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Pete Fowler recommended Wolf City by Amon Duul in Music (curated)

Wolf City by Amon Duul
Wolf City by Amon Duul
1972 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was living in Cornwall just after art college and lots of mates back home in Cardiff were really getting into kosmische stuff. One mate sent me a tape of this album. Amon Düül were a radical commune band, something which seemed a pretty out-there idea when you're living in Falmouth. I love this album, it's so varied. It's got pastoral music and very hard psych stuff on there side by side. I heard this record before hearing bands like NEU! and Cluster; it helped me get into the fact that the German bands of that post-war era had a year zero which was very appealing – by disregarding American rock & roll they created these amazing new templates. As with so many of these records, I'm drawn in by the artwork. The sleeve for Wolf City is amazing. I found out years later from Andy Votel that they created the sleeve by taking a photograph of an image created by several slide projectors overlapping onto a wall. You'd spend ages trying to get that right in Photoshop."


Lev Kalman recommended Barcelona (1994) in Movies (curated)

Barcelona (1994)
Barcelona (1994)
1994 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I mean, all of them. I remember the first night my parents let me stay home alone I rented Metropolitan for the sexy VHS cover—I stayed up till morning trying to talk like those characters. And The Last Days of Disco is low-key brutal in its honesty about post-college party life. But man, everything really clicks into place with Barcelona—Cold War Spain, super early Mira Sorvino, prime Chris Eigeman, the stylish but not mannered cinematography, a broad eighties definition of “jazz.” I’ve been thinking about what’s so liberatingly beautiful about Stillman’s dialogue. It’s how everyone is trying to be so precise—and hearing that thought process is very rare in films. And how that extreme precision generates its own excesses and poetic absurdism. Like the crystalline moment: “Plays, novels, songs, they all have a subtext, which I take to mean a hidden message or import of some kind . . . So subtext, we know . . . But what do you call . . . what’s above the subtext?” “The text.” “OK, that’s right, but they never talk about that.”"


Nikki Massey (8 KP) rated The Bletchley Circle - Season 1 in TV

Feb 8, 2019 (Updated Feb 8, 2019)  
The Bletchley Circle  - Season 1
The Bletchley Circle - Season 1
2012 | Drama
Strong female lead (0 more)
Series over too soon (0 more)
This short series, set post world war II, follows the lives of four women who previously held very important yet highly classified and secret roles during the war.
Susan, the main protagonist, has the Daily Times each day to compete the crossword (a small way to keep get highly intelligent mind engaged) and realises there might be a link and pattern emerging during a couple recent murders of women. She notifies the police but they can't see the pattern themselves so she reconnects with some of her former colleagues from Bletchley to discover what has happened and they try and predict and prevent the next murder from happening.
They end up putting themselves in very dangerous positions and Susan's husband starts to get suspicious that his wife may be dabbling in an extramarital affair due to her recent absences and secrecy.
The characters are all very likable in their own ways and each brings different strengths to the table.
It's refreshing to see a group of women building each other up rather than belittling each other with cattiness. It's also refreshing to see such strong and intelligent women portrayed in this series.
I felt myself going along with this group of ladies, as a fellow investigator, figuring out the connection between the cases and predicting whodunit.
It kept me on the edge of my seat and I really felt the fear and energy the ladies went through as the uncovered the reality.
My only gripe is that the series wasn't long enough!
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Well cast (0 more)
Moments of cringe CGI (0 more)
Black Panther exploded into the MCU during the Captain America: Civil War and was a breath of fresh air for the franchise. Finally someone to rival Wolverine for fighting skill and claws. This film follows on from there where Prince T'Challa looks to be crowned as the new king of Wakanda. Wakanda has long hidden its true riches and technological worth from the world and is thought of as a nation of poor farmers. King T'Challa must choose whether to continue the selfish tradition or help the world by sharing their natural resources and technology.
The Black Panther is backed up by an excellent cast of sidekicks and helpers as he looks to crack down on illegal trade of Wakanda's vibranium and retain the throne from a worthy challenger.
My main gripe was some of the CGI. Like with Spiderman, I feel at times there is too much detail, eg when flipping over a car his legs sway around like he's in space. To my mind, he would be more focused and all his limbs would be exactly where they need to be. Also in these instances the feeling of which way up is the right way up got a little lost, which shouldn't happen.
I also felt that Andy Serkis was a little under-used in his role as Claue, similar to CrossBones in Civil War.

I am seriously looking forward to Infinity Wars now!

PS - I don't think the post-credits scene is worth the long wait.