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Awix (3310 KP) created a video about The Golem (Der Golem) (1920) in Movies

Nov 4, 2019  

The Golem

One of the several versions of this movie in general circulation (it is in the public domain).


Jeremy King (346 KP) rated Piratebox in Apps

May 20, 2019  
Social Networking
7.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
This is a great way to start a digital Little Library. I use mine to share films and ebooks that are in the public domain library wiyh people that walk by me

Bird (1700 KP) created a post in Smashbomb Council

Nov 19, 2019  

FEEDBACK REQUIRED: how interesting/valuable is the current lists page? Should it be the domain of 'pure' public-interest lists only?

We are assessing the lists that currently appear on the public LISTS page. We have taken the view that the lists there may have to be assessed with all lists that aren't necessarily of public interest moved back to a non-shared status (so they don't appear on the public LISTS page).

For example, do other people really want to see another users 'books I've read this year' list? Would appreciate your feedback on this!

The workflow for this would be:

1. Advise all users to adjust the status of their lists from 'shared to the public lists page' to 'probably not, but let others see it' if they perceive them to be personal lists.

2. Then, we will assess the shared lists and force the status of any that we receive not to be of public value.

Would appreciate feedback from the Smashbomb Council prior to action being taken... 🙂
Show all 5 comments.

Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 19, 2019

I would create fun lists more often if they didn't get buried within all the read and watched lists. I don't think those are relevant to everyone.


Merissa (11797 KP) Nov 20, 2019

To be honest, I tend not to even notice the lists. And I've only made one myself, which I forget about more often than not. Sorry!


Awix (3310 KP) rated Charade (1963) in Movies

Feb 27, 2018 (Updated Feb 27, 2018)  
Charade (1963)
Charade (1963)
1963 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Effervescent Hitchcock pastiche. Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant spar and fall in love while attempting to discover the whereabouts of a stolen fortune; James Coburn and George Kennedy are amongst the killers also taking an interest in the cash.

Film's main plus points are its ingeniously convoluted script, practically guaranteed to keep the viewer guessing, and sparkling dialogue, which Grant and Hepburn put across every bit as well as you would expect. Film also has a touch of grit in the thriller elements, as well. A highly polished piece of escapist entertainment; classy in every department. Almost certainly showing on a video-sharing website near you (Universal mucked up the copyright notice and the film has been in the public domain ever since it was first released).

Sarah (126 KP) Jul 19, 2018

I had no idea about the copyright notice on this film!

Catfish (2010)
Catfish (2010)
2010 | Documentary
Professional identity theft is scary
I remember watching this film shortly after its release thinking how scary this is in the modern age of social media. I warn my kids not to reveal themselves too much in the public domain because you never know who else is watching and listening.

There was some controversy on whether this movie was even legit or it was a "Catfish" for all of us, but I believe it to be true.

I can only imagine the disappointment, anguish and outrage to discover your online relationship partner was feeding you a line of total bullshit from the beginning. If this is true, the victims must have had a hard time believing the levels which were gone through to keep on the ruse.

I found the documentary captivating and intriguing.

The final chapter is below:

It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back by Public Enemy
It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back by Public Enemy
1988 | Rock
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It was a real wake-up call. Hip hop until 1984, 85 was fun but for the most part it was party music. Living outside New York we'd listen to WBLS and Kiss FM where they played a lot of hip hop and me and my friends liked it, but it was very lighthearted. The Fatboys are the perfect example, or the Treacherous Three, where they have disco basslines and this fun vocal. Then almost out of nowhere Public Enemy happened. Everything about it was different. The lyrics were different, Chuck D's vocal approach was different, the subject matter and the production, the Bomb Squad. I remember hearing it for the first time and thinking how did they do this, because they've basically made punk rock hip hop, the sounds they were using, the way they were distorting basslines, it was a lot of the same ways industrial records were being made but they were making hip hop. It was so revolutionary. You can refer to musical culture in New York as before and after Public Enemy, it changed the city. New York was so dangerous then, it had the highest murder count, people were getting stabbed and shot and the crack epidemic was decimating communities and people were dying of AIDS. You'd go out to nightclubs in the late 80s and you'd hear these apocalyptic Public Enemy songs that perfectly described the city that you lived in, but they were oddly celebratory and you could dance to them. For better or worse one of the reasons I've left New York is because the city I grew up with is still there, but it's become a much meaner, safer version of its former self. I still love New York, but it's become primarily the domain of hedge fund managers and wealthy tourists, so I don't know how many more Suicides and Silver Apples and Public Enemys and Eric B & Rakims are going to come out New York City."

The Boats of the 'Glen Carrig'
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Prior to selecting The Boats of the ‘Glen Carrig’ as my next read on Serial Reader, I was unaware that William Hope Hodgson was a source of inspiration for Lovecraft. In fact, as I devoured the novel, I remember remarking to myself how much it felt like something Lovecraft would write – and no wonder!

The Boats of the ‘Glen Carrig’ is written in first-person point of view and feels largely epistolary in form (though it is actually a travelogue). There is no dialogue and readers only know what Winterstraw writes. The story follows a marooned ship and its crew first as they encounter an odd island and then as they end up stranded in what appears as a Hell on Earth – or in this case, the sea. There, they discover another ship entangled in seaweed for seven years (yeah, I don’t get that either, but hey who’s judging?).

Oddly enough, despite the myriad oddities that those aboard the Glen Carrig encounter, it is the second ship they find that truly bewilders me and crosses me as unbelievable. I’m all for the time of creatures this group encounters, but I cannot fathom how it is possible that so many individuals survived on ship that was, for the most part, dead in the water. I kept waiting and waiting for something to go wrong, for something truly disturbing to happen in regards to the other boat and well… there was nothing.

Even though I feel disappointed by the outcome of things with the other ship, overall I found The Boats of the ‘Glen Carrig’ a fun read. For fans of H. P. Lovecraft, it is a must-read. The Wildside Press publication of this book, as well as several other public domain publications, are available on Amazon, free of charge. An audio version can be found on Librivox, an organization comprised of volunteers that come together to record audiobooks of titles that are in the Public Domain.
House on Haunted Hill (1959)
House on Haunted Hill (1959)
1959 | Horror
6.9 (16 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Hill House
House on Haunted Hill- is one of the best horror movies of all time. Its terrorfying, horrorfying, scary, spooky, terrorfying and more.

The Introduction by Vincent Price is perfect, he introduces the movie and tells us the viewer what were going to witness. Vincent Price's spooky and creepy introduction is terrorfying.

The Plot: Rich oddball Frederick Loren (Vincent Price) has a proposal for five guests at a possibly haunted mansion: Show up, survive a night filled with scares and receive $10,000 each. The guest of honor is Loren's estranged wife, Annabelle (Carol Ohmart), who, with her secret lover, Dr. Trent (Alan Marshal), has concocted her own scheme to scare Loren's associate, Nora Manning (Carolyn Craig), into shooting the potentially crazy millionaire. But more spooks and shocks throw a wrench into the plan.

The film is in the public domain.

The film was remade as the 1999 film House on Haunted Hill, which had a 2007 sequel titled Return to House on Haunted Hill. The 1999 film was released to middling reviews but was a box office success, while the 2007 sequel was direct-to-video and widely panned. Dont watch those films.

In 2017, another remake is in development and a prequel to the original film, which the latter will be written by Castle's daughter Terry Castle. That will be intresting if it happens.

I would highly reccordmend this movie.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Night of the Living Dead (1968) in Movies

Apr 1, 2020 (Updated Apr 1, 2020)  
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
1968 | Horror
They're Coming To Get You Barbra
Night of the Living Dead- i love this film, such a classic. Its a fantasic phenomenal movie, about survival, surving, the living dead and survival of the finest. Plus you have George A. Ramero directing it. He is missed, he was such a phenomenal and excellent director.

The plot: The story follows seven people who are trapped in a rural farmhouse in western Pennsylvania, which is under assault by an enlargening group of cannibalistic, undead corpses.

The film is regarded as one of the launching pads for the modern zombie movie, and thanks to George we have all of these zombie tv shows and movies today, if it wasnt for him, we wouldn't have all of these zombies tv shows and movies today.

In 2001, the film was ranked No. 93 by the American Film Institute on their AFI's 100 Years ... 100 Thrills list, a list of America's most heart-pounding movies. The zombies in the picture were also a candidate for AFI's AFI's 100 Years ... 100 Heroes & Villains, in the villains category, but failed to make the official list. The Chicago Film Critics Association named it the 5th scariest film ever made. The film also ranked No. 9 on Bravo's The 100 Scariest Movie Moments.

Many critics of this movie find this movie very groundbreaking for its time due to its having a black protagonist.

Night of the Living Dead entered the public domain in the United States because the original theatrical distributor, the Walter Reade Organization, neglected to place a copyright indication on the prints.

Like I said before its a excellent and phenomenal movie.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979) in Movies

Oct 28, 2020 (Updated Oct 28, 2020)  
Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979)
Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979)
1979 | Horror
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Klaus Kinski (0 more)
Slow (0 more)
The Vampire Among Them
Nosferatu The Vampyre- is a very slow movie. Very slow, for 90% of the time nothing happens and when some does happens its only for three minutes max. I always wanted to watch the oringal, never got a chance to, hopefully soon i will. As for this remake its so-so.

The plot: Jonathan Harker is sent away to Count Dracula's castle to sell him a house in Virna, where he lives. But Count Dracula is a vampire, an undead ghoul living off men's blood. Inspired by a photograph of Lucy Harker, Jonathan's wife, Dracula moves to Virna, bringing with him death and plague... An unusually contemplative version of Dracula, in which the vampire bears the cross of not being able to get old and die.

There are two different versions of the film, one in which the actors speak English, and one in which they speak German.

Herzog's production of Nosferatu was very well received by critics and enjoyed a comfortable degree of commercial success.

The film also marks the second of five collaborations between director Herzog and actor Kinski.

While the basic story is derived from Bram Stoker's novel Dracula, director Herzog made the 1979 film primarily as an homage remake of F. W. Murnau's silent film Nosferatu (1922), which differs somewhat from Stoker's original work. The makers of the earlier film could not obtain the rights for a film adaptation of Dracula, so they changed a number of minor details and character names in an unsuccessful attempt to avoid copyright infringement on the intellectual property owned (at the time) by Stoker's widow Florence. A lawsuit was filed, resulting in an order for the destruction of all prints of the film. Some prints survived, and were restored after Florence Stoker had died and the copyright had expired.

By the 1960s and early 1970s the original silent returned to circulation, and was enjoyed by a new generation of moviegoers.

In 1979, by the very day the copyright for Dracula had entered the public domain, Herzog proceeded with his updated version of the classic German film, which could now include the original character names.

Herzog saw his film as a parable about the fragility of order in a staid, bourgeois town. "It is more than a horror film", he says. "Nosferatu is not a monster, but an ambivalent, masterful force of change. When the plague threatens, people throw their property into the streets, they discard their bourgeois trappings. A re‐evaluation
of life and its meaning takes place."

Like i said its a decent movie.