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The Deception
The Deception
Gillian Jackson | 2022 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was an enjoyable read, if not at times a little predictable with what was going to happen. But even so, when I did guess something, I did second guess myself until it actually happened.
Samantha and her twin sister Alison have been through a lot together, first their parents die in a terrible accident then their grandmother dies, all before they go to university. At university Samantha meets a boyfriend who she enjoys spending time with until she starts seeing red flags in their relationship. She breaks up with him only to discover he is dating her twin sister. It ends with Alison being murdered and the boyfriend being murdered in prison. Samantha then decides she needs a new start and moves away and changes her name.
The book then moves on around 10 years and we find out what Samantha has been up to, she has changed her name to Rosie, married and had a baby. She has neglected to tell her husband her past, but all of that changes when she gets a letter from one of the journalists from 10 years previously. The journalist is then murdered and the police start pointing the finger at her and her husband.
While it was enjoyable, the police parts didn’t seem to add up as they jumped to a conclusion before looking at all the evidence, including the autopsy report which wasn’t rushed through like the rest of the evidence. This didn’t ring true for me, why would all of the evidence from the house be rushed through but not the autopsy when that tells you so much about the death and how the person was murdered? Just little parts of the story niggled at me, which did stop me from enjoying it as much as I could.
I also guessed who was involved from as soon as they entered the story, although I didn’t know how they were connected but I did know that they had the trust fund money and it was only at the end when it was revealed their true identity I could see how they ended up with the trust fund.
Thank you to Bloodhound Books and Gillian Jackson for my copy of this book to read and review.

Ali A (80 KP) rated Sync in Books

May 12, 2024  
Ellen Hopkins | 2024 | Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trigger Warnings: Child abuse, child neglect, homelessness, mention of drug use, rape, suicide, homophobia, prison/juvie

Twins Storm and Lake have always been in sync growing up - until they get separated within the foster care system. Storm’s been through juvie but his current foster dad and his girlfriend are helping him find a normal life again - until an incident makes him lose control again. Lake likes girls, but her bible loving foster parents would immediately kick her out if they find out - so she and her foster sibling, Parker, must keep their relationship secret. Both twins have rough patches ahead and both fight to come out on the other side.

Sooo, I’ve never read an Ellen Hopkins book - at least that I can remember anyway. I did NOT keep track of books I read until I was in my late 20’s… That being said, I feel like I would remember the emotional damage that probably would have been done with her books, especially with how I feel after finishing this one.

Hopkins didn’t shy away from the hard topics. Doing so allowed me to feel every emotion alongside the twins as they were. I’ve recently really gotten into novel-in-verse books and it absolutely makes me understand how poetry can really hit your gut with just so few words; Hopkins didn’t have to go into detail about what things looked like for you to understand what was going on.

The ending was bittersweet because I didn’t want it to be over, but at the same time, Hopkins finished it beautifully without needing the words. God, this book is going to stay with me for quite some time. I’m going to think of Storm and Lake and hope they’re doing okay.

Overall, this book will grab your heart and twist it tight, absolutely leaving an imprint when it finally releases you on the last page. Even though it’s a 400+ page novel, it reads quickly and one could probably finish it in one setting. The only reason I hadn’t was because I started it super late at night and then had plans the following morning.

*Thank you Nancy Paulsen Books and BookishFirst for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
Death Race (2008)
Death Race (2008)
2008 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
7.1 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In 1975, legendary B-movie producer Roger Corman showed audiences a look at the near future with a biting film that deftly blended action and political commentary and satire. The film was “Death Race 2000” and starred David Carradine and featured a pre-“Rocky” Sylvester Stallone as bitter rivals in a brutal cross country race where finishing first was second only to the amount of death and carnage a driver left in their wake.

The film became a cult hit, and paved the way for films such as “Rollerball”, “Arena”, and countless other films that featured bloodlust sporting events for the masses a la Rome in the age of gladiators at the coliseum. Thirty-three years later, audiences are given the new and upgraded “Death Race” which benefits from a bigger budget with more carnage than the original film that inspired it ever dreamed of.
The film opens with an eerie warning of today’s troubled economic times, stating that the U.S.
economy collapses in 2012 and record unemployment and crime sweep the nation. With prisons overcrowded, corporations run correctional facilities for a profit and soon offer caged matches between inmates for the viewing pleasure of the nation. At first the matches are a huge success but soon lose their appeal to an audience that is eager for even bloodier sport.

In an effort to keep the cash flowing, the Death Race is created which pits convicts against one another in a brutal mix of speed, firepower, and death which in a few years surpasses even the Super Bowl as the most watched sporting event in the world.

Jason Statham stars as Jensen Ames, a former race driver who is framed for the murder of his wife and faces the prospect of life in prison while his daughter is raised by strangers. With the Death Race losing some if its audience, its creator, and warden of the prison, Hennessey (Joan Allen), offers Jensen a solution to both of their problems. If Jensen will pose as the masked Frankenstein for the race and win, he will be granted his freedom. It is learned that the real Frankenstein has finally succumbed to the numerous injuries he has incurred racing, and rather than risk losing his vast legions of fans who drive the ratings, it is easier to replace him than lose him, especially since recent races without Frankenstein had not garnered the same ratings as his past races.

It is explained that should a driver win five death races, they will be set free. Since Frankenstein has won four races, all Jensen has to do is win the race and stay alive to earn his freedom. Jensen is faced with an menacing list of adversaries including the deadly Machine Gun Joe (Tyrese Gibson), who is the biggest threat to Jensen with an absolute hatred for Frankenstein. Gun Joe is a cold-blooded killer who wants nothing more than two more race wins to earn his freedom and will stop at nothing to get it.

Jensen is assisted by the talented Coach (Ian McShane), who dispenses wisdom while overseeing the crew that outfits Jensen’s suped up, armor-plated, and very heavily armed racer. Assigned to ride with Jensen as his Navigator is Case (Natalie Martinez), a female prisoner who, like many of her fellow navigators, sees the race as a chance to earn their freedom and other special perks which makes risking their lives a worthwhile endeavor.

As the race unfolds in three stages, Jensen is tasked with not only surviving the threats Machine Gun Joe and the other racers aim his way, but surviving the twisted scheme that has him in its grasp.
The action of the film is fast, brutal, and unforgiving and is easily the highlight of the film. Sadly there are plenty of scenes with stiff and uninspired characters, numerous plot holes and leaps of logic, and clichés that bog the film down.

Statham is his usual soft talking hard man, a character he has made a career out of playing in such films as the “Crank” and the “Transporter” series. But unlike those films, he is not given much material to work with here. Statham has done solid work in the past but Jensen is a paper thin character who never fully given a chance to develop nor be embraced by the audience.

The same is true for the rest of the cast, a talented ensemble left to languish in want of better material. The film is directed by Paul W.S. Anderson of the “Resident Evil” series who once again shows that he has an eye for action, but still has issues with pacing and unsympathetic characters. This is a shame as the premise of the film is solid, but unlike the original, lacks the social and political commentary needed to balance the carnage and mayhem.

With a little more time in shop and tinkering, this could have been a solid action film, instead it stalls at the starting line badly in need of a tune up.
The Caretakers
The Caretakers
Eliza Maxwell | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As soon as I read the synopsis for The Caretakers by Eliza Maxwell, I was instantly hooked. I knew it was a book that I had to read. It's like it was calling out to me saying "read me." What a wild ride The Caretakers had in store for me!

Tessa Shepard made a documentary that helped free a man that she thought was framed for murder. However, when it seems he's killed the police chief's daughter, Tessa's life becomes upended. Around the same time, Tessa and her twin sister inherit a large estate named Fallbrook. There she meets two old ladies who are the caretakers of Fallbrook that have their own crazy story about the past when it comes to Fallbrooks history. With danger lurking around every corner, Tessa must try to survive and figure out the two old ladies' story.

I could not fault the plot of The Caretakers at all. It was absolutely solid from beginning to end. With The Caretakers, I felt like I was sort of getting two stories in one which was great! The first story is Tessa's. The narrative follows Tessa as she deals with her conscience about freeing a man from prison who may have actually been guilty. She's also dealing with the fallout between her and her twin sister Margot. With Tessa's reputation in tatters, Tessa tries to stay out of the spotlight and deal with what's going on in her personal life, but it doesn't turn out to be that easy. The second narrative belongs to the two old ladies and caretakers of Fallbrook, Kitty and Deidre. Their story was the most interesting to read about. Kitty and Deidre remember two different accounts of what actually befell Fallbrook when they were children. It was traumatizing for both of them, and at least one of the sisters has blocked out the actual memories of the horrible event that happened there. I found myself trying to guess which events were the true ones. Kudos to Eliza Maxwell for adding so many plot twists to The Caretakers that I never saw coming! I absolutely was thrilled that there were so many plot twists. Just when I thought I had the story figured out, a curve ball was thrown at me making me have to start my guess work all over again. However, all cliff hangers and questions are answered by the end of the book.

The characters in The Caretakers were all written fantastically! All were fleshed out appropriately even the minor characters. It was easy to empathize with everything Tessa was going through. She had so much bad stuff going on at one time. Learning her back story, it was easy to see why she thought the way she did. I liked Margot as well. While she's not a main character, she does play a fairly important role in Tessa's life. Sometimes I felt like Margot was a little too closed off when it came to Tessa and her husband, Ben. This wasn't due to bad writing, but quite the opposite. I felt like this was a character flaw that even real life people struggle with. I enjoyed Oliver's character. He made for a fantastic antagonist. Oliver was the one who Tessa freed from prison due to her documentary. Through fantastic storytelling, it was easy to see why Oliver went off the deep end after he was released. I felt bad for him actually. Deidre was an interesting character, and I came to understand why she was wary of strangers meddling in hers and Kitty's business. Kitty was my all time favorite character in The Caretakers though. I was sucked up in her childlike way of acting. She seemed to trust everyone and came across as such a sweet person. It seemed like she was too nice to be unkind towards anyone. I felt like Kitty had the most interesting backstory out of all the characters. The Cooke family, who had previously lived in Fallbrook before it became derelict, had the most intriguing story out of everyone. I really enjoyed reading about them.

Trigger warnings for The Caretakers include profanity, murder, violence, drinking, and police corruption.

To say I was blown away by The Caretakers is an understatement. Seriously, this book gave me goosebumps and a severe book hangover. That's how great it was! With intriguing plot lines and fantastic characters, it was such a fantastic read. I would most definitely recommend The Caretakers by Eliza Maxwell to those aged 17+. I really believe readers of all genres will really enjoy this book!
(A special thank you to Lone Star Literary Life and Eliza Maxwell for sending me a paperback and Netgalley for an eBook of The Caretakers in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
Blood Sisters: The Next Addictive Thriller from the Bestselling Author of My Husband's Wife
Blood Sisters: The Next Addictive Thriller from the Bestselling Author of My Husband's Wife
Jane Corry | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This One Rocked
I Read Blood Sisters By Jane Corry in a few short hours.
No sleep at all for me as I couldn't put the bloody thing down.
so After an awful accident years ago left Vanessa dead, Kitty with severe brain damage living in a home and Alison Introverted and shouldering a heap load of guilt.
The whole trauma is about to be unearthed again for Kitty, Ali and their mother
Many years after the tragic circumstances that left Alison's sister brain damaged and her best friend dead, Alison is trying to move on with her life she has shelved her university plans and is now an artist working at a local college.
Upon spotting an add for a resident artist at a nearby open prison, Alison needing the money applies and surprisingly gets the position.
But then someone starts sending Alison threatening notes saying she will pay.
What is she keeping hidden from that terrible day?
Now what I really loved about this story was the way it jumped from sister to sister while also giving us flashes into the past of the lead-up to what occurred the morning of the accident.
We are first with Alison, Then kitty then back again and even as Kitty resides in the day home with brain damage we see how surprisingly lucid some of her thoughts are, How frustrated she is with the people around her, though she can't remember the past properly and has only flashbacks she struggles to remember more and get her thoughts across.
It gives a whole new perspective into how we interact with disabled individuals, making us think what it would be like to be treated like a child. how frustrating this must be.
Now I don't want to give too much away with Blood Sisters, so all I'm going to say is when you think you know something do not be surprised when its turned on its head. This story takes that many turns with the truth of what happened my head was spinning but in a really good way.
Blood Sisters is an excellent easy read that will keep you guessing until the end, I highly recommend it.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a free advance reader copy of this novel. This is my own unbiased opinion of Blood Sisters by Jane Corry.

Arc Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
One Scream Away (Sheridan, #1)
Kate Brady | 2009
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Seven years ago, Chevy Bankes did something horrific to Beth. She’s been living with her ghosts ever since then. Beth has learned to live on her own and has raised her daughter by herself. But she isn’t prepared to face Bankes when she finds out that he’s been released from prison, and that now he’s after her. Neil, an ex-FBI agent, has somehow gotten himself roped into the case. Now it’s causing him to have to dig up his own ghosts and face them, too. Can two people who lost love earlier in their lives learn to love each other, can Beth keep her daughter out of Bankes’ hands, and can Neil save the woman he loves from her worst nightmare?

One Scream Away was one of those books that you stay up late reading and that you can’t put down, and that you yell at whoever interrupts you because it was so addicting good. It was exciting, suspenseful, romantic, mysterious… everything a book should be.

Without giving away anything, there were many parts in this book that I felt my heart rip when I read what happened. The characters were tangible, like I could pluck them out of the book and set them on my table and watch the rest of the story play out. But they were also relatable, so most of the time I felt like the characters themselves.

Pacing and plot were fantastic in this one. It was impossible to see what would happen next, and Kate Brady keeps you guessing until the very last page, and surprises you at the end.

The writing was not the strongest point. It wasn’t bad per se, it just wasn’t very good either. Acceptably mediocre is the best phrase I can think of, because it wasn’t Dante, but it wasn’t hard to read.

My only other complaint was that a lot of the times, Brady describes what things look like, but not what things feel like. Although the characters were very relatable, I found my own imagination supplying the feelings of the characters while I read this.

Content: There was no elicit sex in this book, although scenes are mentioned and skipped over. There was a lot of language (hey, we’re talking about FBI agents and Police officers and Serial Killers here.) and some rather vulgar details. Murder is not exactly pleasant. Although it wasn’t mapped out in extreme detail, the images left in the reader’s mind are ones that are not for the faint of heart. Or stomach.

Recommendation: Ages 18+
How I Lost You
How I Lost You
Jenny Blackhurst | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
As seen on <a href=""; target="_new">The Ghastly Grimoire.</a>

How I Lost You by Jenny Blackhurst is difficult for me to score with ease, to be completely and totally honest. There are several things I loved about this book and others that felt more like a cliche. Aside from those few moments, I enjoyed reading this novel.

Susan Webster, a.k.a. Emma Cartwright, finds her head still spinning after serving her time in a psychiatric prison for the murder of her son. As a character, she is for the most part fairly well-written. Having suffered a psychotic break, she becomes an unreliable narrator and Blackhurst does an excellent job at describing the sort of incredulity that individuals suffering mental illness find themselves often faced with. Reading Susan’s point of view felt very much like my own after a break I had about two years ago, and for that reason I found her to be relatable – all the way down to the seemingly instant attraction to an otherwise unknown man.

In some reviews, Susan’s interest in Nick has been viewed critically. I, on the other hand, have been that desperate for someone, anyone, to possibly listen to me or give me time of day so I feel Blackhurst’s portrayal of Susan in such a circumstance is certainly realistic. Diminished capacity for judgment is a side effect of mental illness, one that often gets dismissed as a cry for attention.

The story unfolds fairly quickly and in ways that are, at some moments, unsettling. Many of these moments take place in the past, where flashbacks take us to the glorious lives of the Durham Elite. It is in these flashbacks that I encountered the one cliche that absolutely annoyed the piss out of me: a cult like gathering that seemed to come out of nowhere. Seriously, cults are beyond overdone.

I really found myself dancing between three and four for this piece, largely because of the typical use of the “cult” as a scapegoat. For the most part, this is the only bit that appeared to stand completely out of place, so I’ve decided to lean toward four. Thus far, I find Emily Bestler’s selections to be wonderfully appropriate to my tastes and I look forward to seeing more of her publications as an imprint of Atria and Simon & Schuster.

I would like to thank the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book for the purpose of review. This review is written without bias and reflects my honest opinion.
Jar of Hearts
Jar of Hearts
Jennifer Hillier | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.3 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Compelling, twisted story
Fourteen years ago, Georgina "Geo" Shaw's best friend, Angela Wong, disappeared without a trace. The girls were only sixteen years old. Now Geo is a successful executive--and it comes to a surprise to everyone (except Geo) when she's arrested at her pharmaceutical firm for her role in Angela's murder. It turns out, fourteen years ago, Geo was involved while her older boyfriend, Calvin James, killed Angela and buried her remains in the woods behind Geo's childhood home. Calvin has gone on to become a serial killer known as the Sweetbay Strangler. But to Geo, he's Calvin, her first love, despite their abusive and turbulent relationship. For all these years, Geo carried the secret of what happened that fateful night with Calvin and Angela. She told no one, not even the girls' best friend, Kaiser Brody, who is now a detective with the Seattle PD and working on Angela and Calvin's cases. Geo is sentenced to prison and all her secrets appear to be out in the open. But are they truly? And what does it mean when more bodies start appearing, killed in the same manner as Angela?

This was just a great thriller. It alternates its viewpoints, with pieces of the novel told from Geo and Kai and changing between the past and the present. The result is completely captivating. I was mesmerized by this compelling and well-executed novel, which draws you in from the start. The characters in this one are excellent; rarely do you get two such strong vivid main characters, but I felt drawn to both Kai and Geo.

The story slowly works its way back to that fateful night. Hillier unravels things so adeptly that I was kept guessing for quite some time, meticulously starting to work out pieces of the plot, feeling quite triumphant when I was proved right. This novel is just so intricately plotted and incredibly creepy at times--it's simply a pleasure to read. It's deep and dark, propelled by its wonderfully written characters. Honestly, I can't rave enough about both the plot and the characters.

Overall, you can't go wrong with this one. It features compelling characters and a twisted, dark story that will keep you reading until the very end. I need to track down more of Ms. Hillier's books and soon! Highly recommend.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
Desperation Road
Desperation Road
Michael Farris Smith | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read my review here:

<b><i>Now they loved different lives, different from what any of them probably imagined. How could you imagine the complexities of what might come?</b></i>

One night, eleven years ago, Russell did something stupid, made a terrible mistake - he drank and drove and ended up killing someone. Now he’s done his time in prison and he just wants to settle down into a normal life. On the same day as Russell’s release, troubled Maben, and her daughter, are trudging through the grass along the interstate. That night they end up in a motel with no money left and Maben decides there’s something she’s got to do to get them some cash. The night ends, instead, with a dead deputy and Maben pulling her daughter off running. The next day, Russell and Maben cross paths and Russell has to decide if it's his life, or theirs, that he’s going to save.

This is a story about revenge, redemption and acceptance. Quite a different novel to what I’m used to but I do like to step outside my comfort zone every once in awhile. I ended up really enjoying this book, even though, as the title suggests, it’s a little bit dark and depressing at times.

What I loved the most about this book was how realistic it was. There are millions of mystery thrillers out there, that I read on the daily, that are based around “normal” people;s lives but we know, could never be real. This story, on the other hand, is perfectly plausible to imagine in a bit of a down-and-out town. With inherently flawed but morally conscious people and others who are driven to madness and evil by their deep rooted emotions, this is the kind of novel that can really hit home.

Russell, although flawed in many ways, is one of the most likeable characters I’ve ever come across. He means no harm to anyone and does everything out of the good of his heart.

My only issue with this novel was the ending, that I felt could have been grown upon. It felt a bit dead-ended and cut off, but other than that, this was a beautiful story.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley and Little, Brown and Company for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>