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The Blue Lagoon (1980)
The Blue Lagoon (1980)
1980 | Action, Drama
Charming (1 more)
Acting (3 more)
Aged Badly
Absolutely terrible, but somehow good!
This is probably one of the most difficult reviews I've written. I mainly bought this film because I wanted to watch the sequel, Return to the Blue Lagoon (I'm a big fan of Milla Jovovich).

I'm going to start with the negatives, as somehow this film has very few redeeming features.

Brook Shields (to be fair, only 14 at the time), and Christopher Atkins are absolutely awful actors at this early stage in their careers.

The story is highly predictable for the most part, it's very much the typical "stranded on a desert island" film, with somehow every single cliché included, apart from the ending (which remains somewhat ambiguous), and the scenes featuring the two learning about their bodies as they hit puberty.

Despite all this, the film is really enjoyable! It's not a good film by any stretch of the imagination, but somehow it has a certain charm and innocence that will keep you watching, and want to watch it again.

Overall, definitely worth a watch :)

Enjoy everyone!
Demon Road
Demon Road
Derek Landy | 2016 | Horror, Paranormal, Thriller, Travel, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A kids book we can all love (0 more)
Pre entertainment where good and evil fight
Derek Landy's 'Skullduggery Pleasant' series is great. i read them to my son, so when Demon road came out I got it for him and he recommended I read it too. I was pleasantly surprised, Landy has created a trilogy that is brilliant and very cinematic.

This takes place in our world and in our world are demons, some of whom have made deals with high demons for powers and in return has to do terrible things as payment. The lead character is the daughter of such demons but is a normal girl...until she hits puberty. But then she finds out her parents don't quite have her best interests at heart.

I don't read many teen books unless sent for me to review or because i am reading to my kids but this is a gripping brilliant read. it is so cinematic it deserves to become a movie.

Characters are very strong, the adventure is adrenaline fuelled and its done in a completely non cheesy way. Its brilliant and I went straight to book two afterwards.

Jennifer Fox recommended My Brilliant Friend in TV (curated)

My Brilliant Friend
My Brilliant Friend
2018 | Drama, Mystery

"This extraordinary series, based on the collection of books, portrays the story of two young girls and their friendship over time. What is astounding to me is the agency and the “voice” of the two young prepubescent girls that is shown in ways rarely seen on screen. Psychologist Carol Gilligan, wrote extensively of the ways in which girl’s voices are squashed and eradicated by puberty. Likewise, filmmakers rarely portray this vital stage in young girl’s development. As the series progress and the two girls age, their female characters are impacted, twisted, and crushed by the pressure of society. It’s rare that one actually witnesses the crushing of girls into adults in such an exquisitely truthful manner. How these two girls struggle to survive and thrive under the pressures of marriage and sexuality and lack of educational access clamping down on them with their identity intact is brilliant. At the end of season one, I had the rarest experience: I felt like I had just finished one episode, not eight, as if I was at the very beginning of the story, not the end, and I longed for more narrative to come."

The Jewel (The Lone City, #1)
Amy Ewing | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.9 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
My goodness. I wasn't sure if I was going to like this book and I struggled through the 1st have but that ending!!! Holy mangos was that good!

Royalty comes with its perks in the Jewel but it also comes with its flaws.
 Royalty cannot bear their own children (well they can but they come out deformed and pass away).
 So they seek and purchase Surrogates. Once a female who has hit puberty test positive to be a Surrogate they are taken and kept at a facility to be auctioned off to these Royals.

We follow the story of Violet and her journey after being sold.

This story does have a romance but the story is more politically driven.

There were some faults that made this book a 4 instead of a 5.

Firstly the beginning just exploded with information and didn't really easy you into the plot. There were multiple times I had to reread the sections to understand what was going on or who certain people were.

Secondly the romance in this didn't give us much build up. I mean I do like the couple but there was not much to go progression wise.

Other than that this book was beautifully written and once I pushed through the 1st half I could not put it down.

Can't wait to read the rest of the series.
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
The colors, choreography is remarkable (0 more)
In my opinion, two cast members were off. (0 more)
Will definitely keep your attention.
So I'm a big fan of the Disney classic and was looking forward to this. Right from the start I believe they got Aladdin cast member wrong. Sorry he has a freaking 5 o clock shadow through the majority of the film and hairy ass arms. I thought part of the magic was that the love story between two people at most 20 years of age. So yea not a fan of the post puberty Aladdin. The man sings and acts great however.

Will Smith as the genie was a welcome surprise. He brought his own majic to the part so not to dishonor the legend Robin Williams. The film is great because it is based off of Disney's Aladdin so it is not a word for word live action and even includes two new songs that hold up to the originals.

Another cast member I thought was missing major personality was Jasmine's father. Sure he looked the part but he was not fat or jolly and had a droll type manor. Despite these few differences the movie entertained my son and I and almost felt like a new movie. Snore factor of 0/10 great.
PS I miss Gilbert Godfrey as the birds voice.

JT (287 KP) rated Good Boys (2019) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Good Boys (2019)
Good Boys (2019)
2019 | Comedy
Kids, they say the funniest things – or in the case of Good Boys, some of the dirtiest and rudest you’ll hear leave a tweens mouth. Baby faced Jacob Tremblay plays Max, a young boy approaching the outer reaches of puberty. His childhood friends Lucas (Keith L. Williams) and Thor (Brady Noon) equally have problems of their own. One is losing his parents to divorce and the other is fighting a tough exterior to pursue an ambition to sing.

In a basic plot, the trio, who call themselves the ‘beanbag boys’, need to replace Max’s Dad’s drone after using it to do some aerial reconnaissance. The boys are desperate to learn the right way to kiss a girl after being invited to a party by the cool kids at school.

The group find themselves in all sorts of trouble on a four mile adventure to the mall, from infiltrating a drug deal in a frat house to the sale of a sex doll – not to mention the most effective way to put back a dislocated shoulder.

Good Boys is littered with harmless gags but the script does feel a little bland and awkward at times. Its foul-mouthed humour can become stale and it’s by no means on the same level as Superbad or even American Pie for that matter.

What you do get is a film with the occasional laugh and the odd heartwarming moment. A solid cameo by Stephen Merchant is one of the few highlights.
Script of the Bridge by The Chameleons UK
Script of the Bridge by The Chameleons UK
1983 | Rock
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Here's a band that's influenced anyone who's ever heard them - including me! They were the teenage band that pulled you out of the muck of post-puberty. It made sense in a J. D. Salinger kind of way. Confronting the world, kicking against the pricks, all those sort of motifs that you get with teenage years. The Chameleons were the band that organised your attack through the crap that was going on around you. Here's a story: when we first came over in '89, I thought The Chameleons were so massive. So I thought I'd ask people, ""Hey, when are The Chameleons playing Wembley? We're here, I want to see them!"" And they'd say, ""Never heard of them mate."" So I'd be like, ""No, no, no, The Chameleons, y'know, Script Of The Bridge?"" I'd just keep asking what enormo-dome they would be playing. And I could not believe how small a cult following they had - I was stunned to hear that this band didn't have such a wide following. In my view this band was bigger than Pink Floyd. I'm now friends with Mark Burgess and have been for 30 years. I'm always marveled by the stories that he tells me from the twists and turns of the band to how they could've been big but weren't. Script Of The Bridge is one of those lingering drones in music that's always been in the background."

Inside Out (2015)
Inside Out (2015)
2015 | Animation, Comedy, Drama
Standard Pixar affair - easy to look at, appealing to a younger audience whilst simultaneously bludgeoning adults with relatable emotional moments that make you want to curl up in a corner somewhere and weep.
Inside Out ticks all these boxes without a shadow of a doubt.

The animation is wonderful as usual and is arguably Pixar's most colourful film to date. The concept of emotions can be complex at the best of times. It's a concept that most people will struggle with for their whole lives and is something that will truly never be understood. Inside Out tackles this with aplomb, using colour coding to make it accessible to kids, and exploring just how complicated feelings can become especially as puberty begins to hit. It's very clever in its execution as well.

The majority of the story takes place in Riley's head, as her emotions Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust all struggle to keep everything balanced as she starts to hit roadblocks in her life. One thing leads to another before Joy and Sadness are ejected out of the "control centre" and desperately try to find their way back, leaving the other emotions to handle the pains of growing up.
It's one part emotional family drama, and one part bonkers sci-fi adventure, and it works really well with the help of a great voice cast.

Inside Out doesn't quite hit the lofty heights of the best Pixar efforts for me, but it's still damn good and surely will appeal to everyone in some way, no matter what age your are.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Body of Stars in Books

Jan 16, 2024  
Body of Stars
Body of Stars
Laura Maylene Walter | 2021 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Body of Stars is an enjoyable YA novel set in the near future. This is a world where the markings on a woman’s body predict the future for not only themselves, but for their families as well.

Instead of this phenomenon giving women autonomy over their own lives, it seems that it’s the same old story. Their bodies are a commodity, mapped out by a government organisation, checked over by their fathers when their markings change during puberty. They are warned not to show themselves off or be by themselves, lest men can’t control themselves as they’re driven wild with lust. So far, so stereotypical.

Celeste Morton is excited by the prospect of this transition, and her brother Miles is desperate to practice his interpretation skills on his sister. But when Celeste transitions, a terrible fate is revealed. And in a desperate bid to keep this a secret, Celeste experiences the worst thing that can happen to a changeling.

I have to admit to being very frustrated whilst reading this. There’s nothing feminist about this story - there is a good argument for why feminism is necessary though. Misogyny is rife in the world of this book! To be honest, the story could have run in exactly the same direction without the need for freckles, moles and other markings. It was depressing that even in an alternative near future, women would be experiencing the same restrictions and abuse that so many live through today.

This was a novel that I loved to hate - the frustration was immense! Do I recommend it? Well yes, but be prepared for the deep breathing, calming exercises that you’ll need!
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
Overall everything (0 more)
!!!!! WOW!!!!!
The last SONY production I saw was Venom... And while it was alright, it could've been so much better.
So lets just say I went into BRIGHT BURN with a little hesitation....
Was I ever wrong to hesitate...
Brandon Brier is a weird kid... Not well liked by his peers, the only friends he has are his parents and his aunt and uncle... And he just doesn't seem to understand what's going on within himself... Puberty can be a mother fucker...
While most normal kids grow hair in funny places and start thinking about girls, Brandon can shoot 5 million degree lasers from his eyes and stop lawnmower blades with his wrists... Did I mention he could fly??? Well... He can fly too...
Soon Brandon starts using his amazing gifts as weapon s to get back at the people who try and stop him from his ultimate goal... Take The World.
Oh... And I also forgot to mention he came to earth kind of like Superman... Landed on a farm in BrightBurn, Kansas... Was adopted by a struggling couple trying to have kids... And raised as their own... But Fucking KAL-El this little bastard is not...
He proceeds to off a shit ton of people in various manners... Even picking a pick up truck up with his mind and sending it crashingto the ground in one of the best practical effects I have seen in almost a decade...
We go through the motions like most super hero films, but these motions include glass to an eyeball, shattered fingers and wrists, a half decap hold the soy milk latte and so on and so forth.
BrightBurn is an impressive little film that kept me wanting more... You did it this time SONY... You kept me engaged and interested... And I can't wait to see what you come up with next.... (Psst... Psst... CARNAGE Sony... Fuck Venom....)