Who am I: Prequel to the Semiramis series
Words. Those sounds that mean nothing, yet, they mean everything. Words shape our lives when we...
Young Adult Paranormal Prequel

MIA (The Jack Bertolini Series - A Prequel)
Mia, is the origin story of retired inspector Jack Bertolino as a young undercover, NYPD...
Crime Thriller Prequel

Harry Potter: The Prequel (Harry Potter, #0.5)
The Harry Potter Prequel is an 800-word story written by J. K. Rowling, and was published online on...

Prequels, Sequels, Remakes and Adaptations
13 members Orb Watch
The majority of films now seem to be prequels, sequels, remakes or adaptations - come here to...
Films movies prequels sequels remakes adaptations