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Guy Garvey recommended Laughing Stock by Talk Talk in Music (curated)

Laughing Stock by Talk Talk
Laughing Stock by Talk Talk
1991 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It's no more complicated than Spirit. It's interesting what happened after the war with music and arts… In Europe [during the war], arts and music were used to further ideals, that the artists and musicians didn't share. There were people forced to make state marches, forced to glorify ideals they didn't really hold true, and the power of bullying had its most epic day. Post that, the album saw everybody throwing all the rules out. In that period of experimentation, classical music went through a very interesting walk, and when it came back, it seized on a different kind of experimentation, all of western art became more generous, and the most generous music is the stuff that rewards the listener the most. And I haven't found the same heart in any record other than those last two Talk Talk albums. They need to be listened to loud and they need to be listened to over and over again. And I'm stunned every time. How they make me feel is because of the generosity of spirit, it's like weaving spiders' webs from scraps. So delicate, so precious, but not a note or tone is uneventful."

The Woman Outside the Walls
The Woman Outside the Walls
Suzanne Goldring | 2022 | History & Politics
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anna is in her 90's and living a quiet and peaceful life but she has lived with the horrors and struggles of her past and of the fear that it's going to catch up with her.

Told from different time lines - pre-war, post war and the present - and mainly from Anna's perspective, this is the story of her life; the good, the bad and the ugly. I admit it did, at times, feel like it was jumping from one time to another and not always, I felt, in a logical way which made it a bit hard to keep up but you soon get caught up in the story.

This is a real thought-provoker and makes you ask yourself some difficult questions about what you would do to survive and if you do, how do you reconcile the decisions you have made.

Although this is a work of fiction, there are historical facts that are interwoven in the story which makes it feel quite authentic and I must thank Bookouture and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of The Woman Outside the Walls.
The Failure of the southern column to continue to advance north after the battle of Rosebud set the stage for the annihilation of George Armstrong Custer and his five companies of the 7th Calvary at the Little Big Horn. For nearly 150 years everything possible has been written except the true causes and culprits of the bloody fiasco at the Little Big Horn on June 25, 1876, that shocked the American nation like no other post-Civil War event. Dr. Tucker has relied primarily on source material to expose those individuals American's leading military and civilian officials, who were most responsible for the greatest military disaster. Revealing the Machiavellian currents, dark threads that had artificially manufactured against the Sioux by America's top leaders, including the president, to gain their territory of the Black Hills. He provides with a new understanding of why Custer died on that mountaintop with his most faithful followers. This book brings the reader closer to understanding exactly what occurred on that fateful day that left one man standing and the rest 7th Calvary and Custer dead in the dirt. This book does cover some of the previous books written but you can tell that Dr. Tucker took the time to research further not completely satisfied with the consciences the previous researchers on the Little Big Horn or the life of Custer. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in post-civil war history, military history or Custer. The overall view was quite refreshing in the fact it covers how much was honestly lost that day not just the dead of those men.