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Robocop  (1987)
Robocop (1987)
1987 | Action, Sci-Fi
story (2 more)
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One of my favorite films. Awesome story, good actors, stunts, puppetry, models, and good Special Effects. This is Paul Verhoeven and Peter Weller's best movie. $50 million budget (in 1987!), with multiple huge explosions, with hundreds of bullets fired, and scores of stuntmen used.

A cop loses his humanity and is brought back to life, he is resurrected as a cyborg super cop who once again regains his humanity and has to learn how to navigate being robot and deal with his past human memories. ED-209 has all the fire power and is just a cool design for a robot/urban tank. The costume and the suit for RoboCop was beautifully designed. Themes include media influence, gentrification, corruption, authoritarianism, greed, privatization, capitalism, identity, dystopia, and human nature. It is a movie well deserved of it's R rating. In one scene RoboCop prevents a rape when he shoots the rapist in the dick. VIOLENT and amazingly poetic.
Hospital Sketches
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It was a good thing to have read but it strongly underscored a painfully ignorant romanticized view of war that Americans are so fond of. She did not see children shot on the road in cold blood, she did not see officers give their men permission to rape any woman who disrespected them. She did not see the pow camps, did not see grandmothers and babies dead of exposure in the snow. She did not see the factory worker women (largely woc) kidnapped, raped over many days, and then abandoned hundreds of miles from home with nothing. There were no “white saviors” here or anywhere. War is not Romantic. Even the “Just Cause” lies on a bed of sending boys with little (if any) stake in the disagreement to maim and kill and torture other boys like themselves because old men can’t be bothered to work out their disputes at a table and instead delight in laying waste to their Nation’s youth.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Moxie (2021) in Movies

Mar 28, 2021  
Moxie (2021)
Moxie (2021)
2021 | Comedy, Drama, Music
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Superior Netflix high-school comedy-drama. A teenage girl is provoked into starting a feminist club at her high school and resist the double-standards she sees everywhere. (There are jokes, too.)

Sounds like another crashingly didactic piece of post-Weinstein agitprop, but director Amy Poehler is smart enough to mix a little more grit and nuance into the formula. There are still things about the movie which grate slightly - the female principal of the school is almost comically indifferent, there's a rather-too-glib piece of plotting about a rape, and the demonisation of white men is surely problematic - but this is subtle and funny and occasionally sweet and tender, and you do care about the characters and their situations. The film is insightful enough to imply that even if an injustice is brazen and obvious, it doesn't necessarily follow that the solution to it is straightforward. This is an openly feminist film with an axe to grind, but still an accessible piece of entertainment.
You Must Not Miss
You Must Not Miss
Katrina Leno | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Magpie Lewis has been abandoned. Her father left. Then her sister, Eryn, too. Now it's just Magpie and her mom. Who truly isn't really present, as she drowns herself in booze and a haze of alcoholism. Magpie's sister left the same night as Brandon Phipps's party--after which Magpie's longtime friendship with Allison ended, and Magpie was branded a slut and left to be an outcast at school. So she starts writing in a yellow notebook, creating a world called Near. It's Magpie's magical place, where everything is perfect: no cheating father, no drunk mom, no missing sister, and no horrific school experiences. She thinks up Near so clearly, so fully, that she wills it into existence, and Magpie realizes that in Near, she can have it all: even revenge on those who have hurt her.

"There was one month left of her sophomore year of high school, and she had decided, after a mountain of evidence to support it, that the entire world was a joke."

I just love Katrina Leno, and her beautiful writing. You Must Not Miss is no exception: it's a poetic, stark take on high school friendship, rape culture, and the ties that bind us. The story is a clever variation of "One for Sorrow." Magpie is our main character and takes center stage: it's hard not to feel sympathetic for this poor abandoned girl--with no family who cares for her and, for a while, no friends.

"If you give a name to an impossible thing, does it make the impossible thing any less impossible?

But then the story takes a dramatic, dark twist--as Magpie creates Near both in her mind and in reality--and as Magpie's portal to another world takes true shape, we see our character find strength before our very eyes. I won't lie, I'm not sure this book is for everyone. It reminded me in some ways of a Maggie Stiefvater novel. It's true magical realism, and there's a suspension of disbelief to be had, to be sure. But it's a book that I feel like Leno was meant to be write. Her way of eviscerating rape culture, misogyny, and more is so adept, so searing. It is a call to arms to those who are not believed, who are ignored and mocked, who are the ones who see their lives ruined when the attackers run free.

In this way, You Must Not Miss is a strong, complex book tackling a tough topic. It may be difficult for some that this topic is underneath the magical world of Near, but I liked how that was what Magpie needed to deal with all that happened to her. Beware, this book is brutal at times (and yes, there's a trigger warning for rape/sexual assault). But it's beautifully written, too. It's complicated, much like its subject matter and its protagonist, who is still trying to figure herself out, as well. It's a different read, but if you're willing to give it a try, I think you'll be glad you did. 4 stars.
The Surgeon (Rizzoli & Isles, #1)
The Surgeon (Rizzoli & Isles, #1)
Tess Gerritsen | 2001 | Crime, Thriller
7.9 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>Trigger warning:</b> this book is heavily focused on sexual assault and rape.

This novel is certainly very captivating. I found it difficult to put it down once I had picked it up! I loved the crime and mysterious criminal and I loved the pace of it all. Sometimes, these crime novels can burst with excitement for one second, and then fizzle out until the last few pages, or, completely the opposite of that, be total non-stop action, but feel really over the top and unrealistic. This, on the other hand, had a great mix of action and downtime.

I loved the setting for this, it felt so retro with its mention of floppy disks, pagers, and cassette tapes! This whole book was really well described and brought to life. It felt so real, you completely lost yourselves in the characters worlds. The horror of each murder and plot reveal really grabs you by the throat and give you goosebumps. There’s no escaping the terror in this one.

As for the crime, this one is certainly unique… and gruesome! If you’re like me, and don’t like the thought of surgery or human anatomy, then this will certainly be a struggle to read as it contains many in-depth scenes where we’re walked through what’s happening on the inside of the body. That certainly made it a little hard for me to read because I have this slight fear of our insides and all descriptions of it, but I was too intrigued as to who the killer was, to put it down. While not a particularly twisty turny story, there are plenty of characters in this novel to keep you guessing on who the real killer is.

This always seems to happen to me, but I just can’t seem to get on with female detectives in these kinds of series. Rizzoli wasn’t the worst I have come across, but she still got on my nerves. I’m well aware the message this book was trying to put across was all to do with a “woman in a man’s world”, and I can feel for Rizzoli, it would be hard to be taken seriously in a homicide department in 2001 as a woman… But!!! It was not necessary for her to act as though every single man she encountered was an enemy, needing to be destroyed and put in his place. If she wanted to be taken so seriously as a woman, I’m surprised she couldn’t utter the word “tampon” and described it as being a “disgusting object”. (I have seen this point mentioned by other reviewers and some have said the “fear” of tampons could be a generational thing).

I also wasn’t a fan of the underlying tone this book had, that “all men are capable of evil”. <i>Everyone</i> is capable of evil, why were only men being targeted in this book? Now, I don’t want to sound anti-feminist or something with me saying all this stuff, but I felt the book was a bit radical with some of it’s points about men being raping, murdering bastards. Again, I would like to put my hands up and say I’m <i>really</i> not trying to trivialise or undermine rape “victims” (I prefer the term survivors myself) because I’m close to several, I know how much it fucks them up, but I did feel like this book was a bit heavy hitting towards the male gender as a whole, rather than to the select few scumbags who do that sort of thing <i>(just to rehash this point, I’m not some kind of rape apologist, I just didn’t feel the book needed to be so anti-man).</i>

Another problem I had with this book was sometimes it seemed to have an undermining stance on rape, calling it a woman’s “shameful secret” as though it was their own fault they had been abused in this way. There was also a moment where Rizzoli called herself a “victim of The Surgeon” because she had fucked up part of the investigation, which I thought was completely inappropriate. Comparing a job related incident that was your own fault to being kidnapped and raped is just disgusting. <i>That</i> really got on my nerves. Another thing that grated on me was the overuse of the word “victim” when it came to the rape survivors, but I can imagine that’s more to do with the time this book came out than anything else.

Also!!! (<b>Not a spoiler</b>) There is a disgusting comment on suicide nearer the end of the novel, where Rizzoli calls a man who killed himself a “loser who ate his gun” and “pathetic enough to blow his own brains out”.

Even after having those couple of issues with this novel, I still enjoyed it enough to finish it but I won’t forget the offensiveness of it. I’m going to give myself a break from this series for a month or so, just to really review whether use want to continue with writing I find so problematic. If any of you have gone on to read more of this series, please let me know if it gets any better by not taking digs at traumatised women and mental illness.

Merissa (11800 KP) rated Sufferborn in Books

Jan 27, 2020  
J.C. Hartcarver | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sufferborn is the story of elves and humans, how they live, and what happens when their worlds overlap. We start off in the past where Orinleah has just given birth and Daghahen is found by his brother. We learn Orinleah gives the boy a name that is banned from most of the tribes, Dorhen, meaning 'stranger'. Apparently, it means his life will not be long but be very arduous. Why she names him this isn't exactly clear as she seems so happy about it.

The pacing of this book is overall very slow. There are moments when it picks up but then it slows down again. This is good in the majority of the cases as there is always a lot going on, so it gives you time to grasp the situation as well as learning more about the characters. I would say that personally I would have found chapter headings to be helpful, just so I could find out who was talking and when, but that's probably just me.

And there are a LOT of characters too! The main ones end up being Daghahen, Dorhen, and Kalea, but trust me when I say there is a whole caboodle of characters there that will draw your attention. In fact, even in the last few chapters, you are introduced to new characters to take into book two with you.

With the slow pace and the amount of characters, it comes as no surprise this is a long book, typical of Fantasy. I wouldn't call it a Fantasy Romance as I felt the romance between Dorhen and Kalea actually wasn't that important. I mean, obviously it is or Kalea wouldn't have gone looking for him, but on the whole, there is so much more to the story than "just" romance. I would call it Dark Fantasy as there is plenty of violence and the threat of rape and/or rape scenes.

It ends on a cliffhanger so fair warning and I haven't found anything online to say when the next book is available. If Dark Fantasy ticks your box then I would recommend it.

Clare Parrott (294 KP) rated Savage Secrets (Titan, #4) in Books

Nov 21, 2017 (Updated Nov 21, 2017)  
Savage Secrets (Titan, #4)
Savage Secrets (Titan, #4)
Cristin Harber | 2017 | Erotica
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Must Read, Wow.

This has to be the BEST book in the series so far. Absolutely fantastic military romance. This book is set in London, Virginia, and Spain and as the title suggests Rocco Savage has a secret but then so does Mi6 interrogator Caterina Cruz. The chemistry between the pair of them is super hot and I love the way Cat gets Rocco going by talking Spanish to him and the way she handles a weapon whether it be a gun or a super large knife held between her teeth. If big hot guys with big guns who pull out all the stops to save the girl is your cup of tea then this is defiantly for you.

**WARNING** This story has a violent sexual scene and Cristin Harber has done a great job of portraying the horror of the attack without making it overly graphic and I would also join Cristin in saying that..."Rape is a crime. Talking about it isn't. There are many resources out there, Including After Silence to help in the healing process"
The Forgotten Girls
The Forgotten Girls
Sara Blaedel | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Forgotten Girls was a pretty good book. I can’t say it was amazing, but it definitely wasn’t bad. It is a book in a series. It’s designed so you don't have to read the others to enjoy this one and even though I didn’t need the other books in the series to know what was going on, I did feel a little lost at times, and I felt like I was thrown into the middle of a movie (like I skipped the first scene) and it was disconcerting.

That being said, the story itself was okay. It was a good execution of a concept that just wasn't that high. The climax didn’t feel that phenomenal and I felt like it ended just as it got going.

All in all, it was a fine read, I wasn’t annoyed by it, I certainly enjoyed the process, but it didn’t force me to keep reading like some books, and I wasn’t that impressed with the overall experience.

Content/Recommendation: Some language, violence, rape scene (not overly-grotesque). Ages 18+
Savage Secrets (Titan, #4)
Savage Secrets (Titan, #4)
Cristin Harber | 2017 | Erotica
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Must Read, Wow
This has to be the BEST book in the series so far. Absolutely fantastic military romance. This book is set in London, Virginia, and Spain and as the title suggests Rocco Savage has a secret but then so does Mi6 interrogator Caterina Cruz. The chemistry between the pair of them is super hot and I love the way Cat gets Rocco going by talking Spanish to him and the way she handles a weapon whether it be a gun or a super large knife held between her teeth. If big hot guys with big guns who pull out all the stops to save the girl is your cup of tea then this is defiantly for you.


**WARNING** This story has a violent sexual scene and Cristin Harber has done a great job of portraying the horror of the attack without making it overly graphic and I would also join Cristin in saying that...

"Rape is a crime. Talking about it isn't. There are many resources out there, Including After Silence to help in the healing process"
Warriors of the Storm
Warriors of the Storm
Bernard Cornwell | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ninth(1) book in [a: Bernard Cornwell|12542|Bernard Cornwell|]'s Warrior Chronicles (or Saxon Stories, if you live in the U.S) series about the founding of England.

I don't think I'm giving anything away when I say that we're now (well) past the death of Alfred (the only English monarch to ever be given the epitaph 'the Great'), with Uhtred now in late middle-age (for us), and still eager to reclaim his ownership of Bebbanburg.

The novel, however, concerns itself more with raids made by Ragnall Iverson, with his motives initially unclear: does he come to rape and pillage? To attack Chester? To take control of the Danish kingdom of Northumbria?

Ragnall, however, is related to Uhtred through marriage, so his loyalties remain in doubt to the rulers of the land, with Uhtred eventually disobeying orders and sailing to Ireland (and back), for reasons that become clear in the plot.

Another strong entry in the series; perhaps not the strongest, but still pretty good.