Whispers Across the Atlantick: General William Howe and the American Revolution
General William Howe was the commander-in-chief of the British forces during the early campaigns of...

I am Brian Wilson: The Genius Behind the Beach Boys
'My life has been written about over and over again, and that's mostly okay with me. Other people...

Senses of the Subject
This book brings together a group of Judith Butler's philosophical essays written over two decades...

The Zodiac of Paris: How an Improbable Controversy Over an Ancient Egyptian Artifact Provoked a Modern Debate Between Religion and Science
Jed Z. Buchwald and Diane Greco Josefowicz
The Dendera zodiac--an ancient bas-relief temple ceiling adorned with mysterious symbols of the...

Rose Macaulay, Gender, and Modernity
This book is the first collection on the British author Rose Macaulay (1881-1958). The essays...

Jonathan Donahue recommended The Little Prince in Books (curated)

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Beast (2017) in Movies
Sep 25, 2019
Much like Unsane, this one left me with a strong desire to pick up my bag and leave. I truly believe that the only reason I didn't leave is because I knew I have a hatred of people who moan about a film without seeing the whole thing. Had I left I was fully prepared to go and see it when it came out, and hopefully I'd be more in the mood for it.
While the first half started out dull, the second half... also started out dull. I found very little of this "psychological thriller" I was promised. Possibly the genre has been over done and I've just seen better examples. But very little of it left me intrigued. There seemed to be some story lines that weren't really needed and led to scenes that didn't feel like they fit in.
The sound in the film went from peaceful to deafening, and I'm sure most of this was in an effort to give dramatic effect, but honestly left me wincing from the shock. (This could be partly due to the volume in the screen itself too.)
Even taking into account the rage issues of the main characters and the alluded to backgrounds I found some of the behaviour a little unreal. And as for the "beast" itself, I can see what they were going for by calling it that. But ultimately I think it promised more than the film was able to deliver.

Lost Souls: Enchanted Paintings HD
Games and Entertainment
Rescue a missing boy and immerse yourself in this breathtaking adventure! When a mysterious...

Sarah (7799 KP) rated Unhinged (2020) in Movies
Aug 17, 2020
Let’s start with the major negative and positive, this film is ridiculously over the top. From the hammy overacting from Russell Crowe (who must have had a hoot filming this) to the excessive number of unnecessary deaths, this doesn’t hold back. There’s a good amount of gore and the car chase scenes are quite tense and exciting. My biggest problem is that the major of the main character’s actions don’t make sense and just become irritating when she does things that seem ridiculously stupid. Some things were that unbelievable that I was almost screaming at the screen in frustration (and only just restrained myself when I remembered I was actually in a public place and no longer in my home cinema 😐 ). However there were at least a few incidents that made me laugh too.
Overall this isn’t a bad film and was vaguely entertaining. If they had toned back the ridiculous aspects and made it more tense and believable, it would’ve been a much better film as road rage is a major problem for some people. Sadly I probably enjoyed and got far more excited over the Tenet and The King’s Man trailers beforehand than during this entire film, but it was still fairly enjoyable for my first foray back to the cinema.

Fitness Junkie
When Janey Sweet, CEO of a couture wedding dress company, is photographed in the front row of a...