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The Raven (1963)
The Raven (1963)
1963 | Classics, Comedy, Family
8.2 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Vincent Price (2 more)
Boris Karloff
Jack Nicholson
Campy and Chessy
The Raven- is a excellent slapstick comic-horror film that is based off of Edgar Allen-Poe's Poem. The effects are cheesy meaning bad but those were effects back in the 60's. Now we have CGI. So looking back those were the effects that their had. And it got better overtime. I just love the campest of this film. Its horror but slapstick horror with cheesy effects.

The Plot: Magician Erasmus Craven (Vincent Price) is still deeply depressed two years after the death of his beloved wife, Lenore (Hazel Court). One day, he's visited by Adolphus Bedlo (Peter Lorre), who has been transformed into a raven after losing a duel to Dr. Scarabus (Boris Karloff), an evil wizard. After Craven transforms Bedlo back into a human, Bedlo claims to have seen Lenore's ghost at Scarabus' castle, prompting the two to head to Scarabus' castle to seek Craven's lost love.

I love the performaces by Vincent Price, Boris Karloff and Jack Nicholson. Three generations of actors right their. Plus Roger Corman directed it.

Its a cheesy campy film but got to love it cause of the slapstick.
    Ever After High™

    Ever After High™

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#Wordsareourgreatestweapon (32 KP) rated RuPaul's Drag Race in TV

Dec 19, 2018 (Updated Dec 19, 2018)  
RuPaul's Drag Race
RuPaul's Drag Race
2009 | Comedy, Drama, Game Show, Reality-TV
Contains spoilers, click to show
so if no one minds i'm gonna go season by season...

Season 1 - Not the best season for me... it had some good players but it not one that stands out for me...

Season 2 - I'm one of those who didn't really connect with Tyra... I connected more with Raven and her no bulls**t appraoch to it all..

Season 3 - RAJA! Need I say more? oh and how Yara Sofia KILLED the stage at the comedy.... and am I the only one who cried when Michelle did when Carmen was eliminated?


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The Raven Boys
The Raven Boys
Maggie Stiefvater | 2012 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">The Raven Boys</a> - ★★★★
#2 <a href="">The Dream Thieves</a> - Not Read Yet

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Even if Blue hadn't been told her true love would die if she kissed him, she would stay away from boys. Especially the ones from the local private school. Known as Raven Boys, they only mean trouble.

<b>But this is the year that everything will change for Blue.</b>

This is the year that she will be drawn into the strange and sinister world of the Raven Boys. And the year Blue will discover that magic does exist.

<b>This is the year she will fall in love.</b>

<b><i>"Blue, I know you're not an idiot. It's just, sometimes smart people do dumb things."</i></b>

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<b><i>My Thoughts:</i></b>

I enjoyed The Raven Boys. I have been meaning to read this book for such a long time, and I am so happy I finally managed to scratch it off my list. 

I loved the beginning and I loved Blue and her witch family. It gave me vibes of Charmed - a TV Show that was my favourite when I was growing up. 

Her family does readings and Blue has known her prediction her whole life. She knows that if she kisses her true love, he will die. Even though everyone else in her family has powers, Blue doesn’t. Her power is to amplify other people’s superpowers. So when her family does a reading and Blue is present, they can predict the future better. 

When Blue meets The Raven Boys, she knows they’re trouble. But there is an opportunity for her to really see and feel magic, something she hasn’t ever done before, and this temptation will be too much for her to resist. 

<b><i>"Once Arthur knew the grail exited, how could he not look for it?"</i></b>

<b>I loved The Raven Boys gang.</b>

They were awesome, and brutal, and handsome and smart. They all had their own challenges and character development throughout the book and I enjoyed watching them grow.

I was and still am so unsure about that ending and the fact that I was left more confused than when I started reading the book. There is a feeling I have like I need to re-read this book to fully understand everything, and it’s not a very good vibe.

I still enjoyed it and would definitely read the second book, but I was hoping this would be one of my favourite books and it wasn’t. Maybe the next time around, eh?

I highly recommend it if you love fantasy, magic, handsome boys and young-adult books in general. It is a very interesting book, with lots of mysteries and twists, and a very confusing ending (which some may enjoy). 

<b><i>"People shout when they don't have the vocabulary to whisper."</i></b>

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Tara L Milner (1 KP) created a post

Jan 10, 2018  
Raven Boys. Maggie Stiefvater
Well what can I say I was hooked from the first chapter; then everything went a little South. A little irritating with constant change of narrative - not even chapter by chapter but almost every other page. Then theres the highly annoyed is the "said Gansly" before he said anything! (This happens 95% before anyone speaks) but the story is so annoyingly captivating you have to gind out what happens next. So now I've bought the other three books in series to find out what did happen that night!!! What will happen to Blue???