and Popular Culture addresses the conflicted...

Hidden in Plain Sight: Jews and Jewishness in British Film, Television, and Popular Culture
Nathan Abrams and Phyllis Lassner
Hidden in Plain Sight: Jews and Jewishness in British Film, Television, and Popular Culture is the...
Reading the Psychosomatic in Medical and Popular Culture: Something. Nothing. Everything
Pain. Chronic digestive symptoms. Poor sleep. Neuropathy. Sensory disturbances. Fatigue. Panic....

How Zombies Conquered Popular Culture: The Multifarious Walking Dead in the 21st Century
Since the early 2000s, popular culture has experienced a "Zombie Renaissance," beginning in film and...

Bruce Springsteen and Popular Music: Rhetoric, Social Consciousness, and Contemporary Culture
This interdisciplinary volume enters the scholarly conversation about Bruce Springsteen at the...

Popular Culture and Political Agency in Early Modern England and Ireland: Essays in Honour of John Walter
Michael J. Braddick and Phil Withington
One of the most notable currents in social, cultural and political historiography is the...

Clampdown: Pop-cultural Wars on Class and Gender
es Read an extract from the book in which Rhian discusses the relationship between Britpop culture -...
Popular Music and Cultural Policy
Martin Cloonan, Shane Homan and Jen Cattermole
Popular music is increasingly visible in government strategies and policies. While much has been...
Moral Panics, Mental Illness Stigma, and the Deinstitutionalization Movement in American Popular Culture: 2017
This book argues that cultural fascination with the "madperson" stems from the contemporaneous...