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8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

When I saw that this book was available to review, I knew I had to read it. It just sounded so interesting! While it started out shaky at first, it quickly became a book that I couldn't put down.

The title is plain but attention grabbing. When I read the title, I had to read the blurb to find out if it was something I would enjoy.

The cover is a little too bland for my liking. It doesn't really grab my attention at all. In fact, it looks like a book from the 1980's (although it isn't).

The world building is very believable, and that's the creepiest thing. It just makes you realize how easy it would be to have this happen to us or to someone we know. Hildebrand definitely has the creep factor in his world building!

The pacing started off slow at first, and I was wondering if I had made a mistake in agreeing to review this book. I was very disappointed because I wanted to enjoy this book. I made the (wise) decision to stick with the book though, and I was greatly rewarded. Close to halfway in, the pacing really picks up, and I was totally enthralled in this story. In fact, it took me a day to read, and it only took that long because life got in the way...and sleep!

The plot is interesting and all too real. With the anonymity of the internet, you never really know who is on the other side of a computer screen. Lilly thinks Ian could be boyfriend material after talking to him online, but he ends up being a psycho.

I thought Hildebrand did an excellent job when it came to the characters. Lilly is a typical 14 year old girl interested in boys while being self conscious about how she looks. Her friends are all more experienced than her, and she's feeling a little left out. She makes some decisions that I wouldn't have made, and I kept cringing at her decisions, but I'm also older then her. Her decisions are those of a 14 year old girl. Ian was just plain creepy. Ian is a big time psycho, and I thought the author did a great job at conveying at how Ian could just flip out at any moment.

The dialogue fits very well with a young adult novel. The teens all acted their age. I don't remembering any swearing in this book, and there's not really any violence, but there is a the creepy factor which younger teens may find a bit too stressful.

Overall, Cyberstalker is a creepy yet intriguing read. It hits home hard and really makes you realize that this could actually happen to someone you know.

I'd recommend this book to to those aged 16+ who are big on social media as well as those who are after a fantastic psychological thriller.

(I was provided with a free ecopy of this title from the tour host in exchange for a fair and honest review).
The Psychopath Test
The Psychopath Test
Jon Ronson | 2012 | Health & Fitness
8.2 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is remarkably entertaining – I can see why it’s having such a long stint in the bookseller’s shelves! It’s most definitely written for the lay person, and that goes some way to explaining the book’s longevity.

It logs the course of events taken by Jon Ronson as he interviews some people who are deemed crazy, or psychopathic, and some people who diagnose psychological traits. The start of Ronson’s journey is intriguing - it begins when various academics, predominately neuroscientists, are sent mysterious and cryptic packages. They all rush onto online forums trying to figure out what it’s all about. Unfortunately, this section comes to an abrupt and disappointing conclusion (no spoilers).

This all changes in Chapter 2, however. Here, Ronson meets a man, Tony, who claims to have faked mental illness in order to get put into a psychiatric facility rather than a traditional prison. The Scientologists are on his side, and they send Ronson Broadmoor’s file on Tony, but with significant omissions, which shed a whole new light on why Tony should be incarcerated.

Chapter 3 describes how in the 1960’s psychiatrist Elliot Barker, held several nude LSD-induced psychotherapy sessions for psychopaths. In Chapter 4, Ronson goes on a conference to learn about Bob Hare’s psychopath checklist, and by Chapter 5, he’s using it in an interview with a leader of a death squad, Toto Constant. In Chapter 6, he uses it in an interview with Al Dunlan, who apparently enjoyed firing 6.000 people from their jobs.

Following a brief interlude to discuss the media, conspiracy theorists and the second coming, the theme of psychopathy is picked up again in Chapter 9 which looks at criminal profiling, and how it was once used to lure one particular suspect into an unwarranted arrest.

Ronson goes off on another tangent in Chapter 10, which discusses the (very real) problem of an apparent ballooning of mental illness diagnoses. Here he tells the tale of what happened when a 4-year-old girl was given 10 pills a day for “childhood bipolar” disorder.

In Ronson’s concluding chapter, he attends a tribunal for the Tony of Chapter 2, and Tony’s fate is decided (no spoilers). By this point, Tony’s charisma has got Ronson taken in, in spite of Tony showing several psychopathic traits.

My take away from the book is that people will have eccentricities, diagnosis or not, and the way to tell if someone is dangerous, is by their actions. Ronson himself has spotted psychopathic traits in himself, despite being overly anxious and not the slightest bit evil. The book sheds a lot of light, not only on the nature of obtaining a diagnosis, but also on its implications.

Whilst I do recommend the book, this book is most definitely not a thorough analysis of the mental health industry, nor the criminal profiling industry. But for entertainment purposes it gets top marks. If you are looking for a more authoritative book on the mental health industry and diagnosis, I recommend Saving Normal by Allen Frances.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Wolf Road in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
The Wolf Road
Beth Lewis | 2016
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 Stars

<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

“Any lie can turn into the truth if you believe it long enough.” <i>The Wolf Road</i> is the debut literary thriller by British author Beth Lewis. The post-apocalyptic world is not a very safe place to be, especially for a seven year old during a fierce and dangerous storm. Lost in the woods, a young girl comes across a man who, after naming her Elka, gives her a place to stay for the next ten years of her life. During this time he teaches her how to trap animals, use hunting knives and move silently between the trees – all the vital things needed to survive in the wild. For a long time Elka views this man as a father figure, but on discovering that her beloved Daddy is a serial killer, she realizes she has been living a life of lies.

Desperate to get away from the horrifying realization, Elka runs off deep into the forest with only a hunting knife and the clothes on her back. With nowhere to go, she decides to try and find her birth parents, but although she can easily survive in the wild, she is completely unprepared for the human world. With a childlike innocence, Elka finds herself in trouble on numerous occasions, only feeling at ease once she is back in the woods living the life of wolves. However she soon realizes that she will never be safe no matter how far she travels – not until that murderer is dead himself.

Once you get used to Elka’s colourful dialect, the gripping narrative pulls us into a world with danger around every corner. Elka’s revelation at the beginning of the book seems like a small issue compared with all the trouble she finds herself in later on. The reader will sympathize with Elka as she discovers the evils of man, and admire her strength as well as the development of a conscience after meeting and making her first ever friend. But whilst Elka learns how to walk amongst humans, there is a foreboding sense of doom as evilness keeps her within its sights.

<i>The Wolf Road</i> is a great post-apocalyptic story with a strong protagonist. At times it takes on a similar theme to a western novel, with guns, gold mining, and violence; but it is essentially a thriller built up of lies that are gradually unpicked. There is no psychological element to the book, thus nothing to try and work out for yourself. You simply need to read and discover what happens. As a result this book is the kind you will either love or hate. Some people may find it disturbing or gruesome, whereas others may find it exciting and enjoy reading about the unique main character.

Personally I think <i>The Wolf Road</i> is a great, original piece of work, and it only loses stars because I found a few parts a bit too grisly. Beth Lewis writes well and it cannot have been easy to keep the dialect up for the entire novel. This is an author who definitely has promise for the future.
Frayed (2007)
Frayed (2007)
2007 | Horror, Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Many aspiring filmmakers spend years looking for their big break, a chance to show their talents to the world and to be given an opportunity to make a living doing the work that they love.

Sadly in such a competitive field, many struggle to be given that shot, and never get a chance to see their dreams reach fruition. Thanks to Screamfest, ( independent horror film makers are given their chance to submit their works to be included in an annual competition.

The competition screens films for fans and judges, and awards prizes to the top films of the competition. This is ideal for filmmakers as not only do they get publicity and an audience for their work, but a chance at a distribution deal and future work.

This year a local Washington State based company (lock It Entertainment) called has seen the culmination of years of work realized as their film “Frayed” has been accepted into the competition and stands out as one of the most promising films of the competition.

The film is set in a small town in Washington State where a small boy named Kurt brutally kills his mother and is confined to a mental institution. It is learned that Kurt is trapped in his mind and that he may not ever be able to return to normalcy.

The film then moves to the present day where Kurt is scheduled to be transferred to a facility that is better suited to his condition, as he has grown beyond any help. His father, the local Sheriff, Pat Baker, (Tony Doupe’), is struggling with the decision as he knows that it is the right thing to do, but finds it hard to sign his son away to the care of another institution.

At home, Sheriff Baker returns to find his daughter Sara (Alena Dashiell), on her way to a camping trip and his new wife Jolene (Kellee Bradley) frustrated over the boundaries that Sara and her friends have.

As if his day could not get any worse, Sheriff Baker learns that Kurt has escaped during his move, and is leaving a trail of carnage in his wake.
Torn between his loyalty to his son and his duty to protect the community, Sheriff Baker mounts a manhunt to capture Kurt unaware that a security officer from the hospital named Gary (Aaron Blakely), is in hot pursuit of Kurt and is witness to his deadly brutality firsthand.

What follows is a tension filled race against time where all of the central characters are caught up in an intertwining web of terror.

The film is surprisingly effective as at first I thought I was in for a “Halloween” style film of the psycho killer on the loose. Instead the film cleverly mixes the slasher film genre with ample amounts of drama and psychological drama.

Norb Caoili and Rob Portmann who co-wrote, co-directed, and co-produced the film along with Executive Producer and co-writer KurtSvennungsen, have made an entertaining film that packs plenty of horror staples along with some effective twists and turns that makes “Frayed” a surprisingly original and effective thriller.

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Catfish (2010) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Jun 23, 2019)  
Catfish (2010)
Catfish (2010)
2010 | Documentary
Nev Schulman is a photographer of dance that catches the eye of an 8 year old girl named Abby when one of his pictures is published nationally. She sends Nev a painting of his published picture, which begins a rather incredible friendship. Nev eventually gets the chance to talk to Abby's mom, Angela, and her older sister, Megan. Megan and Nev really start to hit it off and a relationship begins to form. That is until many of the things Megan has been telling Nev begin drifting further and further from the truth. Nev decides to fly to Michigan and get the answers he so desperately desires.

If somebody made me choose a favorite film genre, psychological thriller would quite possibly be my answer. Films that include incredible twist endings (Oldboy) or have elaborate storylines that make you think (Inception) are definitely some of the best times to be had when it comes to an entertaining movie experience. Catfish was marketed as a film that was not only a thriller, but also contained "a shattering conclusion" that was compared to Alfred Hitchcock. In the end, it didn't really have either of those things.

Catfish had this vibe the entire film like it was leading towards something dark near its conclusion. As Nev makes his way to Michigan, you get more and more anxious as he nears his destination. Even the music gets really unsettling. Is Megan's family going to be a bunch of chainsaw wielding cannibals or have Angela and Vince been keeping a kidnapped girl named Megan chained in their basement for weeks to lead young, single guys out there for them to torture as some sort of twisted way to get off? No, it's nothing like that. Catfish never really became thrilling or even came near diving into dark territory.

What Catfish winds up being is an interesting character study presented as a documentary. The film's heart resides in who Megan really is and how the entire experience affects Nev. Once the pieces of the puzzle are put together and everything falls into place, Catfish turns out to be a very raw, emotional, and heartfelt film. What's intriguing is the film revolves around Facebook and with The Social Network hitting theaters in about two weeks, it seems like a bit of a bold move.

What is arguably the best scene in the film is when it's actually explained why Catfish was chosen as the title in the final minutes. It is a pretty incredible explanation and fits the film perfectly.

Catfish isn't necessarily a bad film, in fact, it's pretty powerful once it really gets going. It probably isn't what you're expecting though. While Catfish is laugh out loud at certain points in the film, at its core, it's a documented love story that mostly resides on the internet. Maybe it just comes from personal experience, the way the film was presented, or the on-screen presence of the characters in the film, but Catfish felt genuine which isn't something that can be said about many films that have come out in 2010.
Midway (2019)
Midway (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, History
The events of December 7th 1941 left an indelible mark on the psyche of America and became a date that truly has lived in infamy. Though historians, authors, and filmmakers have attempted to analyze the events during and leading to the attack on Pearl Harbor; there is still a great deal of interest about the attack and the aftermath.

While Pearl Harbor was for many the opening shots of the U.S. entry into World War II; some would say that the stage was set earlier when the United States attempted to curtail what they saw as an aggressive and Imperialistic Japan by placing restrictions on their vital resources such as oil and the tonnage of their Navy.

In the new film “Midway” we are given a glimpse into this when four years before the attack, when Edwin Layton (Patrick Wilson) meets with Admiral Nagumo (Jun Kunimura) who lets him know that hardline factions in his government have been buoyed by their invasion of China and will do what is needed to make sure the vital oil that is supplied by the U.S. remains constant.

Flash forward to the day of the attack and Layton who has warned that an attack was possible at Pearl Harbor is seeing his worst predictions come true. In the aftermath he is assigned to Admiral Nimitz (Woody Harrelson); who has been given the thankless task of taking charge of what is left of the Pacific Fleet and finding a way to stop the Japanese fleet.

The U.S. finds themselves outnumbered, outgunned, and waging war with ships and planes that are inferior to the Japanese but they must find a way to overcome the great obstacles before them and defeat a relentless enemy.

Layton and a team of code breakers are convinced the Japanese intend to attack the island of Midway and go all in to set a trap with the goal of destroying the enemy carriers so the U.S. can gain an aerial advantage in the Pacific.

With a strong cast which features Luke Evans, Dennis Quaid, Mandy Moore, Aaron Eckhart, Nick Jonas and a fine supporting cast, Director Roland Emmerich has given audiences a gripping war movie that despite the impressive visual effects; never loses site of the fact that this is a story of real people who found themselves in pivotal moments of history.

The film also shows how the Japanese commanders had differing views of the Americans they fought. Some considered them to lack braveness while others admired their tenacity and were grateful that they had what they saw as inferior and outdated planes to attack them in.

The film also does a great job showing the Doolittle Raid and how what from a military standpoint caused minor damage yet was a huge psychological boost as Japan believed they were immune from attack yet the American forces found a way to bomb Tokyo by the impossible task of using land based bombers off a carrier.

The film is a great mix of human drama that shows not only the terrible toll of war but how a group of extraordinary individuals gave their all.

Awix (3310 KP) Nov 12, 2019

Just to say, that's Yamamoto talking to Layton at the start, not Nagumo.

Deadly Intent (2016)
Deadly Intent (2016)
2016 |
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Deadly Intent is a Powerful, Viseceral, Performance Driven, British Thriller Unlike Others… Reaney is Superb…

I am on a pretty big Indie kick right now. Trying to rekindle my love of the the Movie Gems you can find out there if you just look past the top 10 of the moment. In doing this we have created a Spin-Off of our podcast in which we will endeavor to promote Indie Cinema and Indie releases on such forms as VOD because not everything has to be capes and spandex or break a billion at the box office.

Director Rebekah Fortune’s unnerving British horror-thriller Deadly Intent is now available On Demand in the U.S.

Deadly Intent is a movie I would stick in the above category. A low budget Few thrills Intense Psychological Horror/Thriller that ticks all the boxes it promises to. Think Babadook, a tense movie that runs at its own pace and is driven by the performances of its leading Female (Rebecca Reaney) as a mother who’s thread is slowly being unwoven and James (Gus Barry) a child who is struggling to deal with the loss of his father… But wait something is afoot.

I will only dive into this movie a little because to be honest it is only a roughly 90 minute flick that takes half the time your normal thriller would take to actually get into things and keeps the momentum going till the credits. Rebecca Reaney plays Bryony, a mother who is really trying to keep it together for her son James after the death of his father. As with every child in a movie of this genre, James begins to have some paranormal interaction with his father. Not in a Field of Dreams “Do you wanna play catch” type of way, more of a “If im heading to the light your coming with me”. As things really begin to turn to shit for our mother and son we are also given a backstory of the lead up to the fathers supposed death in the form of flashbacks, we find him to be a former soldier suffering from PTSD and… Well not a very nice man.

This movie held my attention in a way I was not really expecting, you hear British, Horror, Thriller and it doesn’t immediately fill you with hope. However we have been able to make some corkers at times and like I say i’m on an Indie kick so this fell into my wheelhouse. The movie is very well executed by not only its reasonably small cast of characters but also script wise and directorial wise. It really doesn’t out stay its welcome, and you can really draw comparisons with movies like Babadook which is a cult darling so thats never a bad thing.

I recommend you give this flick a watch if only for the performances given by Rebecca Reaney and the rest of the cast. As for the movies director Rebekah Fortune, I fully expect to be seeing more from this woman in the future.

JT (287 KP) rated Buried (2010) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Buried (2010)
Buried (2010)
2010 | Mystery
7.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Shot with a low budget and entirely in one location (inside Paul’s coffin), Buried is a very intense and gripping movie, which plays on the age-old human fear of being buried alive and takes it to whole new levels.

Paul not only has to deal with thoughts of his almost imminent demise, but he also has to endure the psychological torment that comes with realising that your loved ones are in terrible danger and that the people whom your life depends upon don’t really care about your fate. This is the story of Paul Conroy (Ryan Reynolds), an American contractor working on an assignment in Iraq, who wakes up in something which looks like a makeshift wooden coffin, alone, and with no recollection of when and how he ended up there. All he remembers is that he and his colleagues were attacked by a group of Iraqi insurgents.

Understandably, he begins to panic, frantically trying to escape before realising that he won’t be able to do it on his own. Whoever buried him left a mobile phone, a lighter, a knife, a torch and some glow sticks in the coffin, and such items quickly become Paul’s connection to the outside world and his only hope of survival.

This situation is so exceptional (thankfully) that the film’s real challenge is to try and represent it as realistically as possible. What would you do? Would you let the nerves get the better of you, or would your will to live step in instead, and make you stay focused in trying to save yourself?

Ryan Reynolds does an excellent job in this, his Paul Conroy is human, desperate, scared, with no superhero pretence. The direction, by Rodrigo Cortes, is vivid, realistic, and makes good use of the limited space that the coffin setting allows to show; anxious people should try watching this anyway because, while it is undoubtedly claustrophobic, Paul’s determination to stay alive and the pull of wanting to know what’s going on outside keeps the mind occupied.

The voice of Hostage Work Group operator Dan Brenner (Robert Paterson) is possibly a little too “staged” and “actorish”, making it sound somewhat fake but also sinister, going to heighten the feeling of dread. Buried manages to be scary, tense, and yet ironic in representing the ignorance, incompetence and cowardice behind the behaviours of people we are supposed to trust in dangerous situations.

The whole film maintains a focused and realistic eye on the suffering of the protagonist – because we are supposed to feel what he feels, to be there with him in his fight for life- except maybe in a few moments when it slips into “mainstream”, cheap stratagems to reiterate that Paul is a good man who doesn’t deserve his fate (for example, when he calls his ill, senile mother who lives in a home and can’t even remember him).

Definitely best watched in a cinema screen rather than on DVD, this is a film which is very well done, and interesting; you will want to see what happens of Paul but also how his story is told from the confines of his coffin buried underground.
The Girls Are All So Nice Here
The Girls Are All So Nice Here
Laurie Elizabeth Flynn | 2021 | Contemporary, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love a good psychological thriller. In fact, that's one of my favorite genres. When I read the synopsis of The Girls Are All So Nice Here by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn, I knew it was a book I had to read. It was giving me Pretty Little Liars vibes in a way. I ended up really liking this book.

I really enjoyed the plot of The Girls Are All So Nice Here, and the pacing was perfect. To say I devoured this book is an understatement. I had to know more. I had to know more about Amb, Sully, and Flora. I was totally invested in this story. I will say that most of the book is predictable with a few unpredictable plot twists. It's quite obvious, for the most part, how the story will end and who the guilty party is. However, the execution was done very well that knowing what was going to happen didn't put me off reading the book. I wanted more backstory for my theories, and the author did not disappoint. I enjoyed that the story alternated between Amb in college and Amb in the present time. One thing I didn't predict was what happened to Sully and Amb at the end of the book. I will say the ending was a tad rushed and a bit unbelievable with how easy it was for one such character to get away with what they did. However, this book does try to convey the lesson of be careful how you treat people.

I found the characters in The Girls Are All So Nice Here to be fleshed out enough to feel more like real people instead of just some random characters in a book. I really, really did not like Sully and Amb, not because they weren't written very well (which they are written amazingly), but because they were just so mean and selfish. They were the total mean girls at college. I think everyone knew at least one mean girl at some point in their life. I enjoyed reading about Sully and Amb then and now. It was fun to learn how much they had (or hadn't in some cases) matured. I really loved Flora and how much she genuinely seemed to care about everyone even those she never met. I wanted to be friends with Flora, and when I read about how mean Amb and Sully were to her, it broke my heart. Flora did not deserve any hate.

Trigger warnings for The Girls Are All So Nice Here include profanity, promiscuity, many sex references though not super graphic, rape, murder, mentions of suicide, underage drinking, drugs, and gaslighting.

Overall, The Girls Are So Nice Here is an intriguing read that will pull its readers in from the very first page. With characters the reader will love to hate and a story line that sucks you in, this is one novel that you won't soon forget. I would definitely recommend The Girls Are All So Nice Here by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn to those aged 18+ who are after a well developed story that will leave you gasping by the last page.

BookInspector (124 KP) rated Dear Amy in Books

Sep 24, 2020  
Dear Amy
Dear Amy
Helen Callaghan | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I read the description of the book it really left me intrigued and I was very excited when I got this review book. After I finished it, I was slightly disappointed of how it turned out. The main character was a teacher/adviser Margot Lewis. Who was about to get divorced with her husband. When the schoolgirl gets kidnapped, Margot starts getting letters from Bethan, who vanished a decade ago, with a request to save her. Police is laughing at her letters, so she is trying to figure out Bethan’s story on her own. But what she finds out ruins her life. Margot is a very strong woman, who has some serious psychological issues. However I really liked the way she was dealing with them. Most of the novel is told by Margot, however I really loved that there were parts, where other characters had chance to express themselves. There was a part where the kidnapped schoolgirl had to tell her side of the story and how she was feeling in some situations. I was ecstatic when author gave an insight of the kidnapper’s brain and how he saw and felt during the whole story. The ability to involve more than one character in the book makes me enjoy it way more, and I am over the moon when authors do it. The characters in this publication were quite interesting and enjoyable.

I don’t think that the whole idea of getting letters from kidnapped people was very original, but the fact that they come after so long kept the suspense going. Unfortunately not for very long, because at least for me it was quite predictable what the outcome will be and who the sender was. The intensity of the plot I would describe as “V” shape. The beginning had turns and was interesting, the middle of the book got quite boring and predictable and then towards the end it became interesting and twisty again. I was not very excited to read so many Margot’s thoughts, as some of them were quite irrelevant and felt like dragging unnecessary. There was some action going on but it could’ve been a bit faster paced. It was quite easy to read this book; it has a simple and understandable writing style. The author shares her love for Cambridge in a very enjoyable way by describing the places and buildings very nicely and with great detail. Never been there but from this book I can imagine it is a beautiful place. I really liked that author touched such themes as school hierarchy, influence of internet posts and how naive young girls can be. I do hope that people who read the book will learn something from this book. I truly enjoyed the ending of the book and I think it was really thought trough and concluding. It didn’t leave any unfinished business and I’m very happy about it. So to conclude, It is a good book if you looking for mystery, some twists and turns and the story which was told from more than one point of view.