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Uncharted (2022)
Uncharted (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure
Full disclosure, I'm a massive fan of the Uncharted video game series, and as such, stepped into this one with trepidation. I'm relieved to say then, that despite a few drawbacks, I had a lot of fun overall.
The general premise is going for a precursor to the first game. The characters are younger, learning to gel as a team. Tom Holland is great as a young Nathan Drake. Maybe a little alien in comparison to the game version, but passable for a first outing. I'm still completely unsold on Mark Whalberg as Sully though. He's way more unlikable here than in the games, and that didn't quite sit well with me. The two of them together lack the chemistry that is such an important part of the source material, and it does hurt the film somewhat. Sophia Ali is promising as a young Chloe Frazer, and Tati Gabrielle plays a convincing villain. Antonio Banderas is just kind of there and feels a bit wasted.
The narrative has some pacing issues. As much as I can commend the commitment to lengthy segments of puzzle solving, it doesn't quite have the same impact of when you're in control, and it does drag to a certain extent. Thankfully, the last 30 minutes does a whole lot of heavy lifting in making up for the more lackluster moments. The final set piece causes the film to spring to life, and suddenly, it's a full blown Uncharted film. The action is absurd, the music score is familiar (the main Uncharted theme will always be a banger), and the film ends in a way that has me excited for future installments.

The best way to sum up Uncharted is that it's a good start. It's nowhere near perfect, and it's origin-like narrative pales in comparison to the stories that are right there for the taking thanks to the games, but it feels like a setup for bigger things to come, and most importantly, it does feel like an Uncharted movie, and that's all I really wanted.