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Crystal Shard (Paladins of Crystal. #1)
Crystal Shard (Paladins of Crystal. #1)
Nicola M. Cameron | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Crystal's life pretty much sucks - she was abandoned at birth, she feels a burden to her adoptive brother and his pregnant wife and, on top of that, she has just assaulted her boss! She wishes she could just be whisked away from it all until she is then she just wants to get home to her miserable life... until she goes on an adventure with a few rather handsome, extremely hot men, especially one who she would give anything to be with but he is betrothed to another, on this adventure can she find more than herself?

This is the first book in a new series by the author, a fantastically written story with some twists and turns. Talk about having some saucy dreams honestly I was blushing! Totally understandable though! The style Nicola has written in everything just flows and there's no confusion about what's happening, she makes it so easy to follow. I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline, the camaraderie between the group and the way they fit together is just like a jigsaw puzzle, they were meant to find each other. I've read other books by Nicola and I get so into her writing I get lost in the worlds she has created. She has got a fantastic style and has you captured with every written word it doesn't seem forced or let's put that bit in it fills a gap, I cannot give her enough praise.

I highly recommend this book and give Nicola.M.Cameran's other books a read. I can't wait to read the next one.
Captain Cat
Captain Cat
Cats rule! Seriously. Just ask the crazy cat lady that lives with me, err… I mean my wife (cue Doug Benson). Cats are natural fisher… cats? Right? And who doesn’t like a great puzzle game. So why not have all three. Mobile users have been living with this kind of excitement for a while now, and they have finally let us console games have some fun as well.

Joking aside, Captain Cat (“CC”), which originally launched on iOS and Android, has made its way to the Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. With a price tag of $6.99 on both platforms, the big question is, is a mobile to console port even worth that price tag?

CC is super easy to pick up and play with its simplified control scheme. Playing as the titular character, your end goal is to catch fish using your… anchor? The game starts pretty simple, but introduces new obstacles and adversaries to add to the challenge as you progress. With 4 game modes available, there seems to be plenty to do.

Waspfish, the main came mode, has you making your way through 25 levels of casting your anchor, dodging obstructions and catching fish. Watch for those enemies though, as getting hit could cause you to restart your level. Housekeeper is another mode, also having 25 levels, and it’s essentially the same as Waspfish. It has subtle differences including enemies, and your end goal being to catch a snail that can hide in its shell. Try to catch him while he’s hiding and you’ll have to restart the level. As with many games on mobile, you are scored on your performance on each level in both modes. Your aim is to try and nab a three-star rating by completing the level as fast as possible, in as little moves as possible, while collecting all the coins you can.

Our third mode, Infinite, is exactly what it sounds like. The Captain casts out into the sea where your goal is to get as deep as you possibly can while dodging obstacles and enemies. The final mode is called Perfect. This is by far the most difficult of the game modes. Getting only one cast of your anchor, you restart the level if you miss. It requires some trial and error, but the challenge was welcome and a great mode to get you to think strategy in where to cast.

These combination of modes should keep you occupied for a few ours, and are great for a quick pick up and play game when you only have a few minutes to sneak in some gaming. However, I question why you wouldn’t just pick up your phone and play it on there if it’s a game you really want to play. Although a quick look showed me that the game is no longer on the Play Store and can only be side-loaded via APK from other sources. I cannot speak to the availability on iOS.

Overall, Captain Cat is a fun puzzle game (which is surprisingly missing any sort of leaderboard) that provided some challenging moments and kept me engaged while I was playing. So now we get back to our question at hand. Is it worth the $6.99 price tag? If it’s on the Switch, I would say go for it. It’s the version I reviewed, but it also seems to make much more sense to be able to carry the game with you and play anywhere, versus the stationary nature of the Xbox One.
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All About Steve (2009)
All About Steve (2009)
2009 | Comedy
5.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A Movie About a Crossword Puzzle Designer? Ummm...
With a mindblowing 6% Rating on Rotten Tomatoes (mindblowing because it’s too high), All About Steve is the story of a crossword puzzle designer who travels across the country with the hopes of convincing a CNN newsreporter that they belong together. I can feel your excitement. It’s palpable.

Acting: 3
Have you ever seen a mouse try and get off of a glue trap? That’s the equivalent of the acting work in this movie. Let’s start with the woman of the hour, Sandra Bullock playing the leading role of Mary Horowitz. I couldn’t help but think as she runs through her lines, “Do you even want to be on set right now?” She reads the lines of her character like a robocaller at times. I can actually say that for quite a few of the actors that bought into this dud.

Beginning: 6
I’ve seen worse starts to movies, I’ll be honest. The career fair scene is actually pretty hilarious which is probably about the only nice thing I have to say about this movie. If the entire movie had been like this, the overall score would have been double. Unfortunately the movie still would have been shit.

Characters: 5
I’ve always said, if you hate the main character of a movie, there’s a good chance you’re going to hate the movie. That theory definitely holds true here as Mary pains me with every single scene I watch her in. And the way they paint Bradley Cooper’s character Steve out to be such a jerk is just wrong. I mean this a reverse Pepe Le Peu situation we got going on here but he is the one we’re supposed to be mad at? Nightmare.

Cinematography/Visuals: 5

Conflict: 1
Yeah, there’s nothing I care about that’s happening throughout the duration of this movie. I could care less about Mary’s quest to win Steve because it’s just wrong. She’s a psycopath! When I say, “Nothing to see here!” I mean it.

Entertainment Value: 2
Ok, so here’s why I gave it a 2 despite how dreadful the entire movie was: I kept waiting to see how much worse things would get. The further I went down the rabbit hole, things just got more and more painful. Ever watch elementary school kids play basketball? Pretty much the same kind of train wreck here.

Memorability: 0

Pace: 0
Considering this is one of the worst movies imaginable, it’s no secret that “snail’s pace” doesn’t do it justice. Getting through All About Steve almost requires much drinking. Sure, you can survive it sober. Not advisable.

Plot: 1
It’s a story that makes no sense revolving around characters that don’t have a single solid motivation to their name. Even when you think for a moment that things might redeem themselves, the movie manages to set itself on fire again. Lost count of the number of times I asked myself, “Where the hell is this going?”

Resolution: 3

Overall: 26
Maybe it was because I was tired. Maybe it’s because I think Sandra Bullock is beautiful and who the hell would be stupid enough to run from that? Maybe it was because I had just watched A Quiet Place right before and was blown away by how incredible it was. Or maybe…All About Steve is just a terrible terrible movie. Yeah, I think I’ll go with the latter.