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Brian Raferty recommended All That Jazz (1979) in Movies (curated)

All That Jazz (1979)
All That Jazz (1979)
1979 | Drama, Musical, Sci-Fi
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Two of the best big-screen showbiz memoirs ever made, both capturing the anxiety, euphoria, and sheer manic-nirvana of creation, and featuring endlessly catchy musical numbers: All That Jazz’s sweat-sheened “Take Off with Us” sequence and Head’s dreamy “Porpoise Song” psych-montage have nothing in common, save for the fact that both have stayed with me for decades."


Brian Raferty recommended Head (1968) in Movies (curated)

Head (1968)
Head (1968)
1968 | Comedy, Documentary
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Two of the best big-screen showbiz memoirs ever made, both capturing the anxiety, euphoria, and sheer manic-nirvana of creation, and featuring endlessly catchy musical numbers: All That Jazz’s sweat-sheened “Take Off with Us” sequence and Head’s dreamy “Porpoise Song” psych-montage have nothing in common, save for the fact that both have stayed with me for decades."

The Porpoise
The Porpoise
Mark Haddon | 2019 | Crime, History & Politics, Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Could have been so special
The Porpoise is a difficult book to review. It is indeed an accomplished piece of work, well written, engaging and very clever. It's just a little schizophrenic. The Porpoise is the name of a boat. Well not a boat, various boats throughout time. The book begins set in modern times with a plane crash leaving a very rich man with a daughter and no mother where an unhealthy relationship begins. This is a great engrossing story, brave and strong and you become completely invested in the story and characters and just as one of them boards a boat called the porpoise it becomes a retelling of the ancient story of Pericles, a story Shakespeare also retold, and its Shakespeare's retelling that in combined in future and past. Confused? You may be. And again, his retelling of Pericles set in ancient times is expertly done, bold, extravagant and inspired. It is just that, what happened to the girl from the plane crash, and now where has Pericles daughter got to...and...and...?
I have read all three of Haddon's novels, and he is a great storyteller and this novel just feels like an opportunity missed. It's not that it's badly done, and I am sure the critics adored it but in terms of being absorbed and invested in characters that just disappear as we disappear back in time and never really giving you the meat to any of their adventures to digest, it is a little like having a gourmet meal but not filling your tummy up enough to leave your stomach satisfied.
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    Dolphin Up


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ClareR (5589 KP) rated The Porpoise in Books

Nov 6, 2019  
The Porpoise
The Porpoise
Mark Haddon | 2019 | Crime, History & Politics, Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The last book of Mark Haddon’s I read was The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time - and this is absolutely NOTHING like that. This novel is set in two time periods: modern day and Ancient Greece. Haddon has used the story of Apollonius and Shakespeare’s Pericles and worked them into both timelines. I hadn’t read anything about either of these stories to be honest, but after a quick look on the internet (thank you Wikipedia!) I felt a little better informed - although I do think that you would be able to read the book perfectly well without any knowledge of either Apollonius or Pericles.

This is not a comfortable read at all - abuse and incest feature strongly throughout the modern timeline (in the style of all good Greek Tragedies!). I did think about not continuing with the book at one point because I tend to avoid books with these themes, but the story really drew me in, particularly in the Greek timeline.

The way in which we initially move from modern day to Ancient Greece, using the yacht ‘The Porpoise’ to achieve this, was really cleverly done, I thought. The small parts which featured Shakespeare and his Pericles writing partner George Wilkins, seemed to be only loosely connected, but enjoyable nonetheless.

All in all, I really enjoyed this. I’m glad I stuck with it, because especially (but not exclusively!) in the case of the incest storyline, we really do see the strength of women, even though the men in their lives would want them to be cowed and obedient.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.
The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (2013)
The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (2013)
2013 | Action, Comedy, Drama
7.9 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The panoramas (3 more)
The soundtrack
The movie's tone and message
The humour
My Antidepressant movie.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I rated this movie as a ten not because I am a Ben stiller fan per se but because of this movie's message and how I identify with the lead character.
Whilst most people will mark this movie lower, they are not wrong in their opinions, for many it may not seem anything special as such.

However I always watch this film whenever I am feeling low or life feels a bit much, because to me, it portrays that its never too late to achieve your dreams and start your adventure.

The film itself opens to an introduction of Walter (Ben stiller), an employee of Life magazine whose job has very much taken over his life, it shows his passion for his work and how he wishes very much, to be more like the adventurous photographer he chronicles. Walter is ridiculed and undermined by his work colleagues for his "spaced out" episodes where he dreams of what he would do or achieve if he were braver, smarter, more confident etc, like an alter ego of sorts.

Walter is then faced with a choice to accept failure and ridicule when he loses a negative in his care or embrace the unknown and not forsake his pride in a journey to hunt down its original owner.
Throughout the film you follow Walter in his quest to search for the missing negative and also his journey on the path of becoming the man he always hoped he would be as a teenager.
Along the way, stunning vistas and scenery set the scene and the humour keeps it from being boring.
Sure the film is a little fanciful but anyone with a good imagination and an element of Walter in them will appreciate it.

My favourite scene is when he is nearly attacked by a shark.."okay. That is not a porpoise" cracks me up every time.

I know a lot of people will mark this film lower and they wont be wrong in their opinions, it doesnt really contain many special effects, it does have a really awkward romance (but lets face it, reality is full of those moments you wish you had been more charming and less of a babbling idiot) and the storyline is a bit far fetched.

However I find it fun, uplifting, charming in its own way and enjoy the travel aspect of it.