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Sebastian's Wolves (Among Wolves #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*Disclaimer* I received this book from Reading Alley in return for a fair and honest review.

The title of this book tells you the start of the tale. Sebastian is a wolf who leaves his pack to be with his mate, Tim. 8 years down the line and tragedy happens, Tim dies. Sebastian has to deal with this and, for me, this is where the story picked up.

I have to say that the relationship between Tim and Sebastian didn't really do much for me. It seemed too inbalanced with Sebastian doing most of the loving. This didn't really sit well with me as I already viewed Sebastian as an alpha male. Once he meets up with his new pack then he really starts to come into his own. And then Eshan is the cherry on the icing on the cake.

This book has nice parts and not so nice parts - so don't read this if you're expecting or wanting something that is light and fluffy. We're talking murder, abuse and rape (although not in graphic detail).

Sebastian's Wolves is a well-written, steady-paced novel full of action that I thoroughly enjoyed and would recommend to anyone who enjoys some M/M action with a paranormal twist.
Love Letters to the Dead
Love Letters to the Dead
Ava Dellaira | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great for fans of Perks of Being a Wallflower!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Trigger warning. This book deals with some deep stuff.

This was a super interesting idea. The story was deep, and it was the first book I've ever come across that told its story through letters to dead celebrities. So bonus points there for sure!
The overall story reminded me a lot of Perks of Being a Wallflower, which is one of my all time favorites.

I did not LOVE the POV/writing of the book but that wasn't because the author didn't do well. In fact I'd say that means she did amazing given the book is told from the POV of a teenage girl. She's young, and the writing reflects that. So while it wasn't my personal cup of tea, it made sense for the book. Bear that in mind when going into this one.

We follow Laurel venting to dead celebrities about her life and the loss of her sister. How did she die? Why does Laurel feel guilty? Why isn't her mom around anymore? Through letters to her idols she reminisces and vents, and we get to see her navigate life and relationships without her big sister.

*Potential trigger warnings for domestic abuse, rape, molestation, drug/alcohol use, and suicide.
The Green Mile (1999)
The Green Mile (1999)
1999 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Contains spoilers, click to show
A wonderful film about selflessness. This is what it really seems to come down to. It is a story about doing what is right no matter the cost.

Tom Hanks is Paul Edgecomb, a guard for the death row inmates. Michael Clarke Duncan is John Coffey, the newest inmate on death row for the rape and murder of two young girls. But Paul soon discovers that John can heal illnesses and injuries

After both Paul and a pet mouse are healed by John, the guards risk their jobs, their lively hoods, to sneak John out so he is able to heal the warden's dying wife.

Each time Coffey heals someone it takes something out of him. Taking the darkness of disease and injury costs Coffey a piece of himself. The jail break could have cost the guards their lives in a manner of speaking.

The execution of Coffey remains one of the most tragic deaths on screen. It effectively drives home the darkness of the world we live in and the need for goodness in it.

The whole film is brilliantly acted by a stellar cast. The script has a good flow and a few touches of humor. It never loses its impact.
Blood Slave (The Nightlife)
Blood Slave (The Nightlife)
Travis Luedke | 2012 | Erotica, Paranormal
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you are expecting all things fluffy and light, then my god, you're in for a shock! This is dark, gritty and extremely raw - in places quite literally! This is the story of a young prostitute, who has had a rough childhood that goes through to adulthood. She is making the best she can in a bad situation. Things take a turn for the worse after she meets a client, and she resists (without even realising) a hypnotic trance. This threatens her life, well, that and the gun in the client's hand. It is only later that Hope realises that she could have been killed even without the gun. Hope's story continues as she tries to find her feet and survive in this strange new world.

Dealing with childhood prostitution, adult prostitution, rape, kidnap, torture, and drugs; this is not for the faint-hearted. It is gripping and enthralling though, also being well-written and with no editing or grammatical errors that I found.

If you want to have a dark read, that is painful and hopeful, then I can definitely recommend this.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 19, 2016
A False Report
A False Report
T. Christian Miller, Ken Armstrong | 2018 | Biography, Crime
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I learned of this book, I knew it was either going to be really good or really awful. I loved the concept of this book. I've worked as a Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Coordinator and I was a Victim Advocate so this book was completely up my alley. I was lucky enough to get an advanced reader copy from NetGalley so I jumped right in the second I could.

T. Christian Miller & Ken Armstrong were able to show all of the intricacies that go into investigating a rape. They also showed how one wrong move on an investigator's part can derail an investigation. Though I liked how detailed they were, I felt that they got stuck too much in certain areas. It seemed that they would go off on a tangent on how or why something was created. This pulled you out of the story and most of the time, I would ask myself why this was in the book. It really dragged down the flow of the book and in the first half of the book, it almost made it unbearable.

I did almost DNF this book. I felt that the first half dragged on and on and jumped from tangent to tangent. I understand that some of the details needed to be in there but not everyone here needs to know how a rape kit was invented or how other tools were created. Several pages could have easily been written as a paragraph explaining why this was important and how it was useful to investigators. I found myself thinking "we got it, move on" on more than one occasion. Honestly, it broke up the story and made it less powerful.

One of the things that I did love about this book is how it portrayed the victims. It didn't vilify them. It was matter of fact and I really appreciated it. Though the authors focused on details, I truly appreciated how they did not give too many details on the sexual assaults. I think that too many authors would sensationalize what these victims went through so it was refreshing to get a "this is what happened" without going into the gory details.

Once the first half was over, the last half was quick paced and fascinating. I enjoyed learning more about the story and how it unfolded. I remember seeing this on the news (I live in Colorado) and being thankful that they caught the guy. The last half of this book salvaged it. I'm glad I stuck with this book. It was insightful though slow.

Ultimately, I would rate this book 2 1/2 stars which is why I rounded it up to 3 stars.
Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson, #3)
Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson, #3)
Patricia Briggs | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was by far my favorite book in the Mercy Thompson series. I loved the in-depth introduction into the Fae culture without losing the werewolf focus of the series. I did not like so much the complete lack of anything vampire, but I suppose one can't have it all.
The scene in which Mercy is made to drink from the Fairy cup and the aftermath was incredible, powerful writing and not likely something I will forget anytime soon. I don't recall if I have ever read a rape scene from a perspective such as Mercy's, and it really opened my eyes to such a nightmarish experience.
I also found the dynamic between Ben and Mercy afterwards to be both moving and fascinating, since I got to see beneath Ben's shell to who he really is and what makes him tick. Even though I disliked Ben intensely at the start of the series, he is growing to become one of my favorite characters.
I was a bit disappointed with the ending, as the whole book was building up to her joining with Adam, and then when the book finally gets to the point, I don't get so much as a single kiss. Boo. Hopefully in the next book, Bone Crossed, a little more romance takes centerstage.
The Last Widow (Will Trent #9)
The Last Widow (Will Trent #9)
Karin Slaughter | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This latest book in the Will Trent series is centred around far right extremists (Alt-right, Nazi ideology - there’s a lot of ‘Blood and Soil’ being shouted about). I have to hold my hands up here, and admit that I haven’t read the other 8 books in the series, but that didn’t stop me enjoying this. I LOVED it. If it wasn’t for the fact that I had to wait for each ‘stave’ to be released on The Pigeonhole for 12 days, I would have read it all in a couple of sittings. ‘Gripping’ is not the word to describe this - or rather it IS the word, but I’d add ‘exciting, ‘tense’ and ‘oh blimey, I really ought to breathe now!’.

Seriously, it’s a really very good book - loads of great detail about Alt-right/ Nazi groups, a great storyline explaining the relationship between Will and Sara (for those of us who need to catch up), and how the group Sara is kidnapped by operates.

I don’t want to say anymore, because spoiling a book is not on, but I should perhaps warn that it does go into details of rape, torture and paedophilia. If these subjects are not for you, then you’d best avoid this book. However, if these subjects don’t turn you away from a book, just do yourself a favour and read it!!

Eleanor (1463 KP) Jun 14, 2019

Trying to get through the Grant County series before I start this series, looking forward to it.


ClareR (5603 KP) Jun 14, 2019

@Eleanor I’m rubbish at reading most series - as you can see, I more often than not pick up somewhere near the middle, and then have to go back to the beginning. Luckily it didn’t backfire with this book!


David McK (3251 KP) rated Watchmen in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Dave Gibbons, Alan Moore | 1986 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.8 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Often cited as one of the most influential comic-books/graphic novels, alongside the likes of [b:V for Vendetta|5805|V for Vendetta|Alan Moore||392838]'V for Vendetta' and [b:Batman: The Dark Knight Returns|59960|Batman The Dark Knight Returns (The Dark Knight Saga, #1)|Frank Miller||1104159]'The Dark Knight Returns', this was, if I'm honest, one such that I'd never even heard of until the 2009 movie of the same name.

Set in an alternate 1985 America in which costumed superhero's are (were) real but have since been outlawed, there's a definite argument to be made that this would inspire the Pixar film The Incredibles: family drama, costumed superheroes coming out of retirement, conspiracies afoot ... see what I mean?

But whereas The Incredibles is aimed at a family audience, this is anything but: violent throughout, slow (at times seemingly glacial) moving and even dealing with the effects of (and fallout from) rape, this is definitely not one for the younger reader!

On the plus side, it does have a stunningly realised world alongside a compelling backstory to several of the characters: like several other literary classics, this is one that I can now say that I've read but wouldn't really be rushing back to do so again anytime soon.
High-Rise Invasion
High-Rise Invasion
2021 | Action, Animation, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
High-Risk Invasion is an anime that starts with with a very dark premises (and I guess should have a trigger warning here). A school girl (Yuri) finds herself in a world that exists entirely on the top floors and roofs of sky scrapers. She soon meets a figure in a strange mask who seems intent on driving her off the roof and to her death. Yuri soon find out that there are a number of these 'Masks' who's sole purpose is to try to drive the none masks to suicide.
After a few episodes, 'High-Rise Invasion' takes a strange turn, surviving the masks is part of a test to find some one who is worthy of becoming the new god.
High-Rise Invasion starts very dark and it's easy to see why it changed tones, it either had to change to something unexpected or become something like 'Alice in Borderland ' and a lot of the story is spent on world building and setting up the main premises.
Viewers need to be aware that 'High-Rise Invasion' contains suicide, violence, threat of rape as well as the anime standards of panty-shots and other clothes being ripped. If you are ok with these themes and a high level of violence then 'High-Rise Invasion' offers an interesting story and plenty of action.
Who Fears Death
Who Fears Death
Nnedi Okorafor | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I liked Nnedi Okorafor's work on Marvel's SHURI, plus her themes fit in with some of the recent "LeVar Burton Reads" podcasts that I have enjoyed. Needless to say, I thought I would give this a shot, as it comes with numerous positive reviews.

While I enjoyed the world-building and the characters presented, I began to lose some interest about 45% into the book. I felt Onyesonwu's set-up, and subsequent chapters leading to where I stopped, felt like a car ride: I enjoyed the view, I enjoyed the companions on the ride, but I wanted to be at the destination already.

I think Ms. Okorafor is very talented. Her depiction of Africa felt like I was truly there, as if I could feel it. The backstory of the rape and genocide, clearly taken from what was barely a blip on the radar of American news broadcasts, was eye-opening, it helped to illustrate what it must have been like. For these two aspects of the book, I was quite impressed.

Unfortunately, the journey began to feel too long, and I had to "pull the car over". I may revisit it at a later date, but for now, I must take my leave it.

That said, I will give other works by Ms. Okorafor a try for sure.