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Merissa (11800 KP) rated The Darkness Within (Etherya's Earth #3) in Books

Mar 14, 2022 (Updated Jul 3, 2023)  
The Darkness Within (Etherya's Earth #3)
The Darkness Within (Etherya's Earth #3)
Rebecca Hefner | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE DARKNESS WITHIN continues the Etherya's Earth series and it is Darkrip and Arderin's turn. Now, if you've read the other books, which you really should have, you will know that sparks fly whenever these two are near. Is it really loathing or something else?

I honestly don't know where to start with this book. So many things. First of all, we see Miranda nearing the end of her pregnancy and feeling like a blue whale (her words, not mine). Nolan makes his move with Sadie - and I really need more from these two!!! Latimus and Lila show up, with adorable Jack. And we finally meet Evie.

But this story is also about Arderin and Darkrip. I would say more about Arderin, being as it's written mainly from her perspective. She is stubborn, feisty, and a virgin - something she finds intolerable. When a trip to the human world causes problems for them, things look dire for our two main characters. Of course, they don't die, that would be ridiculous as the book was only half over! They do behave in ways they didn't think they would though, and Darkrip is left wondering how Arderin can even look at him, whilst she is amazed by his strength of will.

Arderin knows what she wants and will do what she can to get it. She refuses to take no for an answer, and Darkrip really doesn't argue much at all, considering he wants exactly the same as she does.

As I've said, there are other stories interwoven with theirs, and I loved every word. This is a series not to be missed, and I highly recommend this book so long as you read it in order to get the full benefit. Another brilliant read.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 7, 2022
Bridal Girl
Bridal Girl
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kim and Nicholas are about to get married. It's seven months until their wedding day and Kim is under a lot of stress with all that has to be done. Not only is she in the middle of planning her wedding, she is also just coming off releasing her first book and is working on the second. As part of her two-book deal with her publisher, she has to have a rough draft of the book in right before her nuptials. Will Kim and Nicholas be able to have the wedding they both dream of, or will the stress of everything going on be too much for them to handle?

Thank you to NetGalley and Henery Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

Wedding season is among us. From now through the beginning of fall, finding a ballroom, limousine, or a bakery may prove very difficult.

Bridal Girl is the third book in the Blogger Girl Series. I have not read the other books in the series, but I did purchase them while reading this book. Kim Long is a blogger turned author. With such high success of her blog she decided to go ahead and write a book, the previous books give you details about this journey for Kim. Her first book was recently published and is up for it's second printing run. If Kim can stop looking at all of the negative reviews and focus on what is in front of her, she may be able to get book two out in time.

Luckily for Kim she has Nicholas. Nicholas and Kim are perfect together, they are each other support system. When Kim is overwhelmed with trying to find a dress that not only she will love, but that the rest of her bridal party agrees on too, Nicholas is there to be the shoulder to cry on and even offers to go dress shopping with her.

With ex-girlfriends, pregnancy, writers's block, frenemies, new editors, and life in general, will it all be too much for Kim to handle?

Get this book for your entire bridal party, for your friend getting married this year, for those thinking about writing a book. Heck, get the whole series.
The Bad Mother
The Bad Mother
Amanda Brooke | 2017 | Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Bad Mother by Amanda Brooke
It's hard... when you read a book that takes you in so completely. That takes you back to a time in your life you needed therapy to get past. That is so realistic you can remember similar instances happening in your own life as you follow what is happening to the character between the pages.

That book for me was The Bad Mother by Amanda Brooke. It has to be one of the hardest books I've ever read, and yet I'm glad I've done it. I'm also very glad I've finished it, and I'm sorry to say, it's not a book I will ever read again. It hit a bit too close to home for comfort. It has drained me, made me see things again I had wanted to forget.

Luckily for the main character, she has family and friends who are determined she won't go it alone, even when she doesn't believe them. You are with Lucy as she goes through her pregnancy and becomes more isolated. The author does an amazing job of keeping the reader off-balance, unsure of just what is going on or what will happen next. It will keep you on tenterhooks, needing to read more, to find out what happens next.

The Bad Mother is incredibly written, with no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed. Although, to be fair, I was that engrossed by the story, I wasn't actually looking for any either. The scenes flow from one to the next, and each scene will draw you in and keep your attention. For anyone who wants to know about gaslighting, and the effects it can have not only on the victim but on friends and family too, I would highly recommend this book.

Part of me wishes I couldn't give it 5 stars, simply because of what it reminded me of. However, that would be a disservice to the book and the author.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Before you tar and feather me for giving a Julie Klassen book a three star rating, please hear me out. As stated in my rating system post, "This is reserved for books that I look upon with pleasure, but do not produce the feelings of complete adoration." The Innkeeper of Ivy Hill was unique and enjoyable to read, however it did not move my soul.

The first thing that I noticed about this book that is different from any other of Mrs. Klassen's books, is the the point of views are strictly female. Alternating between three women, we get a unique look into life in a small village set in England during 1820. I learned a lot about the inner workings of the inn and got explore the lives of these different women who represent very different personalities and stations in life. Reading through the eyes of these three women also added an extra sense of mystery. Because we don't know what is going on in the minds of the gentlemen in this story.

Julie Klassen does take on some heart wrenching topics in this book. Specifically, difficulties with pregnancies. I will not sugar coat it, descriptions are detailed and quite graphic in my opinion. Please proceed as you feel appropriate. I just know that for myself, it was difficult to read those scenes and I feel it only fair to give my fellow readers a heads up. I never had any complications with pregnancy, but have had a lot of medical trauma with our second son, during and after delivery(everything is OK now). Therefore, I find it hard to read about anything at all happening to children in books.

Overall, I enjoyed Mrs. Klassen's book in her very first series and I will read the next books. The Innkeeper of Ivy Hall was an entertaining book and I look forward to what comes next.

I received a complimentary copy of The Innkeeper of Ivy Hill through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
In the Tall Grass (2019)
In the Tall Grass (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
In the Tall Grass Review: Is the Stephen King horror worth a watch? (Spoilers ahead)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Netflix has really been stepping up their game with the number of horror shows being released this year.

What makes it better is the addition of a film adaptation of a Stephen King novella to satiate
fanatics’ hunger.

Except the question lies in whether I felt full watching this movie.

The story begins with a brother and sister duo on a long journey to San Diego. Sweltering heat and pregnancy do not mix well, alongside the long-winding roads of America until they stop by a field of tall grass. What can go wrong by stopping in the middle of nowhere that’s giving out a Children of the Corn vibe?
The siblings find themselves going through the tall grass after hearing cries from a very distressed child, only to find themselves stuck in a never-ending cycle where there is seemingly no way out and only a rock statue that apparently lets you see things you will never imagine of seeing.

The concept had a potential to give viewers something more and unexpected. But that’s the thing.
 It didn’t.

The first half of the movie set the scene of being trapped in a maze of grass, but then the second
half was pretty much the same, with only a couple of weird occult-like elements thrown in to fuel the dying flame. Not only this, but the viewer is left to piece the puzzles together, only to find out that they don’t match. You are left to question the purpose of the rock, the baby and Patrick Wilson’s seemingly possessed character.

If you enjoy watching a slow paced, psychological horror movie and the feeling of being confused, then you can go check this film out.

There is something captivating about this adaptation that keeps you hooked until the end but bear in mind, it requires you to have an open mind and low expectations.

Needless to say, you might as well go and have read of the book, which was also co-written by Joe Hill,the king of horror’s son.