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Horse Feathers (1932)
Horse Feathers (1932)
1932 | Classics, Comedy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
“I married your mother because I wanted children. Imagine my disappointment when you arrived.”
The penultimate Marx Brothers film as their time with Paramount was drawing to a close, Horse Feathers was possible one the their most anarchic entries. The paper thin plot revolving around building a football team at the failing fictional Huxley University, in which Groucho’s, Quincy Adams Wagstaff has become headmaster, is nothing more than a platform for ludicrous comedy.

This gives rise to one of the most even handed ensemble pieces which I have personally seen within The Marx Brothers franchise, with all three main brothers taking a more equal part in the comedy. I normally find that Groucho steals the show, but here, it was hard to decide. Of course Zeppo had little to do as per usual, an issue which would eventually lead to him leaving the screen ensemble.

Laughs a plenty as they had moved further away from their Vaudeville musical comedy roots, focusing more of straight gags, which were as hilarious and as memorable as ever! There were of course the usual songs and musical interludes but this did seem more accessible for a modern audience as the primary focus was on the group and their crazy antics.

A great comedy from the dawn of talkies and these lot knew exactly what to say.
Amistad (1997)
Amistad (1997)
1997 | Drama, History, Mystery
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Slaves are put on trial when they start a mutiny on the ship bringing them over to America. Although a little long in the tooth, Amistad is a memorable movie that gives you something to root for.

Acting: 10
This was the first time I got to see a performance from Djimon Hounsou. I was blown away by his tenacity. You felt his passion in every single line he utters. This movie wouldn’t have been the same without him. I would argue the same for Anthony Hopkins playing the role of John Quincy Adams. Hopkins is no secret to blockbuster performances so it’s no surprise that he knocks this one out of the park.

Beginning: 10
This is how you start a movie! For me, it has one of the top ten beginning of all time for any movie. It’s riveting and terrifying at the same time. The way Spielberg shot it was genius.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
No surprise here with one of the most iconic directors of all time at the helm. He always has a way of choosing the best angle for the greatest impact. I could spend a whole entry talking about the subtle things he does to leave large impacts. It’s a cinematic treat.

Conflict: 7
The struggle here is the movie mostly revolves around two major cases. The courtroom can be boring in spots on the big screen if not done right. Even in the case of Amistad where things are done right, it can still be a bit much to consume. You feel like nothing is happening when actually there is a whole lot happening at once.

Entertainment Value: 8
I was intrigued to see how this story would unfold from beginning to end. I loved the character development and the understanding of what got both sides to their respective points. Again, despite its length, you will be engaged throughout.

Memorability: 6

Pace: 1

Plot: 10

Resolution: 9

Overall: 81
Improve the pacing here and you have a masterpiece point blank. Despite its length, Amistad is definitely worth the time spent. I enjoyed it thoroughly.