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My Thoughts Exactly
My Thoughts Exactly
Lily Allen | 2018
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The raw honesty with which she talks about living after a miscarriage, being stalked and other sexual assault (0 more)
I feel a lack of depth when she talks about her family life. She talks about not being upper class, yet she went to private boarding school, has famous parents and hung out on movie sets as a teen... (0 more)
Lily Allen is raw and down to earth in this autobiography
Perfect Sax (Madeline Bean, #6)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Madeline and her friends have just wrapped up a fundraiser for a private school. Then over the news comes the announcement that a dead woman was found in Madeline's bed. What was she doing there? Was Madeline the target? A very tightly plotted mystery with a great characters. One of the highlights of the series.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Marcelo has Autism. His father has given him a very important choice. In order to keep attending his private school he must break from his routine and work with his father at the law firm for the summer. If he is able to make it and survive "the real world" then he can continue to go to his school. If not than he must attend public school.
Marcelo is assigned to work in the mailroom with Jasmine. They quickly become allies in the firm. Marcelo also has to work with Wendell, the other partners son. When Marcelo finds a picture of a girl in some files Wendell has asked him to go through, he sets out on a quest to find and help this girl. With Jasmine's help, Marcelo accomplishes a lot more than he expects to in one summer.
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror
Characters – Don is the new student being sent to a boarding school, he comes from a common family where he has a close group of friends which he would prefer to be around, he does stick out around the rest of the students, easily breaking the rules around the school. Willoughby is the student that must show Don around the school, he fills in the blanks, has a secret and will be the one that helps Don be prepared for everything in the year. Meredith Houseman is one of teachers, he once attended the school, feeling the pride the school embodies, he will end up helping the students against the evil in the school grounds. The Bat is the headmaster, he has been taking bribes to let the fracking happen and isn’t willing to lose the money coming his way.

Performances – Michael Sheen and Simon Pegg both look like they are having a lot of fun playing the stuck up British stereotypes which are here for the supporting roles. Finn Cole takes the lead in this film and he does all he can because this film does try to introduce too many different types of characters, not giving the lead enough time to shine, Asa Butterfield does well with his role too, getting to become a supporting character for once, instead of having the weight of the film put on him.

Story – The story here follows the time at a private British boarding school which sees monsters unleashed on the students, who must fight to save themselves. The weirdest way to describe this film would be to say this is the British boarding school version of ‘Attack the Block’, I say this because we are trying to play into a lot of stereotypes for added comedy to the situation. When we break down this alone we get to see how the British private school system comes off, with the student classes, the students believing they are better than anybody else and how the teachers are trapped in their own illusions. Add in the monsters which is what they feel like, which again disappoints along with one serious side to the story which is almost played out for jokes.

Comedy/Horror – The comedy only works if you find taking the piss out of upper-class English funny, this is what the film is set around getting laughs from. The horror is what the monsters do to the people, it would have been nice to get more time with them, once we do it does work well for blood splatter.

Settings – The film is set on the grounds of a private boarding school, this is put in an isolated location which does help make the film get added horror elements involved.

Special Effects – The effects in the film are mixed because it does feel like the thrown buckets of blood which for the budget isn’t what you want to see, though the creatures do look frightening at times.

Scene of the Movie – Monsters unleashed.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Too much upper-class British jokes.

Final Thoughts – This is a fun enough horror comedy, it will get the laughs in places and has well created creatures.


Overall: British Ripped apart
Midnight Alley (The Morganville Vampires #3)
Midnight Alley (The Morganville Vampires #3)
Rachel Caine | 2009 | Horror
8.6 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another enjoyable and easy entry into Morganville and it's citizens. The plot was very interesting and well done, Claire continues to be a good main character who doesn't act stupid (which happens a lot even if they're supposed to be smart), and I do look forward to reading what happens next. However, I can do without the cliff hangers, the last book didn't really have one, but it's ridiculous. Can't I read a book without it ending like it's unfinished? Not sure about this new recent development in Claire's life...I foresee annoyingness ahead. LoL :P Otherwise, it's a fun, breezy world to spend some time in, and be happy I don't live there!

I do find it hard to believe that Claire and her parents could not find a better school closer to where they live than what seems to be your average run-of-the-mill college. There's no mention of it being a good school, just closer than whatever college she wants to go to (blanking on which school it is right now :P). Of course we need this contrivance, otherwise there'd be no book series, but at least make it a private upscale, high intelligence school!

Jackjack (877 KP) rated Elite in TV

Mar 14, 2020  
2018 | Crime, Drama, International, Mystery, Romance
High school drama (1 more)
Mystery murder
Filmed in Spain but English voiced takes a while to get used to it (0 more)
This dramatic Spanish program couldn't be more gripping. Although it is filmed in Spain the voices are spoken over in English and as annoying as it is it's subtitled too and they don't always match up to what they are saying, but all the same its kept me hooked.

It all starts when three poor students school collapsed and they are sent off to a rich private school where they are clearly not welcomed. Season one is all about a murder and trying to figure out who did it and why they died, it's a brilliant story and I managed to get lost in it, there is something for everyone to relate to. Typical high school drama between popular kids poor kids and a murderer. Season two was equally as good and gripping as the first one with the story unravelling and people are breaking and the truth comes out. I have just started season three and again couldn't be more engrossed.

If you've seen share your thoughts

I had to make this myself as it wasn't under the TV review section. Netflix Original
Moore Field School and the Mystery
Moore Field School and the Mystery
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">Moore Field School and the Mystery</a> - ★

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Moore Field School and the Mystery by Liam Moiser is the first book of the Moore Field School series. We follow the main character Samantha, whose parents are teachers at her school, Moore Field School.

When Moore Field School is about to close down, the headmistress, Miss Moore, moves the school to Lakeview to start again. And Samantha and her parents move too. 

Before the first term, the students go to a camp, where they hear about a haunted house. Samantha and her best friend, Jessica, somehow end up in the middle of this mystery. 

My first thoughts of this book were that I find this little school cute, and the mystery of the haunted house quite interesting. 

However, other than that, I am afraid not many things really appealed to me. 

First of all, Samantha doesn’t look like or act like a little girl. She has conversations with her parents in a very unusual way. Who talks to their parents in such a way, in a middle grade book for children?

<b><i>“Okay, since you are both insisting, I’ll go and get my musical sheets whilst you settle yourselves down in the living room.” Samantha smiled; she really did want her father and mother to listen to her music. </i></b>

Aside from the characters and their language, there are a lot of scenes and acts in the book that I cannot find the logic of: 

Miss Moore, the headmistress, is closing the school down because of the lack of pupils going into the private school. She is then moving the school into another town, which is a few hundred miles away. And she wants the old students to keep going to this school. Why would I want my child to keep going to a school that will now be hundreds of miles away? And yet, parents agree to this…

Both parents and teachers don’t seem to care too much about their pupils. Samatha and Jessica wander off, almost drown, get lost twice, and when they return, they are simply greeted as if nothing major happened. Also, the teacher that was supposed to be guarding them and fell asleep and lost them twice gets out of the whole mess without being in any trouble. 

I really wish I enjoyed this book, but it made me cringe and wince all the way through on how pompous and unrealistic it was. Luckily, it is quite short, so I got through it quite fast. Whew. 

I don't think I will be reading the rest of the series unfortunately.

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Lee (2222 KP) rated Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018) in Movies

Nov 2, 2018 (Updated Nov 2, 2018)  
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror
Absolutely awful
A fracking site close to a private school deep in the countryside causes a sinkhole to appear. From which, a bunch of subterranean creatures emerge and begin munching on the teachers and pupils. It's then up to a group of them to band together and do whatever it takes in order to save the school.

Slaughterhouse Rulez boasts an impressive cast, including Michael Sheen, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Pegg and Frost are even credited as executive producers, so you'd be forgiven for expecting something along the lines of the brilliant three flavours Cornetto trilogy. Unfortunately, it comes nothing close, and I cannot believe those 3 had anything to do with this. The characters are mostly lazily written stereotypes and it's not at all funny. The creatures themselves have good potential, but due to poor editing they don't even come across as scary. It's just not very good at all. Such a disappointment.
The Great St. Trinian&#039;s Train Robbery (1966)
The Great St. Trinian's Train Robbery (1966)
1966 | Comedy
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Fourth St Trinian's film is a knockabout farce which has not aged at all well. Crooks hide the loot from a train robbery (such things were topical at the time) in a disused building, which is then taken over by St Trinian's school as their new premises. Can the villains retrieve the swag without anyone noticing?

Notably pragmatic (to the point of ruthlessness) in pursuit of its gags: there is shotgun satire of politicians, civil servants, the private school system, and various topical issues (there are some very dodgy jokes about immigration and racial minorities). Even more cartoony than a Carry On film, and increasingly frantic as it goes on, it does have a remarkable cast of well-known faces from British films of its period, but the jokes are thinner on the ground than one might hope for given the talent involved. Has a certain historical interest these days but it's awkward to watch as much as entertaining.
Selah and the Spades (2019)
Selah and the Spades (2019)
2019 | Drama
Selah (Lovie Simone) is leader of The Spades. One of the five cliques that run the student body in their upper-crust private school. The campus is filled with bored students who nothing better to do than spend the time roiling in teen angst, drugs and group hierarchies.

The school is run by five factions, each one function in a different capacity. Like Student Government for juvenile delinquents. They are organized enough to call group meetings, but not focused enough to get the through without arguments.

This is Selah’s senior year. She is caught between trying to figure out what to do with her life after graduation, waiting for the acceptance letters to come in while she is completely fixated on The Spade’s control over the drug trade on campus. She is also trying to find her successor to run the Spades once she leaves her alma mater. Her best friend, Maxxie (Jharrel Jerome) is her right hand in the Spades. Together, they have kept the five groups running the underground smoothly. It’s their senior year and they have plans.

Paloma (Celeste O’Connor)is the new sophomore at the school. She is immediately befriended by Selah, who quickly decides that Paloma would be the perfect person to inherit the Spades crown for the following year. While Selah tutors Paloma in the business of running the show, Max becomes distracted by a new face on the cheerleading squad, leaving Selah to go into a slow, emotional and mental tailspin.

Overall, the film felt unfocused, as if the purpose was to create a lowkey Lord of the Flies. It’s difficult to find empathy for teenage struggles in a private school setting. The film seems to be about Selah’s concern with losing her identity and the fear of leaving all that is familiar to her as she moves on to her next phase in life.

We see the kids trying to run this warped StuGo, undermining the leaders hold on each group. There isn’t much empathy for the students. They don’t have to worry about their next meal. These kids don’t have to worry about doing well in school in order to earn a scholarship for college.

The story lacks depth. It does not illicit empathy for any of the characters. There is one scene in the film that I had hoped would set the tone for the film. I was disappointed because that scene perfectly encapsulated how women are expected to be and how to they can take control of the narrative. I was hoping for more in this movie and it did not deliver enough.