The Mercury Project

Hidden Figures (2016)
Movie Watch
A team of three African-American women prove their skills as mathematicians and engineers at NASA...
Katherine Johnson Dorothy Vaughan Mary Jackson Project Mercury

Sigma 7: The Six Mercury Orbits of Walter M. Schirra, Jr.: 2016
Colin Burgess offers a comprehensive yet personal look at the 1962 orbital mission of Wally Schirra...

Metropolitan Museum Journal: 2015: Volume 50
Luke Syson, Katharine Baetjer, Julie Jones and Elizabeth Mankin Kornhauser
The Metropolitan Museum Journal, issued annually by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, publishes...

Game Testing All in One
Charles P. Schultz and Robert Bryant
An updated version of the bestselling, "Game Testing All In One", this book equips the reader with...

Microsoft Access 2010 Programming by Example
With more than 275 applied examples and 10 projects, Access users can quickly build database...

Girl Talk by Lesley Gore
Ace follow up their recent release of Lesley Gore's Magic Colors The Lost Album with this expanded...