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Merissa (11800 KP) created a post

Dec 4, 2020  
"From award-winning and international best-selling author Melanie A. Smith comes a steamy holiday murder-mystery romance with a psychic twist."

TOUR & #GIVEAWAY - Last Kiss Under the Mistletoe by Melanie A. Smith - @Archaeolibrary, @XpressoTours, #Adult, #Romance, #Seasonal, #Suspense,

Morgan Sheppard (926 KP) created a post

Aug 30, 2021  
My #4Star #BookoftheMonth for August is a #YoungAdult #Dystopian #Romance "about the life of a girl with extraordinary psychic powers, and what happens when a heart is torn between love and rage." Take a look and see what I think. 😁
I was really excited to read this book because I love the Psychic Eye Mysteries Victoria Laurie also writes. I'm not a picky reader, but I'm sorry, this didn't quite do it for me and I ended up very disappointed.

I was hoping they'd be different from the P. E. Mysteries, but still have similar elements of style. Even though I like romance, this book was supposed to be a mystery, hence A Ghost Hunter Mystery on the cover, but the mystery is thrown in around the rather awkwardly written romance between M. J. and Steven. I did think the first chapter was good because I thought M. J. would be different than Abby and more antisocial and a bit cranky (at least that's what I got from the first chapter), but then she ended up giggling throughout the whole book (seriously). What I like about the P. E. Mysteries are that they are fresh, fun, very well written, and the characters are (for the most part) believable. Not to mention, I got extremely tired of reading Steven's choppy English ('what do you say...?', 'Yes, that too', etc.), which made the dialogue even choppier and flatter than it already was, not to mention irritating as all get out. I don't know why V. L. couldn't have made him more fluent in English, especially since he was so well educated, it would only have been a small tweak in the plot. But I've noticed Ms. Laurie has a bit of a redundancy problem in her books, even if I do love Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye, which has the 'liar, liar, pants on fire' repetition, where when someone lies, Abby's 'inborn lie detector' goes off with that chant.

Overall, the dialogue was choppy, the plot and mystery were subpar, the characters were clichés and unbelievable (Doc was a nice addition though), and the whole book badly needed editing. I would not recommend this, although I'm sure many (as seen in the numerous four and five star ratings) would like this as it's not completely horrible; it's just not very fresh even if the subject is interesting. I haven't quite made up my mind if I'll pick up the next in the series.
Truly, Madly (Lucy Valentine, #1)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
TRULY, MADLY is mystery, romance, chick-lit and a bit of paranormal all wrapped up in one delightful little package. Lucy Valentine is a nice, normal, and a little bit quirky protagonist who never got on my nerves. It's nice to have a main character who isn't totally self-absorbed, ditzy, neurotic, clumsy and just plain irritating, basically just about every female you run across in lighter fiction books these days. All the other characters added to the story seamlessly and there wasn't one who was unnecessary. I enjoyed the psychic angle and thought that it was used in a fresh and interesting way. The plot was engaging and moved swiftly, and everything was well-written in an easy and smooth manner. I don't really have any major complaints and look forward to the next in the series.

The best word to use in describing this book is cute. So if you like cute, check it out, it's a nice piece of brain candy that won't offend your intelligence.
Touch of Regret (The Collectors #1)
Touch of Regret (The Collectors #1)
Autumn Reed | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Touch of Regret ( The Collectors book 1)
By Autumn Reed

Review will be posted in comments via Smashbomb once read

The day I truly started to live, I sentenced him to die.

At 24, I'd resigned myself to a simple life following in my mother's footsteps. I would manage the antique shop she left me and marry a kind, stable man. Most importantly, I would never tell a soul about my psychic abilities.

But with a single, intentional touch and a vision of the past, I set events in motion that expose my secret. I'm part of a world I never knew existed, and my new allies are dismantling my carefully constructed walls.

Except, those walls had a purpose - they kept me hidden.

Now, my abilities make me a target. And my mere existence is endangering everyone I care about.

My name is Adele Rose, and I know nothing but regret.

Well I wasn’t expecting that! The first couple weeks f chapters seem very run of the mill romance but once it gets going it’s a very intriguing well written story. The characters are strong and you’re left asking more and more questions. The story is interesting and leaves you wanting to keep reading. Highly recommended!! Even with a cliffhanger!
Genre: Contemporary, Inspirational

Page Count: 324 pages (of nauseation)

Average Goodreads Rating: 3/5 stars (why, Goodreads? You’re usually so tough on books)

My Rating: 1.5/ 5 stars

Truthfully, this is actually a great story. Yeah. So great. It’s the perfect backstory for its horror sequel: The Martins Trump Manson on Body Count.

As a romance it fucking sucks.

I don’t even know where to begin. This book is so full of sugary sap that it makes pasta covered in maple and chocolate syrup and marshmallows look appetizing.

Still not as sweet as The Air We Breathe
Here’s the thing: I’m not actually a bitter and cynical person. I like sap and fluff. I smile and giggle during romance scenes, I’ve obsessively written cute and romantic fanfiction and my boyfriend and I were arguably the most nauseatingly cute couple to ever walk the halls of John Bapst Memorial High School.

But I gagged reading this book for the amount of love-doveyness.

Marguerite is on holiday in London, recovering from the sudden deaths of her parents which liberated her from 27 years of being suffocated and controlled by them. While there, she has a random chance encounter with Chase Martin, a depressed rock star exhausted from touring with his band. Chase and Marguerite are drawn together by a strange unknown force. They don’t know why they have such a strong connection to each other, but they do know that life without the other would not be living at all.

I actually really liked the beginning and thought that it would shape up to be an interesting and sweet romance. We see them before they meet in the coffee shop, miserable and depressed, and then while sipping her drink and reading her book, Marguerite feels Chase’s anxiety. So she buys him a decaf drink and gives it to him, saying she could feel his anxiety from across the shop. That’s great.

The two of them realize they’re drawn together and can find each other happiness and Marguerite ends up spending the night at Chase’s house just so they can find comfort in having another human being near them. That’s great, too.

The beginning is by far my favorite part because it has promise for a good story and has more vivid scenes than any other part of the book.

But then it moves too quickly from there.

From that moment on, the two of them are so deep in love they make Romeo and Juliet look reserved and cautious. They are constantly “blown away” by each other and moved to tears every minute by each other. They “get a kick out of” every little joke they make to each other, and they start living together immediately after they meet. After a week (that’s right, a flipping week), Chase proposes to her.

And if I had a pin for every time one of those quoted phrases appeared in this novel, I could pulverize a voodoo doll. The repeated phrases and excessive emotion of the characters is definitely the worst part.

I’m still not that aggravated with this book, yet. Yeah, the insta love irks me, but I figure there will be a great plot with lots of trouble between the two of them after they marry. After all, they barely know each other and they need to figure out what this psychic connection means. Maybe they’re the incarnated souls of Hawkgirl and Hawkman and they’re about to get killed by an immortal psychopath (did I mention I’m a huge nerd?).

Nope. The two of them agree on everything, right down to how to decorate the house and the new rule that shoes are off upon entering. And things continue to be hunky dory for practically forever. All of Chase’s friends, and their girlfriends, love Marguerite and nobody questions their whirlwind romance. Yeah, because a severely depressed person getting engaged after a week of dating isn’t a cry for help or anything.

And there is so much to dislike about Chase’s and Marguerite’s decisions. Marguerite is forced to quit her job so she can move to London to be with Chase.

Never mind that she liked her job in Pennsylvania and didn’t express any wish to be a housewife. Never mind that Chase was getting tired of touring and thinking about quitting the band anyway. It’s her life that gets turned upside down.

Also, so much for her newfound freedom following her parents’ deaths! Now she’s shadowed by a bodyguard wherever she goes, needs to sneak into the backs of restaurant when she wants to eat out, and can’t even walk to the store for fear of being accosted by her husbands’ fans.

Yes, Chase’s life gets changed too. He now has a wife that cooks meals for him, cleans for him, furnishes and decorates his house for him, and hands him a cold towel when he walks off stage. He made some real damn sacrifices when he married Marguerite.


But life goes on. With a lot of summary and over thirty years, it goes on.

Aside from dialogues and scenes peppered here and there, the book is mostly sweet and sappy summary of their lives. Dark things happen now and then but they’re glossed over and smothered in fluff.

If this storyline was done by a competent writer, this actually could have been an entertaining series about the Martin family. There is actually plenty of material between the psychic connection, Marguerite’s tragic background, a miscarriage, a huge celebrity drugging conspiracy, two sets of twins, a near death experience, and a baby on the doorstep.

But somehow it becomes boring and plotless when it’s all crammed into one book that seems to drag on forever. During all of this my main concern, the psychic connection, was never explained. It’s just a gift from God. One that turns their “perfect” (as in creepily well behaved and mature) children into kids from The Shining. Because they also have a psychic connection. They can “feel” each other and their parents. Oh, and talk to their dead sister, apparently, when their dead sister wants to tell them about babies being left on their doorstep.

“This is Baby Sarah,” Matt said.

“Baby Sarah?” Marguerite asked.

(Both sets of twins) said “Yes. We knew she was coming.”

Chase asked, “How did you know?”

“Baby Margaret told us,” Mark said.

Also, when Chase and Marguerite choose Sarah’s full name, all four children, in a different room, wake up from a dead sleep, sit up in unison, and announce that the baby is named.

May I present the newest additions to the Martin family?
If you want to read a rockstar romance, I recommend Love’s Rhythm by Lexxie Couper, which isn’t perfectly crafted, but leagues beyond The Band 4: The Air We Breathe.

Becca Major (96 KP) rated Black in TV

May 26, 2018  
2017 | Drama, International, Mystery
Premise (3 more)
Interesting world-building
Manipulative asshat hero
"Black" is just weird, okay?
"Black" is a very weird show because it is a steaming pile of questions. What Black is actually about is a detective who kinda befriends a psychic woman right before getting shot, and the Grim Reaper that possesses his dead body for his own purposes. Oh, and the psychic and the reaper develop feelings for each other, because of course they do.

The Characters
The main female character is Kang Ha-ram, an unfortunate woman who is able to see black smokey clouds on the backs of people who are about to die. Then, if she touches them, she can see exactly how they die. She lives alone, has trouble keeping a job, and has a terrible relationship with her family. Out of all the characters in this show, she is the most relatable. It’s also nice to see a headstrong female character who is also compassionate and damaged.
The main male character, however, is the Grim Reaper. His designated number is 444, but he chooses to call himself Black pretty early on (as an homage to "Meet Joe Black" though I can't say anything about it because I haven't actually seen the movie). He's... interesting. On one hand, I hate him. I hate that he manipulates Ha-ram. I hate that he lies to her about everything, and still has the audacity to jerk her around. I hate that he is prejudiced and egotistical. On the other hand, after he's been on Earth for a little while, he starts to pick up on the nuances of human interaction, so I can't hate him too much.

The Story
The story caught my attention early on. It is first and foremost a mystery and a cold-case mystery at that. Shortly after Black takes over the life of detective Han Mu-gang, he is roped into a case of teenage prostitution, murder, and political cover-ups. It's very good and keeps you guessing. Plus there's the romance between Ha-ram and Black to worry about. Unfortunately, the entire final episode is terrible. It literally feels like they threw darts at a board to figure out how to finish the show.

Final Thoughts
It's a good show that could use a much better finale. It has strong characters and a hella good story. The effects are good, and the acting is great. If you like mysteries or need a change of pace, then give it a shot.

[I wrote a little bit more about this on my personal blog, and I plan to do a few more posts about Black on it. Check it out if you are interested.]

Midge (525 KP) rated Whatever It Takes in Books

Jan 22, 2019  
Whatever It Takes
Whatever It Takes
Leigh Fleming | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautifully compelling (1 more)
Strong and confident main character
Captivating and Engaging
"Whatever It Takes" is a beautifully compelling story that has a bit of everything. From drama, romance and conflict, to joy and sorrow, there is really something for everyone.

It is a contemporary fiction and romance novel set in Highland Springs, West Virginia, a wonderfully scenic, American small town with a close-knit community.

What’s really likeable about it straight-away are the opening chapters that draw you straight into the main character, Darla Jean Heartwood. She is a strong, confident, very successful businesswoman, however, she is also emotional and impulsive. You feel instantly on her side, particularly in her initial dealings with Jason Byrne the handsome fellow who has been following her. You can immediately sense there is something going on, and one of the highlights of the book is following how that relationship develops. The handsome, charismatic, distinguished, silver fox Jason is, at first, hard to work out but you gradually get to know him as the story unfolds and see that he has many surprising qualities.

Darla has kept a family secret for eighteen years until she receives an unwanted telephone call. Family relationships are put to the test when she decides to correct some of her past decisions, for her daughter, Meghan, the man she loves, and also herself. She will let nothing stand in her way to expose the high-profile Governor, a man who took away her innocence and brought great angst to her life for years.

Both the plot and the character development are excellent, and the story-line is very believable. The story is also both captivating and engaging. It held my interest from start to finish, and I found myself rooting for Darla as she showed extremes of courage in confronting her challenges.

The writing style is very easy to read and it’s an interesting novel particularly for the interplay of the different characters - a wacky and psychic aunty, a loud and pushy cousin and a large group of girlfriends. Plenty of romantic ups and downs along the way and plenty of surprises. I loved it!

I highly recommend this book and suggest wholeheartedly that you add it to your booklist.

Thank you to Hidden Gems for a free ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary, honest review.
Angel: Book 1
Angel: Book 1
L.A. Weatherly | 2013 | Children
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog <a href="">A Romance Reader's Reviews</a>

1.5 stars

I finally finished it!

This begins with Alex out on an angel kill, introducing us to what he does in life and the danger angels pose to the public. Then we meet Willow as she fixes a car in the school parking lot before a popular girl from school asks her to do a psychic reading on her and Willow reluctantly agrees. What she sees freaks her out and starts a train of events that cause her to be hunted down by every angel and member of the Church of Angels in America. Luckily she runs into Alex and together they go on a journey across the country to try and find out more about Willow's past and how to stop the angels forever.

I didn't buy this that long ago and got it cheap off a second hand site. I thought with it being a YA Paranormal book that I'd get sucked right into it but I didn't (I started it last November). It took over 100 pages for something exciting to happen and a little longer before it really got going and then I was sucked in enough to read about 50 pages at a time. It did turn into a quick read after that and I'd finished the book within three days but I wasn't really interested in the story, I just wanted to finish it.

I liked how the angels were bad in this, that is definitely new to me. They're normally the good guys come to save the world and the people who live on it, not the bad guys who are feeding off humans to survive.

I can't say I was fond of either main character and I felt their love for each other came out of nowhere. This book just didn't gel with me at all and I won't be continuing the series.
Rook (Bridge &amp; Sword: Awakenings #1)
Rook (Bridge & Sword: Awakenings #1)
J.C. Andrijeski | 2017 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rook (Bridge & Sword: Awakenings #1) by J.C. Andrijeski
Rook has a very interesting premise, with a dystopian world setting. The main character in this is Alyson, or Allie. She is a normal human, and has the tests and the tattoo to prove it. However, this doesn't stop her from being kidnapped by someone, who turns out to be a seer. Not only that but other factions are after her too.

All of this is simple enough to follow, but the book itself becomes quite confusing. You see, Alyson is the Bridge... except, just what this is, is never fully explained. Apart from the fact that she may bring about a further apocalypse that is. The seers don't see the future (that I could tell), but are able to 'see' things differently. However, there are factions within factions within the seers.

Revik plays a major role in this book too. I think he is supposed to also be the love interest, but that didn't work at all for me. There was no communication from him to help Allie find her way in this crazy new world in which she finds herself. Not only that, but when something happens between the two of them, and Allie (and the reader) is left in the dark, not only does he NOT explain anything, but he forbids anyone else to speak of it too! And THEN he gets pissy when she does something 'wrong', but once again, won't tell her what. Not only that, but it is physically painful for these two to be near each other.

Throw in clones, pyramids, and Tibetan monks - sorry, I mean seers - and you get an idea of this book. The description in the book says it is "A psychic end of the world story with romance, a cyberpunk flair and apocalyptic, metaphysical leanings akin to the Matrix." Personally, I don't quite see that, but to each their own.

This book is a Marmite book for me - I can see some people loving it, some people hating it. As for me, I enjoyed it, but I'm not interested in this world or the characters to go any further with it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

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