World's Biggest Solitaire
Games, Entertainment and Stickers
Play a new solitaire game that's fast, fun and full of surprises! The epic new Solitaire game from...

Miss Fisher and the Deathly Maze
Games, Book and Stickers
Episode 1 and 2 of an epic murder mystery, visual novel adventure in which you become the Honourable...

Do Zombies Dream of Undead Sheep?: A Neuroscientific View of the Zombie Brain
Timothy Verstynen and Bradley Voytek
Even if you've never seen a zombie movie or television show, you could identify an undead ghoul if...

Life on the Edge: The Coming of Age of Quantum Biology
Jim Al-Khalili and Johnjoe McFadden
Life is the most extraordinary phenomenon in the known universe; but how does it work? Even in this...

Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and How to Think Smarter About People Who Think Differently
"Foreword by Oliver Sacks What is autism: a devastating developmental disorder, a lifelong...

Ruzzle Adventure
* * * App Store Essential & Best Games of 2014 * * * Embark on a wondrous adventure and solve...

Doodle Devil™
Games and Education
If You Love Doodle God…Embrace Your Dark Side with Doodle Devil! OVER 185,000,000 PLAYERS...

Monkey Island Tales 1 HD
Games and Entertainment
**NOTE: Not compatible with iPhone 7 devices and iPad Pro devices.** Start your adventure! ...
Unravelling the Franklin Mystery: Inuit Testimony
David Woodman's classic reconstruction of the mysterious events surrounding the tragic Franklin...

Co Lab: Collaborative Design Survey
Elizabeth Herrmann and Ryan Shelley
The object of Co LAB is to promote the ideals and methods of contemporary design collaboration by...