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Smith's Corner: Alora & Ash (The Heartwood Series #3)
Smith's Corner: Alora & Ash (The Heartwood Series #3)
Jayne Paton | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Didn't quite love this one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Heartwood series and while not totally necessary, it might help you get a better picture of this family group, and all the supporting characters.

Ash went to prison, and he shut Alora off completely just when she needed him the most. You get a picture as to WHY he does that, though. When their paths cross again, Alora runs away from Ash. It's not long til Ash discovers the secret Alora has been keeping from him, though.

Ash has to learn the hard way about letting people help him. Had he done so before, he might not have such a hard time now. But one thing holds true from then to now: he LOVES Alora, so darn much!

You understand why Alora is reluctant to let Ash in, he hurt her before, but when she does let him in, its wonderful!

There is some overlap with book 2, Layla and Levi and it's kinda fun watching those two from the other side, so to speak!

This is a great addition to the series but it doesn't quite push my buttons like Dallas and Delilah or Levi and Layla do, I'm afraid. Oh it's good, yes, but I didn't quite love it.

Fox and Faith are next. Given that Fox hasn't SAID a word in three books, that should be an interesting read!

3 good solid stars

same worded review will appear elsewhere​

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2173 KP) rated Dead-Bang Fall in Books

Feb 2, 2023 (Updated Feb 2, 2023)  
Dead-Bang Fall
Dead-Bang Fall
J. R. Sanders | 2022 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Helping a Face from His Past
PI Nate Ross thinks he has a simple case when he’s hired for a penny-ante theft caper. But that’s before one of his suspects is killed in a back alley. While Nate didn’t witness the crime, he did see the victim go into the alley with someone that Nate helped put in prison five years ago. However, a few hours later, that man turns up at Nate’s office claiming to be innocent and hiring Nate to clear him before disappearing again. Nate buys most of the story, but he knows he didn’t get the whole truth. That feeling only grows as he starts to investigate. Can he figure out the whole truth?

This is a great trip back to 1939 Hollywood, and the setting comes to life. As a throwback PI novel, it does start out with a little too much jargon of the time, but fortunately, that calms down as we get into the story. It does have a bit more violence and foul language than in one of the cozies I read, but it doesn’t go overboard. The plot is strong with quite a few twists, compilations, and half-truths before we reach the fun climax. Nate much face his past here, and we are reminded about enough to make the growth real. Meanwhile, we get a couple of fun returning characters and a batch of great new ones. If you enjoy PI novels set in this era, this is one to check out.

Hadley (567 KP) rated American Gods in Books

Jun 5, 2020  
American Gods
American Gods
Neil Gaiman | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
Mad Sweeney (1 more)
Gaiman's writing and descriptions
No character development (2 more)
Dehumanizes women
The ending
The gods of the old world still exist in Neil Gaiman's 2001 novel "American Gods."

A science fiction/ fantasy story set in today's America, American Gods tries to answer the question of what happens when people stop believing in the past gods, and start worshiping new ones?

Shadow is our main character, who we meet while he's attempting to get released from prison after three years of incarceration - - - afterall, he has a job, wife and life waiting for him on the outside. And even though he's built up a strong exterior while in prison, everything comes crashing down after he receives news that his wife and best friend have died in a car accident.

Cue Wednesday, an old, odd man who gives Shadow a job after his release from prison - - - with strings attached: Shadow can't ask any questions, he must protect his employer at all costs, and if people need to be hurt, he must hurt them. Although Wednesday doesn't tell him exactly what is going on, Shadow agrees to his duties and begins a road trip with the eccentric old man, meeting an array of colorful characters along the way. But soon, Shadow begins to realize that his employer may be a mythical god in disguise, yet, oddly Shadow never really questions it or anything in the entire book for that matter.

The novel takes an odd turn early on when Shadow's dead wife, Laura, comes back to life in a zombified way. While Shadow is staying in a cheap hotel room, and Wednesday sharing a room with a young hotel employee in another, Shadow sees his wife in the clothing she was buried in, but he doesn't flinch - - - he carries a very calm conversation with dead Laura, he even goes down to the lobby to buy her a pack of cigarettes, and the next morning, he still doesn't seem bothered by it when he sees her muddy footprints on the floor. Wednesday tries to convince Shadow it was a dream, but makes snarky remarks that tells Shadow that even he knows it wasn't a dream. The two simply move on on their road trip, no questions asked.

But during this road trip, Shadow's suspicions are confirmed. He gets to see not only Wednesday, but two others in their true god-form, and afterwards, Wednesday confirms that he is indeed the Norse god, Odin.

Gaiman's take on mythological gods living in today's society is interesting, but disappointing. From recognizable gods to the forgotten ones, readers with a liking to history would probably enjoy this story most.

American Gods centers on the question of what happens to gods when they are no longer worshipped, and Gaiman merely focuses on male gods, while making all female characters (gods and humans) either prostitutes and/or sexual objects which is really off-putting for me as a female reader. And Gaiman's character development in the novel for gods and humans is nowhere to be seen thus lending very little plot development that is actually believable or enjoyable. I was unable to bring myself to care about our main character, Shadow, nor the plight with his zombie wife.And speaking of Laura, the disappointing character traits makes her not just unlikable, but also an unnecessary character overall.

I just can't recommend this book: the novel is good for the first 100 pages, but you could easily skip the next 450 pages that is just filler, and not miss much of the story. Gaiman also dehumanizes women, introduces characters in a way that would make them seem an important part of the story to only drop them out of it as quickly as they came in, and the ending is just a huge disappointment. All in all, Gaiman had a great idea, but the execution he used was poorly done - - - some parts even seem like Gaiman wrote them in a completely different state of mind, contradicting story lines and character traits altogether.

I did, however, have three favorite characters that weren't utilized enough for me to rate the story higher than I have: Mad Sweeney, Ibis and Jacquel. Mad Sweeney is a giant leprechaun that can pull gold coins out of the air; Ibis and Jacquel are Anubis and Jackel from Egyptian mythology, who run a funeral home in Cairo, Illinois today.

American Gods takes place only over a few months, which is surprising with how long the novel is. But the story is a buildup with no climax. Most characters come and go before readers can even decide if they like them or not,and that paired up with severe lack of character development leaves most of the main characters pretty forgettable. With this special edition containing 1200 more words, the story is still not worth it in the end. Gaiman is still a great writer, but this is not the book to recommend to anyone who wants to begin reading his work.
American Gods
American Gods
Neil Gaiman | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
I could live in this book
Contains spoilers, click to show
Short and to the point:

From start to finish I just did not want to put down American Gods, I just always really enjoy Gaiman's writing style he manages to create a world within a world that just feels so effortless and downright real. Their are so many amazing characters and most of them I just wanted more of, also with the amount of character we have we really get something that we never do and that is people of color represented and it is WONDERFUL .This is one of those few books that as soon as I was finished I wanted to turn it over and start reading again.


Shadow Moon - I could wax poetics about Shadow, he was quiet and kind of dry and usually that would have me think a character is kind of boring but just not with Shadow he drew me and made me fall in love. It was a so a happy surprise to have a main protagonist who is a person of color which is something that is need so much nowadays.
Laura – I really loved how Laura was handled, most characters who died the way she did would have been either thrown aside or made to be hated but that is not the case here, I love how she helps Shadow and her love for him really comes through but also that we do see her as her own person.
Mr. Wednesday - What can I say about Wednesday besides from the moment you meet him I don't trust him but like Shadow I can't help what wanting to follow him where he's taking me.
The Gods - even though there are a lot and I mean a lot of characters throughout the book I found myself never feeling overwhelmed by them Gaiman really found a way to give them all a voice but in no way overshadow the plot or any of the other characters.


We meet Shadow a few days before his release from prison he is taken into the wardens office to me given the devastating new that his wife Laura had been killed, when he is released from prison he meets a strange man know as Mr. Wednesday who offers Shadow a job to accompany him across America so he can recruit others to fight in an upcoming war, The Old Gods vs. The New Gods.

The story takes you to so many places and you meet so many just unique characters I love the differences between the gods how the old are left to do what they have to service feeding off of any belief they can get and how the new gods aren't at all what I thought I was going to be getting because let's face it there are not as many religious gods any more instead we worship TV and technology the way the Greeks worshiped the gods of Olympus.

Personal thoughts:

I could not get enough of American Gods even though the book was pretty hefty and it took me sometime to finish I still wanted more, Gaiman just creates such a wonderful and unique worlds that I could stay lost in them forever.
Paddington 2 (2017)
Paddington 2 (2017)
2017 | Animation, Comedy, Family
Wonderful, whimsical film for kids and adults alike
As I was perusing various "Top Films of 2018" lists, one surprising film kept showing up on these lists, so I thought I'd better check it out.

And I'm glad I did for PADDINGTON 2 is a charming family film that entranced me from beginning to end with wonderful performances and a charm and whimsy that hooked me from start to finish.

A follow-up to the moderate 2014 hit (based on the beloved children's books series) about a Peruvian bear that heads to 19th Century London seeking adventure - and finds a family - PADDINGTON 2 follows said Bear as he is caught up in a robbery and is mistakenly jailed for the crime. Can Paddington make friends with the burly inmates in the prison? Can the Brown family help find the true perpetrator of the crime and help spring Paddington? Can faith and love triumph in a time of skepticism and darkness?

It's a family film, what do you think?

The joy in this film is in the telling - and Paul King (returning as Director/Writer) does a wonderful job telling a joyous, family-friendly story without diving into sacrine-ness (is that a word? It is now) and schmaltz. He tells the story with a sly wink in his eye and dives deep into whimsical detail of late 19th century London - a London racing full throttle into the steam age. There is a light cyber-punk sensibility to the proceedings and this works wonderfully well.

As you would expect, King does a nice job getting the actors to click into the sensibilities and style of this film. Ben Wishaw is back as the voice of Paddington - and he is perfectly cast. Wishaw has a naivete and sense of wonder to his voice that serves the Paddington character well. Jim Broadbent, Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins and Julie Walters all reprise their roles - in winning fashion. But it is the newcomers that shine. Brendan Gleeson shows off some comic chops as main prison bad guy "Knuckles" McGinty who forms an unlikely friendship/partnership with Paddington and, especially Hugh Grant as vain, egotistical actor Phoenix Buchanan. I won't spoil the antics of Grant's character but I have a feeling that Mr. Grant had as much fun bringing this character to screen as I did watching him.

Two final things - the finale really works for me as King sets up each character's "special skill" at the beginning of the film that they will need to bring to bear (no pun intended) during the action at the end. To often, character's and character threads are set up at the beginning of a film only to be abandoned by the end, so it is satisfying to me when King sets up items at the beginning of this film and then PAYS THEM OFF at the end.

And, finally, STAY THROUGH THE CREDITS. There is a scene in the credits that is as good as anything that is in the film. I won't spoil the fun for you, but want you to know about this so you won't miss it.

A wonderful, whimsical, time at the movies. If you have kids (5,6,7 years old), this is a MUST SEE. For the rest of you, if you're looking for fun escape from the world, this film will do it.

Letter Grade A-

8 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)