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Mafia Captive
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so this is one of those guilty pleasure books that will keep you entertained and a little embarrassed that you are entertained.

Things I liked about the book: The psychology behind the main characters, the use of conditioning, and how fast of a read it was.

Things I didn't like about the book: Sexual Assault, Stockholm Syndrome, and the stupidity of the characters.

The book has a different kind of plot and it is very dark compared to other novels that I have read. The main character is kidnapped, held hostage, forced into sexual experiences. This book frustrated me in the fact that BDSM does NOT equal abuse, or rape. Safe, Sane, and Consensual are the three things that don't really make an appearance.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated One Of Us (2017) in Movies

Oct 24, 2017 (Updated Oct 24, 2017)  
One Of Us (2017)
One Of Us (2017)
2017 | Documentary
How religious dogma can appear under any situation
A heartbreaking documentary following three ex-Hasidic Jews, who are attempting to fight fanaticism within the ultra-orthodox community. From ex-communication, to rape, abuse, and kangaroo justice, the film shows how a wall of secrecy allows discrimination and zealotry to thrive.

In one story, a woman with seven children, who was abused by her husband and even at one point was run down whilst on her bicycle, because she tried to get a divorce through the court system. It's grim to say the least. Another young adult describes being raped as a child by a teacher, who was allowed to continue to work despite the claims.

The documentary is truly shocking and shows that extremism is reactive and can breed under any society and circumstance.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) Oct 25, 2017

I'm a big fan of some of the Netflix documentaries, they're rather outstanding just because the content is very different.

Wolf Tales (Wolf Tales #1)
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the worst piece of trash I have ever read. I have read better smut on Literotica.

 It was like Douglas tried to take something that was taboo (bestiality) and make it okay. She failed. HARD. Not only did she manage to write about bestiality, but rape, too. Within the first ten page of the book, the lead female wakes up in the dark to have sex with some naked wolfman stranger she can't even see and then goes on to make him let her live with him where they continue to have more sex for about 2 week. Apparently that's enough to fall in love with someone and not care about life anymore. Not only that, but the reason sex is so fantastic with him is because he has the penis of a DOG, knot and all, which she begs him to keep. Meanwhile, our little wolfman is lusting after the sorcerer who exposed him all to this, actually wanting the man to pretty much rape the wolfman (which isn't really rape since he wants it). Upon meeting the sorcerer, the wolfman is then "raped" by the sorcerer while the sorcerer is a wolf.

I stopped reading there.

In all the 76 pages that I read, the bestiality wasn't actually what made me hate this book. There was such an utter lack of plot line that this book couldn't even be considered a guilty pleasure book. I felt as if Douglas was trying to create plot line to explain the random sex that seemed to happen every chapter. Douglas also manipulated the characters responses and inner dialogue to make it seem as if their own feelings and thoughts conflict with what they really desire. The characters know that what they are doing is taboo, yet they still want to be raped by a wolf or have sex with a man with a dog penis.

Unfortunately for Douglas, the fact that she took something so socially taboo and tried to pass it off as an erotic novel without creating a realistic reason why any of it was happening made this book not only painful to read, but also near impossible to finish.

And before you bash me for not even finishing the book, I will tell you that I did read more than just the 76 pages. I know all about the Chanku and how the novel ends. I just couldn't force myself to read this piece of utter garbage in whole.
Someone Is Watching
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bailey Carpenter is a successful private investigator for a large law firm in Miami. While still reeling from the deaths of both of her parents, her life is fairly benign, until she is attacked one night while investigating a client.

Suddenly, Bailey's life is turned upside down. She's unable to sleep, eat, or work. She spends her days (and nights) trapped inside her condo, suffering from crippling anxiety and nightmares, and wracked with guilt from the attack. She starts watching her neighbor in the building across the street using binoculars, but things get even more out of control when she realizes he may be watching her, too.

First of all, a definite trigger warning that this book depicts a pretty brutal rape. It's tough to read about, and I would hate for anyone to pick up this novel without realizing its subject. I do applaud Fielding for trying to cover such a hard subject, though I'm not sure it's always accurately portrayed.

The book gets off to a slow start - I almost put it down. It's a hard subject to read about, and Bailey is a little hard to like and understand at first. The storyline gets a bit incredulous, but it certainly picked up, and I tore through the second half of the book. It ties up a little easily - and I'm not sure I buy Bailey going from completely devastated to seemingly okay, but I appreciate Fielding trying to show how much rape can hurt and leave its victims feeling powerless.

Overall, it's an interesting read and Bailey's niece, Jade, is a fun character. It would be great to see the two of them appear together again.

<i>Note: I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.</i>
Trelloran Seduction
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trelloran Seduction is the first book in The Making of a Goddess series. It deals with a harsh environment that not all readers will enjoy. Not only are vampires involved, but women are 'sacrificed' on their 30th birthday, and their brain fluid taken from their bodies. Not only that, but a rape culture by Church is in full swing, only they call it 'Cleansing'. Add into the mix a nymph who can shapechange at will, who has been held captive for hundreds of years, and brainwashed into doing her duty to the priests who rape her, impregnate her, and then, once she gives birth, her babies are given to the vampires as food. Like I say, this is NOT suited to all readers!

However, the very things that make this book quite a dark one to read, also offer the hope of light. Two characters come together, both hurt and traumatised by their pasts. You see them slowly start to trust each other, to understand each other. Now, of course, it's not all love and light. This is a dark book, after all, and betrayal comes when you least expect it and from a direction that although known, you think is a red herring. It's not, and it hurts all the more because of that!

This is very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. This part of the story is nicely concluded, whilst leaving you with an opening to the next book. With plenty of action and suspense, this is a brilliant book that certainly kept my attention throughout. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Underground Railroad
The Underground Railroad
Colson Whitehead | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was an excellent history lesson. I seriously learned things I didn't previously know about our nation during slavery. I would highly recommend the book for that reason.
It was easy to read and hard to put down, but I also found it very impersonal. There were a lot of "action sentences" and not much reflection or introspection. The book is written in third person, which may be why I found myself reading about rape and mistreatment without flinching. I also considered maybe the author was trying to show the reader that most people born into slavery during that time had become so accustom to seeing other people mistreated that they showed very little reaction. Either way, it's not a novel that will cause you to reflect on it for weeks to come, which is ultimately what I expected.

David McK (3233 KP) rated Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) in Movies

Sep 20, 2020 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
1991 | Action, Drama, Romance
The last truly enjoyable Robin Hood movie, mostly because of Alan Rickman's sneering and preening Sheriff of Nottingham ("no more merciful beheadings, and call off Christmas!"), even if Costner can't do an English accent ("This is true English courage", said with a Californian drawl), that it has no understanding of English geography (apparently Nottingham is only a few miles walk from Dover) or that it is darker than you remember (ending with, essentially, an attempted rape scene).

For all that, however, this - at least - attempted to deepen and add some context to the Robin Hood legend - I think this may be the first where Robin returns from the Crusades with as Moorish companion? - and has a killer soundtrack by both Michael Kamen (especially the overture) and Bryan Adams (with *that* song in the end credits).
I Have Life: Alison&#039;s Journey
I Have Life: Alison's Journey
Marianne Thamm, Alison Botha | 2016 | Biography, Crime
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first heard about Alison Botha on a true crime podcast. What happened to Alison and her will to survive really piqued my interest. When I discovered her biography, I Have Life, I knew I had to read it right away. While what happened to Alison was beyond horrific, her will to survive and her outlook on life afterwards were inspirational.

Reading about Alison's abduction, rape, and attempted murder will definitely leave you with your jaw on the floor. Alison holds nothing back about anything throughout her biography whether it is the horrific events that happened to her or her will to survive emotionally after her wounds have healed. Marianne Thamm, the journalist that Alison told her story to in order to write her biography does a wonderful job of tying everything together for the most part. About halfway through though, I felt like I Have Life stopped being a biography and started becoming a self-help book with Alison writing (speaking to Thamm) about how to become a happier person. Luckily, this only lasts for a few chapters, but I felt like maybe the chapters about being happier and such should be in a self-help book. (Alison gives talks around the world about her ordeal, so perhaps that's why these chapters were included?) Otherwise Marianne Thamm's writing of Alison Botha's biography was flawless. I was immersed the whole time. I felt like I was right besides Alison the whole time. I kept wanting there to be a different outcome when Alison was abducted by Frans even though I knew there wouldn't be. I felt like Alison really wants the stigma for rape survivors to be no more (and she's right as there shouldn't be any stigma attached). I felt like everything I wanted to know about Alison was answered in I Have Life - from what happened to Alison at the point of her abduction, the rape, the brutal attempted to murder, to the trial of her rapists and attacker to how her life was like at the writing of the book. Like I said, Thamm and Alison don't really leave anything to the imagination of which I was grateful.

All in all, I Have Life is a deeply disturbing book to read, but it does have a great outcome. It is well put together, and Alison Botha comes across as such a strong inspirational woman. Alison's story is full of hope and wisdom throughout. I would definitely recommend I Have Life: Alison's Journey as told to Marianne Thamm for those ages 18+ who are into true crime or for those that just want to see how strong the human will is to survive.
I usually try to stay away from books featuring short stories because usually they aren't that great. However, there was something about Snuggle with the Strange: 9 Twisted Tales by Liane Carter that jumped out at me. I felt compelled to read it, and I'm glad I did. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and all the short stories.

I didn't really know what to expect with Snuggle with the Strange except that the stories would be a bit out there. The first two stories gave me Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz vibes but for adults. These stories were more paranormal/supernatural in nature, and I really enjoyed them. The next six stories were more realistic in the fact that they could actually happen to anyone (which is a scary thought!). The last story returned to being supernatural again. I loved each and every story, and I thought the pacing and world building for each was done very well. Each story has an original feel and isn't like any of the other stories in the book. Even though this is a fairly short book, all the suspense makes it seem as if time has stood still. My favorite stories in Snuggle with the Strange were "Life in the Shed" and "He Looked Like My First Mistake." Although all the stories are written very well, I just loved those a little extra. Oh, and something else I loved was that the cover of the book links each of the nine stories. I thought that was very cool!

All of the characters are well fleshed out in each story. There's just enough information on each character so you can love them or love to hate them. At times, I felt like I was the main character in the story!

As this is an adult horror book, there are quite a few trigger warnings for Snuggle with the Strange which include demons, underage drug use (a few mentions of marijuana), implied rape, implied child rape, attempted rape, death, murder, violence, attempted murder, domestic abuse, child abuse, and profanity.

Overall, Snuggle with the Strange is a breath of fresh air for those who love the genre horror. With it's interesting cast of characters and original short stories, this is one book that every horror lover should read. I would definitely recommend Snuggle with the Strange: 9 Twisted Tales by Liane Carter for those aged 16+ who like their horror with a flair of originality instead of rehashed fiction. If that sounds like you, this is your kind of book!
(A special thank you to Liane Carter and Lola's Blog Tours for providing me with a paperback of Snuggle with the Strange: 9 Twisted Tales in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
Hard Prejudice (Dan Reno Novel #5)
Hard Prejudice (Dan Reno Novel #5)
Dave Stanton | 2018 | Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gritty Read
I haven't read any of the other books in this series so started reading worrying whether coming in at book number 5 was a mistake I am happy to say ... it wasn't ... it can easily be read as a standalone.

Well written at great pace with action and intrigue aplenty, this book is great. It does deal with the uncomfortable subject of rape and, I have to warn you, there is a particularly grim and disturbing section but this can't be avoided and helps to put you in the mindset of the main characters of Dan and Cody who go to great lengths to get justice.

This is a gritty read that pulls no punches and I would most definitely recommend to anyone who enjoys a a book that has non-stop action.

Thank you to Bloodhound Books for my copy in return for an unbiased review.