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Girls Made of Snow and Glass
Girls Made of Snow and Glass
Melissa Bashardoust | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wonderful plot, subverted tropes, lesbian romance (0 more)
A bit of stilted dialogue at the beginning, some predictable actions by characters (0 more)
One of my best books of 2017!
I received an ARC of this book through Goodreads and got to read it before the release date (September 5th! GO GET IT!) and I was SO excited to read it. It did not disappoint! This is her debut novel, and the story is absolutely fantastic. It’s billed as a “fantasy feminist fairy tale” and I think it lives up to that pretty well. There are no princes in this story. There are a couple of men – the King, the Queen’s father, and the Huntsman, but they are not who the story is about. The story really is about the relationship between the Queen/stepmother and her stepdaughter, the Princess.

You can read my full review here:
Vampire Girl (Vampire Girl, #1)
Vampire Girl (Vampire Girl, #1)
Karpov Kinrade | 2016 | Paranormal
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF @ 34%

I struggled with this from the start. It didn't flow that easily and it seemed to take forever for something exciting to happen. It was about 28% before she even headed off to Hell or wherever it was Asher was taking her and I'd just kind of lost interest by then. I like something that's going to keep my attention and this didn't.

The interaction between the main character and her friends at the hospital after her mum had fallen into her coma just seemed rather awkward. And then the fact they let her "leave" so easily when they know how poorly her mum was...?

I liked the idea of her owing the Princes of Hell a favour and having to spend time with what were personifications of the 7 deadly sins to see who she would end up with but it just wasn't quite quick enough or written enough to my tastes for me to continue with it.