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Knitting At Home: 60 Classics from Ella Rae Designs by Leanne Prouse
ISBN: 9781933027999
Published: Published October 5th 2010 by Sixth&Spring Books
Rating: 5


Knitting At Home aims to be more than a knitting book with pretty patterns. Specifically, it aims to inspire and create a desire to satisfy creativity. It accomplishes this wonderfully. There isn't a pattern in Knitting at Home that I don't like, and there are several I'm itching to start on.


The book has six sections: A Room for Living, Relaxing, Sharing, Retreating, Little ones, and It's the Weekend. Each one has a great collection of patterns.


There was a good variety of patterns in the book, between socks, fingerless mitts, bags, and decorations for the home. There were also a lot of throws and blankets. Now I've never made a blanket… but after flipping through this book a few times, I've never wanted to make one so badly (Alas, most of my yarn is at home and I'm stuck at college). Same with pillows. I never understood the idea of knitting a pillow, but when seen in the photographs in the book and when I saw the beautiful patterns, I desperately wanted one! There are also some beautiful sweater patterns, some nice socks, a cute pair of slippers, and even some felted stuffed dolls.


The patterns and the whole feel of this book drips creativity and inspiration: everything from the layout to the font to the color schemes. Both Leanne Prouse and her artistic director did a great job on Knitting at Home.

Recommendation: beginner to experienced knitters who like larger projects and projects for the home.
Buying Samir (India's Street Kids #2)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Buying Samir by Kimberly Rae is about a young girl, Jasmina, who has been rescued from the streets of India. Jasmina had been exploited by child traffickers, and now is on the road to learning how to trust again. Jasmina is given a safe place to live with loving adults, yet she desires to find her family that she betrays those who would look after her. She sets out to rescue Samir, her brother, but she tries to do it on her own.

This book describes the dangerous side of the streets throughout the story. Through Jasmina's story, we learn more ways that people are lured in and human trafficked in India. Parts of the story were exciting, but Jasmina was more passive than usual while she figured out what was going on with the "modelling" business. I'd expected this to be more about Samir's story, but it's not. It's Jasmina coming to terms with how human trafficking has destroyed her family.

By the end of the story we are left with the beautiful outcome of Jasmina accepting Jesus Christ as her Savior. We see how His love can turn her tragedies into a story of healing and triumph. Samir, on the other hand, has sadly chosen to embrace his hatred and anger. It has turned him into becoming the very people he hated. Life is like that. We face trials, and who we turn to...God or Satan/the lost world...will decide whether our story is triumphant or tragic.

I give this book 4/5 stars.

I received this book from BJU Press via Netgalley in exchange for a honest review.
Raiders of the Lost Bark
Raiders of the Lost Bark
Sparkle Abbey | 2016 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Glamping with Dogs…and a Killer
Over the last few months, Mel has been the victim of Addison Rae. Addison is trying to become the premier gourmet pet chef in Laguna Beach, and she is using old letters from Mel’s mother to get Mel to make introductions. Addison’s latest gig is as the chef at a camping trip for dog owners and their pets, and Mel intends to get the letters over the course of the trip. However, before she can, Addison turns up dead. Mel knows she makes a great suspect, but can she find the really killer before her mother’s secret, and her motive, is exposed?

The books in this series are always fun, and this book is no exception. The mystery starts well and moves quickly as we get more suspects and motives to sort through before Mel finally figures things out. The dogs’ antics are always entertaining. The people can tend to be more caricature than full character here, but it works for the series and provides us with some laughs. Mel is real and helps ground things. Mel’s assistant Betty is also along for the ride in this book. She’s a hoot, but we get a bit too much of her here, and I grew tired of some of her antics at times. The brooch that Mel is feuding over with her cousin Caro continues to make things challenging here, and I’m anxious to find out what happens next in that saga. Readers who have pets will be interested in the two recipes at the end of the book. Pack your bags because this is a glamping trip not to miss.
Marked (House Of Night #1)
Marked (House Of Night #1)
P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (47 Ratings)
Book Rating
NOTE: I read this way back in 2008 and I have a feeling I wouldn't like it so much now, if at all. Take my review with a grain of salt.

Admittedly deeper than my last read (Glass Houses by Rachel Caine), it's still in the same basic genre that I felt like reading at this time. Even though Zoey is a bit of a Mary-Sue character (practically perfect in every way), I still liked her, and it probably helped it was written in first person so that I could read her insecurities and such. I loved the basic plot and the side characters, Damien and Stevie Rae (oh, and Nala!) were great. On the other hand, I could probably do without the 'Twins,' but beggars can't be choosers. :P If I had read this as a teenager, I know I would have loved it even more than I do. The book reminded me of Laurie Faria Stolarz's books; it had the same basic feel to it as those do, even if it's totally different in concept.

The book could have done another editing sweep. I had to reread many sentences so they would make sense to me. Now, I don't know if it's because I'm not that up on teenage slang. Now, I'm not that old, but old enough to not know every slang word or phrase. For example, there is a sentence that reads: "Just please with the taking so long." Now what is that supposed to mean? To me it sounds like it's two unfinished sentences stuck together. Hopefully, there won't be too much pop culture thrown into the series, because more often than not, it dates the book and doesn't really add anything. Nitpicking aside, I honestly can't wait to explore more of this world.
Little (2019)
Little (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Fantasy
Just a Few Tweaks and I Would Have Loved it
When April’s (Issa Rae) boss gets turned into a child by a curse, April has to hold down the fort at work while trying to figure out a way to reverse the curse. It’s not a great movie that will leave a long impression, but I can definitely say that I liked it a whole lot more than I expected to.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 7
The movie begins with the audience getting a view into the lives of April and her boss Jordan Sanders (Regina Hall). It’s a little formulaic as you can tell it’s solely for the purpose of introducing the characters, but still manages to be enough to jumpstart the movie. It was enough to get me laughing and looking forward for more.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 6

Conflict: 6

Genre: 5

Memorability: 7

Pace: 8
While not the end of the world, I think the movie suffered from being longer than it needed to be. The pacing was scattered at times and could have been managed by tightening the story. The comedic moments were enough for the most to part to mask the pacing shortcomings.

Plot: 7
Twists? Turns? You won’t find any of that here. The story is as linear as they come. Still, the ride you are taken on just happens to be a fun one so it’s pretty forgivable. Just don’t expect to say, “Didn’t see that coming” at any point.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 76
You could do worse this year than checking out Little. Some won’t like it while others, like myself, will take its entertainment value for what it is. Had the story been a little more inventive, I might be singing a different tune.

Anne (15117 KP) rated Tiger Queen in Books

Nov 4, 2019  
Tiger Queen
Tiger Queen
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read and review this ARC.

This book was amazing and well written. I loved it. It was a fabulous 5 star read that you don't want to miss out on. It reminded me of The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson and of The Remnant Chronicles by Mary Pearson.
It is also a retelling of a short story called "The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank Stockton, which I didn't know until after I read it, but regardless, I really enjoyed this story and am now curious about the original short story as well.
In this story, Princess Kateri is the heir to the kingdom of Achra, but she has to fight in the arena to prove herself to her father the King and to be able to take over and rule the kingdom and also to keep her promises to her late mother about taking care of the people who are suffering in the drought. She always is trying to figure out how to prove herself to her father and feeling like she's failing and unworthy of love, wanting him to love her.
When it comes down to her last fight and she finds out who she's supposed to defeat, she knows she needs help to win and seeks it out in the desert where the Desert Boys are hiding for refuge with the drought. After things seem dark, Princess Kateri finds the strength she needs to face her last opponent, also finds hope and love that she didn't think existed or she would ever find or be deserving of in the desert.
I highly recommend this. Everyone should make sure to read this, it's a wonderful story that no one should miss out on.
Leap! (Ballerina) (2017)
Leap! (Ballerina) (2017)
2017 | Action, Animation, Drama
Leap is set in France during the late 1800s, around the time France was building the Statue of Liberty for the U.S. Two young orphans, Felicie (voiced by Elle Fanning), and Victor (voiced by Nat Wolff) escape their less than stellar confines in an orphanage in hopes of making their lifelong dreams come true. Felicie longs to be a professional ballerina and Victor wants to be the next great inventor. The two best friends become separated when they arrive to Paris. Fortunately, Felicie and Victor find themselves two steps closer to their dreams. Felicie takes up residence in a home where a former professional ballet dancer turned servant maid Odette (Carlie Rae Jepsen) becomes her mentor and teaches Felicie ballet. Felicie makes her way to a prestigious ballet school posing as another student vying for a role in the upcoming “Nutcracker” production. Victor ends up living and working for Pierre Eiffel, the designer of the Eiffel Tower. Victor’s hoping to be the first person to fly. The story mainly follows Felicie and her relationship with Odette. A strong bond brought together by Felicie’s enamoration and Odette’s own attachment to ballet.


  There are some careful details to the animation and setting, however they are masked by a bland attempt at a very common storyline mixed in with the occasional action sequence. The lackluster character development suffered greatly among most of the characters with the exception of the relationship between Felicie and Odette. The theme of the movie with its simple tone, will find that its core target audience among young girls that are obsessed with theater, dancing, and performing. You definitely want to keep your expectations low and maybe stick to a matinee price tag. It’s still a sweet movie that just doesn’t deviate far from the ordinary.
Sweetheart (2021)
Sweetheart (2021)
2021 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Great ensemble cast (1 more)
Sensitive and moving writing by Marley Morrison
Didn't care for the voiceover narrative (0 more)
A Gregory's Girl for the 21st Century
When I was in my late teen's, Bill Forsyth's "Gregory's Girl" perfectly epitomised the angst of the school years' emotions I'd left behind me. And I was very much heterosexual. With "Sweetheart", Marley Morrison in an astonishing feature debut delivers a "Gregory's Girl" for today's much more sexually fluid times.

- What a great ensemble cast! It's all headed up by Nell Barlow, amazingly in her feature debut. Nell manages to perfectly deliver the hair-pullingly frustrating unpredictability of a teenage girl: always planning to go off doing something worthy like "knitting jumpers for elephants in Indonesia". But she manages to keep the portrayal just the right side of parody, not straying into 'Kevin and Perry' territory. "What's wrong with you?" asks her mother. "I'm 17. Everything's wrong with me" she replies. It's an immaculate performance for someone so young.
- Jo Hartley is also fabulous as A. J.'s mum, a lost soul struggling with her own worries, without having those of AJ to add to them. It's not portrayed as a typical 'Mum v Teen' battle, but beautifully nuanced. "Just because you're a lesbian now, it doesn't mean you have to dress like a boy" she pleads with A. J.
- If you're trying to place her, Ella Rae-Smith was the striking girl in the baseball cap in Netflix's "The Stranger". She is also wonderful here, as the 'hot girl' who you think has it all but is underneath deeply troubled and conflicted. A sex scene (beautifully lit and filmed by Emily Almond Barr and Matthew Wicks) manages to show absolutely nothing but is deliciously erotic as a result.
- The writing by Marley Morrison feels very autobiographical. And, as I found through reading this Guardian article about Morrison's gender-journey, there is a lot of personal experience in here. It's clever that the film is claustrophobically set in the remote holiday park (actually the real Freshwater Beach Holiday Park near Bridport on the Dorset coast). If it had been set in a big city like London, AJ could have constantly fled from her feelings, never resolving them. Here, she is constantly running into Isla.... there is no escape.
- I also very much liked the relationship written between A. J. and Steve. Steve is almost the safety valve on the pressure cooker, always helpfully allowing some steam to escape. It adds warmth to the story.
- For such an indie picture, there's a range of great tunes on the soundtrack: mostly from bands I have never heard of (probably making it affordable). I'm not sure if there's to be a soundtrack album released, but it's worth a listen if so.

- I wasn't fond of the sound mix on the film. Some of the dialogue was indistinct.
- A. J. gives us an occasional running commentary of her thoughts as a voiceover. Regular readers of my blog will know my thoughts on this subject! I'm not sure if it added much to the story: a 'show-not-tell' approach would have been my preference.

Summary Thoughts on "Sweetheart": I likened this film to 1980's "Gregory's Girl", and that's a great compliment. That movie made stars out of John Gordon Sinclair and Clare Grogan. I'd predict similar great things for Nell Barlow, Ella Rae-Smith and particularly for writer/director Marley Morrison. I'll very much look forward to Marley's future projects.

It's a cracking little British film. It deserves a major cinema release, but I suspect this is one that you might need to hunt out at your less mainstream cinemas. But please do so - it's well worth it. Very much recommended.

(For the full graphical review and video, check out #onemannsmovies on the web, Facebook and Tiktok. Thanks.)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
When I first read <i><a href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Prophecy of Shadows</a></i>, the book felt really slow. The pacing just didn’t feel right and there wasn’t enough action. But the series showed promise to get better (and like with any other book, there’s the risk of the sequel being worse than that first book), so when I saw <i>The Blood of the Hydra </i>being available on Netgalley for request, I jumped at the chance because I wanted to see if the series would get better.

And I have to say: Wow. Despite the book has the feel of a love triangle on the horizon, <i>The Blood of the Hydra</i> is more interesting - Madow incorporates more mythology (rather than the first book, when Nicole is new to the world and learning everything about it). The characters undergo a development - in the first book, there’s a bit of tension and a division, yet a sense of unity, among the five witches. In the sequel, there is still tension, but that tension from the first has noticeably died down.

<i>The Blood of the Hydra</i> is also more action packed than the first book. More monsters and more fighting involved - honestly, I enjoyed the sequel more than <i>The Prophecy of Shadows</i> and cannot wait to continue the series.

Side Note: I know I reviewed the third book before the second. Shh.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Good Thing by Leon Bridges
Good Thing by Leon Bridges
2018 | Soul
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Leon Bridges is a talented R&B/soul singer outta Fort Worth, Texas. Not too long ago, he released his second studio album, entitled, “Good Thing”.


The artist sings a beautiful ballad about leaving a rocky relationship. He doesn’t want to leave because he still sees hope in making it work.

The Natalie Rae-directed video begins with Bridges walking the street. He’s hurt. The following scenes show him relating to other people going through the same emotional pain he’s experiencing.

The artist knows that’s a risky move staying in a broken relationship. Also, he looks at the cards he’s dealt with and realizes his best is to move on.


The artist switches speed and takes listeners on a funky ride. It’s disco time and he celebrates on the dancefloor. Also, being there isn’t easy. So, he has to fight his way through the crowd to make it to the front.

The Natalie Rae-directed video begins with a voluptuous woman walking inside a train station. She hears someone whistling so she heads in that direction, following the whistler.

Somehow, Bridges’ music overtakes her soul and she begins to follow its funky rhythm. In the end, it leads her to the guy who was whistling in the beginning.

The artist sings a triumphant song. He questions people trying to hold him in the back. But that’s not where he belongs. So, he moves up front and kills them with style and grace.


The artist addresses a shy woman that he’s in love with. Also, he assures her that it doesn’t matter if she’s shy. He doesn’t care about her shyness because he’s into her.


Bridges is deep in love with the shy woman. Everything is moving fast. Also, he wants to slow things down but he can’t. Because of that, he’s scared to death that she might be the one.


The artist sings the blues. He admits he played the fool in the relationship where his girl took advantage of his kindness. But he forgives her even though it’s hard to. Also, his friends warned him not to be so gullible.


The aftermath of experiencing bad love has Bridges feeling like a thirsty lion. But through his trials and tribulations, he remains true to himself. Also, he refuses to conform to who the woman wants him to be.


The artist removes the bad love aura and freshens the air with truth and honesty. Also, he perfumes the dancefloor with a splash of funkiness and rhythm and blues.

He wants the mysterious lady bad. So, he tells her to let her guards down and enjoy herself. He doesn’t want her to act so seriously.


The artist continues dancing in the name of love. He’s head over heels for the woman in his life and he wants the world to know that. Also, he wants her to stop thinking because their loving might not go down if she continues to do so.


The artist addresses his love and hate relationship with his girl. When they’re good they’re good, but when they’re bad they’re really bad. Also, whenever she shows him affection, he remembers that she still loves him.


The artist sings about his mother carrying him in her womb, while his father drove them from Atlanta to Texas. But years later, he admits that adapting to his surrounding wasn’t easy.

Apparently, the 504 black girl is Bridges’ mother, Lisa Sawyer. The number 504 is the area code where she’s from in New Orleans, Lousiana.


Leon Bridges’ “Good Thing” is a classic album perfumed with soul ballads, spicy topics, and danceable tunes. Its soulful sound is the perfect soundtrack for those who have loved and lost, and those who are in love for the very first time. It’s romantic, celebratory, with lush experiences. Also, it takes listeners on an emotional journey through the hills and valleys where love dwells.