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Potty-Training Day
Potty-Training Day
Ziana T. Washington, Akilah Trinay | 2021 | Children, Education
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you looking for a book that will help you introduce your child or children to Potty training? I know some parents seem to struggle with this sometimes. Well, "Potty-Training Day" by Akilah Trainay and Ziana T. Washington seems like a good book to have on your child or your bookshelves.

This book seems to introduce your child to the potty and how it works. Those children or your child may or may not be ready. It tells that sometimes the child or children are prepared at their own pace. There are some ideas in this book that you may use with your child or children.

It shows the feeling of a child or parents with potty training. It is an excellent book to introduce to your child or children when you think they are ready to go from diapers to big girls. The pictures remain done well. I enjoyed them. This book does help with ways to deal with potty training but does not try and force it on them. Introduce it to them and keep at it but try to be patient with your child or children.

Children and Toddlers learn at different times. This book is an excellent addition to your child's bookshelves when it comes to potty training. Some perfect phrases are in the book to use or evening trying singing to help your child or children to go. But do not expect them to do it the first time. They may be scared. Try again later or another day. A book for parents to read as well. Good to add as a baby shower gift, or later down the road for the child or children.
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