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Constantine (2005)
Constantine (2005)
2005 | Action, Horror, Mystery
6.9 (25 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Supernatural horror starring a post-Matrix/pre John Wick Keanu Reeves, which I remember going to see in the cinema.

I also remembered it had Tilda Swinton in it, as the angel Gabriel.

I'd completely forgotten that Rachel Weisz and a pre-Transformers Shia LaBeouf also co-starred.

I also remember all the fuss kicked up at the time over the casting of its main lead: instead of the blond, chain-smoking, sarcastic Brit that Constantine is portrayed as in the source material (which I still haven't read, although I have since seen Matt Ryan's portrayal in the various TV series's in which the character appears - a portrayal that is closer, apparently, to source) we have a dark-haired, chain-smoking douchebag of an American. I suppose one out of four isn't bad ...

The film itself is never really all that scary; nor does it (seemingly) ever really get going before it is over. It's also incredibly clear just who is pulling the strings from pretty early on ...
Black Widow (2021)
Black Widow (2021)
2021 | Action
Good casting, Scarlett and Florence felt like actual sisters. (1 more)
Good chemistry and acting from David Harbour and Rachel Weisz.
Not much of a thriller or thinker for a spy movie. (1 more)
One actor was greatly wasted in their role.
Scarlett's Swan Song Had Plenty of Action With A Decent StoryNatasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) and her sister Yelena (Florence Pugh) are living what seems like a normal life in 1995 Ohio, with their parents, mother, Melina Vostokoff (Rachel Weisz) and
Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) and her sister Yelena (Florence Pugh) are living what seems like a normal life in 1995 Ohio, with their parents, mother, Melina Vostokoff (Rachel Weisz) and father, Alexei Shostakov (David Harbour) when suddenly they must leave the country. They are all Russian undercover agents and Alexei, the super-soldier known as Red Guardian, has stolen intel from S.H.I.E.L.D. They flee to Cuba where the sisters are forcibly taken to the "Red Room" for training after they've met General Dreykov (Ray Winstone), their boss. Now in 2016 after the events of Captain America: Civil War, Natasha finds herself a fugitive on the run from U.S. Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross (William Hurt) after violating the Sokovia Accords. She's attacked by an incredibly skilled assassin called the Taskmaster and finds that she's not his target but rather a package she had with her. After learning the package originated from Budapest she heads there where she finds her sister Yelena and learns of a plot that not only jeopardizes the safety of those trained in the "Red Room" but possibly the whole world.

This movie was really good and it was great to see a Marvel movie again. I didn't see this one in theaters but I still enjoyed watching it in the safety of my home with my family. So this movie came off like a really good spy/action movie but definitely had that Marvel feel to it. It really felt like watching something out of the Bourne or Bond series films but with admittedly less plot and gadgets, but the action was really spot on. There was awesome car chase scenes and expertly crafted fight choreography too. It was even reported that they went through 13 BMW X3's for the car chase scene with Scarlett and Florence so you can tell that they really wanted to get things right and had a vision of what they wanted the audience to see for that particular scene as well. I thought there was really great chemistry from all the actors together and that it was pretty good casting. Scarlett and Florence argue throughout the film just like real sisters, and the looks that David Harbour and Rachel Weisz exchange feel like they were genuinely together. The opening scene of the movie had great acting and was very emotional. I just feel like one role/actor was kind of a bad casting and/or was greatly underutilized. I think the biggest flaw of the move was that for being a spy movie, the plot never had any mystery to it and everything was kind of predictable or at least very easy to follow. Not much of a thriller or thinker where you had to put two and two together. The cinematography was spot on and felt like you were watching any big budget spy or action movie and on par with what you expect from Marvel Studios. The tone fit the film for the most part but kind of "see-saw"-ed from time to time as they mixed serious themes with comedic dialogue throughout. But that's to be expected from a PG-13 action/spy movie from Marvel and it was a little reminiscent of the film Captain America in that regard. The music was good and there were a couple of songs that stuck out in that regard American Pie by Don Mclean and a cover of Smells Like Teen Spirit by Think Up Anger; also Cheap Thrills by Sia. The musical score was also good and the Black Widow theme was pretty epic but also with hints of melancholy to it that seemed to underline both her tragic background as well as the tragedy of the events to come in her future. Altogether the movie was really good and I give it a 7/10. If you are big time into the MCU and Marvel franchise movies then this is a must see film but if not then it might come off as just a barely above average action/spy film so that's why it doesn't get my "Must See Seal of Approval"

Andy K (10821 KP) rated The Lobster (2015) in Movies

Apr 15, 2018 (Updated Apr 15, 2018)  
The Lobster (2015)
The Lobster (2015)
2015 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Rather like a trip to the dentist!
The title may suggest I didn't like the film, but that's not correct. I guess I just meant watching a film directed by Yorgos Lanthimos makes you uneasy, awkward and you are not sure what is about to happen. In the case of this film, though, I found it very interesting, surreal, deadpan and funny all at the same time.

The unusual premise involves people checking into a hotel where they 45 days to find love or must become an animal. Colin Farrell and Rachel Weisz navigate their way through this extremely unusual film not for most tastes I would imagine. After recently watching The Killing of a Sacred Deer, i was curious to check this one out and I wasn't disappointed.

The actors must have had a hard time showing little emotion and not cracking up when they sputter the awkward, contrite but witty dialogue and some of the very bizarre situations they find themselves in.

Still, with myriads of films under my belt at this stage in my life, I'll gladly take something original over Fast & Furious 27.

Disobedience (2018)
Disobedience (2018)
2018 | Drama, Romance
English language films with big name actors are not usually this European. Which is why I have chosen the beautiful French poster to highlight this unexpected gem.

I hadn’t expected to like it, but was curious to see the two lead actresses work together on something so intimate, that became in the media something controversial, regrettably, for all the wrong reasons. They chose to focus on the sexual aspect of two high profile women about to commit to film a level of titillation hitherto unseen by either… but, of course, it is so much more than that.

The world of orthodox Judaisim and commitment to a patriarchal ideal of tradition and intrinsic value is at the heart of this small, yet devastating film. At first, that world is so alien and upsetting that it seems like a fantasy. Until you allow yourself to realise that this community does exist, and thrives.

Both Rachel Weisz as a woman with a secret who managed to escape the constraints and prejudices of the male dominant world, and Rachel McAdams, as the friend left behind to swallow her pride and be the expected wife, deliver extraordinary performances. The passion, repression and guilt are apparent in every scene.

But it is Alessandro Nivola, as the key antagonist, that really wins the plaudits. Watch a character so unlikable become a hero in the most humble and unlikely sense, in a scene of such breath-taking clarity, towards the film’s climax. I can only wish all “bad guys” get this kind of human pay-off.

A film of resonance and social interest that fails as an entirely coherent piece, but works in so many good ways it is worth seeing just for the feels! There is no point where you do not believe how much these women are in love. And for that reason alone, I recommend it.
Black Widow (2021)
Black Widow (2021)
2021 | Action
A Winning Return for the MCU
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is back!

With the much delayed premiere of BLACK WIDOW, the MCU returns with a fun romp that is part family drama, part action adventure - and all MCU.

Starring Scarlett Johansson, of course, as the titular character, BLACK WIDOW takes place after CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR and before AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR. Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow, teams up with her “other” family to stop a team of enemy assasins.

But, it’s not the plot that we care about in these types of movies, it’s the characters and the action. And this film brings both in abundance.

Let’s start with the characters - the 4 main “family” members - Johansson (Black Widow), Florence Pugh (Yelena), David Harbour (Alexei) and Rachel Weisz (Melina) are wonderful to spend time with. These are characters that I want to see on the screen and their interactions - though sometimes confrontational - is filled with friendship, respect and love. This is something that other “universes” don’t quite get as well as the MCU and it shows.

Johannson, of course, is terrific as Black Widow. She has this character down and if this is her last go around as this character, she’ll got out with her head held high. David Harbour (STRANGER THINGS) is the comic relief of this film as his (somewhat) overweight superhero RED GUARDIAN, tries to fit into his old costume (reminiscent of MR. INCREDIBLE) while Rachel Weisz (Oscar winner for THE CONSTANT GARDNER) is the grounding/realistic character.

But all 3 of these take a back seat to the terrific Florence Pugh (Oscar nominated for LITTLE WOMEN a few year’s back) as the “little sister” of Black Widow. She and Johannson have terrific chemistry together and the writers/directors give Pugh most of the good lines that will lead the audience to be won over by her character.

The only blemish I have in the performances of this film is Ray Winstone’s rather “average” performance as the main bad guy in this film. I don’t fault Winstone’s performance, I think that it is because the part is underwritten or, worst yet, an afterthought of the writers.

Director Cate Shortland (LORE) does a good job keeping the film moving while interspersing the family drama with the action and the humor at a brisk enough clip to keep your interest for the full 134 minutes of this film. It’s a good return to the MCU and one that will keep you coming back for more.

Which is EXACTLY what the MCU wishes you to do.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
The Favourite (2018)
The Favourite (2018)
2018 | Biography, History
Wickedly fiendish, clever and funny!
After nearly a year, I finally made it out to the cinema and decided this would be my film of choice. I wasn't disappointed.

Director Yorgos Lanthimos is quickly becoming one of my new favorites. After directing interesting wisp films like The Lobster and The Killing of a Sacred Deer, I was anxious to see this film for sure.

The story involves the increasingly ill Queen Anne and the two women who vie for her affections. Their efforts start civil but eventually become more deranged both trying to outdo each other with their fiendishly clever and diabolical deeds.

I found the film quite funny as well as some of the dialogue is really quite gaudy, scandalous and rude. (Don't watch if you don't like the "C" word).

Other than the screenplay, the trio of Olivia Colman, Emma Stone, and Rachel Weisz are all a joy to watch, especially Emma Stone who you really haven't seen play a tart before like this. Her striking beauty comes through as well even when she is covered in dirt or without any make up.

The sets, locations and classic film score all add to the majesty of this magical film which will undoubtedly be nominated numerous times throughout this award season.

Certainly not for everyone, but I loved it!


Erika (17788 KP) Dec 26, 2018

I'm looking forward to this even more now! I'm seeing it in 2 hours!


Andy K (10821 KP) Dec 26, 2018

Let me know what you think!

Black Widow (2021)
Black Widow (2021)
2021 | Action
The first Marvel movie out of the stables since the start of the Worldwide Covid-19 pandemic; I believe this was originally to be released before the likes of even WandaVision (shown on Disney+).

This was alos released concurrently on Disney+ (behind a paywall) and in the cinema: indeed, this is the very reason for ScarJo's lawsuit against Disney (she says she was told it would be theatres first, then Disney+ and that she only gets a percentage of box office takings).

Anyway, all that aside: this is actually set pre-snap; the majority of it back just after the events of 'Captain America: Civil War' (and thus before 'Avengers: Infinty War'), with Natasha on the run from the US government having broken the Sokovia Accords. It's not long, however, before she receives a package from a previous safe-house (Budapest. Yes, the Budapest mentioned before with Hawkeye: 'remember Budapest?') that leads her into a further adventure, this time involving her surrogate 'family' from when she was undercover in America as a kid in the mid 1990s.

Her 'dad' (David Harbour) 'Red Guardian' steals the show, while Florence Pugh (as her younger 'sister') and Rachel Weisz (as her 'mum') also provide sterling back-up.

Plenty of action, but the film does, perhaps, fall into the common Marvel trap of having a CGI-heavy ending ...
The Favourite (2018)
The Favourite (2018)
2018 | Biography, History
An unusual period piece
This is a very unusual film and for the most part very good. Period dramas aren’t usually my thing, but The Favourite isn’t your average period drama. It’s a very subtle tongue in cheek, witty, humorous and sometimes bizarre tale that’s very clever and entertaining to watch. Whilst Olivia Colman May have won the Oscar, I think all 3 of the female leads in this are very strong and a delight to watch, especially when their characters are all together in the same scenes. Indeed the scenes with Emma Stone and Rachel Weisz sniping at each other are by far the best to watch. Even the rest of the supporting cast too are very good, although I do think Mark Gatiss was a little underused. Nobody does posh upper class toff like he does!

The film itself looks beautiful. The costume and set design, and music, are fantastic, and the whole thing looks stunning. I did however have a slight issue with the cinematography. I found some of the strange camera angles a little frustrating and irritating after a while, especially as some of them don’t really seem to fit in with the style and tone of the rest of the film. I also think the final act and especially the final scene were a bit of a letdown. Most of the film has a rather humorous or at least light hearted undertone, but the final act takes it a little too seriously and the final scene is just too ill fitting too. Despite this, it’s a very different period drama and definitely worth a watch for some stellar performances.

Andy K (10821 KP) May 6, 2019

Glad you liked it Sarah!

Oz the Great and Powerful (2013)
Oz the Great and Powerful (2013)
2013 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
6.8 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Taking on a movie as beloved as “The Wizard of Oz” is a daunting task. The iconic Judy Garland film is considered a classic and many of the songs from the film have remained part of our culture since it was released in 1939. Despite several book sequels, the attempts to continue the series have had little success as there have been animated films as well as an urban remake, “The Wiz”, which also failed to reach the success of the original. Director Sam Raimi opted to do an original prequel story that tells of how the fabled Wizard of Oz came to be.

Oz (James Franco), is a small-time magician toiling away in small circus in Kansas in 1905. Life on the road has allowed him to be a womanizer and an egomaniac who dreams of greatness. When his actions catch up with him, Oz is forced to flee and takes refuge from an angry mob in a hot air balloon. An unexpected storm funnel grabs the balloon, and whisks Oz to a dazzling and colorful world filled with all manner of strange creatures and wonders.
Upon his arrival, Oz is greeted by Theodora (Mila Kunis), who believes that Oz is the great wizard that legend has said will arrive to save the land and rule the people in a kind and just way. It is revealed that the land is under siege from a wicked witch, and a prophecy indicates a great wizard will arrive with the same name as the land, and will save the day.

Naturally Oz does not believe this but is more than willing to charm Theodora and her sister Evanora (Rachel Weisz), and plot to get his hands on the abundant gold that will come with his appointment as the great wizard. Oz learns that in order to take the throne, he has to defeat another witch (Michelle Williams), and sets off on a journey to the Dark Forest with his flying monkey companion Finley (Zach Braff). Along the journey, Oz learns first hand of the horrors the witch has unleashed on the unsuspecting and learns that his selfish behavior has serious consequences not just for himself, but for innocent people as well. This leads to some serious soul-searching and a confrontation that will force Oz to become the man that many believe he is, less they all perish.

The film has some great visuals as Raimi wisely shot the movie in 3D and mixed CGI with some very impressive sets. It is clear that much of the film is shot against a CGI backdrop but the visual wonder of the film is something to behold. The biggest issues I had with the film were that it was slow-paced and did drag in several parts. Franco does his best to play up the seedier side of Oz, but makes some very odd facial expressions throughout the film that seem very forced and out of place for the film and the situations he finds himself in. Kunis and Weisz make excellent witches and their backstory is a very interesting and an integral part of Dorothy’s adventures in the original film. Williams does well with her role but never seems to develop the needed chemistry with Franco. I was also surprised that the film was very light on musical numbers as there was only a hint of one that was quickly halted by Franco. “Oz: The Great and Powerful” is a visually enjoyable film that sets the stage well for the original film and Raimi is to be praised for taking on such sacred material and providing a new chapter for the modern generation. While it is not likely to be considered a classic like the original film, it is still a worthy chapter in the series which will provide good nostalgic entertainment for fans new and old alike.