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Kara Skinner (332 KP) rated Eternity in Books

Jun 12, 2019  
Maggie Shayne | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
300 years ago, Raven St. James was hanged for witchcraft. But she revives among the dead to find herself alive. She is an Immortal High Witch, one of the light. A note from her mother warns that there are others, those of the Dark, who preserve their own lives by taking the hearts of those like her.

Duncan Wallace’s forbidden love for the secretive lass costs him his life.

300 years later, he loves her again, tormented by hazy memories of a past that can’t be real. She tells him of another lifetime, claims to be immortal. Though he knows she’s deluded, he can’t stay away. And the Dark Witch after her heart is far closer than either of them know.

After reading and loving the Once Upon a Time boxed set by Maggie Shayne, I was super excited to find her book Eternity free on Smashwords. But while I liked it a lot, I didn’t like it as much as Once Upon a Time. Perhaps my expectations were too high.

Raven and her sister Arianna are both good characters. I like Raven’s spirit and loyalty a lot, as well as Arianna’s sass. Duncan is pretty fine himself. His devotion to Raven is incredibly sexy and I’ve always enjoyed a good Scottish brogue myself. In one scene, she heals him from a fever while trying to keep her identity a secret from him. That is a very delicious scene and it’s one of the first real tastes of magic we see. Gotta love that scene, as well as reading about Duncan trying to protect Raven in the Americas.

But the initial meeting was a little lacking. Sure, it’s pretty powerful, having Duncan speak up on Raven’s behalf and then quit the Catholic church for her. I love the compassion he shows there, despite Raven telling him to stop before he’s hanged himself.

But they’re practically in love within two minutes of meeting each other. Sure, that would be fine if Raven, unaware of her immense power, accidentally put a spell on him. But she didn’t. There’s no real explanation for their insta-love. The most we get is their souls recognized each other. Yippee.

The insta-love wasn’t necessary, either. A young, idealistic man can be sickened by an execution without being in love with her. There was plenty of time to introduce more romantic feelings later.

Duncan and Raven in the Americas are excellent together, though. I wish we had seen more of them in the seventeenth century. Because Duncan in the twentieth is bland.

There’s no better word for it, really. He’s bland. Modern-day Duncan is easily confused and manipulated and even after he gets memories from his past life, he still doesn’t believe Raven when she tells him of their past. It takes him forever to realize Raven’s not mentally unbalanced and actually knows what she’s talking about.

There is a second book with Raven’s sister, Arianna. Even though I was a little disappointed in this book, I still might buy Infinity. After all, this wasn’t even close to being a bad book. It’s certainly well-written and entertaining. Now that my expectations for Maggie Shayne’s work has gotten a reality check– honestly, any book she wrote would have been a letdown after the two amazing love stories in Once Upon a Time.
This is pretty much what I would term your standard high-fantasy fiction: high fantasy as opposed to, say, urban fantasy, as it involves Dragons (albeit only at the very beginning, and then more-or-less forgotten about), Elves and Magic amongst other genre staples.

The Raven of the sub-title ('Chronicles of the Raven', remember!) are a group of mercenaries who, at the beginning of the novel, have lived and fought together for years. At the end of one contract, they are hired by a former enemy, before events start overtaking them and they find themselves as amongst the last hope for their land, which is descending into war ...

I found this to be an OK read: not the best of such-like books I've ever read; nor the worst.
Raven (Raven Series #1) [Audiobook]
Raven (Raven Series #1) [Audiobook]
Heather Atkinson | 2022 | Crime
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As soon as I started to listen to this book, I was hooked. I am a sucker for an assassin story and even more so when that assassin is a female and this didn't disappoint.

Raven is a strong woman who can more than hold her own against the male of the species but she is tested to the limit when someone is stealing her jobs and ruining her reputation. Raven finds herself struggling to trust anyone and when her rival is revealed, the situation becomes increasingly personal and more complicated.

This is a long 'listen' and I had to take an enforced break for a couple of weeks when I was half way through but I was able to get back into the story seamlessly and I was soon engrossed again.

The narrator did an excellent job and despite there being a lot of characters, she was able to use her voice to distinguish between them all.

With strong characters, a great story, loads of action and violence but with some humorous moments, this is a series that I am looking forward to getting my teeth stuck into and I must thank W.F. Howes Ltd and NetGalley for enabling me to listen to Raven and share my thoughts.
Imitation (Clone Chronicles, #1)
Heather Hildenbrand | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

Heather Hildenbrand’s latest young adult science fiction series <i>Clone Chronicles</i> gets off to a good start in this book, <i>Imitation</i>. Raven Rogen is a shallow eighteen-year-old girl whose father holds a high position in the city. The main character, however, is known as Ven and is an imitation of Raven, a clone. The purpose of the imitations is to be available for their Authentics whenever they are needed, whether it is organ transplants or taking their place completely. When the real Raven is attacked, Ven is instructed to take her place as bait to draw the attackers out of the shadows. Although they may look the same, their personalities are completely different meaning that Ven has to try extra hard to convince people that she is Raven.

Ven is a very likable character and it is easy to feel for her as she struggles to live up to the expectations of Raven’s father. The book takes a turning point when Ven decides to run away with the help of a security guard, Linc, who she has fallen in love with. To complicate things even further it is not clear for a long time who the real bad guys are.

There were times when the storyline became really exciting but some of the characters were really annoying to read about. Although Raven was not actually in the book, Ven had to behave like her which involved being rather rude and sarcastic. Raven’s friends were also of the same nature. Other than Ven and Linc most characters were rather irritating.

The novel ends leaving the reader wondering what will happen next. It is not a cliffhanger as such, but it does leave the story wide open in regards to how things will be resolved.

<i>Imitation</i> would fit in well in a selection of other popular science fiction books that young adults have become addicted to. The ending of book one leaves us with the feeling that book two, <i>Deviation</i>, will be even more exciting.
I don't know why I haven't given this five stars because I don't normally buy book after book in the same series unless I'm obsessed, and I am pretty much but only due to the Raven/Christian brewing romance. It's been driving me mad for the last 3 books and finally we may be getting somewhere.

Off to buy book 4.
Keystone (Crossbreed #1)
Keystone (Crossbreed #1)
Dannika Dark | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I got really into this, staying up until gone 1am last night to finish the last 40% or so. It was both the storyline--bringing down Darius--as well as the possible romance starting between Raven and Christian. That last bit, though, with the forgetting a certain thing had happened...I get it but at the same time, WHY???

I cannot wait to read book 2!
Nevermore (Raven Crawford, #2)
Nevermore (Raven Crawford, #2)
J.C. McKenzie | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
NEVERMORE is the second book in the Raven Crawford series and we return to Raven as she is still adjusting to what happened at the end of book 1 and the death of the Corvid Queen.

I say that some of the instances in this book are not a surprise, but then I don't think they were intended to be. What you do get is the continuation of the story, with sass and snark in handfuls, steam that melts your Kindle, and a story that just keeps getting better.

I loved how Raven is still at her dead-end job with Mike, not because it's a dead-end job but because she's still got her 'normal' life. She's still trying to pay off Robert's debts and has moved back home. This isn't anyone who has let things go to her head and even more so in this one! We get more of her family in this one, plus some more of the 'bad guys' which, to be honest, just leaves me wanting more.

The writing is on form as always, with the pacing being perfect for the story. The characters just keep on getting better and the story will have you turning the pages, unwilling to stop reading.

For a top-notch Urban Fantasy, I have no hesitation in recommending both this book and the series.
Free Fall (Life Sucks, #7)
Free Fall (Life Sucks, #7)
Elise Faber | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Honestly? Connor deserves a medal!
FREE FALL is the seventh book in the Life Sucks series. This one features Connor and Raven. She is recovering from the house fire whilst staying at Connor's and realising just how much of a pain he is, simply because he cares. When things get too much, Raven runs... straight into the arms of Aunt Pat, who sets her straight on more than one issue.

This was a great story that highlights just how much your past can affect your present and future. Raven is... erm... 'slightly' grumpy at the beginning and it does take a while for her to show her nice side. She does have one, honest. You understand why she is the way she is but, honestly, Connor deserves a medal.

You don't necessarily have to have read the previous books in this series although it would help as more than a couple of them make an appearance. I thought this was a wonderful addition to the series and I can't wait to read Lex and Frankie's story next. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Teen Titans: Raven
Teen Titans: Raven
Kami Garcia | 2019 | Comics & Graphic Novels
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
graphic novel introducing Raven's origin story
‏I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

Teen Titans: Raven (Teen Titans #1) by Kami Garcia is a graphic novel with a story written by Kami Garcia and illustrated by Gabriel Picolo. Fans of YA may recognize Kami Garcia as a coauthor of the Beautiful Creatures series. Teen Titans: Raven is Garcia's first graphic novel.

Growing up I was a DC Comic fan but, after the introduction of the Marvel Avengers movies, especially Iron Man, I switched teams. However, you do not need to be a fan of Teen Titans, Raven, or DC Comics to appreciate the way in which Garcia and Picolo present Raven's origin story.

I thought the story was interesting and enjoyed the illustrations. Many reviews mention Raven's snarky attitude is missing from the story. I had not watched or read the Teen Titans and my niece was too young to understand attitude so I do not have a reference in which to compare Raven's story. Although enough reviews mention the lack of snarkiness I felt the need to mention it.

The 2nd book in the series, Teen Titans: Beast Boy (Teen Titans #2) will also be written by Kami Garcia and illustrated by Gabriel Picolo. It is scheduled to be released in 2020.

This 200-word review was published on on 10/10/19.
Forged Contracts (Tribal Spirits #3)
Forged Contracts (Tribal Spirits #3)
Katherine McIntyre | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Forged Contracts (Tribal Spirits #3) by Katherine McIntyre
Forged Contracts is the third book in the Tribal Spirits series, and I would definitely recommend you read this as a series, rather than a set of standalones.

After reading the second book, I was invested in knowing more about Raven, and I found out! Her and Jer have watched each other from afar for way too long, but now it seems their time is on hand. The pack also faces a threat from the Coalition, whilst Raven faces a threat from her past. It's not all plain sailing for Jer either, as he is off his meds for his bipolar, and is struggling.

There is plenty of action in this book, and a couple of steamy times for Raven and Jer, but they add to the storyline, rather than detract it. It was brilliant to see how these two damaged people helped to heal each other, rather than cause more injury.

There were no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, and the world and characters continue to grow. Although we didn't hear from Finn and Navi, we do get an update from Sierra and Dax (obviously, considering they are heading the pack!). Thoroughly enjoyed every word, and I have no hesitation in recommending this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!