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Norma Rae (1979)
Norma Rae (1979)
1979 | Drama, Musical
Hard work pays off
Whatever your opinion of unions and their good or not so good attributes, this film is a testament to perseverance pays off. Having to fight an uphill battle through coworkers, management and even her own family, nothing deters Norma Rae from keeping to her convictions to get her goals accomplished.

The standout is Sally Field who is very good in this film and really proved she wasn't just a Flying Nun or Gidget any more.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Izzy Spellman is enjoying her time off from the family PI business. But then she gets a client who thinks his wife is cheating on him. That's not the case, but the wife does have some secret. Meanwhile, little sister Rae is accused to cheating on her PSAT's and Izzy moves into her brother's basement. Yep, it's more wacky fun with my favorite dysfunctional family. I did feel things were feeling a little too familiar at this point, but it was still lots of fun.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
The Snake Den (Shadow and Ink #2)
The Snake Den (Shadow and Ink #2)
Nikki Rae | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow! Just wow! This time around I know exactly what rating to give this dark but perplexing read. I am truly enjoying the fact that I am still completely clueless as to the true nature of Six. Is Six an angel? A demon? The figment of Corbin's fragmented mind? The author once again reeled me in right from the start with her beautifully dark writing style. The characters are all stunning and unique and I simply cannot wait for the next book in the series as this cliff hanger ending was more intense than the last. It is indeed a pleasure to spend time in the mind of Nikki Rae.
The Blood Between Us
Zac Brewer | 2016
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
Brewer’s latest book is so different from his past works - but it's just as good (with so many good quotes to boot). The Blood Between Us delves into topics that many of us have dealt with or are currently dealing with - identity and self-discovery, while also dealing with adoption and a sibling rivalry.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Tempted (House of Night, #6)
Tempted (House of Night, #6)
P.C. Cast | 2008 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.7 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
In terms of plot, I would say this is the worst book of the series. Loose ends are left dangling all over the place, more questions are formed than answered, and (spoiler!) the main character, Zoey escapes into the afterlife "Otherworld." The last page is like a huge "To Be Continued..." and I just hate so-called endings like that. Most of the book is spent making plans regarding Kalona and Neferet, the red fledglings, and the House of Night school, but very little is actually accomplished. I appreciate that the series seems to move in real-time, but at the same time, things need to move a bit faster for anything to actually happen. The most exciting thing was Stevie Rae's near-death experience, which isn't saying much. I was greatly antipating the group's trip to Venice, but their meeting with the High Council was strangely short and anti-climactic. I think that at least one vampyre on the council should have disagreed with Neferet's lies, since Kalona's hypnotic powers are supposed to rely on choice.
The things I did like about the book are what I've like about the entire series. I love how the characters all strive for normalcy, even when everything around them is completely paranormal. I love the dialogue and how it is very typically teenager-ish. I also love how Zoey makes tons of mistakes, even though she has the favor of the Goddess. The one "loose end" that did seem to get taken care of in a way was the Imprint between Aphrodite and Stevie Rae being broken, though it just formed another loose end with Stevie Rae hiding the Raven Mocker Rephaim from everyone else.
I will likely stay loyal to the series in the hopes that the plot improves with the next book, Burned.

Lindsay (1693 KP) rated No Name Baby in Books

Feb 15, 2018  
No Name Baby
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thought to myself when I started reading this. What is this story about. It starts out with Sophie's dream. She was dreaming about three gravestones by a fence. Her mother was calling her from downstairs.

There this big family secret. Sophie blame herself for her mama premature labor. For her mama had loss lots of babies. The new baby is Sophie new living sibling. You could tell their was some secret that the adult were trying to cover up and not tell her. Her Aunt Rae act strange to Sophie though out the book. If you want to find out what this secret is I suggest you read the book. For I am not tell you any spoilers. I thought that Aunt Rae was a bitter woman and could not believe what see did to her niece Sophie.

Several chapter were all about chores and watch the baby. I understand that they were to be Italian-American. Sophie is like the first or second generation to be born in america. You would think that her grandmother, Aunt, Papa, Mamma would teach her about her homeland. Though some Italian word were metion though out book here and there.

I will tell you this I though it was one I could put down and leave down. I though okay what on tv and glance it and then I turn my nook off for bit and turned back on. I would not recommend this book. It was not my cup of tea though that does not mean it was a bad book or anything to do with the author who wrote. It just was not my cup of tea. I will a good read.. I though though to myself a few questions though I can not remember I was thinking when though questions came.
Buying Samir (India's Street Kids #2)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Buying Samir</i> is the second book in the <i>India Street Kids</i> series by Kimberly Rae. Previously Jasmina and her brother, Samir, had been sold to traffickers who treated the children as slaves. Jasmina, however, managed to escape and found safety amongst a group of American missionaries. Now aged 14, Jasmina is determined to locate and save her brother.

Initially with the help of one of the missionaries, Jasmina begins searching for Samir at various locations hoping she can free him from whatever slavery he has been forced into. However desperation encourages Jasmina to secretly go alone on this dangerous mission. Although she finds her brother there is no happy reunion. Samir has become one of the traffickers and Jasmina finds herself in a lot of trouble.

Jasmina learns a lot more about the world she lives in, who to trust and who to avoid. She also learns of Christian forgiveness – a concept that was alien to her as she was used to being punished.

Rae shocks the reader with her descriptions of horrors children in India face on the streets. Many are tricked into dreadful situations by false promises of luxury. What is the most disturbing is that this story is not about the past, these things are happening now! Thankfully there are people such as the missionaries who, with Gods help, give up their time to rescue these children and give them a better life or restore them to their families.

<i>Buying Samir</i> is a very short book and suitable for both adults and teens. Readers would benefit from reading the previous book first however Jasmina’s narrative reflects on the past providing enough information to understand what is going on.

Lindsay (1693 KP) rated No Name Baby in Books

Aug 30, 2018  
No Name Baby
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thought to myself when I started reading this. What is this story about. It starts out with Sophie's dream. She was dreaming about three gravestones by a fence. Her mother was calling her from downstairs.

There this big family secret. Sophie blame herself for her mama premature labor. For her mama had loss lots of babies. The new baby is Sophie new living sibling. You could tell their was some secret that the adult were trying to cover up and not tell her. Her Aunt Rae act strange to Sophie though out the book. If you want to find out what this secret is I suggest you read the book. For I am not tell you any spoilers. I thought that Aunt Rae was a bitter woman and could not believe what see did to her niece Sophie.

Several chapter were all about chores and watch the baby. I understand that they were to be Italian-American. Sophie is like the first or second generation to be born in america. You would think that her grandmother, Aunt, Papa, Mamma would teach her about her homeland. Though some Italian word were metion though out book here and there.

I will tell you this I though it was one I could put down and leave down. I though okay what on tv and glance it and then I turn my nook off for bit and turned back on. I would not recommend this book. It was not my cup of tea though that does not mean it was a bad book or anything to do with the author who wrote. It just was not my cup of tea. I will a good read.. I though though to myself a few questions though I can not remember I was thinking when though questions came.
Their Fractured Light (Starbound, #3)
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
In terms of covers <i>Their Fractured Light</i> is my least favorite out of all three books in the trilogy. (These Broken Stars is my favorite.)

In terms of everything else however….

I loved every second I had with the final book in the <i>Starbound</i> trilogy - it's so much more intense, action-packed, and fast paced than the other two books as all six characters (Tarver and Lilac from <i><a href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">These Broken Stars</a></i>, Jubilee and Flynn from <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">This Shattered World</a>, and now Gideon and Sofia) come together to bring down La Roux Industries.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
On the Waterfront (1954)
On the Waterfront (1954)
1954 | Classics, Drama, Romance

"Every aspect of the movie is excellent. There isn’t one wrong move — from the script, to the acting, to the music. It’s such a beautiful human story about an individual struggle set against the corrupt unions screwing over the dock workers. So, you have this social background for the situation, and then you have the personal human journey of the brother of one of these union mobsters, who has to sort of turn on his own people. Marlon Brando pretty much rocked the cinema with this new style of acting, and you can never go back to Cary Grant. As wonderful as Cary Grant is, Marlon Brando changed the game. Karl Malden has one of the greatest movie monologues of all time as the priest in the docks, encouraging everyone to take a stand. He was like the first Norma Rae. I have the soundtrack on my iPod. I love great movie soundtracks, and I consider that one of those."
