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ClareR (5603 KP) rated Body of Stars in Books

Jan 16, 2024  
Body of Stars
Body of Stars
Laura Maylene Walter | 2021 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Body of Stars is an enjoyable YA novel set in the near future. This is a world where the markings on a woman’s body predict the future for not only themselves, but for their families as well.

Instead of this phenomenon giving women autonomy over their own lives, it seems that it’s the same old story. Their bodies are a commodity, mapped out by a government organisation, checked over by their fathers when their markings change during puberty. They are warned not to show themselves off or be by themselves, lest men can’t control themselves as they’re driven wild with lust. So far, so stereotypical.

Celeste Morton is excited by the prospect of this transition, and her brother Miles is desperate to practice his interpretation skills on his sister. But when Celeste transitions, a terrible fate is revealed. And in a desperate bid to keep this a secret, Celeste experiences the worst thing that can happen to a changeling.

I have to admit to being very frustrated whilst reading this. There’s nothing feminist about this story - there is a good argument for why feminism is necessary though. Misogyny is rife in the world of this book! To be honest, the story could have run in exactly the same direction without the need for freckles, moles and other markings. It was depressing that even in an alternative near future, women would be experiencing the same restrictions and abuse that so many live through today.

This was a novel that I loved to hate - the frustration was immense! Do I recommend it? Well yes, but be prepared for the deep breathing, calming exercises that you’ll need!
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
Overall everything (0 more)
!!!!! WOW!!!!!
The last SONY production I saw was Venom... And while it was alright, it could've been so much better.
So lets just say I went into BRIGHT BURN with a little hesitation....
Was I ever wrong to hesitate...
Brandon Brier is a weird kid... Not well liked by his peers, the only friends he has are his parents and his aunt and uncle... And he just doesn't seem to understand what's going on within himself... Puberty can be a mother fucker...
While most normal kids grow hair in funny places and start thinking about girls, Brandon can shoot 5 million degree lasers from his eyes and stop lawnmower blades with his wrists... Did I mention he could fly??? Well... He can fly too...
Soon Brandon starts using his amazing gifts as weapon s to get back at the people who try and stop him from his ultimate goal... Take The World.
Oh... And I also forgot to mention he came to earth kind of like Superman... Landed on a farm in BrightBurn, Kansas... Was adopted by a struggling couple trying to have kids... And raised as their own... But Fucking KAL-El this little bastard is not...
He proceeds to off a shit ton of people in various manners... Even picking a pick up truck up with his mind and sending it crashingto the ground in one of the best practical effects I have seen in almost a decade...
We go through the motions like most super hero films, but these motions include glass to an eyeball, shattered fingers and wrists, a half decap hold the soy milk latte and so on and so forth.
BrightBurn is an impressive little film that kept me wanting more... You did it this time SONY... You kept me engaged and interested... And I can't wait to see what you come up with next.... (Psst... Psst... CARNAGE Sony... Fuck Venom....)
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Neon Genesis Evangelion
1995 | Action, Animation, Drama
7.8 (4 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
A Must See Classic Of The Time
Contains spoilers, click to show
Re-watching this anime kind of threw me for a loop. I guess I had never really seen the actual anime series and just seen parts or some of the movies. I liked how the series expanded the story of the movies and how it showed more character development and interaction between the characters than I remember. It was also kind of weird and awkward how I don't remember so much of it having to do with Shinji being at the age where he's going through puberty and interest in girls and there being a lot of context that went over my head when I was younger. That being said a lot of that held up quite well for this anime being dated. The thing I didn't like was it didn't really answer the questions I had about the Angels, where they were coming from, what were they, and what was there purpose for attacking. I remember them saying something about them having human DNA or something but that's all I remember. The giant mecha fights were just as good as I remember but with one difference, I didn't remember that they had to have a cord to be plugged in for power. That did give it a different dynamic from most other robot anime I've seen where they can operate forever or don't run out of gas/fuel. I also didn't remember Rei's character being so dull, to me she didn't really have much personality or character development. And totally didn't remember about the boys that he made friends with every came out again let alone one was chosen to pilot an Evangelion. All in all it has it's pros and cons but is definitely a must see for fans of anime and mecha, especially if they've never seen it before. So once again I give it a 7/10.
The Sisters Grimm
The Sisters Grimm
Menna van Praag | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Sisters Grimm sounds like it’s going to be a fairytale, doesn’t it? But it isn’t in the childish sense of the word. If you’ve ever read any of the original Grimm’s fairytales, they’re rather more macabre - and people don’t always get their happy endings.

Sisters Grimm don’t actually know that that’s what they are. They may have vague memories (pre-puberty - and this is important) of playing in a fairytale wood, where they can do magical, amazing things, but they put it down to dreams later. That is until they approach their 18th birthdays, and some of these dream-like abilities start to manifest themselves.

This story is based around four girls who first met at 8 years old in the fairytale dream-world, Everwhere, forget one another after their 13th birthdays, and begin to remember closer to their impending 18th birthdays. They all have a different mother, but the same father who they will meet in Everwhere on the evening of their birthday. And it’s really important that they find one another again prior to this confrontation - where they will discover the truth about themselves.

I really enjoyed this. It says on Goodreads that it’s a Young Adult novel, and whilst it’s immaterial whether I agree with this or not, I do agree that it’s about reaching an age where you are finding out more about yourself and your impending independence, and that can’t be a bad thing for young people to read about.

I liked the darkness in this book - it’s no twee fairytale. There’s death, murder in fact, as a pretty major theme. And people aren’t necessarily nice. They lie, they’re selfish and they keep secrets that are best known.

The only negative I can think of, is that I really thought that this was going to be set up for the first part of a series. The end seemed quite rushed to me, and I’d love to know more about what happens afterwards. Well, that’s not really a negative, is it? That’ll be why I gave it top marks, to be honest - it’s a great book!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book - another great choice!