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Black Wings
Megan Hart | 2019
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hooked like I didnt think I would be!

I first need to thank the author and publishers for the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.

"Briella Blake has always been wicked smart. When she's invited to attend a special school for gifted students, she finally has the chance to focus on a project that begins to consume her - the ability to recreate and save copies of a person's entire set of memories. Her friendship with a raven that's as smart as she is leads to conflict with her mother Marian, who is no longer able to deny that there's something wrong with her child."

This is a real page turner!
I do not want to give too much away so I am really unable to elaborate; but this is a wonderful book.
Well-constructed and written book, touched on subjects of motherhood that are often called taboo or women are made to feel they can’t talk about or feel.
When I first started reading the book
I had my suspicions about Briella - I tried to like her but I really couldn't. She just had something about her and I turned every page thinking to myself how creepy she made me feel and wondering who she would kill first.
This is a real page turner, made all the more unsettling by the presence of the enigmatic creepy Briella. I'd definitely recommend this to anyone who likes suspenseful thrillers and would also suggest fans of horror give this one a go as well. I feel like this could make a good creepy film if done right!
Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (2020)
Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (2020)
2020 | Animation
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The DC Animated movies are a mixed bags. There are some great ones, and a whole bunch of not so great ones. The top of the pile for me has always been the 2-part adaption of The Dark Knight Returns, until now that is.

Apokolips War is the final movie in the 16-part connected DC Animated Movie Universe, which started back in 2013 with The Flashpoint Paradox, and as a culmination of this particular storyline, it's near perfect.
In terms of plot, things are batshit insane from the get go - notable heroes are slaughtered as Darkseid lays waste to Earth, leaving a broken and small crew left to hold the fort and try and claw a win from a seemingly desperate situation. Everyone gets involved - Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Swamp Thing, Etrigan, Shazam, Martian Manhunter, Raven, the whole Suicide Squad roster, just to name a few, and with all these heavy hitters in tow, it's an absolute pleasure to have Constantine at the forefront of it all, once again voiced by the fantastic Matt Ryan.
He's joined by the likes of Rosario Dawson, Tony Todd, Rebecca Romijn, Jerry O'Connell, Taissa Farmiga, Jason O'Mara, Camilla Ludington, John DiMaggio - it's a stacked voice cast to say the least.

The animation is wonderful, the action is non-stop and brutal, gritty yet smooth - it just feels like the creative team on this one pulled out all the stops to make sure the DCAMU finished with and Avengers Endgame sized flex.
It knocks spots off the first Justice League Dark entry and is ultimately my pick for the finest animated DC feature out there.
Tempted (House of Night, #6)
Tempted (House of Night, #6)
P.C. Cast | 2008 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.7 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
In terms of plot, I would say this is the worst book of the series. Loose ends are left dangling all over the place, more questions are formed than answered, and (spoiler!) the main character, Zoey escapes into the afterlife "Otherworld." The last page is like a huge "To Be Continued..." and I just hate so-called endings like that. Most of the book is spent making plans regarding Kalona and Neferet, the red fledglings, and the House of Night school, but very little is actually accomplished. I appreciate that the series seems to move in real-time, but at the same time, things need to move a bit faster for anything to actually happen. The most exciting thing was Stevie Rae's near-death experience, which isn't saying much. I was greatly antipating the group's trip to Venice, but their meeting with the High Council was strangely short and anti-climactic. I think that at least one vampyre on the council should have disagreed with Neferet's lies, since Kalona's hypnotic powers are supposed to rely on choice.
The things I did like about the book are what I've like about the entire series. I love how the characters all strive for normalcy, even when everything around them is completely paranormal. I love the dialogue and how it is very typically teenager-ish. I also love how Zoey makes tons of mistakes, even though she has the favor of the Goddess. The one "loose end" that did seem to get taken care of in a way was the Imprint between Aphrodite and Stevie Rae being broken, though it just formed another loose end with Stevie Rae hiding the Raven Mocker Rephaim from everyone else.
I will likely stay loyal to the series in the hopes that the plot improves with the next book, Burned.
The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle, #2)
The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle, #2)
Maggie Stiefvater | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Dream Thieves, the second book in The Raven Cycle series, was not what I expected. I assumed there would be a lot of romantic tensions between the characters (especially since that is so prevalent in these kinds of books) but there wasn't which was so refreshing!

I loved how the characters interacted and how their relationships evolved with the actions of the previous book. It was cool to see them all starting to grow into their own roles in their quest to find Glendower.

The first few chapters that the Grey Man narrated were jarring. I was not used to his voice, so it seemed very slow. They did become more interesting as we were given more information on him throughout the book.

One thing I wish was more obvious was the distinction between who is speaking as the narrator at any given time. They all have very similar voices, so just a bit more differentiation would make it easier to read, at least in my opinion.

I loved how we got more information about Ronan, his gift, and his background. (Spoilers ahead for the rest of the paragraph. You have been warned.) Also, I am giddy over how, though Ronan's sexuality is (finally) shown to be not straight, his entire character does not revolve around that! It is mentioned, and I assume is going to be explored more in the future books. I am so happy!

I am excited to see more of the magic and more of the background of the other characters and of Cabeswater itself. I want to see more of how Adam and Persephone will have their relationship grow and evolve with their newfound commonalities in their power.

I am super excited to be able to read the next book (but I have to buy it first, lol)!

Dana (24 KP) rated The Scorpio Races in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
The Scorpio Races
The Scorpio Races
Maggie Stiefvater | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book had a really cool concept. I was sent this book by the publisher (though I am still not sure why, but I will take it because I love books) and I decided to read it sooner rather than later. I was not disappointed.

I love Maggie Stiefvater's works. The writing is always so magical and beautiful and I just can't get enough of it! After reading all of the Raven Boys books last year, I wanted something else of hers to read, and this came up into my hands like a magical fairy.

Okay, that was kinda weird, but oh well.

Now, onto the plot! I loved the whole concept of these magical sea horses and people trying to tame, train, and race them. I loved the killer aspect of it, it added so much tension and drama to the book. Though it did get a bit slow at parts, I think those slow parts added to the heightened emotions of the quicker movements in the plot. This book, honestly, made me want to go horseback riding on some beach and run off into the sunset with a beautiful boy who loves dangerous horses.

The characters were super cool! I loved how different everyone was and how we did not know all of the hidden motivations for every one of them. It was a nice treat to have the romance in there, but I liked that it was not at the forefront of the novel. This was about a girl and a boy who were both doing all they could to get what they needed to survive.

Overall, I really liked this book and, although I know it is a standalone, I could totally go for another book set in this world.
The Shape of Darkness
The Shape of Darkness
Laura Purcell | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Mystery, Paranormal
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Shape of Darkness was well worth the wait! I’ve read two of Laura Purcell’s books on The Pigeonhole, so when this book came up on NetGalley, I knew that I had to read it. This has been one of my half term reads, and well worth the wait!
Agnes is a silhouette artist in Victorian Bath, and she struggles to support her sickly mother and her nephew - although his father does contribute some money to help feed and clothe him (and help Agnes and her mother too).
Shortly after one of Agnes’ clients leaves her studio, he is murdered. She then discovers that another client has also been murdered - there is an unnerving pattern forming here, because this is just the start. In order to get some insight, Agnes decides that she should consult a medium. This is where Pearl and her sister Myrtle, a mesmerist-in-training, come in. Pearl is ethereal, a child with albinism, and seems to genuinely possess the gift of communicating with the dead.
This is an unnerving, chilling and at times, quite a scary book. It’s full of the detail of Victorian life too: poverty, class distinctions, the hustle and bustle of a busy Victorian Bath. I loved the dark, gothic feel, too. It contained loads of details of life, of how technology was changing and affecting the lives of Victorians. And it was just a really excellent mystery that kept me guessing to the very end. If you’re going to read it (and I strongly suggest that you do!), just don’t read it with only the little light on if you’re spooked easily!
Many thanks to Raven Books for providing me with an e-book through NetGalley to read and review.
Light From The Grave
Light From The Grave
Sara Dobie Bauer | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
LIGHT FROM THE GRAVE is a standalone paranormal with an element of romance. I say element as, for me, it wasn't the main part of the story. That was the realisation of Dylan's new powers and what he had to do with them. Dylan goes from small-town, Ohio to Charleston. From his home where he has friends, to a new place with family - who are odd, to say the least. He has to master his powers before he can open the family grimoire, renew the wards, and save them all. No pressure!

Keller is the loaded weapon of the coven, and you learn more about his abilities as the story progresses. He has an apprentice, Raven, who doesn't like Dylan to start with, for reasons that are both clear and understandable. As for the other characters, well, I would say those in Charleston are morally grey at best.

There are plenty of twists and turns in this story, and I was never 100% sure of most of the characters! It is very fast-paced, but the descriptions are clear and concise. As for the romance side of things - I just never felt it between Keller and Dylan. Yes, the fascination, the attraction, but not love.

And the ending? That seemed a little out of place somehow. Logically, it makes sense because of who Dylan was/is and the home he had. Emotionally, it just didn't feel right to me.

This is a great read that held my attention and I definitely recommend it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 3, 2023
Transplanted Evil
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
61 of 220
Book siren’s review
Transplanted Evil
By Len Handleand

Meet Elizabeth Bennington. A shy young girl raised in privilege with a distant and uncaring father and a doting and overly protective mother outside of Boston in the neighboring town of Charlestown. Yet, despite coming from wealth, Elizabeth was born with a congenital heart condition, leading to bullying at school, hopelessness, and a failed suicide attempt rescued by her parents. She is sent to Bourneville psychiatric hospital, where she undergoes transformative therapy sessions, dramatically improving her outlook on life. She is released after a year. But Elizabeth has a secret: she can see into the future and is haunted by recurring nightmares foreshadowing unspeakable acts of murder involving a mysterious young man with hair the color of a raven splattered with blood. Marty Bowles attends school with Elizabeth and is madly in love with her, almost obsessed with her. Marty’s propensity for violence at school, his depraved lust for killing stray animals, and his involvement with the black arts, including demonic worship, conjuring a demon named Kashgar, and possession, directly threaten her. Could Marty be the mysterious young man in her nightmares who will stop at nothing to gain her love and unite them with his sinister plan?

Oh this is a difficult one for me. I love the premise of the book it was really interesting and hard in some places I wanted to love it but found that Elizabeth’s side of things felt stilted and kinda forced where as Marty’s read better I got a little frustrated half way through wondering where it was going there was a lot things that didn’t need to be there.
BUT like I said the premise was really interesting and different.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
The Following  - Season 1
The Following - Season 1
2013 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
Character Development (4 more)
Kevin Bacon
Joe Purefoy
Connections and references to Poe
An insight into the mind of shepherd and sheep
Some of the characters are lacking (0 more)
Excitement, Twists and Tension.
So if you read my review on 'The Raven' then you know my love for Edgar Allan Poe and how these stories use his work to create brilliant murder mysteries that keep you on your toes thinking about what might happen next.

However, this show is different, because you know who the murderers and the head of the cult are, but what makes this show so thrilling is trying to figure out what is going through Joe Carroll's (portrayed by Joe Purefoy, who is absolutely brilliant and charming) twisted mind when toying with ex-detective Ryan Hardy (portrayed by Kevin Bacon who also excels as a brilliantly charming character). One of my favourite aspects of this show is the on screen relationship between Kevin Bacon and Joe Purefoy because solo, they are entertaining but together they are very very tense and humorous which can make the audience feel uneasy at times.

The show is very graphic which might put off some viewers, but if a lot of blood and a lot of stabbing, quite often with the eyes in the first season, doesn't bother you that much then you may enjoy this show.

My favourite aspect of this show however, is that the writers delve into the minds of the shepherd and his sheep as it were. Joe Carroll is well written as a manipulative psychotic serial killer who is able to convince many young followers to do his dirty work and toy with Ryan Hardy, and yet they are given very strict instructions about what to do, how to do it, and when.

This is brilliantly written, beautifully shot for both the action sequences and the slow thought provoking sequences that help move the plot along, and to top it all off, each episode is a thrilling and exciting experience that lead you to a grand finale.

Connor Sheffield (293 KP) rated RWBY in TV

May 27, 2017  
2012 | Action, Animation, Comedy
7.6 (16 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Hilarious (6 more)
Adorable characters
Brilliant and ever improving animation
Insanse action sequences
Great voice cast
Brilliant Character developments
Awesome plot
You may find it better if you know the Rooster Teeth Team (0 more)
This show is incredible
RWBY is an anime show created by the Rooster Teeth team famous for their many YouTube channels such as Lets Play, Achievement Hunter, and many more. With a cast starring some of their own team as well as some other voice actors, this show has some great references to a variety of things such as the Grimm monsters, one being called a Nevermore which is a giant bird, clearly a reference to Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven.

The action sequences are insane and so entertaining, and the characters are really adorable and hilarious. Perfectly timed gags, with adorable voices make this an incredible show.

Some viewers may find it easier to watch if you know the Rooster Teeth Team since some of the main cast are voiced by them and represent them in a way such as Yang making bad puns just like her voice actress Barbara Dunkelman, does in a lot of the Rooster Teeth shows.

However, if you are a fan of anime shows, I recommend this show, because it doesn't take long to get through as each of the episodes are a maximum of 10-20 minutes long each depending on the season and the importance of the events. Some can be as short at 2-3 minutes, whilst other, more important event based episodes, can be between 15-20 minutes. So it's easy to binge watch and enjoy it to the fullest as quick as you can. This means that whilst some shows struggle to keep you hooked, this show will quickly get through the lesser entertaining areas (of which there are very few in this, if any) and get you back to the fun and action.