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Lost (House of Night Otherworld #2)
Lost (House of Night Otherworld #2)
P C Cast | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Loved it!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Things have settled down at the Tulsa House of Night since Zoey and the gang closed the tear between worlds and sent Other Kevin back to the Other World. Neferet hasn't stirred. Damien and Jack are falling in love all over again. Stevie Rae and Rephaim are back in Tulsa where they belong. The Depot Restaurant is being rebuilt with the enthusiastic involvement of local humans. A new school year has begun, and Zoey's exchange student program with public schools is really taking off. All is well.But if all is well, why is Zoey increasingly withdrawn and moody?Sadly, Stark is sure he knows the answer to that question. Zoey can't stop thinking about following her brother to the Other World, and Stark isn't deluding himself about why. Of course she wants to be sure her brother is okay. Of course she wants to help defeat Neferet in yet another world and be sure the balance between Light and Darkness is restored. But the real reason Z is so drawn to that other House of Night world is because Heath Luck, her childhood sweetheart, is alive in that world-alive and mourning her death.In Lost, we follow Zoey, Stevie Rae, and Rephaim to an alternative version of the House of Night, where dangers take the form of friends and allies are found in the strangest places. Will Z return to our world and leave Heath to his? And if she does, will Stark forgive her for leaving? Find out in the second part of this exciting new House of Night Other World adventure!

I absolutely love this author and this series! Following Zoey and the nerd herd through more trials just makes me happy. We see Z , Stevie and Repheim travel to Kevin's world to help put things right. With some years of joy at some reunions and tears of sadness at the loss of a beloved character it's definitely worth a read. Also don't be drinking when Neferet drops the C bomb I nearly choked 🤣🤣🤣🤣. As a fan of P C Cast and Kristen these books bring so much joy to the YA and supernatural world.



The Clairvoyants
The Clairvoyants
Karen Brown | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Martha has had an interesting childhood and upbringing. As a young girl, she saw the ghost of her aunt, a nun, in her grandfather's barn. As a teen, the dead frequently appeared to Martha, though she rarely knew what to do with these apparitions. Also in her teen years, Martha's younger sister, Del, wound up sent to an institution. Incredibly close as children, Del's slow decent into some sort of madness also haunted Martha. So she decides to depart her family's farm and move inland to college. Once in Ithaca, Martha falls in love, is reunited with Del, and frequently sees the ghost of Mary Rae, a missing woman from a neighboring town, who stands beneath Martha's window for hours, wearing her coat and with her hair covered in ice. Martha had hoped to escape the dead in Ithaca, but it seems like somehow everything is going to converge on her nonetheless.

This book was not at all what I had expected; it's less a supernatural thriller and more a literary treatise as we watch Martha deal with the events in her life. The chapters switch between present-day in Ithaca and flashbacks to Martha's life growing up. Sometimes it's a little confusing, but also quite interesting. I had expected the book to be more of a mystery as we try to figure out what happened to Mary Rae, but honestly, it's pretty apparent from the beginning who is responsible for her disappearance, even if the "how" is unknown. Still, the book is incredibly suspenseful and very compelling; I found myself trying to read it every chance as I had.

The psychological/mystical aspect isn't really as much at play here as you'd think from the summary, but that's okay. I didn't find it as creepy as some of the other reviews, but as I stated, still very spellbinding. There's an "aha moment" when you're reading and things come together that is masterfully done. While I wasn't in love with the character of Martha, I was intrigued by both she and Del, and I found all of the characters to be fascinating and intricate in their own way. The ending was a little quick for me, but somewhat redeemed by one particular portion (don't want to give away a spoiler). Overall, this was a different book--unlike ones I typically read--and while I didn't find it amazing, it was an engrossing and suspenseful novel. 3.5 stars.
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

Kimberly Rae draws attention to the ongoing trafficking of children in India in her young adult novel <i>Capturing Jasmina</i>. Jasmina was only ten when her father sold both her and her brother Samir to a man promising safety and good education. In reality the siblings end up in a sweatshop slaving over clothes to be sold in America. After three years they manage to escape only to be trafficked a second time. Eventually Jasmina and Samir are separated and Jasmina becomes a street kid.

Whilst living on the streets Jasmina encounters a Christian missionary, Asha, rescuing women from brothels by either offering them a safe place to live or at the very least spiritually, by teaching them about God and Jesus. Intrigued Jasmina follows Asha who then offers to help her too. After having her childhood robbed from her, it seems like Jasmina, with the help of those who trust in God, will get back on her feet again.

Despite being a short novel, Rae paints a contrasting image to what the western world is used to. Jasmina finds the concept of a simple toilet baffling. It is not until you hear or see what is happening to innocent people in other parts of the world that you realize there are so many things in life you take for granted.

<i>Capturing Jasmina</i> emphasizes how difficult it is to escape once trafficked. In these situations people belong to everyone but themselves. They have no freedom and running away can cause more problems than it solves. The novel also shows what Christians can do to help. Although no one can completely solve the problems, the tiniest piece of aid they can provide is a step in the right direction.

It was slightly disappointing that we do not find out what happened to Samir once he was separated from his sister. Jasmina’s first person narrative makes it clear that what she wants most is to be reunited with her family. In a way, although there is a positive ending, not yet finding her brother makes it clear that there cannot always be happy endings. It is not possible to save everyone.

Written from a young teenagers point of view makes this book suitable for ages twelve and older. Christians will appreciate the biblical references however there is not too much religion for non-believers or those of other religions to get offended by.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Rae Carson | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Novelisation of the final entry in 'The Skywalker Saga', that seeks to add context and rationale behind some of the decisions made in that movie.

And, for the most part, it works.

It's just a pity that the film needed this added to it …

It's here we learn that Palpatine (in the movie) is a failing clone body inhabited by the spirit of the 'original' Palpatine, and that Lando's daughter was kidnapped and raised by The First Order (giving greater context to his decision at the end of the movie to go off with Jannah). We also get a bit more insight into Rey (and her 'Dark Rey' vision) although, bafflingly, there's still no explanation of how she can be so powerful in the Force.

The biggest problem, to me, with the sequel trilogy is that it is clear there was no guiding hand, making The Rise of Skywalker feel like a massive retcon after Rian Johnson through out all of the good work in The Force Awakens with his The Last Jedi - even a hint that Palpatine had been pulling the strings the entire time in either of those two earlier movies would have helped somewhat! It's here that Rae Carson attempts to tie the narrative into a coherent whole, with mixed results.
Like many others, I'm sure, I first only heard of Valerian as a result of the absolutely-bonkers 2017 movie 'Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets'.

Reading the interviews with the stars that came out at around about that time, I learnt that Valerian was actually a French comic, and that it had influenced elements of the really-rather-fun Bruce Willis flick 'The Fifth Element'. I caught Valerian when it showed up on Netflix and, while it was OK, it wasn't really anything special.

When I saw this comic given away as a freebie on Comixology, I thought I would give it a try: I don't know what I was expecting (something closer to the movie?), but this most definitely wasn't it!

This is set largely in the (then) future of the mid-80s, where the world is in ruins and New York is about to be swallowed by the ocean. Valerian and Laureline are both time-travelers, who must travel back to this period of their history: a period in which little is known about, a sort-of second Dark Ages.

This comic does show it's age, particularly in it's treatment of Laureline (who doesn't seem to really do all that much) and in Sun Rae: truth be told, it just never really gripped me at all.
Burned (House of Night, #7)
Burned (House of Night, #7)
P.C. Cast | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
I liked this book a bit more than the previous book in the series simply because it looks like some of the characters are maturing passed some of their more annoying tweeny quirks and developing some depth. Stevie Rae always bugged me in previous books for her cliche hick-like speech and tastes in clothes, etc., but in this book, she starts to discover that the lines between good and evil are sometimes much harder to discern as she tries to juggle her relationship with Rephaim and still be what everyone else in her life wants her to be. She does this by lying, lying, lying, which is very bad, but at least she is taking risks to truly do the right thing, even if she is going about it the very wrong way. What did bug me was that the way she was caught between Dallas and Rephaim felt like the authors were attempting to make her be some kind of Zoey copycat, and the way Stevie Rae was handling the situation so poorly pretty much made it a forgone conclusion that whomever she hurt more would be the one going evil, making her the responsible party, even though the guy making the choice should be responsible for his own decisions.
I also like the maturity that James Stark reaches in his quest to save Zoey. While it is cliche to say that love conquers all, his love for her forces him to grow up and be a man, instead of just a petty, jealous, hormonal teen. The lengths he goes to save her could put a few grown men to shame, and if she ever rejects him in future books for any reason at all, she does not deserve him.
On the flip side, Zoey's other friends, i. e. Damien, Jack, and the twins are barely even mentioned throughout the entire book, except to provide color for the background or some comic relief. I don't really miss them, either, as their antics are so formulaic as to make me cringe every time I read about them.
I am undecided as to whether I like Aphrodite's character. While she does not seem to be growing in maturity very much - as in losing her bitchiness - she does seem to be coming to terms with how she appears to others. At the same time, she is learning to wield her arrogance with purpose as she gains the title of Prophetess and show some true emotion for her friends.
I really hope that this series wraps up soon, as this plot feels like it is spiraling out of control with all of the loose ends, unexplained pieces, and growing cast list that simply can not be given enough attention to detail in every single book, even with the random deaths of several characters in a single book.

Rachel (48 KP) rated The Fear in Books

May 25, 2017  
The Fear
The Fear
Rae Louise | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Horror (6 more)
Haunted House
Great Horror
I really did enjoy this book immensely. I am always searching for the 'perfect' ghost story and this comes pretty close!

The authors writing style really drew me in, an almost casual voice that ramps up the tension without you really realising it.
The characters were all extremely natural and sympathetic. None of the conversations felt forced, even though they were between characters of very differing ages.

The actions, and reactions, to the dramatic events made sense. At no point did I think "No one would ever do that, how silly" which often happens in supernatural/horror stories.

The way in which the atmosphere and tension slowly crept up meant that I just couldn't put it down. I could actually imagine the growing claustrophobia the characters were feeling.
Because certain events are not as they seem, for reasons you will understand after reading, it really kept me on my toes - did that happen? Can I believe what I'm reading this time?
Even though it kept me guessing it never got annoying - I just wanted to read that little bit more to find out! To me that is a sign of a talented author.

If I had to find fault it would be with the ending, unless there is a sequel planned! It was satisfying until reading the very last chapter, which was left as a kind of cliffhanger.

Rae Louise has managed to write a horror which is genuinely creepy and has suspension and action in spades.

Bethr1986 (305 KP) rated The Reaper in Books

Feb 17, 2023  
The Reaper
The Reaper
Rae Scott | 2022 | Contemporary, Crime, LGBTQ+, Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Mel is a detective who is one month away from retirement she cannot wait for! She's then lumbered with Nat, a rookie on a high-octane case with a lot at stake! As she gets to know her new partner/trainee, she likes the way she works and thinks. She reminds Mel of herself so finds herself guiding her in any way she can in trying to discover the true identity of The Reaper.

I enjoyed this story from start to finish. I was gripped from the start and was second-guessing all the way through. I genuinely hadn't got a clue whodunit it was a great surprise. I don't want to say too much about it as I don't want to give anything away but I was certainly confused. There is a lot of detail in this book that helps you make a picture of what is going on not enough to give you the answers but to get the finer details.

Rae Scott has got a way of writing that has captivated me from the start and kept me right through to the end. I'm hoping that there will be a second book and this can be made into a 2 part series or even more. It was fantastic!

A recommended read.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **


* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
The Santa Suit
The Santa Suit
Mary Kay Andrews | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ivy Perkins buys a 106-year-old farmhouse, sight unseen, after a divorce. Known as Four Roses Farm, it was once home to Bob and Betty Rae Rose. Bob was famous as the town's Santa Claus, which Ivy learns when she discovers his lovely Santa suit tucked in a closet. In the pocket is a note from a young child, who simply wants her father to return home from the war. The note strikes a chord with Ivy, who finds herself wondering who the child was--and did she ever reunite with her father? Her investigation brings her in contact with the local townspeople, including Ezra, her realtor, neighbor, and handyman; a young woman named Phoebe; and a sweet town elder named Everett. Despite her reluctance to join in the town's many Christmas traditions, Ivy cannot help but be swept up in the small town and its spirit of Christmas.

"You mean, what's a nice, single, big-city girl like me doing in a hick town like Tarburton?"

This was an incredibly adorable, silly, cheesy book (more of a novella really). If you love Christmas movies, you'll find that this is basically a Hallmark Christmas movie in book form. And, as such, it's practically perfect: the snowy setting, a magical Santa suit, and a small town romance. What more could you ask for? Yes, you could pick at plot pieces and motives, but why? This is a quick read and a sweet one. Read in front of the fire with a cup of hot chocolate. 4+ stars.
Awakened (House of Night, #8)
Awakened (House of Night, #8)
P.C. Cast | 2011
8.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
The book opens with Zoey, Stark, Aphrodite, and Darius still on the Isle of Skye. Several factors are adamant about keeping Zoey and Stark there, from their romance to Sgiach's sudden change of perspective about keeping the Isle a secret. All through the book I get the feeling that Sgiach is not as trustworthy or pure of intention as the reader is led to believe, but I imagine that will be a subject for a future book.
Fairly early in the book, a death occurs - I won't say who - but it feels a bit like an author's attempt to cull an entirely-too-long cast list. I have felt for awhile that there were too many characters in this series to keep track of all of them in a single book, but even with the random death occurring every so often, many of the characters are almost non-existent in this book.
I really like the character Rephaim and what the authors are doing with his sub-plot. He has much potential for growth in personality and maturity, and he brings a more adult element to what often feels like a very immature series. I was thrilled with how Nyx helps him at the end, as it shows him that good has its own rewards. His presence has forced Stevie Rae to grow up and make decisions that have a great impact, too. Normally Stevie Rae can be quite annoying, but around Rephaim I like her.
Neferet is of course, beyond revolting. Everything she does makes me want to hurl the book across the room - from her posturing around Kalona and Rephaim, to her false guilt at the funeral, to her simpering over the white bull. Her character is actually my strongest clue that the authors are good at what they do. Only a well-written character can elicit the kind of strong emotion that Neferet brings out in me. They do a good job of showing how the soul-sucking darkness is driving her to madness, even to the point of always underestimating what Zoey and Nyx are capable of. I may be delusional, but I still think that Kalona can be saved from this darkness, even though it's obvious that Neferet can not. His actions seem to be driven by bitterness and a hunger for what is denied him, rather than evil for the sake of evil.
I do love that the authors found a way to continue using Heath in the plotline, as he was always so good for Zoey and probably the only "normal" person in the cast list of supernaturally-gifted beings. He likely will have a long way to go with the direction the authors are taking him, but I imagine I'll keep reading this series through to the end - whenever that is.
Many of the same problems that I had with the series early on still persist - such as sickly-sweet teenage lingo, the condensed time frame of each book, and too many characters with too little time. I find myself wondering which parts of the books are written by which author, as the writing style seems to change sporadically.
I was actually both relieved and saddened by the death at the end, first that it was not someone else dying, but also how it will affect Zoey. Beyond that, there are simply too many characters for me to be emotionally-attached to all of them. So on to the next book - Destined (House of Night Novels).