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The Frangitelli Mirror
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
69 off 235
The Frangitelli Mirror
By G.R. Thomas

In 1915 a book was stolen, a crow appeared, and fate dealt its hand.
Rose Carbonelli sees ghosts.
She doesn’t sleep.
She watches every corner, studies every shadow, listens to the screams that no one else hears.
Rose Carbonelli is terrified.
Her father hasn’t been heard from since he volunteered to go to war in 1915.
The money ran out a year ago, her mother, Edith, is fading away.
Rose needs a job to save them both, and an excuse to flee the ghosts of her home.
When Rutherford House advertises for a lady’s maid, Rose seizes the opportunity.
A wage to save her mother, food to fill her belly, and an escape from the dead that occupy the shadows…
It seems just so perfect.
But is it the escape Rose has been dreaming of?
Is there truth to the rumours about Rutherford House? What lurks within the bones of it? Why has the Lady Mary Rutherford not been seen in over a decade?
Is this the perfect escape, or is it another nightmare Rose could never have imagined?

I was so lucky and so thankful to receive this ARC!

See I had a feeling I would like it as I loved her last gothic horror but this was something else it was brilliant and I loved it.

I read this at night and it just added to the creepiness I have to keep checking my dark corners. The story was compelling it kept you wanting more. The characters were so well written you became invested especially in Rose. I just can’t praise it enough!!

The Truth Seekers
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A period romance of the highest order, this story is totally un-put-downable from the moment you first step foot into the twisted psyche of the enigmatic and, quite frankly, dark Mr Hawes. There are so many twists and turns and little surprises throughout this book that it truly is a wonderful read. But before I start to waffle too much in general terms, IÕll get stuck in in letting you know my thoughts.


To start, I think the characters are more than worthy of a mention. Lawrence is a master of character development, and I say this after having only read one of her books, but that is honestly how strongly I feel about it. Never, in all my many books, have I come across a character as understated yet complex as Miranda. At first sight, she appears to be a simple and quite ordinary society beauty, but how very wrong that assumption would be. As the story progresses, we see her develop into a fiesty, and then broken young woman, before she regains her spark. The journey she travels is so tangible you can almost feel the emotions pouring through the pages. And that brings me onto the strange Mr Hawes. HeÕs a character and a half. Awkward, rude and at times quite objectionable, yet I still felt endeared to his situation. I find him harder to describe, as he really is so different and out of the box that itÕs refreshing against the standard ÔconformityÕ to society norms you usually find in period novels.


Something else I think really needs mentioning is the fact that this book is hugely believable. I am a huge reader of historical books, I am a great history addict and I have to say, this book ticks every single box. ItÕs full of the little quirks you would expect to see in that time Ð the language, the traditions, the vacation spots. ItÕs all just sublimely weaved together to create a total immersion into this time. It is truly like reading a modern day Jane Austen, and I mean that as the highest compliment and the greatest praise for Lawrence. It is clear that there is a huge bank of knowledge behind this writing, and that makes it so much easier and enjoyable to read. Honestly, I canÕt praise it highly enough!


At the risk of repeating myself, I am going to touch briefly on the plot for my final batch of comments because I am left slightly astounded and speechless with this book. The plot is amazing. Put very simply I know, but it is just exquisite in itÕs development, itÕs execution and itÕs whole story is just perfect. I donÕt say that very often about books, but this is so worthy of the mention. IÕm just, well, struggling to put in to words exactly how much I loved the way the story developed. The twists and turns, sudden changes, and eventually the happiness weÕve been searching for from the start, it was all woven together with immense skill and understanding for the genre and that made it such an easy book to get lost in (in the best possible way).


In conclusion, just in case you didnÕt grasp it earlier in the review Ð I freaking loved this book! It was fantastic from start to finish. A great pace, wonderful characters and a delightful storyline that kept me hooked from page one. The only thing I didnÕt like is the fact it had to end! I cannot recommend this highly enough and I will be looking forward to devouring more of Elizabeth LawrenceÕs offerings as soon as I possibly can.

ARC received with thanks and first reviewed as part of a blog tour on Lily Loves Indie -
    Joy of Cooking

    Joy of Cooking

    Food & Drink and Book

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    Joy of Cooking, the first cookbook in many kitchens, is now the must-have app for every...

One glance at The Lost Heir‘s cover is enough to excite any fantasy loving bookwyrm. Add in it’s synopsis? Well, let’s put it this way: I buckled in for the ride and went nowhere. It’s not often that I choose to drop a book. In the year since I began book blogging, only one of my reviews was a DNF. This book marks my second.

A quick perusal of The Lost Heir on Goodreads shows the book to have some rather stellar reviews since its publish date in 2013. This leaves me baffled and wondering whether or not I was reading the same book. Andi O’Connor is great when it comes to descriptions, but beyond that her voice seems largely passive. Additionally, there is so much exposition that it is distracting.

If that alone isn’t a letdown, then the characters we meet in the first several chapters certainly are. When I review a book, I usually spend a paragraph or two on its characters. This is where I praise or ridicule the roles within the book. Only, O’Connor introduces so many characters so early in the book that I cannot recall half of their names, let alone their purposes. Those that merit mention seem unsure of themselves. For instance, Princess Mionee appears as a young, adept sorceress. While seemingly random elements of the early pages receive plenty of backstory, she appears to simply exist. And she’s a villain… apparently? Whereas our presumed hero, Darrak Hunter, is a whiney, college wimp. And the other characters we meet early on? They fail to impress.

My first attempt at reading this book saw me through the five percent of it. The second attempt netted another six percent before I came to the conclusion that, no matter what the reviews say, this book isn’t for me. The premise of The Lost Heir is stellar; it’s a shame the book isn’t.

A special thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing with a copy of this book for the purpose of review.
Three Things About Elsie
Three Things About Elsie
Joanna Cannon | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic Writing and Humour (0 more)
I can't think of anything (0 more)
This book has received a lot of praise in the last couple of years. So, I was a bit dubious as to whether this novel was all hype and not actually going to be as good as people claimed it was.

The true is, this is a gem of a book.

One of the things that is special about this book, is the writing. ‘Three Things about Elsie’ had likeable, believable characters and even the secondary characters were as equally well-formed, as the main ones. I loved Handy Simon and Miss Ambrose and was pleased to find that both young and old characters, were equal in the story.

I also adored the brilliant, often profound observations of ageing, loneliness and life in general. This book pulled me into its story and even now, I still think about it.

Joanna Cannon’s turn of phrase, even when writing about the simplest of things, had me laughing out loud at times. Her descriptions of the landscape in which the story is set, were very good and I could easily imagine what the characters were seeing.

Another thing I really loved about the plot, was its success at building tension and intrigue throughout. This was a book which dealt with ageing, but it also had a gripping mystery, weaving its way throughout. At no point during this book, did I guess what was going to happen and that kept me reading.

On face value, most people would think that a novel about a octogenarian, wouldn’t appeal to a wide range of readers. However, Joanna Cannon’s story of finding your place within the world, speaks to all ages

‘Three Things About Elsie’ is a humorous, entertaining and wonderful read, which I absolutely loved. This is the best book I have read in a LONG time. It also has one of the best covers too!

Scott Tostik (389 KP) rated 31 (2016) in Movies

Feb 3, 2018 (Updated Feb 3, 2018)  
31 (2016)
31 (2016)
2016 | Horror
Richard Brake (2 more)
Some interesting dialogue
Cliffhanger ending
Blood, guts and profanity... my 3 favorite things
I am and always will be a horror movie fan. And a Rob Zombie fan as well. While most in the horror community dispose the man, and do their best to ignore his reimagining of John Carpenter's beloved Halloween. I get his vision. I understand his process.
In 31, Zombie goes out of his way to remind us all of why he is here in this genre and why he should be here to stay.
The script penned for this flick is nothing short of dreadful, but in a good horror film That's what you want. His dialogue is full of pull no punches vulgarity that would make anyone blush. And his pattern of killing off his stars is brutal to say the least.
Capped with an amazing performance by Richard Brake, who from the beginnng of movie, let's you know that he "ain't no fucking clown!!!".
His ability to capture the true disgustingness that lives in every single one of us, that fire that burns in your body when someone cuts you off when your driving to work. Or bumps into you while walking by. That feeling that says, "Fuck, I'd love to kill that person,"... well he lets the beast out in this film.
He turns 5 mild mannered hippie carnies into vicious animalistic slashers. Killing at first out of that need for survival. Then killing because they had to do it. And finally killing because they were starting to enjoy it.
Zombie does what he does, sets them up to be knocked down as only he can. Chuck I'm some great one liners and awesome profanity filled dialogue, sprinkle it with some over the top kickass blood filled deaths and an acting performance by Richard Brake that I can't help but praise and you have a recipe for a disturbing good time. As Doomhead suggests in the opening sequence of 31. In hell everyone loves popcorn.
The Dumb House: (Scottish Classics)
The Dumb House: (Scottish Classics)
John Burnside | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was nothing like what I thought it would, and for that reason, it disappointed me.

I believed this novel was going to be a creepy, man-holds-children-captive kind of story, but unfortunately it wasn’t. This was far more intelligent, with lots of complex writing than I had expected, and due to that, I couldn’t really get into it. I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed so I feel like a lot of this book went over my head.

There’s no doubt about it, our narrator is one of the most terrifying and disturbed narrators I’ve ever come across, and thanks to my love for the macabre, this made reading his story sometimes enjoyable. When he was simply recalling his actions in the here and now, I was interested, but when he got into his ramblings about his ideas on testing the innateness of language, my mind moved onto different things. Hence it taking me almost a week and a half to read 204 pages.

Burnside is an incredibly beautiful writer, it doesn’t surprise me to see he’s a poetry writer as well as a fiction writer. I’m always one to praise an author for their poetic prose, but sometimes things get a little too complex for me and all meaning is lost on me. This happened a lot throughout reading The Dumb House.

In terms of the story, this wasn’t exactly what I had hoped it would be. It was very slow to get anywhere, and even when we did get to learning his experiment on his children, that whole section was equally slow-moving. It didn’t feel like an awful lot happened other than several uncomfortable sex scenes and some horrifying violence.

Unfortunately, this one didn’t do it for me, which is a shame, because I was so looking forward to reading it. I suppose if you love intelligent fiction that is reasonably ambiguous, this might be great for you. I personally like a book that challenges my mind, but this one went too far for me.
Ghost Story (The Dresden Files, #13)
Ghost Story (The Dresden Files, #13)
Jim Butcher | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
9.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Of course I (along with all [a:Jim Butcher|10746|Jim Butcher|]'s other fans) have been absolutely dying to read this book ever since finishing [b:Changes|6585201|Changes (The Dresden Files, #12)|Jim Butcher||6778696]. [a:Sam Chupp|11847|Sam Chupp|] and I have been talking about how there could possibly be another book that occurs after Dresden's death. Of course, the novella included in [b:Side Jobs: Stories From the Dresden Files|7779059|Side Jobs Stories from the Dresden Files (The Dresden Files, #12.5)|Jim Butcher||10351697] was very good and got along quite well without Dresden, but that probably wasn't going to work for an entire novel.

Sam hasn't even started <i>Ghost Story</i> yet, so I can't gloat at home. I was actually right in some of my speculation! I'm being non-specific so as to not give too much away, even though I am hiding this review behind spoiler warnings on GoodReads in case he does read it and remember what I had said (which is highly doubtful). But I feel like bragging somewhere, so you, dear readers, have to put up with it.

Jim Butcher deserves major praise. <i>Ghost Story</i> is amazing. Dresden has become such a powerful wizard that few enemies are truly a challenge, and wiping out the entire Red Court with one spell was an amazing feat. What do you do for an encore to that? Having Dresden immaterial and operating without magic does seriously push him, and that makes for a fascinating tale. Being able to keep a series fresh in its thirteenth volume says a lot for Butcher's talent. I think <i>Ghost Story</i> is the best Dresden Files book yet, and I'm looking forward to book fourteen even more!