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    My Healthy Little Baby

    My Healthy Little Baby

    Education and Games

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    Our aim is to help children recognize the importance of personal hygiene, and it is time for them to...

Deadly Friend (1986)
Deadly Friend (1986)
1986 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Death By Basktetball
Deadly Friend- is a good movie. The best sence is the basketball kill. It was gory, horrorfying and terrorfying. Other than that this film is basically Frankenstien but instead of a monster its a robot. Which does turn into a monster.

The plot: Its plot follows a teenage computer prodigy who implants a robot's hardrive into the brain of his teenage neighbor after she is pronounced brain dead; the experiment proves successful, but she swiftly begins a killing spree in their neighborhood.

Originally, the film was a sci-fi thriller without any graphic scenes, with a bigger focus on plot and character development and a dark love story centering around the two main characters, which were not typical aspects of Craven's previous films. After Craven's original cut was shown to a test audience by Warner Bros., the audience criticized the lack of graphic, bloody violence and gore that Craven's other films included. Warner Bros. executive vice president Mark Canton and the film's producers then demanded script re-writes and re-shoots, which included filming gorier death scenes and nightmare sequences, similar to the ones from Craven's previous film, A Nightmare on Elm Street. Due to studio imposed re-shoots and re-editing, the film was drastically altered in post-production, losing much of the original plot and more scenes between characters, while other scenes, including more grisly deaths and a new ending, were added. This version was criticized by test audiences for containing too much graphic, bloody violence and gore.

In April 2014, an online petition for the release of the original cut was made.

Its a intresting movie see it for yourself and see if you like it.
On the Origin of Findo Gask
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

“Sick, twisted, blasphemous, wrong and very, very funny.” That is how this book, <i>On the Origin of Findo Gask</i> by David McCreight, is described on the back cover. But how accurate is it? “Blasphemous”? Most definitely. “Very, very funny”? Not so much. Although it is obvious that there is an attempt a humour, it is too “sick” and “twisted” for it to be anywhere near hilarious.

Findo Gask is a rather unattractive sixteen-year-old living in the Scottish Highlands. The narrative, recounted from his point of view, alternates between present day and an account of past events. Findo was once a child prodigy until he began questioning religion openly in church. In order to get back at the Christians, who thought he was possessed by demons, he establishes the Darwin Terrorist Organisation along with Cousin Dan. This, however, eventually gets rather out of hand. Now Findo is living with his Gran and his Mum is in hospital with a mysterious illness. He also believes he has sold the universe.

The fact that Findo is a stereotypical, Scottish, working class teenager makes the amount of bad language almost acceptable; although, to tell the complete truth, it did border on excessive.

At first there did not seem to be much of a plot, but once the past and present join up it is possible to connect all the events included in the story, which results in a considerably explosive ending.

As everyone’s take on humour is different there will undoubtedly be people who love this book. It would not be fair to deliberately put people off from reading <i>On the Origin of Findo Gask</i>, yet at the same time it is not recommended for the easily offended readers, particularly those with strict religious principles and a dislike for foul language.
On a Clear Day
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've never been so confused with an audiobook. I don't really know why, either.

<b>There's not much of a plot going on – just a group of teenagers from random parts of the world (I think) banding together to take down a major company while figuring out how a terrorist fits in with it all.</b> If you want a shorter version, it's a group of teenagers coming together to take down a monopolizer.

<i>On a Clear Day</i> is probably <b>better to listen to than actually reading the book</b>. There are some parts that are read rapid fast, but Rebecca Soler is an amazing narrator. Like Amanda Dolan in <i>Red Queen</i>, <b>the story is narrated realistically and it was just far more enjoyable to listen to.</b> I felt like I was listening to a recording of a conversation (that might actually be very accurate).

The narration might have been why I even completed the book. Maybe the heat is getting to me (not likely), but I feel like <b>I'm just chugging along and nodding without interpreting anything going on. I don't feel like I know much about any of the group of teenagers aside from what they're well-known for</b> – chess prodigy, math/computer whiz, athlete, musician, etc.

<b>I feel like I'm reading the middle of a stand alone series</b> where I'm supposed to know all the major characters really well and Myers can just focus on developing the plot. The points to the point disappeared somewhere. <b>The end feels like a pause that Myers will never get around to. It's a happily ever after with loose ends and an unknown future.</b>
<blockquote>C-8 had backed off from acquiring another company. For now.</blockquote>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
    Feelings - For Kids

    Feelings - For Kids

    Education and Games

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    This educational game teaches children to recognize when they have a specific feeling. Toddlers...